blob: c8a9b0802e32f75d00b5b9122d97fd4d4401fb87 [file] [log] [blame]
import Header from '../Components/Header'
import { AutoLayout, Panel, Title, Subtitle, Text, Divider } from '../Components/Panels';
import { List, ListItem, Code } from '../Components/Texttools';
import Link from 'next/link';
export default function Home() {
return (
subtext="Privacy is a right - Here's how we handle it"
gradient={["71AFE5", "6576CC"]}
<Panel halfSize={true}>
<Text>Everything we store about you and your Discord servers will be listed.</Text>
<List colour={"6576CC"}>
<ListItem><Link href="">RSM</Link></ListItem>
<ListItem><Link href="">ClicksForms</Link></ListItem>
<ListItem>GPS does not store any information</ListItem>
<Text>Have any questions or concerns? <Link href="/support">Let us know</Link> and we can investigate if you believe there are any mistakes</Text>
<Panel halfSize={true}>
<Text>We will do everything we can to protect user data, including high security. You can <Link href="/support">message us</Link> if you would like to learn more about how we do this</Text>