blob: 3f6d94fa6c5cc6387cc43181e52920bdcb7e7cd8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import webnotes
import webnotes.webutils
from webnotes import _
def clear_blog_cache():
for blog in webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select page_name from
`tabBlog Post` where ifnull(published,0)=1"""):
def get_blog_list(start=0, by=None, category=None):
import webnotes
condition = ""
if by:
condition = " and t1.blogger='%s'" % by.replace("'", "\'")
if category:
condition += " and t1.blog_category='%s'" % category.replace("'", "\'")
query = """\
t1.title,, t1.page_name, t1.published_on as creation,
ifnull(t1.blog_intro, t1.content) as content,
t2.full_name, t2.avatar, t1.blogger,
(select count(name) from `tabComment` where
comment_doctype='Blog Post' and as comments
from `tabBlog Post` t1, `tabBlogger` t2
where ifnull(t1.published,0)=1
and t1.blogger =
order by published_on desc, name asc
limit %(start)s, 20""" % {"start": start, "condition": condition}
result = webnotes.conn.sql(query, as_dict=1)
# strip html tags from content
import webnotes.utils
for res in result:
from webnotes.utils import global_date_format
res['published'] = global_date_format(res['creation'])
if not res['content']:
res['content'] = webnotes.webutils.get_html(res['page_name'])
res['content'] = res['content'][:140]
return result
def add_comment(args=None):
args = {
'comment': '',
'comment_by': '',
'comment_by_fullname': '',
'comment_doctype': '',
'comment_docname': '',
'page_name': '',
import webnotes
import webnotes.utils, markdown2
if not args: args = webnotes.form_dict
args['comment'] = unicode(markdown2.markdown(args.get('comment') or ''))
args['doctype'] = "Comment"
page_name = args.get("page_name")
if "page_name" in args:
del args["page_name"]
if "cmd" in args:
del args["cmd"]
comment = webnotes.bean(args)
comment.ignore_permissions = True
# since comments are embedded in the page, clear the web cache
args['comment_date'] = webnotes.utils.global_date_format(comment.doc.creation)
template_args = { 'comment_list': [args], 'template': 'app/website/templates/html/comment.html' }
# get html of comment row
comment_html = webnotes.webutils.build_html(template_args)
# notify commentors
commentors = [d[0] for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select comment_by from tabComment where
comment_doctype='Blog Post' and comment_docname=%s and
ifnull(unsubscribed, 0)=0""", args.get('comment_docname'))]
blog = webnotes.doc("Blog Post", args.get("comment_docname"))
blogger_profile = webnotes.conn.get_value("Blogger", blog.blogger, "profile")
blogger_email = webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", blogger_profile, "email")
from webnotes.utils.email_lib.bulk import send
send(recipients=list(set(commentors + [blogger_email])),
subject='New Comment on Blog: ' + blog.title,
message='%(comment)s<p>By %(comment_by_fullname)s</p>' % args,
ref_doctype='Blog Post',
return comment_html.replace("\n", "")
def get_blog_content(blog_page_name):
import webnotes.webutils
content = webnotes.webutils.get_html(blog_page_name)
import webnotes.utils
content = webnotes.utils.escape_html(content)
return content
def get_blog_template_args():
args = {
"categories": webnotes.conn.sql_list("select name from `tabBlog Category` order by name")
args.update(webnotes.doc("Blog Settings", "Blog Settings").fields)
return args