finished pages
diff --git a/pages/_app.js b/pages/_app.js
index 6eede4d..48674ca 100644
--- a/pages/_app.js
+++ b/pages/_app.js
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
-import '../styles/globals.css'
-import NavBar from '../Components/NavBar'
+import '../styles/globals.css';
+import NavBar from '../Components/NavBar';
+// import { wrapper } from "../redux/store";
+// function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
+//   return (
+//     <>
+//       <Component {...pageProps} />
+//       <NavBar />
+//     </>
+//   );
+// }
+// export default wrapper.withRedux(App);
 function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
   return <>
diff --git a/pages/castaway.js b/pages/castaway.js
index 3582a71..3aa7411 100644
--- a/pages/castaway.js
+++ b/pages/castaway.js
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 import Header from '../Components/Header'
 import AutoSpacing from '../Components/AutoSpacing'
 import SectionHeading from '../Components/SectionHeading'
+import Paragraph from '../Components/Paragraph'
 export default function Home() {
   return (
@@ -16,17 +17,14 @@
         gradient={["71AFE5", "78ECF2"]}
-          {color: "EDC575", buttonText: "000000", link: "#features", text: "Features"},
-          {color: "EDC575", buttonText: "000000", link: "#commands", text: "Commands"},
-          {color: "78ECF2", buttonText: "000000", link: "#invite", text: "Invite"}
+          {color: "78ECF2", buttonText: "000000", link: "#timeline", text: "Timeline"}
-          <SectionHeading title="Features" id="features"/>
-          <SectionHeading title="Commands" id="commands"/>
-          <SectionHeading title="Invite" id="invite"/>
-          </AutoSpacing>
+        <SectionHeading id="timeline">Development Timeline</SectionHeading>
+        <Paragraph>Under construction</Paragraph>
+      </AutoSpacing>
diff --git a/pages/clicksforms.js b/pages/clicksforms.js
index 6d37875..ffa0ab3 100644
--- a/pages/clicksforms.js
+++ b/pages/clicksforms.js
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
-import Head from 'next/head'
-import Image from 'next/image'
-import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
 import Card from '../Components/Card'
-import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
+import TileRow from '../Components/TileRow'
 import Header from '../Components/Header'
 import AutoSpacing from '../Components/AutoSpacing'
-import TileRow from '../Components/TileRow'
 import SectionHeading from '../Components/SectionHeading'
 import Paragraph from '../Components/Paragraph'
+import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
 export default function Home() {
   return (
@@ -26,7 +23,7 @@
-        <SectionHeading title="Features" id="features"/>
+        <SectionHeading id="features">Features</SectionHeading>
           <img alt="Anonymous forms"       src="/Features/ClicksForms/Anonymous.svg" />
           <img alt="Discord buttons"       src="/Features/ClicksForms/Buttons.svg" />
@@ -37,7 +34,7 @@
           <img alt="Many question types"   src="/Features/ClicksForms/Types.svg" />
           <img alt="Easily view responses" src="/Features/ClicksForms/Responses.svg" />
-        <SectionHeading title="Commands" id="commands"/>
+        <SectionHeading id="commands">Commands</SectionHeading>
         <Paragraph><code>/accept</code>: Completes a form you are asked to fill in</Paragraph>
         <Paragraph><code>/apply</code>: Apply to a form</Paragraph>
         <Paragraph><code>/create</code>: Creates a new form</Paragraph>
@@ -45,14 +42,21 @@
         <Paragraph><code>/help</code>: Lists all commands</Paragraph>
         <Paragraph><code>/responses</code>: Lets you view responses to your servers form</Paragraph>
         <Paragraph><code>/manage</code>: Lets you manage your servers forms</Paragraph>
-        <SectionHeading title="Services" id="services"/>
+        <SectionHeading id="services">Services</SectionHeading>
         <Paragraph>ClicksForms support services like <a href="">Google Forms</a> through our Add-on (Awaiting approval)</Paragraph>
         <Paragraph>Our API is public. You can view it on <a href="">GitHub</a></Paragraph>
-        <SectionHeading title="Invite" id="invite"/>
-        <Paragraph>
-          ClicksForms is available for free on&nbsp;
-          <a href="" text="Discord">Discord</a>
-        </Paragraph>
+        <SectionHeading id="invite">Invite</SectionHeading>
+        <CardRow>
+          <Card
+            wave="CF"
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["71AFE5", "6576CC"]}
+            title="Invite"
+            subtext="Invite ClicksForms to your server"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "775EBF", link: "", text: "Invite"}
+            ]}
+          />
+        </CardRow>
diff --git a/pages/gps.js b/pages/gps.js
index 3249e04..7e7222e 100644
--- a/pages/gps.js
+++ b/pages/gps.js
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-import Head from 'next/head'
-import Image from 'next/image'
-import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
 import Card from '../Components/Card'
-import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
 import Header from '../Components/Header'
 import AutoSpacing from '../Components/AutoSpacing'
 import SectionHeading from '../Components/SectionHeading'
+import Subheading from '../Components/Subheading'
+import Paragraph from '../Components/Paragraph'
+import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
 export default function Home() {
   return (
@@ -16,17 +15,39 @@
         gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
-          {color: "71AFE5", buttonText: "FFFFFF", link: "#features", text: "Features"},
           {color: "71AFE5", buttonText: "FFFFFF", link: "#commands", text: "Commands"},
           {color: "6576CC", buttonText: "FFFFFF", link: "#invite", text: "Invite"}
-          <SectionHeading title="Features" id="features"/>,
-          <SectionHeading title="Commands" id="commands"/>,
-          <SectionHeading title="Invite" id="invite"/>
-        </AutoSpacing>s
+        <SectionHeading id="commands">Commands</SectionHeading>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!getprefix</code>: Shows the bots prefix in the current guild.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!info</code>: View some information about the bot's owners.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!stats</code>: Shows the bot's current statistics.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!ping</code>: Gets the current response time of the bot.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!terms</code>: List all the terms and conditions for the bot.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!setlanguage</code>: Set what language you want to use for your packs.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!packs</code>: Shows a list of packs available in your language.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!play</code>: Starts the game.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!join</code>: Joins an active game in the channel. This can be during the 1m period when starting a game, or midway through.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!leave</code>: Removes the player who ran it from the current game in that channel.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!shuffle</code>: Reshuffles your cards.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!end</code>: Ends the current game in that channel.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!help</code>: Shows all commands</Paragraph>
