blob: ae4411b8512c838759ae7dabbe5e90d62a1d1f50 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import (
import erpnext
from import (
class DuplicateDeclarationError(frappe.ValidationError): pass
def set_employee_name(doc):
if doc.employee and not doc.employee_name:
doc.employee_name = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", doc.employee, "employee_name")
def update_employee_work_history(employee, details, date=None, cancel=False):
if not employee.internal_work_history and not cancel:
employee.append("internal_work_history", {
"branch": employee.branch,
"designation": employee.designation,
"department": employee.department,
"from_date": employee.date_of_joining
internal_work_history = {}
for item in details:
field = frappe.get_meta("Employee").get_field(item.fieldname)
if not field:
fieldtype = field.fieldtype
new_data = if not cancel else item.current
if fieldtype == "Date" and new_data:
new_data = getdate(new_data)
elif fieldtype =="Datetime" and new_data:
new_data = get_datetime(new_data)
setattr(employee, item.fieldname, new_data)
if item.fieldname in ["department", "designation", "branch"]:
internal_work_history[item.fieldname] =
if internal_work_history and not cancel:
internal_work_history["from_date"] = date
employee.append("internal_work_history", internal_work_history)
if cancel:
delete_employee_work_history(details, employee, date)
return employee
def delete_employee_work_history(details, employee, date):
filters = {}
for d in details:
for history in employee.internal_work_history:
if == "Department" and history.department ==
department =
filters["department"] = department
if == "Designation" and history.designation ==
designation =
filters["designation"] = designation
if == "Branch" and history.branch ==
branch =
filters["branch"] = branch
if date and date == history.from_date:
filters["from_date"] = date
if filters:
frappe.db.delete("Employee Internal Work History", filters)
def get_employee_fields_label():
fields = []
for df in frappe.get_meta("Employee").get("fields"):
if df.fieldname in ["salutation", "user_id", "employee_number", "employment_type",
"holiday_list", "branch", "department", "designation", "grade",
"notice_number_of_days", "reports_to", "leave_policy", "company_email"]:
fields.append({"value": df.fieldname, "label": df.label})
return fields
def get_employee_field_property(employee, fieldname):
if employee and fieldname:
field = frappe.get_meta("Employee").get_field(fieldname)
value = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, fieldname)
options = field.options
if field.fieldtype == "Date":
value = formatdate(value)
elif field.fieldtype == "Datetime":
value = format_datetime(value)
return {
"value" : value,
"datatype" : field.fieldtype,
"label" : field.label,
"options" : options
return False
def validate_dates(doc, from_date, to_date):
date_of_joining, relieving_date = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", doc.employee, ["date_of_joining", "relieving_date"])
if getdate(from_date) > getdate(to_date):
frappe.throw(_("To date can not be less than from date"))
elif getdate(from_date) > getdate(nowdate()):
frappe.throw(_("Future dates not allowed"))
elif date_of_joining and getdate(from_date) < getdate(date_of_joining):
frappe.throw(_("From date can not be less than employee's joining date"))
elif relieving_date and getdate(to_date) > getdate(relieving_date):
frappe.throw(_("To date can not greater than employee's relieving date"))
def validate_overlap(doc, from_date, to_date, company = None):
query = """
select name
from `tab{0}`
where name != %(name)s
query += get_doc_condition(doc.doctype)
if not
# hack! if name is null, it could cause problems with != = "New "+doc.doctype
overlap_doc = frappe.db.sql(query.format(doc.doctype),{
"employee": doc.get("employee"),
"from_date": from_date,
"to_date": to_date,
"company": company
}, as_dict = 1)
if overlap_doc:
if doc.get("employee"):
exists_for = doc.employee
if company:
exists_for = company
throw_overlap_error(doc, exists_for, overlap_doc[0].name, from_date, to_date)
def get_doc_condition(doctype):
if doctype == "Compensatory Leave Request":
