blob: b13fea2fcacc5c161c0acf595758cde9d676e9c8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe.utils import cint, flt, _round, cstr
from erpnext.setup.utils import get_company_currency
from frappe import _, throw
from erpnext.controllers.stock_controller import StockController
class SellingController(StockController):
def onload_post_render(self):
# contact, address, item details and pos details (if applicable)
def validate(self):
super(SellingController, self).validate()
def get_sender(self, comm):
return frappe.db.get_value('Sales Email Settings', None, 'email_id')
def set_missing_values(self, for_validate=False):
super(SellingController, self).set_missing_values(for_validate)
# set contact and address details for customer, if they are not mentioned
if self.get("__islocal"):
self.set_taxes("other_charges", "taxes_and_charges")
def set_missing_lead_customer_details(self):
if getattr(self, "customer", None):
from import _get_party_details
ignore_permissions=getattr(self, "ignore_permissions", None)))
elif getattr(self, "lead", None):
from erpnext.selling.doctype.lead.lead import get_lead_details
def set_price_list_and_item_details(self):
def apply_shipping_rule(self):
if self.shipping_rule:
shipping_rule = frappe.get_doc("Shipping Rule", self.shipping_rule)
value = self.net_total
# shipping rule calculation based on item's net weight
shipping_amount = 0.0
for condition in shipping_rule.get("shipping_rule_conditions"):
if not condition.to_value or (flt(condition.from_value) <= value <= flt(condition.to_value)):
shipping_amount = condition.shipping_amount
self.append("other_charges", {
"doctype": "Sales Taxes and Charges",
"charge_type": "Actual",
"account_head": shipping_rule.account,
"cost_center": shipping_rule.cost_center,
"description": shipping_rule.label,
"rate": shipping_amount
def set_total_in_words(self):
from frappe.utils import money_in_words
company_currency = get_company_currency(
disable_rounded_total = cint(frappe.db.get_value("Global Defaults", None,
if self.meta.get_field("in_words"):
self.in_words = money_in_words(disable_rounded_total and
self.grand_total or self.rounded_total, company_currency)
if self.meta.get_field("in_words_export"):
self.in_words_export = money_in_words(disable_rounded_total and
self.grand_total_export or self.rounded_total_export, self.currency)
def calculate_taxes_and_totals(self):
self.other_fname = "other_charges"
super(SellingController, self).calculate_taxes_and_totals()
self.calculate_total_advance("Sales Invoice", "advance_adjustment_details")
def determine_exclusive_rate(self):
if not any((cint(tax.included_in_print_rate) for tax in self.tax_doclist)):
# no inclusive tax
for item in self.item_doclist:
item_tax_map = self._load_item_tax_rate(item.item_tax_rate)
cumulated_tax_fraction = 0
for i, tax in enumerate(self.tax_doclist):
tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item = self.get_current_tax_fraction(tax, item_tax_map)
if i==0:
tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = 1 + tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
tax.grand_total_fraction_for_current_item = \
self.tax_doclist[i-1].grand_total_fraction_for_current_item \
+ tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
cumulated_tax_fraction += tax.tax_fraction_for_current_item
if cumulated_tax_fraction and not self.discount_amount_applied:
item.base_amount = flt((item.amount * self.conversion_rate) /
(1 + cumulated_tax_fraction), self.precision("base_amount", item))
item.base_rate = flt(item.base_amount / item.qty, self.precision("base_rate", item))
if item.discount_percentage == 100:
item.base_price_list_rate = item.base_rate
item.base_rate = 0.0
item.base_price_list_rate = flt(item.base_rate / (1 - (item.discount_percentage / 100.0)),
self.precision("base_price_list_rate", item))
def get_current_tax_fraction(self, tax, item_tax_map):
Get tax fraction for calculating tax exclusive amount
from tax inclusive amount
current_tax_fraction = 0
if cint(tax.included_in_print_rate):
tax_rate = self._get_tax_rate(tax, item_tax_map)
if tax.charge_type == "On Net Total":
current_tax_fraction = tax_rate / 100.0
elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Amount":
current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
self.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].tax_fraction_for_current_item
elif tax.charge_type == "On Previous Row Total":
current_tax_fraction = (tax_rate / 100.0) * \
self.tax_doclist[cint(tax.row_id) - 1].grand_total_fraction_for_current_item
return current_tax_fraction
def calculate_item_values(self):
if not self.discount_amount_applied:
for item in self.item_doclist:
if item.discount_percentage == 100:
item.rate = 0
elif not item.rate:
item.rate = flt(item.price_list_rate * (1.0 - (item.discount_percentage / 100.0)),
self.precision("rate", item))
