Add day 3

Whew, they said it got harder on weekends but I do not remember day 3
ever being this difficult. I think, at this point, I'd struggle
recommending 2023 to someone who hadn't done much programming before
which is a real shame.

Today was effectively a parsing problem, with part 2 following on fine
from part one (but not in quite the way I'd hoped, so while my
modifications were small they were larger than I estimated). All in all
I didn't allocate enough time and ended up finishing at a few minutes
past-midnight; lesson learned I guess...

I'm not sure if I missed part of the challenge here, I've had a friend
who had a problem that worked on their input but failed on a mutual's,
and I've also had them tell me that the test case wasn't good enough to
catch their pitfall: clearly there's some mistake I avoided here,
although they also thought part 2 was a cakewalk which I did not.

My solution today isn't particularly beautiful, but it works and
includes both part 1 and part 2. I guess that's all I can hope for, for
quite a rushed solution to a harder problem than estimated. Here's to
hoping for a beautiful challenge in day 4!

Change-Id: I8f75e7b659b424c8afb2895546689cbff0885625
3 files changed
tree: 50684b09eaf9175a211c91df6f6c4b9c4e342ccd
  1. day1/
  2. day2/
  3. day3/
  4. .gitignore
  5. .gitreview