blob: 929622d76d3861009434de0f740cda6bf728c943 [file] [log] [blame]
import Styles from "../../styles/clicksforms/form.module.css"
import { Component } from "react"
class Question extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
status: null,
answer: this.props.type === "multichoice" ? [] : null,
errorString: null,
getCol(col) {
switch ( col ) {
case 'red':
return "#F27878";
case 'orange':
return "#E5AB71";
case 'yellow':
return "#F2D478";
case 'green':
return "#65CC76";
case 'blue':
return "#71AFE5";
case 'purple':
return "#A358B2";
case 'pink':
return "#D46899";
case 'grey':
return "#777777";
case 'default':
return "#D4D4D4";
onChange(answer) {
let valid = null;
let errorString = null;
switch ( this.props.type ) {
case 'text':
if ( !answer.length ) {
valid = null
} else if ( answer.length < this.props.options.min ) {
valid = false
errorString = `Your answer must be at least ${this.props.options.min} characters long. Your response is ${answer.length}.`
} else if ( answer.length > this.props.options.max ) {
valid = false
errorString = `Your answer must be at most ${this.props.options.max} characters long. Your response is ${answer.length}.`
} else {
valid = true
errorString = null
case 'number':
if ( !answer.length ) {
valid = null
} else if ( isNaN(parseInt(answer)) ) {
valid = false
errorString = `Your answer must be a number.`
} else if ( answer < this.props.options.min ) {
valid = false
errorString = `Your answer must be at least ${this.props.options.min}`
} else if ( answer > this.props.options.max ) {
valid = false
errorString = `Your answer must be at most ${this.props.options.max}`
} else {
valid = true
errorString = null
case 'multichoice':
if ( typeof answer !== 'object' ) {
valid = null
} else if ( !answer.length ) {
valid = null
} else if ( answer.length < this.props.options.min ) {
valid = false
errorString = `You must select at least ${this.props.options.min} options.`
} else if ( answer.length > this.props.options.max ) {
valid = false
errorString = `You must select at most ${this.props.options.max} options.`
} else {
valid = true
errorString = null
case 'fileupload', 'date', 'time':
valid = answer !== null ? true : null
answer: answer,
status: valid,
errorString: errorString,
render() {
let borderColor = this.state.status === false ? this.getCol("red") : this.getCol("default");
return (
<div className={Styles.questionContainer} style={{
boxShadow: `0px 0px 10px ${borderColor}`,
<h1 className={Styles.title}><div style={{color: this.getCol(this.props.colour), display: "inline"}}>&gt;</div> {this.props.title}</h1>
<h2 className={Styles.description}>{this.props.description}</h2>
<hr className={} style={{borderColor: this.getCol("default")}}/>
(() => {
switch ( this.props.type ) {
case 'text':
return (
<textarea className={Styles.input} onChange={(e) => this.onChange(} style={{
borderColor: borderColor,
case 'number':
return (
onChange={(e) => {
style={{borderColor: borderColor}}
case 'multichoice':
return "not yet"
case 'fileupload':
return (
<input className={Styles.input} type="file" onChange={(e) => {
}} style={{
borderColor: borderColor
}} />
case 'date':
return (
<input className={Styles.input} type="date" onChange={(e) => {
}} style={{
borderColor: borderColor
}} />
case 'time':
return (
<input className={Styles.input} type="time" onChange={(e) => {
}} style={{
borderColor: borderColor
}} />
<div className={Styles.errorContainer} style={{height: this.state.errorString ? "25px" : "0"}}>{this.state.errorString}</div>
export default Question;