diff --git a/pages/gps.js b/pages/gps.js
index 1354ee8..aeb9dd8 100644
--- a/pages/gps.js
+++ b/pages/gps.js
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import Card from '../Components/Card'
+import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow';
import Header from '../Components/Header'
-import AutoSpacing from '../Components/AutoSpacing'
-import SectionHeading from '../Components/SectionHeading'
-import Paragraph from '../Components/Paragraph'
-import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
+import { AutoLayout, Panel, Title, Subtitle, Text, Divider } from '../Components/Panels';
+import { List, ListItem, Code } from '../Components/Texttools';
export default function Home() {
return (
@@ -20,74 +19,85 @@
- <AutoSpacing>
- <SectionHeading id="features">Features</SectionHeading>
- <CardRow>
- <Card
- icon="web/icons/gps/players"
- title="Lots of friends?"
- subtext="You probably don't have 50 friends - But if you did, you can play with every one of them at the same time"
- wave="gps"
- gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
- />
- <Card
- icon="web/icons/gps/cards"
- title="2000+ cards"
- subtext="Enjoy games with over 2000 cards, written for you to insult others"
- wave="clicksforms"
- gradient={["71AFE5", "6576CC"]}
- />
- <Card
- icon="web/icons/gps/customisation"
- title="Customisation."
- subtext="Customise every setting of your game and be as pedantic as you wish"
- wave="hooky"
- gradient={["424242", "8D8D8D"]}
- />
- <Card
- icon="web/icons/gps/time"
- title="Patience is a virtue"
- subtext="But you don't have a lot of it - Your friends may be slow at picking cards, but you don't have to live with it"
- wave="rsm"
- gradient={["F27878", "D96B6B"]}
- />
- <Card
- icon="web/icons/gps/shuffles"
- title="Shuffles"
- subtext={`Replace your worst cards with new ones because \"The bot is unfair
- and always gives me the worst cards and everyone else is better at the game than me\"`}
- wave="clcks"
- gradient={["C4C4C4", "8D8D8D"]}
- />
- </CardRow>
- <SectionHeading id="commands">Commands</SectionHeading>
- <Paragraph><code>$getprefix</code>: Shows the bots prefix in the current guild.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$info</code>: View some information about the bot's owners.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$stats</code>: Shows the bot's current statistics.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$ping</code>: Gets the current response time of the bot.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$terms</code>: List all the terms and conditions for the bot.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$setlanguage</code>: Set what language you want to use for your packs.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$packs</code>: Shows a list of packs available in your language.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$play</code>: Starts the game.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$join</code>: Joins an active game in the channel. This can be during the 1m period when starting a game, or midway through.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$leave</code>: Removes the player who ran it from the current game in that channel.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$shuffle</code>: Reshuffles your cards.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$end</code>: Ends the current game in that channel.</Paragraph>
- <Paragraph><code>$help</code>: Shows all commands</Paragraph>
- <SectionHeading id="invite">Invite</SectionHeading>
- <CardRow>
- <Card
- wave="gps"
- icon="bots/gps/circle"
- buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
- title="Invite"
- subtext="Invite GPS to your server"
- buttons={[
- {color: "6576CC", link: "", text: "Invite"}
- ]}
- />
- </CardRow>
- </AutoSpacing>
+ <AutoLayout>
+ <Panel halfSize={false} id="features">
+ <Title>Features</Title>
+ <Divider />
+ <CardRow>
+ <Card
+ icon="web/icons/gps/players"
+ title="Lots of friends?"
+ subtext="You probably don't have 50 friends - But if you did, you can play with every one of them at the same time"
+ wave="gps"
+ gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
+ />
+ <Card
+ icon="web/icons/gps/cards"
+ title="2000+ cards"
+ subtext="Enjoy games with over 2000 cards, written for you to insult others"
+ wave="clicksforms"
+ gradient={["71AFE5", "6576CC"]}
+ />
+ <Card
+ icon="web/icons/gps/customisation"
+ title="Customisation."
+ subtext="Customise every setting of your game and be as pedantic as you wish"
+ wave="hooky"
+ gradient={["424242", "8D8D8D"]}
+ />
+ <Card
+ icon="web/icons/gps/time"
+ title="Patience is a virtue"
+ subtext="But you don't have a lot of it - Your friends may be slow at picking cards, but you don't have to live with it"
+ wave="rsm"
+ gradient={["F27878", "D96B6B"]}
+ />
+ <Card
+ icon="web/icons/gps/shuffles"
+ title="Shuffles"
+ subtext={`Replace your worst cards with new ones because \"The bot is unfair
+ and always gives me the worst cards and everyone else is better at the game than me\"`}
+ wave="clcks"
+ gradient={["C4C4C4", "8D8D8D"]}
+ />
+ </CardRow>
+ </Panel>
+ <Panel halfSize={true} id="commands">
+ <Title>Commands</Title>
+ <Divider />
+ <List colour="71AFE5">
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$getprefix</Code> Shows the bots prefix in the current server.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$info</Code> View some information about the bot's owners.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$stats</Code> Shows the bot's current statistics.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$ping</Code> Gets the current response time of the bot.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$terms</Code> List all the terms and conditions for the bot.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$setlanguage</Code> Set what language you want to use for your packs.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$packs</Code> Shows a list of packs available in your language.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$play</Code> Starts the game.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$join</Code> Joins an active game in the channel. This can be during the 1m period when starting a game, during the game.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$leave</Code> Removes the player who ran it from the current game in that channel.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$shuffle</Code> Reshuffles your cards.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$end</Code> Ends the current game in that channel.</ListItem>
+ <ListItem><Code colour="71AEF5">$help</Code> Shows all commands.</ListItem>
+ </List>
+ </Panel>
+ <Panel halfSize={true} id="invite">
+ <Title>Invite</Title>
+ <Divider />
+ <CardRow>
+ <Card
+ wave="gps"
+ icon="bots/gps/circle"
+ buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
+ title="Invite"
+ subtext="Invite GPS to your server"
+ buttons={[
+ {color: "6576CC", link: "", text: "Invite"}
+ ]}
+ />
+ </CardRow>
+ </Panel>
+ </AutoLayout>