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  1. c6f6303 muliple(teal): Update teal by Samuel Shuert · 9 weeks ago main
  2. 57b0e77 feat(teal): Permit headscale for mostlyturquoise by Skyler Grey · 5 months ago
  3. df6a636 feat(teal): beancount: minion: update config by Skyler Grey · 7 months ago
  4. 12bd186 chore: nix flake update by Skyler Grey · 5 months ago
  5. 31fbc23 feat(teal): Permit zulu access to Zanderp25:3000 by Skyler Grey · 7 months ago

Clicks - Infrastructure

This repository contains system configuration for Clicks's infrastructure.


Config is written using Snowfall lib. It keeps us organized and has some nice features like namespaces.


Devices are named after colors, areas are named as a letter, with the matching phonetic alphabet word. Areas are generally managed by one member of Clicks, who has full access to all of the servers in that area. If you require help for a specific area you can email and in the subject line include the area you want help for.



Deploys are done with deploy-rs, you'll need to be able to ssh into a machine with its hostname (either by a nifty .ssh/config rule or tailscale).

Once you've done that, you'll be able to deploy with

$ deploy .#MACHINE_NAME

Assumed dependencies

If you're importing our modules, even if you don't enable most of them, you'll find it easiest and best to import them all. This is because the nixpkgs module system checks if all given options are defined, even if they aren't enabled in your specific configuration.

The module system doesn't do this with traditional if statements or lib.optionalAttrs, only lib.mkIf, so we've made sure to use lib.optionalAttrs for anything that depends on things not in this list:

  • all modules defined in nixpkgs
  • all modules exported from this flake, which include only modules defined here

We expect the majority of you will already have all of these imported. We use and test against stateVersion = "24.05", and while we expect these modules to generally work with earlier or later stateVersions, please be aware that this could cause unexpcted effects

We may also depend on:

  • the standard arguments provided by lib.nixosSystem (lib, pkgs, etc.) being passed into our modules
  • lib being extended such that lib.clicks is equal to the lib exported from our flake

We expect the lib extension to be a minor change, and providing standard arguments to modules to already be the case.

This means that, provided you don't enable any options, importing the Clicks modules will be safe so long as your flake fulfils all of these factors: we won't break eval and we won't change any of your settings. If you'd like to see how we test that, please check out ./modules.spec.nix

We expect no additions to this list, except a potential future change of adding auxolotl modules to this list when we consider them stable and easily-importable. Additions to this list will always be considered breaking changes.

(n.b. If you're wondering why we didn't use lib.optionalAttrs everywhere, it's because using it loses us some laziness, making it much easier to make infinite recursions. If we replaced every lib.mkIf with lib.optionalAttrs in our own config, for instance, it would no longer evaluate)