Add the start of a rust program to switch options

- This program will be used to switch options, as well as to rebuild
- Although it's in this git repo right now, it may not stay there in the long
  term (TBD)
diff --git a/switching/src/ b/switching/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04c57fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/switching/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+use cursive::theme;
+use cursive::theme::BaseColor;
+use cursive::theme::Color;
+use cursive::traits::Nameable;
+use cursive::views::Checkbox;
+use cursive::views::Dialog;
+use cursive::views::ListView;
+use cursive::views::NamedView;
+use cursive::views::TextView;
+use cursive::Cursive;
+fn button_pressed(siv: &mut Cursive) {
+    siv.quit();
+fn checkbox_changed(i: i8) -> impl Fn(&mut Cursive, bool) {
+    return move |siv: &mut Cursive, value: bool| {
+        let un = if value { "" } else { "un" };
+        let mut dialog = Dialog::around(TextView::new(format!("You {un}checked checkbox {i}")));
+        dialog.add_button("Close", |siv| {
+            siv.pop_layer();
+        });
+        siv.add_layer(dialog);
+    };
+fn main() {
+    let mut siv = cursive::default();
+    let mut siv_theme = theme::load_default();
+    siv_theme
+        .palette
+        .set_color("background", Color::Dark(BaseColor::Black));
+    siv_theme.palette.set_color("view", Color::Rgb(49, 54, 64));
+    siv_theme
+        .palette
+        .set_color("primary", Color::Dark(BaseColor::White));
+    siv_theme.shadow = false;
+    siv.set_theme(siv_theme);
+    //    siv.set_theme()
+    let mut list = ListView::new();
+    for i in 0..3 {
+        let checkbox = Checkbox::new()
+            .on_change(checkbox_changed(i))
+            .with_name("checkbox".to_owned() + i.to_string().as_str());
+        list.add_child((i.to_string() + ": A checkbox").as_str(), checkbox);
+    }
+    let mut base_layer = Dialog::around(NamedView::new("checkboxes", list));
+    base_layer.add_button("I'm done", button_pressed);
+    siv.add_layer(base_layer);