Add Taiga

Taiga is a project management software, and we desperately need a system
to manage our tasks. After trying several others (OpenProject, Redmine,
leantime) we decided to use Taiga as it appears to be the only system
that provides the possibility of OIDC without an Enterprise subscription.

Having said that, we haven't set up OIDC yet, as the plugin to set it up
appears to be unmaintained and does not support our version of postgres.

This is not the final state of Taiga. After Jenkins and Quay (or
alternatives) are up we will be revisiting Taiga to create an updated
version of the plugin and set up OIDC. For now, only the infrastructure
tasks will be on Taiga.

Change-Id: Iaccc3cd8a2d94762a70b8e6f96a516ca241b552d
Reviewed-by: Samuel Shuert <>
Tested-by: Skyler Grey <>
6 files changed
tree: 6347927e340868c73be5b062cd93177014469fd8
  1. .vscode/
  2. homes/
  3. modules/
  4. packages/
  5. secrets/
  6. services/
  7. variables/
  8. .editorconfig
  9. .envrc
  10. .gitignore
  11. .gitmodules
  12. .gitreview
  13. .sops.yaml
  14. flake.lock
  15. flake.nix

Clicks' NixFiles


To deploy these files to our server we use deploy-rs. If you've got a flakes-enabled nix installed on your system you can run

nix run github:serokell/deploy-rs

You can also install deploy-rs to your profile, at which point you'll be able to run


Updating secrets

Secrets are stored in SOPS and deployed using scalpel.

If you have a service which needs to store secrets in its config file, please set systemd reloadTriggers and restartTriggers to automatically reload/restart the service whenever the configuration changes.

It's notable that changing the secrets will not trigger a reload/restart of the service. If you want to update the secrets without updating the rest of the configuration you currently need to manually restart the service. It's possible that this could be solved by using systemd paths to watch the files (see but this is not a priority