return "and employee = %(employee)s and docstatus < 2 \
and (work_from_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s \
or work_end_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s \
or (work_from_date < %(from_date)s and work_end_date > %(to_date)s))"
elif doctype == "Leave Period":
return "and company = %(company)s and (from_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s \
or to_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s \
or (from_date < %(from_date)s and to_date > %(to_date)s))"
def throw_overlap_error(doc, exists_for, overlap_doc, from_date, to_date):
msg = _("A {0} exists between {1} and {2} (").format(doc.doctype,
formatdate(from_date), formatdate(to_date)) \
+ """ <b><a href="/app/Form/{0}/{1}">{1}</a></b>""".format(doc.doctype, overlap_doc) \
+ _(") for {0}").format(exists_for)
def validate_duplicate_exemption_for_payroll_period(doctype, docname, payroll_period, employee):
existing_record = frappe.db.exists(doctype, {
"payroll_period": payroll_period,
"employee": employee,
'docstatus': ['<', 2],
'name': ['!=', docname]
if existing_record:
frappe.throw(_("{0} already exists for employee {1} and period {2}")
.format(doctype, employee, payroll_period), DuplicateDeclarationError)
def validate_tax_declaration(declarations):
subcategories = []
for d in declarations:
if d.exemption_sub_category in subcategories:
frappe.throw(_("More than one selection for {0} not allowed").format(d.exemption_sub_category))
def get_total_exemption_amount(declarations):
exemptions = frappe._dict()
for d in declarations:
exemptions.setdefault(d.exemption_category, frappe._dict())
category_max_amount = exemptions.get(d.exemption_category).max_amount
if not category_max_amount:
category_max_amount = frappe.db.get_value("Employee Tax Exemption Category", d.exemption_category, "max_amount")
exemptions.get(d.exemption_category).max_amount = category_max_amount
sub_category_exemption_amount = d.max_amount \
if (d.max_amount and flt(d.amount) > flt(d.max_amount)) else d.amount
exemptions.get(d.exemption_category).setdefault("total_exemption_amount", 0.0)
exemptions.get(d.exemption_category).total_exemption_amount += flt(sub_category_exemption_amount)
if category_max_amount and exemptions.get(d.exemption_category).total_exemption_amount > category_max_amount:
exemptions.get(d.exemption_category).total_exemption_amount = category_max_amount
total_exemption_amount = sum([flt(d.total_exemption_amount) for d in exemptions.values()])
return total_exemption_amount
def get_leave_period(from_date, to_date, company):
leave_period = frappe.db.sql("""
select name, from_date, to_date
from `tabLeave Period`
where company=%(company)s and is_active=1
and (from_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s
or to_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s
or (from_date < %(from_date)s and to_date > %(to_date)s))
""", {
"from_date": from_date,
"to_date": to_date,
"company": company
}, as_dict=1)
if leave_period:
return leave_period
def generate_leave_encashment():
''' Generates a draft leave encashment on allocation expiry '''
from import create_leave_encashment
if frappe.db.get_single_value('HR Settings', 'auto_leave_encashment'):
leave_type = frappe.get_all('Leave Type', filters={'allow_encashment': 1}, fields=['name'])
leave_type=[l['name'] for l in leave_type]
leave_allocation = frappe.get_all("Leave Allocation", filters={
'to_date': add_days(today(), -1),
'leave_type': ('in', leave_type)
}, fields=['employee', 'leave_period', 'leave_type', 'to_date', 'total_leaves_allocated', 'new_leaves_allocated'])
def allocate_earned_leaves(ignore_duplicates=False):
'''Allocate earned leaves to Employees'''
e_leave_types = get_earned_leaves()
today = getdate()
for e_leave_type in e_leave_types:
leave_allocations = get_leave_allocations(today,
for allocation in leave_allocations:
if not allocation.leave_policy_assignment and not allocation.leave_policy:
leave_policy = allocation.leave_policy if allocation.leave_policy else frappe.db.get_value(
"Leave Policy Assignment", allocation.leave_policy_assignment, ["leave_policy"])
annual_allocation = frappe.db.get_value("Leave Policy Detail", filters={