item.amount = flt(item.rate * item.qty,
self.precision("amount", item))
self._set_in_company_currency(item, "price_list_rate", "base_price_list_rate")
self._set_in_company_currency(item, "rate", "base_rate")
self._set_in_company_currency(item, "amount", "base_amount")
def calculate_net_total(self):
self.net_total = self.net_total_export = 0.0
for item in self.item_doclist:
self.net_total += item.base_amount
self.net_total_export += item.amount
self.round_floats_in(self, ["net_total", "net_total_export"])
def calculate_totals(self):
self.grand_total = flt(self.tax_doclist and \
self.tax_doclist[-1].total or self.net_total, self.precision("grand_total"))
self.grand_total_export = flt(self.grand_total / self.conversion_rate,
self.other_charges_total = flt(self.grand_total - self.net_total,
self.other_charges_total_export = flt(self.grand_total_export -
self.net_total_export + flt(self.discount_amount),
self.rounded_total = _round(self.grand_total)
self.rounded_total_export = _round(self.grand_total_export)
def apply_discount_amount(self):
if self.discount_amount:
grand_total_for_discount_amount = self.get_grand_total_for_discount_amount()
if grand_total_for_discount_amount:
# calculate item amount after Discount Amount
for item in self.item_doclist:
distributed_amount = flt(self.discount_amount) * item.base_amount / grand_total_for_discount_amount
item.base_amount = flt(item.base_amount - distributed_amount, self.precision("base_amount", item))
self.discount_amount_applied = True
def get_grand_total_for_discount_amount(self):
actual_taxes_dict = {}
for tax in self.tax_doclist:
if tax.charge_type == "Actual":
actual_taxes_dict.setdefault(tax.idx, tax.tax_amount)
elif tax.row_id in actual_taxes_dict:
actual_tax_amount = flt(actual_taxes_dict.get(tax.row_id, 0)) * \
flt(tax.rate) / 100
actual_taxes_dict.setdefault(tax.idx, actual_tax_amount)
grand_total_for_discount_amount = flt(self.grand_total - sum(actual_taxes_dict.values()),
return grand_total_for_discount_amount
def calculate_outstanding_amount(self):
# write_off_amount is only for POS Invoice
# total_advance is only for non POS Invoice
if self.doctype == "Sales Invoice" and self.docstatus == 0:
self.round_floats_in(self, ["grand_total", "total_advance", "write_off_amount",
total_amount_to_pay = self.grand_total - self.write_off_amount
self.outstanding_amount = flt(total_amount_to_pay - self.total_advance \
- self.paid_amount, self.precision("outstanding_amount"))
def calculate_commission(self):
if self.meta.get_field("commission_rate"):
self.round_floats_in(self, ["net_total", "commission_rate"])
if self.commission_rate > 100.0:
throw(_("Commission rate cannot be greater than 100"))
self.total_commission = flt(self.net_total * self.commission_rate / 100.0,
def calculate_contribution(self):
total = 0.0
sales_team = self.get("sales_team")
for sales_person in sales_team:
sales_person.allocated_amount = flt(
self.net_total * sales_person.allocated_percentage / 100.0,
self.precision("allocated_amount", sales_person))
total += sales_person.allocated_percentage
if sales_team and total != 100.0:
throw(_("Total allocated percentage for sales team should be 100"))
def validate_order_type(self):
valid_types = ["Sales", "Maintenance", "Shopping Cart"]
if not self.order_type:
self.order_type = "Sales"
elif self.order_type not in valid_types:
throw(_("Order Type must be one of {1}").comma_or(valid_types))
def check_credit(self, grand_total):
customer_account = frappe.db.get_value("Account", {"company":,
"master_name": self.customer}, "name")
if customer_account:
total_outstanding = frappe.db.sql("""select
sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0))
from `tabGL Entry` where account = %s""", customer_account)
total_outstanding = total_outstanding[0][0] if total_outstanding else 0
outstanding_including_current = flt(total_outstanding) + flt(grand_total)
frappe.get_doc('Account', customer_account).run_method("check_credit_limit",
def validate_max_discount(self):
for d in self.get(self.fname):
discount = flt(frappe.db.get_value("Item", d.item_code, "max_discount"))
if discount and flt(d.discount_percentage) > discount:
frappe.throw(_("You cannot give more than ") + cstr(discount) + "% " +
_("discount on Item Code") + ": " + cstr(d.item_code))
def get_item_list(self):
il = []
for d in self.get(self.fname):
reserved_warehouse = ""
reserved_qty_for_main_item = 0
if self.doctype == "Sales Order":
if (frappe.db.get_value("Item", d.item_code, "is_stock_item") == 'Yes' or
self.has_sales_bom(d.item_code)) and not d.warehouse:
frappe.throw(_("Please enter Reserved Warehouse for item ") +
d.item_code + _(" as it is stock Item or packing item"))
reserved_warehouse = d.warehouse
if flt(d.qty) > flt(d.delivered_qty):
reserved_qty_for_main_item = flt(d.qty) - flt(d.delivered_qty)
elif self.doctype == "Delivery Note" and d.against_sales_order:
