blob: beb224bce1b8a64606502279c46b58861c761345 [file] [log] [blame]
# Snowfall Lib provides a customized `lib` instance with access to your flake's library
# as well as the libraries available from your flake's inputs.
# An instance of `pkgs` with your overlays and packages applied is also available.
# You also have access to your flake's inputs.
# Additional metadata is provided by Snowfall Lib.
home, # The home architecture for this host (eg. `x86_64-linux`).
target, # The Snowfall Lib target for this home (eg. `x86_64-home`).
format, # A normalized name for the home target (eg. `home`).
virtual, # A boolean to determine whether this home is a virtual target using nixos-generators.
host, # The host name for this home.
# All other arguments come from the home home.
chimera = {
shell = {
zsh.enable = true;
starship.enable = true;
rebuildFlakePath = "/home/coded/programming/nix/personal";
defaultAliases.enable = true;
usefulPackages.enable = true;
replacements = {
eza.enable = true;
bfs.enable = true;
ripgrep.enable = true;
htop.enable = true;
erdtree.enable = true;
dust.enable = true;
bat.enable = true;
git = {
delta.enable = true;
stgit.enable = true;
gitReview.enable = true;
auth.clicksUsername = "coded";
gpg.enable = true;
hyprland = {
enable = true;
monitors = [
hyprland.hyprpaper = {
splash = {
enable = true;
offset = -0.6;
browser.firefox = {
enable = true;
extensions = {
bitwarden.enable = true;
youtube = {
sponsorBlock.enable = true;
returnDislike.enable = true;
deArrow.enable = true;
reactDevTools.enable = true;
ublockOrigin.enable = true;
extraExtensions = [ config.nur.repos.rycee.firefox-addons.simple-tab-groups ];
#browser.chromium = {
# enable = true;
# extensions = {
# bitwarden.enable = true;
# youtube = {
# sponsorBlock.enable = true;
# returnDislike.enable = true;
# deArrow.enable = true;
# };
# reactDevTools.enable = true;
# ublockOrigin.enable = true;
# };
# extraExtensions = [
# { id = "gmkiokemhjjdjmpnnjmnpkpfoenpnpne"; } # Lofi Girl
# { id = "bmnlcjabgnpnenekpadlanbbkooimhnj"; } # PayPal Honey
# { id = "kekjfbackdeiabghhcdklcdoekaanoel"; } # MAL Sync
# ];
editor.neovim.enable = true;
theme.font.nerdFontGlyphs.enable = true;
theme.wallpaper = ./wallpaper.png;
theme.catppuccin = {
enable = true;
style = "Macchiato";
color = "Blue";
programs.git.includes = [{
condition = "gitdir:~/programming/nix/frappix/";
contents = { = "Samuel Shuert"; = "";