Enable neovim through home-manager

- We need to set the default editor to just "nvim" not a particular path, as
  this allows us to override nvim in our home
- Add the mapleader bind to the start of init.vim
- As the leader is interpreted whenever we make a keybind, we must have it at
  the start or it won't be respected for some of our keybinds (but will be for
- Package the scrollbar plugin and install it
- Setup configs for stuff like treesitter, theme, COC, scrollbar etc.
- Add git capabilities to neovim
- Install fugitive, gitgutter and git-conflict, along with some other basic git
- Allow mouse control in neovim
diff --git a/modules/neovim/git/default.nix b/modules/neovim/git/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30ebf70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/neovim/git/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{pkgs, lib, ...}: {
+  programs.neovim = {
+    extraConfig = ''
+      source ${./git-conflict.lua}
+    '' + lib.pipe [
+      ./lazygit.vim
+    ] [
+      (map builtins.readFile)
+      (builtins.concatStringsSep "\n")
+    ];
+    plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
+      vim-gitgutter
+      vim-fugitive
+      lazygit-nvim
+      pkgs.git-conflict-nvim
+    ];
+  };