'parent': leave_policy,
}, fieldname=['annual_allocation'])
if e_leave_type.based_on_date_of_joining:
from_date = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", allocation.employee, "date_of_joining")
if check_effective_date(from_date, today, e_leave_type.earned_leave_frequency, e_leave_type.based_on_date_of_joining):
update_previous_leave_allocation(allocation, annual_allocation, e_leave_type, ignore_duplicates)
def update_previous_leave_allocation(allocation, annual_allocation, e_leave_type, ignore_duplicates=False):
earned_leaves = get_monthly_earned_leave(annual_allocation, e_leave_type.earned_leave_frequency, e_leave_type.rounding)
allocation = frappe.get_doc('Leave Allocation',
new_allocation = flt(allocation.total_leaves_allocated) + flt(earned_leaves)
if new_allocation > e_leave_type.max_leaves_allowed and e_leave_type.max_leaves_allowed > 0:
new_allocation = e_leave_type.max_leaves_allowed
if new_allocation != allocation.total_leaves_allocated:
today_date = today()
if ignore_duplicates or not is_earned_leave_already_allocated(allocation, annual_allocation):
allocation.db_set("total_leaves_allocated", new_allocation, update_modified=False)
create_additional_leave_ledger_entry(allocation, earned_leaves, today_date)
def get_monthly_earned_leave(annual_leaves, frequency, rounding):
earned_leaves = 0.0
divide_by_frequency = {"Yearly": 1, "Half-Yearly": 6, "Quarterly": 4, "Monthly": 12}
if annual_leaves:
earned_leaves = flt(annual_leaves) / divide_by_frequency[frequency]
if rounding:
if rounding == "0.25":
earned_leaves = round(earned_leaves * 4) / 4
elif rounding == "0.5":
earned_leaves = round(earned_leaves * 2) / 2
earned_leaves = round(earned_leaves)
return earned_leaves
def is_earned_leave_already_allocated(allocation, annual_allocation):
from import (
assignment = frappe.get_doc("Leave Policy Assignment", allocation.leave_policy_assignment)
if assignment.assignment_based_on == "Joining Date":
return False
leave_type_details = get_leave_type_details()
date_of_joining = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", allocation.employee, "date_of_joining")
leaves_for_passed_months = assignment.get_leaves_for_passed_months(allocation.leave_type,
annual_allocation, leave_type_details, date_of_joining)
# exclude carry-forwarded leaves while checking for leave allocation for passed months
num_allocations = allocation.total_leaves_allocated
if allocation.unused_leaves:
num_allocations -= allocation.unused_leaves
if num_allocations >= leaves_for_passed_months:
return True
return False
def get_leave_allocations(date, leave_type):
return frappe.db.sql("""select name, employee, from_date, to_date, leave_policy_assignment, leave_policy
from `tabLeave Allocation`
%s between from_date and to_date and docstatus=1
and leave_type=%s""",
(date, leave_type), as_dict=1)
def get_earned_leaves():
return frappe.get_all("Leave Type",
fields=["name", "max_leaves_allowed", "earned_leave_frequency", "rounding", "based_on_date_of_joining"],
filters={'is_earned_leave' : 1})
def create_additional_leave_ledger_entry(allocation, leaves, date):
''' Create leave ledger entry for leave types '''
allocation.new_leaves_allocated = leaves
allocation.from_date = date
allocation.unused_leaves = 0
def check_effective_date(from_date, to_date, frequency, based_on_date_of_joining):
import calendar
from dateutil import relativedelta
from_date = get_datetime(from_date)
to_date = get_datetime(to_date)
rd = relativedelta.relativedelta(to_date, from_date)
#last day of month
last_day = calendar.monthrange(to_date.year, to_date.month)[1]
if ( == and based_on_date_of_joining) or (not based_on_date_of_joining and == last_day):
if frequency == "Monthly":
return True
elif frequency == "Quarterly" and rd.months % 3:
return True
elif frequency == "Half-Yearly" and rd.months % 6:
return True
elif frequency == "Yearly" and rd.months % 12:
return True
if frappe.flags.in_test:
return True
return False
def get_salary_assignment(employee, date):
assignment = frappe.db.sql("""
select * from `tabSalary Structure Assignment`
where employee=%(employee)s
and docstatus = 1
and %(on_date)s >= from_date order by from_date desc limit 1""", {
