Final commit (hopefully)

- I'll be switching over to a more organized tree ASAP
- This will fix several problems this config has
- I'll keep you posted :wave:
diff --git a/src/apps/personal/zsh.nix b/src/apps/personal/zsh.nix
index ad970ab..ef2eaaa 100644
--- a/src/apps/personal/zsh.nix
+++ b/src/apps/personal/zsh.nix
@@ -14,40 +14,74 @@
             extended = true;
         initExtra = ''
-            bindkey -v
-            bindkey "\'\'$\{key[Up]}" up-line-or-search
+        bindkey -v
+        bindkey "\'\'$\{key[Up]}" up-line-or-search
-            command_not_found_handler ()
-            {
-                local p='/nix/store/ycclzpk99snlrk8sg9n4j8pm1927gavw-command-not-found/bin/command-not-found';
-                if [ -x "$p" ] && [ -f '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/programs.sqlite' ]; then
-                    "$p" "$@" 2>&1 | sed -r 's/nix-shell -p (\S+)/nix shell nixpkgs#\1/g' 1>&2;
-                  if [ $? = 126 ]; then
-                        "$@";
-                    else
-                        return 127;
-                    fi;
-                else
-                    echo "$1: command not found" 1>&2;
-                    return 127;
-                fi
-            }
+        command_not_found_handler ()
+        {
+            local p='/nix/store/ycclzpk99snlrk8sg9n4j8pm1927gavw-command-not-found/bin/command-not-found';
+            if [ -x "$p" ] && [ -f '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/programs.sqlite' ]; then
+            "$p" "$@" 2>&1 | sed -r 's/nix-shell -p (\S+)/nix shell nixpkgs#\1/g' 1>&2;
+            if [ $? = 126 ]; then
+            "$@";
+            else
+            return 127;
+            fi;
+            else
+            echo "$1: command not found" 1>&2;
+            return 127;
+            fi
+        }
-            ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[comment]='fg=248';
+        ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[comment]='fg=248';
-            if [[ $SHLVL != "1" ]]; then
-                export RPS1=$'%{\033[38;5;248m%}(%{$fg[red]%}L$SHLVL%{\033[38;5;248m%})%{\033[39m\033[49m%}'
-                fi
-            function TRAPINT {
-                print -n "$fg_bold[red]^C$fg_no_bold[default]"
-                return $(( 128 + $1 ))
-            }
+        function task_indicator {
+            if [ `task +READY +OVERDUE count 2> /dev/null` -gt "0" ]  ; then
+            printf "%%{\\033[38;5;248m%%}(%%{$fg[magenta]%%}$(task +READY +OVERDUE count) OVERDUE%%{\033[38;5;248m%%})%%{$fg[default]%%}"
+            elif [ `task +READY +DUETODAY count 2> /dev/null` -gt "0" ]  ; then
+            printf "%%{\\033[38;5;248m%%}(%%{$fg[red]%%}$(task +READY +DUETODAY count) DUE TODAY%%{\033[38;5;248m%%})%%{$fg[default]%%}"
+            elif [ `task +READY +DUETomorrow count 2> /dev/null` -gt "0" ]  ; then
+            printf "%%{\\033[38;5;248m%%}(%%{$fg[yellow]%%}$(task +READY +DUETomorrow count) DUE TOMORROW%%{\033[38;5;248m%%})%%{$fg[default]%%}"
+            elif [ `task +READY urgency \> 10 count 2> /dev/null` -gt "0" ]  ; then
+            printf "%%{\\033[38;5;248m%%}(%%{$fg[red]%%}$(task +READY urgency \\\> 10 count) URGENT%%{\033[38;5;248m%%})%%{$fg[default]%%}"
+            elif [ `task +READY count 2> /dev/null` -gt "0" ]  ; then
+            printf "%%{\\033[38;5;248m%%}(%%{$fg[cyan]%%}$(task +READY count) TASKS%%{\033[38;5;248m%%})%%{$fg[default]%%}"
+            else
+            printf "%%{\\033[38;5;248m%%}(%%{$fg[green]%%}NO TASKS%%{\033[38;5;248m%%})%%{$fg[default]%%}"
+            fi
+        }
-            function tempd {
-                cd "$(mktemp -d)"
-            }
+        if [[ $SHLVL != "1" ]]; then
+        export RPS1=$'%{\033[38;5;248m%}(%{$fg[red]%}L$SHLVL%{\033[38;5;248m%})%{\033[39m\033[49m%} '
+        fi
+        RPS1+='$(task_indicator)'
+        function TRAPINT {
+            print -n "$fg_bold[red]^C$fg_no_bold[default]"
+            return $(( 128 + $1 ))
+        }
+        # function zle-line-init {
+        #     if [[ -n $ZLE_LINE_ABORTED ]]; then
+        #     fi
+        #     if [[ -n $MY_LINE_ABORTED ]]; then
+        #     local savebuf="$BUFFER" savecur="$CURSOR"
+        #     BUFFER="$MY_LINE_ABORTED"
+        #     CURSOR="$#BUFFER"
+        #     zle split-undo
+        #     BUFFER="$savebuf" CURSOR="$savecur"
+        #     fi
+        # }
+        # zle -N zle-line-init
+        function tempd {
+            cd "$(mktemp -d)"
+        }
             # disable sort when completing `git checkout`
             zstyle ':completion:*:git-checkout:*' sort false
@@ -63,14 +97,18 @@
             alias compinit="true"
             source ${./zsh/completions}/*
-        '';
-        enableSyntaxHighlighting = true;
-        enableAutosuggestions = true;
-        autocd = true;
-        dotDir = ".local/share/zsh";
-    };
+            '';
+            enableSyntaxHighlighting = true;
+            enableAutosuggestions = true;
+            autocd = true;
+            dotDir = ".local/share/zsh";
+        };
-    home.packages = [
-        pkgs.fzf
-    ];
+        home.packages = [
+            pkgs.fzf
+        ];
+        home.shellAliases = {
+            ":q" = "exit";
+        };
+    }