| # Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors |
| # License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt |
| |
| from __future__ import unicode_literals |
| |
| import frappe |
| from frappe.utils import nowdate, cstr, flt, now, getdate, add_months |
| from frappe import throw, _ |
| from frappe.utils import formatdate |
| from erpnext.utilities import build_filter_conditions |
| |
| |
| class FiscalYearError(frappe.ValidationError): pass |
| class BudgetError(frappe.ValidationError): pass |
| |
| |
| def get_fiscal_year(date=None, fiscal_year=None, label="Date", verbose=1): |
| return get_fiscal_years(date, fiscal_year, label, verbose)[0] |
| |
| def get_fiscal_years(date=None, fiscal_year=None, label="Date", verbose=1): |
| # if year start date is 2012-04-01, year end date should be 2013-03-31 (hence subdate) |
| cond = "" |
| if fiscal_year: |
| cond = "name = '%s'" % fiscal_year.replace("'", "\'") |
| else: |
| cond = "'%s' >= year_start_date and '%s' <= year_end_date" % \ |
| (date, date) |
| fy = frappe.db.sql("""select name, year_start_date, year_end_date |
| from `tabFiscal Year` where %s order by year_start_date desc""" % cond) |
| |
| if not fy: |
| error_msg = _("""{0} {1} not in any Fiscal Year""").format(label, formatdate(date)) |
| if verbose: frappe.msgprint(error_msg) |
| raise FiscalYearError, error_msg |
| |
| return fy |
| |
| def validate_fiscal_year(date, fiscal_year, label="Date"): |
| years = [f[0] for f in get_fiscal_years(date, label=label)] |
| if fiscal_year not in years: |
| throw(_("{0} '{1}' not in Fiscal Year {2}").format(label, formatdate(date), fiscal_year)) |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_balance_on(account=None, date=None): |
| if not account and frappe.form_dict.get("account"): |
| account = frappe.form_dict.get("account") |
| date = frappe.form_dict.get("date") |
| |
| cond = [] |
| if date: |
| cond.append("posting_date <= '%s'" % date) |
| else: |
| # get balance of all entries that exist |
| date = nowdate() |
| |
| try: |
| year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(date, verbose=0)[1] |
| except FiscalYearError: |
| if getdate(date) > getdate(nowdate()): |
| # if fiscal year not found and the date is greater than today |
| # get fiscal year for today's date and its corresponding year start date |
| year_start_date = get_fiscal_year(nowdate(), verbose=1)[1] |
| else: |
| # this indicates that it is a date older than any existing fiscal year. |
| # hence, assuming balance as 0.0 |
| return 0.0 |
| |
| acc = frappe.db.get_value('Account', account, \ |
| ['lft', 'rgt', 'report_type', 'group_or_ledger'], as_dict=1) |
| |
| # for pl accounts, get balance within a fiscal year |
| if acc.report_type == 'Profit and Loss': |
| cond.append("posting_date >= '%s' and voucher_type != 'Period Closing Voucher'" \ |
| % year_start_date) |
| |
| # different filter for group and ledger - improved performance |
| if acc.group_or_ledger=="Group": |
| cond.append("""exists ( |
| select * from `tabAccount` ac where ac.name = gle.account |
| and ac.lft >= %s and ac.rgt <= %s |
| )""" % (acc.lft, acc.rgt)) |
| else: |
| cond.append("""gle.account = "%s" """ % (account.replace('"', '\"'), )) |
| |
| bal = frappe.db.sql(""" |
| SELECT sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0)) |
| FROM `tabGL Entry` gle |
| WHERE %s""" % " and ".join(cond))[0][0] |
| |
| # if bal is None, return 0 |
| return flt(bal) |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def add_ac(args=None): |
| if not args: |
| args = frappe.local.form_dict |
| args.pop("cmd") |
| |
| ac = frappe.get_doc(args) |