+        <SectionHeading id="invite">Invite</SectionHeading>
+        <CardRow>
+          <Card
+            wave="GS"
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
+            title="Invite"
+            subtext="Invite GPS to your server"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "424242", link: "", text: "Invite"}
+            ]}
+          />
+        </CardRow>
+      </AutoSpacing>
diff --git a/pages/index.js b/pages/index.js
index fb0283f..6203942 100644
--- a/pages/index.js
+++ b/pages/index.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
       <p id="start" />
-        <SectionHeading title="Projects" />
+        <SectionHeading>Projects</SectionHeading>
             wave="GS" title="GPS" subtext="Cards Against Humanity on Discord"
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
             wave="CA" title="Castaway" subtext="Stranded on Discord"
-              {color: "F2D478", link: "/", text: "Invite"},
               {color: "F2D478", link: "/castaway", text: "About"}
             buttonText={"000000"} gradient={["71AFE5", "78ECF2"]}
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
             buttonText={"000000"} gradient={["C4C4C4", "8D8D8D"]}
-        <SectionHeading title="Code Bases" />
+        <SectionHeading>Code Bases</SectionHeading>
             wave="GH" title="GitHub" subtext="View our open source projects"
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@
             buttonText={"000000"} gradient={["2F6490", "3775A8"]}
-        <SectionHeading title="Socials" />
+        <SectionHeading>Socials</SectionHeading>
             wave="DS" title="Discord" subtext="Join our Discord server to talk with the community"
diff --git a/pages/rsm.js b/pages/rsm.js
index f7a21b8..ea51362 100644
--- a/pages/rsm.js
+++ b/pages/rsm.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-import Head from 'next/head'
-import Image from 'next/image'
-import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
 import Card from '../Components/Card'
 import TileRow from '../Components/TileRow'
 import Header from '../Components/Header'
 import AutoSpacing from '../Components/AutoSpacing'
 import SectionHeading from '../Components/SectionHeading'
+import Subheading from '../Components/Subheading'
+import Paragraph from '../Components/Paragraph'
+import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
 export default function Home() {
   return (
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-          <SectionHeading title="Features" id="features"/>
+          <SectionHeading id="features">Features</SectionHeading>
             <img alt="Moderate images"      src="/Features/RSM/Images.svg" />
             <img alt="Automate your server" src="/Features/RSM/Automate.svg" />
@@ -36,8 +36,56 @@
             <img alt="Track statistics"     src="/Features/RSM/Statistics.svg" />
             <img alt="Custom tags"          src="/Features/RSM/Tags.svg" />
-          <SectionHeading title="Commands" id="commands"/>
-          <SectionHeading title="Invite" id="invite"/>
+          <SectionHeading id="commands">Commands</SectionHeading>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!info</code>: Shows all commands and info.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!stats</code>: Shows the bot statistics</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!settings</code>: Shows your servers log settings.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!user</code>: Shows information about a user.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!avatar</code>: Shows a users avatar.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!roleall</code>: Role all humans or bots in the server.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!suggest</code>: Sends a suggestion to add to the bot for voting.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!ping</code>: Checks the bots ping time.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!server</code>: Shows all information about your server.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!tag</code>: m!tag create/delete title text, or m!tag title</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!role</code>: With Role: Shows information about a role.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!role</code>: With Mention: Lets you edit or view a users roles.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!viewas</code>: Shows the channels that a member can see.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!verify</code>: Lets users verify in your server.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!setverify</code>: Sets the role given when you m!verify. Name or ID.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!mail</code>: Creates a modmail ticket if set up.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!prefix</code>: Shows the bots prefix. Use @ if unknown.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!setprefix</code>: Sets the bots prefix. You can always @ the bot.</Paragraph>
+          <Subheading>Moderation</Subheading>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!warn</code>: Warns a member.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!clear</code>: Clears messages from a channel</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!kick</code>: Kicks a member.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!softban</code>: Soft bans a member.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!ban</code>: Bans a member.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!unban</code>: Unbans a member.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!purge</code>: Deletes messages in the channel.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!punish</code>: Punishes a user.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!setlog</code>: Sets the servers log channel.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!ignore</code>: Stops logging users, roles and channels provided.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!ignored</code>: Shows the ignored users, roles and channels.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!stafflog</code>: Sets the staff log channel for reports and messages.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!auto</code>: Lets you edit your server automations.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!modmail</code>: Shows the setup for the mail command.</Paragraph>
+          <Subheading>Emergency</Subheading>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!slowmode</code>: Sets the channel slowmode.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!lock</code>: Locks the channel. Applies slowmode and stops messages being sent.</Paragraph>
+          <Paragraph><code>m!unlock</code>: Unlocks the channel. Slowmode is removed and messages can be sent.</Paragraph>
+          <SectionHeading id="invite">Invite</SectionHeading>
+          <CardRow>
+          <Card
+            wave="RM"
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["F27878", "D96B6B"]}
+            title="Invite"
+            subtext="Invite RSM to your server"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "424242", link: "", text: "Invite"}
+            ]}
+          />
+        </CardRow>