diff --git a/pages/cpm.js b/pages/cpm.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee75599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pages/cpm.js
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import Card from '../Components/Card'
+import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
+import Header from '../Components/Header'
+import AutoSpacing from '../Components/AutoSpacing'
+import SectionHeading from '../Components/SectionHeading'
+export default function Home() {
+  return (
+    <>
+      <Header
+        name="Clicks Per Minute"
+        subtext="Crappy projects mate!"
+        gradient={["6576CC", "4B5899"]}
+        wave="web/waves/header/cmp"
+        buttons={[]}
+      />
+      <p id="start" />
+      <AutoSpacing>
+        <SectionHeading>OUr stuff</SectionHeading>
+        <CardRow>
+          <Card
+            wave="gps" title="GPS" subtext="Satelite navigation on Discord - Get tracked easily"
+            icon="bots/gps/circle"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "6576CC", link: "", text: "Invite"},
+              {color: "6576CC", link: "/gps", text: "Abot"}
+            ]}
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
+          />
+          <Card
+            wave="rsm" title="RSM" subtext="Moderation, it's about average"
+            icon="bots/rsm/circle"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "424242", link: "",text:"Invite"},
+              {color: "424242", link: "/rsm", text:"About"}
+            ]}
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["F27878", "D96B6B"]}
+          />
+          <Card
+            wave="clicksforms" title="ClocksForms" subtext="Submit your data directly to us!"
+            icon="bots/clicksforms/circle"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "775EBF", link: "", text:"APi", newTab: true},
+              {color: "775EBF", link: "",text:"Invite"},
+              {color: "775EBF", link: "/clicksforms", text: "About"}
+            ]}
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["71AFE5", "6576CC"]}
+          />
+          <Card
+            wave="castaway" title="Castway" subtext="Idk its not made yet, im just the web developer"
+            icon="bots/castaway/circle"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "F2D478", link: "/castaway", text: "About"}
+            ]}
+            buttonText={"000000"} gradient={["71AFE5", "78ECF2"]}
+          />
+          <Card
+            wave="hooky" title="Hooky" subtext="No, its not what you think from that name"
+            icon="bots/hooky/circle"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "EDC575", link: "", text: "Invit"},
+              {color: "EDC575", link: "/hooky", text: "e About"}
+            ]}
+            buttonText={"000000"} gradient={["424242", "8D8D8D"]}
+          />
+          <Card
+            wave="clcks" title="Clcks" subtext="(This one genuinely isn't a typo)"
+            icon="web/icons/clcks"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "78ECF2", link: "", text: "View Apps"
+            }]}
+            buttonText={"000000"} gradient={["C4C4C4", "8D8D8D"]}
+          />
+        </CardRow>
+        <SectionHeading>Steal our code</SectionHeading>
+        <CardRow>
+          <Card
+            wave="github" title="GitHub" subtext="Git clone someone's repo, and push to your own"
+            icon="web/icons/github"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "424242", link: "", text: "Visit"}
+            ]}
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["FFFFFF", "C4C4C4"]}
+          />
+          <Card
+            wave="pypi" title="PyPi" subtext="Pypi"
+            icon="web/icons/pypi"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "FFC91E", link: "", text: "Visit"}
+            ]}
+            buttonText={"000000"} gradient={["2F6490", "3775A8"]}
+          />
+        </CardRow>
+        <SectionHeading>Social media (stranger danger)</SectionHeading>
+        <CardRow>
+          <Card
+            wave="discord" title="Discord" subtext="We don't even need to insult discord, its bad."
+            icon="web/icons/discord"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "404EED", link: "", text: "Join"}
+            ]}
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["404EED", "404EED"]}
+          />
+        </CardRow>
+      </AutoSpacing>
+    </>
+  )