| ac.doctype = "Account" |
| ac.old_parent = "" |
| ac.freeze_account = "No" |
| ac.insert() |
| return ac.name |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def add_cc(args=None): |
| if not args: |
| args = frappe.local.form_dict |
| args.pop("cmd") |
| |
| cc = frappe.get_doc(args) |
| cc.doctype = "Cost Center" |
| cc.old_parent = "" |
| cc.insert() |
| return cc.name |
| |
| def reconcile_against_document(args): |
| """ |
| Cancel JV, Update aginst document, split if required and resubmit jv |
| """ |
| for d in args: |
| check_if_jv_modified(d) |
| |
| against_fld = { |
| 'Journal Voucher' : 'against_jv', |
| 'Sales Invoice' : 'against_invoice', |
| 'Purchase Invoice' : 'against_voucher' |
| } |
| |
| d['against_fld'] = against_fld[d['against_voucher_type']] |
| |
| # cancel JV |
| jv_obj = frappe.get_doc('Journal Voucher', d['voucher_no']) |
| |
| jv_obj.make_gl_entries(cancel=1, adv_adj=1) |
| |
| # update ref in JV Detail |
| update_against_doc(d, jv_obj) |
| |
| # re-submit JV |
| jv_obj = frappe.get_doc('Journal Voucher', d['voucher_no']) |
| jv_obj.make_gl_entries(cancel = 0, adv_adj =1) |
| |
| |
| def check_if_jv_modified(args): |
| """ |
| check if there is already a voucher reference |
| check if amount is same |
| check if jv is submitted |
| """ |
| ret = frappe.db.sql(""" |
| select t2.%(dr_or_cr)s from `tabJournal Voucher` t1, `tabJournal Voucher Detail` t2 |
| where t1.name = t2.parent and t2.account = '%(account)s' |
| and ifnull(t2.against_voucher, '')='' |
| and ifnull(t2.against_invoice, '')='' and ifnull(t2.against_jv, '')='' |
| and t1.name = '%(voucher_no)s' and t2.name = '%(voucher_detail_no)s' |
| and t1.docstatus=1 and t2.%(dr_or_cr)s = %(unadjusted_amt)s""" % args) |
| |
| if not ret: |
| throw(_("""Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. Please pull it again.""")) |
| |
| def update_against_doc(d, jv_obj): |
| """ |
| Updates against document, if partial amount splits into rows |
| """ |
| jv_detail = jv_obj.get("entries", {"name": d["voucher_detail_no"]})[0] |
| jv_detail.set(d["dr_or_cr"], d["allocated_amt"]) |
| jv_detail.set(d["against_fld"], d["against_voucher"]) |
| |
| if d['allocated_amt'] < d['unadjusted_amt']: |
| jvd = frappe.db.sql("""select cost_center, balance, against_account, is_advance |
| from `tabJournal Voucher Detail` where name = %s""", d['voucher_detail_no']) |
| # new entry with balance amount |
| ch = jv_obj.append("entries") |
| ch.account = d['account'] |
| ch.cost_center = cstr(jvd[0][0]) |
| ch.balance = cstr(jvd[0][1]) |
| ch.set(d['dr_or_cr'], flt(d['unadjusted_amt']) - flt(d['allocated_amt'])) |
| ch.set(d['dr_or_cr']== 'debit' and 'credit' or 'debit', 0) |
| ch.against_account = cstr(jvd[0][2]) |
| ch.is_advance = cstr(jvd[0][3]) |
| ch.docstatus = 1 |
| |
| # will work as update after submit |
| jv_obj.ignore_validate_update_after_submit = True |
| jv_obj.save() |
| |
| def get_account_list(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters): |
| if not filters.get("group_or_ledger"): |
| filters["group_or_ledger"] = "Ledger" |
| |
| conditions, filter_values = build_filter_conditions(filters) |
| |
| return frappe.db.sql("""select name, parent_account from `tabAccount` |
| where docstatus < 2 %s and %s like %s order by name limit %s, %s""" % |
| (conditions, searchfield, "%s", "%s", "%s"), |
| tuple(filter_values + ["%%%s%%" % txt, start, page_len])) |
| |
| def get_cost_center_list(doctype, txt, searchfield, start, page_len, filters): |
| if not filters.get("group_or_ledger"): |
| filters["group_or_ledger"] = "Ledger" |
| |