'employee': employee,
'on_date': date,
}, as_dict=1)
return assignment[0] if assignment else None
def get_sal_slip_total_benefit_given(employee, payroll_period, component=False):
total_given_benefit_amount = 0
query = """
select sum(sd.amount) as 'total_amount'
from `tabSalary Slip` ss, `tabSalary Detail` sd
where ss.employee=%(employee)s
and ss.docstatus = 1 and = sd.parent
and sd.is_flexible_benefit = 1 and sd.parentfield = "earnings"
and sd.parenttype = "Salary Slip"
and (ss.start_date between %(start_date)s and %(end_date)s
or ss.end_date between %(start_date)s and %(end_date)s
or (ss.start_date < %(start_date)s and ss.end_date > %(end_date)s))
if component:
query += "and sd.salary_component = %(component)s"
sum_of_given_benefit = frappe.db.sql(query, {
'employee': employee,
'start_date': payroll_period.start_date,
'end_date': payroll_period.end_date,
'component': component
}, as_dict=True)
if sum_of_given_benefit and flt(sum_of_given_benefit[0].total_amount) > 0:
total_given_benefit_amount = sum_of_given_benefit[0].total_amount
return total_given_benefit_amount
def get_holiday_dates_for_employee(employee, start_date, end_date):
"""return a list of holiday dates for the given employee between start_date and end_date"""
# return only date
holidays = get_holidays_for_employee(employee, start_date, end_date)
return [cstr(h.holiday_date) for h in holidays]
def get_holidays_for_employee(employee, start_date, end_date, raise_exception=True, only_non_weekly=False):
"""Get Holidays for a given employee
`employee` (str)
`start_date` (str or datetime)
`end_date` (str or datetime)
`raise_exception` (bool)
`only_non_weekly` (bool)
return: list of dicts with `holiday_date` and `description`
holiday_list = get_holiday_list_for_employee(employee, raise_exception=raise_exception)
if not holiday_list:
return []
filters = {
'parent': holiday_list,
'holiday_date': ('between', [start_date, end_date])
if only_non_weekly:
filters['weekly_off'] = False
holidays = frappe.get_all(
fields=['description', 'holiday_date'],
return holidays
def calculate_annual_eligible_hra_exemption(doc):
# Don't delete this method, used for localization
# Indian HRA Exemption Calculation
return {}
def calculate_hra_exemption_for_period(doc):
# Don't delete this method, used for localization
# Indian HRA Exemption Calculation
return {}
def get_previous_claimed_amount(employee, payroll_period, non_pro_rata=False, component=False):
total_claimed_amount = 0
query = """
select sum(claimed_amount) as 'total_amount'
from `tabEmployee Benefit Claim`
where employee=%(employee)s
and docstatus = 1
and (claim_date between %(start_date)s and %(end_date)s)
if non_pro_rata:
query += "and pay_against_benefit_claim = 1"
if component:
query += "and earning_component = %(component)s"
sum_of_claimed_amount = frappe.db.sql(query, {
'employee': employee,
'start_date': payroll_period.start_date,
'end_date': payroll_period.end_date,
'component': component
}, as_dict=True)
if sum_of_claimed_amount and flt(sum_of_claimed_amount[0].total_amount) > 0:
total_claimed_amount = sum_of_claimed_amount[0].total_amount
return total_claimed_amount
def share_doc_with_approver(doc, user):
# if approver does not have permissions, share
if not frappe.has_permission(doc=doc, ptype="submit", user=user):
frappe.share.add(doc.doctype,, user, submit=1,
flags={"ignore_share_permission": True})
frappe.msgprint(_("Shared with the user {0} with {1} access").format(
user, frappe.bold("submit"), alert=True))
# remove shared doc if approver changes
doc_before_save = doc.get_doc_before_save()
if doc_before_save:
approvers = {
"Leave Application": "leave_approver",
"Expense Claim": "expense_approver",
"Shift Request": "approver"
approver = approvers.get(doc.doctype)
if doc_before_save.get(approver) != doc.get(approver):
frappe.share.remove(doc.doctype,, doc_before_save.get(approver))
def validate_active_employee(employee):
if frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, "status") == "Inactive":
frappe.throw(_("Transactions cannot be created for an Inactive Employee {0}.").format(
get_link_to_form("Employee", employee)), InactiveEmployeeStatusError)