# if SO qty is 10 and there is tolerance of 20%, then it will allow DN of 12.
# But in this case reserved qty should only be reduced by 10 and not 12
already_delivered_qty = self.get_already_delivered_qty(,
d.against_sales_order, d.prevdoc_detail_docname)
so_qty, reserved_warehouse = self.get_so_qty_and_warehouse(d.prevdoc_detail_docname)
if already_delivered_qty + d.qty > so_qty:
reserved_qty_for_main_item = -(so_qty - already_delivered_qty)
reserved_qty_for_main_item = -flt(d.qty)
if self.has_sales_bom(d.item_code):
for p in self.get("packing_details"):
if p.parent_detail_docname == and p.parent_item == d.item_code:
# the packing details table's qty is already multiplied with parent's qty
'warehouse': p.warehouse,
'reserved_warehouse': reserved_warehouse,
'item_code': p.item_code,
'qty': flt(p.qty),
'reserved_qty': (flt(p.qty)/flt(d.qty)) * reserved_qty_for_main_item,
'uom': p.uom,
'batch_no': cstr(p.batch_no).strip(),
'serial_no': cstr(p.serial_no).strip(),
'warehouse': d.warehouse,
'reserved_warehouse': reserved_warehouse,
'item_code': d.item_code,
'qty': d.qty,
'reserved_qty': reserved_qty_for_main_item,
'uom': d.stock_uom,
'batch_no': cstr(d.get("batch_no")).strip(),
'serial_no': cstr(d.get("serial_no")).strip(),
return il
def has_sales_bom(self, item_code):
return frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabSales BOM`
where new_item_code=%s and docstatus != 2""", item_code)
def get_already_delivered_qty(self, dn, so, so_detail):
qty = frappe.db.sql("""select sum(qty) from `tabDelivery Note Item`
where prevdoc_detail_docname = %s and docstatus = 1
and against_sales_order = %s
and parent != %s""", (so_detail, so, dn))
return qty and flt(qty[0][0]) or 0.0
def get_so_qty_and_warehouse(self, so_detail):
so_item = frappe.db.sql("""select qty, warehouse from `tabSales Order Item`
where name = %s and docstatus = 1""", so_detail, as_dict=1)
so_qty = so_item and flt(so_item[0]["qty"]) or 0.0
so_warehouse = so_item and so_item[0]["warehouse"] or ""
return so_qty, so_warehouse
def check_stop_sales_order(self, ref_fieldname):
for d in self.get(self.fname):
if d.get(ref_fieldname):
status = frappe.db.get_value("Sales Order", d.get(ref_fieldname), "status")
if status == "Stopped":
frappe.throw(self.doctype +
_(" can not be created/modified against stopped Sales Order ") +
def check_active_sales_items(obj):
for d in obj.get(obj.fname):
if d.item_code:
item = frappe.db.sql("""select docstatus, is_sales_item,
is_service_item, income_account from tabItem where name = %s""",
d.item_code, as_dict=True)[0]
if item.is_sales_item == 'No' and item.is_service_item == 'No':
frappe.throw(_("Item is neither Sales nor Service Item") + ": " + d.item_code)
if getattr(d, "income_account", None) and not item.income_account:
frappe.db.set_value("Item", d.item_code, "income_account",