| conditions, filter_values = build_filter_conditions(filters) |
| |
| return frappe.db.sql("""select name, parent_cost_center from `tabCost Center` |
| where docstatus < 2 %s and %s like %s order by name limit %s, %s""" % |
| (conditions, searchfield, "%s", "%s", "%s"), |
| tuple(filter_values + ["%%%s%%" % txt, start, page_len])) |
| |
| def remove_against_link_from_jv(ref_type, ref_no, against_field): |
| linked_jv = frappe.db.sql_list("""select parent from `tabJournal Voucher Detail` |
| where `%s`=%s and docstatus < 2""" % (against_field, "%s"), (ref_no)) |
| |
| if linked_jv: |
| frappe.db.sql("""update `tabJournal Voucher Detail` set `%s`=null, |
| modified=%s, modified_by=%s |
| where `%s`=%s and docstatus < 2""" % (against_field, "%s", "%s", against_field, "%s"), |
| (now(), frappe.session.user, ref_no)) |
| |
| frappe.db.sql("""update `tabGL Entry` |
| set against_voucher_type=null, against_voucher=null, |
| modified=%s, modified_by=%s |
| where against_voucher_type=%s and against_voucher=%s |
| and voucher_no != ifnull(against_voucher, '')""", |
| (now(), frappe.session.user, ref_type, ref_no)) |
| |
| frappe.msgprint(_("Following Journal Vouchers Unlinked: {0}".format("\n".join(linked_jv)))) |
| |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_company_default(company, fieldname): |
| value = frappe.db.get_value("Company", company, fieldname) |
| |
| if not value: |
| throw(_("Please mention default value for '") + |
| _(frappe.get_meta("Company").get_label(fieldname) + |
| _("' in Company: ") + company)) |
| |
| return value |
| |
| def fix_total_debit_credit(): |
| vouchers = frappe.db.sql("""select voucher_type, voucher_no, |
| sum(debit) - sum(credit) as diff |
| from `tabGL Entry` |
| group by voucher_type, voucher_no |
| having sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) != sum(ifnull(credit, 0))""", as_dict=1) |
| |
| for d in vouchers: |
| if abs(d.diff) > 0: |
| dr_or_cr = d.voucher_type == "Sales Invoice" and "credit" or "debit" |
| |
| frappe.db.sql("""update `tabGL Entry` set %s = %s + %s |
| where voucher_type = %s and voucher_no = %s and %s > 0 limit 1""" % |
| (dr_or_cr, dr_or_cr, '%s', '%s', '%s', dr_or_cr), |
| (d.diff, d.voucher_type, d.voucher_no)) |
| |
| def get_stock_and_account_difference(account_list=None, posting_date=None): |
| from erpnext.stock.utils import get_stock_balance_on |
| |
| if not posting_date: posting_date = nowdate() |
| |
| difference = {} |
| |
| account_warehouse = dict(frappe.db.sql("""select name, master_name from tabAccount |
| where account_type = 'Warehouse' and ifnull(master_name, '') != '' |
| and name in (%s)""" % ', '.join(['%s']*len(account_list)), account_list)) |
| |
| for account, warehouse in account_warehouse.items(): |
| account_balance = get_balance_on(account, posting_date) |
| stock_value = get_stock_balance_on(warehouse, posting_date) |
| if abs(flt(stock_value) - flt(account_balance)) > 0.005: |
| difference.setdefault(account, flt(stock_value) - flt(account_balance)) |
| |
| return difference |
| |
| def validate_expense_against_budget(args): |
| args = frappe._dict(args) |
| if frappe.db.get_value("Account", {"name": args.account, "report_type": "Profit and Loss"}): |
| budget = frappe.db.sql(""" |
| select bd.budget_allocated, cc.distribution_id |
| from `tabCost Center` cc, `tabBudget Detail` bd |
| where cc.name=bd.parent and cc.name=%s and account=%s and bd.fiscal_year=%s |
| """, (args.cost_center, args.account, args.fiscal_year), as_dict=True) |
| |
| if budget and budget[0].budget_allocated: |
| yearly_action, monthly_action = frappe.db.get_value("Company", args.company, |
