blob: 809fa9e573575fc74fead4d643f10f16a0ec877e [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies and contributors
# For lice
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division
import frappe
from frappe import _
class OverlapError(frappe.ValidationError): pass
def validate_overlap_for(doc, doctype, fieldname, value=None):
"""Checks overlap for specified field.
:param fieldname: Checks Overlap for this field
existing = get_overlap_for(doc, doctype, fieldname, value)
if existing:
frappe.throw(_("This {0} conflicts with {1} for {2} {3}").format(doc.doctype,,
doc.meta.get_label(fieldname) if not value else fieldname , value or doc.get(fieldname)), OverlapError)
def get_overlap_for(doc, doctype, fieldname, value=None):
"""Returns overlaping document for specified field.
:param fieldname: Checks Overlap for this field
existing = frappe.db.sql("""select name, from_time, to_time from `tab{0}`
where `{1}`=%(val)s and schedule_date = %(schedule_date)s and
(from_time > %(from_time)s and from_time < %(to_time)s) or
(to_time > %(from_time)s and to_time < %(to_time)s) or
(%(from_time)s > from_time and %(from_time)s < to_time) or
(%(from_time)s = from_time and %(to_time)s = to_time))
and name!=%(name)s and docstatus!=2""".format(doctype, fieldname),
"schedule_date": doc.schedule_date,
"val": value or doc.get(fieldname),
"from_time": doc.from_time,
"to_time": doc.to_time,
"name": or "No Name"
}, as_dict=True)
return existing[0] if existing else None
def validate_duplicate_student(students):
unique_students= []
for stud in students:
if stud.student in unique_students:
frappe.throw(_("Student {0} - {1} appears Multiple times in row {2} & {3}")
.format(stud.student, stud.student_name, unique_students.index(stud.student)+1, stud.idx))
def get_student_name(email=None):
"""Returns student user name, example EDU-STU-2018-00001 (Based on the naming series).
:param user: a user email address
return frappe.get_all('Student', filters={'student_email_id': email}, fields=['name'])[0].name
except IndexError:
return None
def evaluate_quiz(quiz_response, **kwargs):
"""LMS Function: Evaluates a simple multiple choice quiz. It recieves arguments from `www/lms/course.js` as dictionary using FormData[1].
:param quiz_response: contains user selected choices for a quiz in the form of a string formatted as a dictionary. The function uses `json.loads()` to convert it to a python dictionary.
import json
quiz_response = json.loads(quiz_response)
correct_answers = [frappe.get_value('Question', name, 'correct_options') for name in quiz_response.keys()]
selected_options = quiz_response.values()
result = [selected == correct for selected, correct in zip(selected_options, correct_answers)]
score = int((result.count(True)/len(selected_options))*100)
except ZeroDivisionError:
score = 0
kwargs['selected_options'] = selected_options
kwargs['result'] = result
kwargs['score'] = score
add_activity('Quiz', **kwargs)
return score
def add_activity(content_type, **kwargs):
activity_does_not_exists, activity = check_entry_exists(kwargs.get('program'))
if activity_does_not_exists:
current_activity = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Course Activity",
"student_id": get_student_id(frappe.session.user),
"program_name": kwargs.get('program'),
"lms_activity": [{
"course_name": kwargs.get('course'),
"content_name": kwargs.get('content'),
"status": "Completed"
if content_type == "Quiz":
activity = current_activity.lms_activity[-1]
activity.quiz_score = kwargs.get('score')
activity.selected_options = ", ".join(kwargs.get('selected_options'))
activity.result = ", ".join([str(item) for item in kwargs.get('result')]),
activity.status = "Passed"
if content_type in ("Article", "Video"):
lms_activity_list = [[data.course_name, data.content_name] for data in activity.lms_activity]
if not [kwargs.get('course'), kwargs.get('content')] in lms_activity_list:
activity.append("lms_activity", {
"course_name": kwargs.get('course'),
"content_name": kwargs.get('content'),
"status": "Completed"
activity.append("lms_activity", {
"course_name": kwargs.get('course'),
"content_name": kwargs.get('content'),
"status": "Passed",
"quiz_score": kwargs.get('score'),
"selected_options": ", ".join(kwargs.get('selected_options')),
"result": ", ".join([str(item) for item in kwargs.get('result')])
def check_entry_exists(program):
activity_name = frappe.get_all("Course Activity", filters={"student_id": get_student_id(frappe.session.user), "program_name": program})[0]
except IndexError:
print("------ Got No Doc ------")
return True, None
print("------ Got A Doc ------")
return None, frappe.get_doc("Course Activity", activity_name)
def get_student_id(email):
"""Returns Student ID, example EDU-STU-2018-00001 from email address
:params email: email address of the student"""
student = frappe.get_list('Student', filters={'student_email_id': email})[0].name
return student
except IndexError:
frappe.throw("Student Account with email:{0} does not exist".format(email))
def get_quiz(content):
"""Helper Function to get questions for a quiz
:params content: name of a Content doctype with content_type quiz"""
quiz_doc = frappe.get_doc("Content", content)
if quiz_doc.content_type == "Quiz":
import json
quiz = [frappe.get_doc("Question", item.question_link) for item in quiz_doc.questions]
data = []
for question in quiz:
d = {}
d['Options'] = [{'option':item.option,'is_correct':item.is_correct} for item in quiz[0].options]
d['Question'] = question.question
return json.dumps(data)
frappe.throw("<b>{0}</b> is not a Quiz".format(content))
except frappe.DoesNotExistError:
return None