| ["yearly_bgt_flag", "monthly_bgt_flag"]) |
| action_for = action = "" |
| |
| if monthly_action in ["Stop", "Warn"]: |
| budget_amount = get_allocated_budget(budget[0].distribution_id, |
| args.posting_date, args.fiscal_year, budget[0].budget_allocated) |
| |
| args["month_end_date"] = frappe.db.sql("select LAST_DAY(%s)", |
| args.posting_date)[0][0] |
| action_for, action = _("Monthly"), monthly_action |
| |
| elif yearly_action in ["Stop", "Warn"]: |
| budget_amount = budget[0].budget_allocated |
| action_for, action = _("Annual"), yearly_action |
| |
| if action_for: |
| actual_expense = get_actual_expense(args) |
| if actual_expense > budget_amount: |
| frappe.msgprint(_("{0} budget for Account {1} against Cost Center {2} will exceed by {3}").format( |
| _(action_for), args.account, args.cost_center, cstr(actual_expense - budget_amount))) |
| if action=="Stop": |
| raise BudgetError |
| |
| def get_allocated_budget(distribution_id, posting_date, fiscal_year, yearly_budget): |
| if distribution_id: |
| distribution = {} |
| for d in frappe.db.sql("""select bdd.month, bdd.percentage_allocation |
| from `tabBudget Distribution Detail` bdd, `tabBudget Distribution` bd |
| where bdd.parent=bd.name and bd.fiscal_year=%s""", fiscal_year, as_dict=1): |
| distribution.setdefault(d.month, d.percentage_allocation) |
| |
| dt = frappe.db.get_value("Fiscal Year", fiscal_year, "year_start_date") |
| budget_percentage = 0.0 |
| |
| while(dt <= getdate(posting_date)): |
| if distribution_id: |
| budget_percentage += distribution.get(getdate(dt).strftime("%B"), 0) |
| else: |
| budget_percentage += 100.0/12 |
| |
| dt = add_months(dt, 1) |
| |
| return yearly_budget * budget_percentage / 100 |
| |
| def get_actual_expense(args): |
| args["condition"] = " and posting_date<='%s'" % args.month_end_date \ |
| if args.get("month_end_date") else "" |
| |
| return frappe.db.sql(""" |
| select sum(ifnull(debit, 0)) - sum(ifnull(credit, 0)) |
| from `tabGL Entry` |
| where account='%(account)s' and cost_center='%(cost_center)s' |
| and fiscal_year='%(fiscal_year)s' and company='%(company)s' %(condition)s |
| """ % (args))[0][0] |
| |
| def rename_account_for(dt, olddn, newdn, merge, company): |
| old_account = get_account_for(dt, olddn) |
| if old_account: |
| new_account = None |
| if not merge: |
| if old_account == add_abbr_if_missing(olddn, company): |
| new_account = frappe.rename_doc("Account", old_account, newdn) |
| else: |
| existing_new_account = get_account_for(dt, newdn) |
| new_account = frappe.rename_doc("Account", old_account, |
| existing_new_account or newdn, merge=True if existing_new_account else False) |
| |
| frappe.db.set_value("Account", new_account or old_account, "master_name", newdn) |
| |
| def add_abbr_if_missing(dn, company): |
| from erpnext.setup.doctype.company.company import get_name_with_abbr |
| return get_name_with_abbr(dn, company) |
| |
| def get_account_for(account_for_doctype, account_for): |
| if account_for_doctype in ["Customer", "Supplier"]: |
| account_for_field = "master_type" |
| elif account_for_doctype == "Warehouse": |
| account_for_field = "account_type" |
| |
| return frappe.db.get_value("Account", {account_for_field: account_for_doctype, |
| "master_name": account_for}) |
| |
| def get_currency_precision(currency=None): |
| if not currency: |
| currency = frappe.db.get_value("Company", |
| frappe.db.get_default("company"), "default_currency") |
| currency_format = frappe.db.get_value("Currency", currency, "number_format") |
| |
| from frappe.utils import get_number_format_info |
| return get_number_format_info(currency_format)[2] |