| from __future__ import unicode_literals |
| import erpnext.education.utils as utils |
| import frappe |
| |
| # LMS Utils to Update State for Vue Store |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_program_enrollments(): |
| student = utils.get_current_student() |
| if student == None: |
| return None |
| try: |
| student = frappe.get_doc("Student", student) |
| return student.get_program_enrollments() |
| except: |
| return None |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_all_course_enrollments(): |
| student = utils.get_current_student() |
| if student == None: |
| return None |
| try: |
| student = frappe.get_doc("Student", student) |
| return student.get_all_course_enrollments() |
| except: |
| return None |
| |
| # Vue Client Functions |
| @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def get_portal_details(): |
| """ |
| Returns portal details from Education Settings Doctype. This contains the Title and Description for LMS amoung other things. |
| """ |
| from erpnext import get_default_company |
| |
| settings = frappe.get_doc("Education Settings") |
| title = settings.portal_title or get_default_company() |
| description = settings.description |
| return dict(title=title, description=description) |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def get_featured_programs(): |
| featured_program_names = frappe.get_all("Program", filters={"is_published": True, "is_featured": True}) |
| if featured_program_names: |
| featured_list = [utils.get_program(program['name']) for program in featured_program_names] |
| return featured_list |
| else: |
| return get_all_programs()[:2] |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def get_all_programs(): |
| program_names = frappe.get_all("Program", filters={"is_published": True}) |
| if program_names: |
| program_list = [utils.get_program(program['name']) for program in program_names] |
| return program_list |
| else: |
| return None |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def get_program_details(program_name): |
| try: |
| program = frappe.get_doc('Program', program_name) |
| return program |
| except: |
| return None |
| |
| # Functions to get program & course details |
| @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def get_courses(program_name): |
| program = frappe.get_doc('Program', program_name) |
| courses = program.get_course_list() |
| return courses |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_next_content(current_content, current_content_type, topic): |
| if frappe.session.user == "Guest": |
| return None |
| topic = frappe.get_doc("Topic", topic) |
| content_list = [{'content_type':item.doctype, 'content':item.name} for item in topic.get_contents()] |
| current_index = content_list.index({'content': current_content, 'content_type': current_content_type}) |
| try: |
| return content_list[current_index + 1] |
| except IndexError: |
| return None |
| |
| def get_quiz_with_answers(quiz_name): |
| try: |
| quiz = frappe.get_doc("Quiz", quiz_name).get_questions() |
| quiz_output = [{'name':question.name, 'question':question.question, 'options':[{'name': option.name, 'option':option.option, 'is_correct':option.is_correct} for option in question.options]} for question in quiz] |
| return quiz_output |
| except: |
| frappe.throw("Quiz {0} does not exist".format(quiz_name)) |
| return None |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_quiz_without_answers(quiz_name): |
| try: |
| quiz = frappe.get_doc("Quiz", quiz_name).get_questions() |
| quiz_output = [{'name':question.name, 'question':question.question, 'type': question.type, 'options':[{'name': option.name, 'option':option.option} for option in question.options]} for question in quiz] |
| return quiz_output |
| except: |
| frappe.throw("Quiz {0} does not exist".format(quiz_name)) |
| return None |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def evaluate_quiz(course, quiz_response, quiz_name): |
| """LMS Function: Evaluates a simple multiple choice quiz. |
| :param quiz_response: contains user selected choices for a quiz in the form of a string formatted as a dictionary. The function uses `json.loads()` to convert it to a python dictionary. |
| """ |
| import json |
| quiz_response = json.loads(quiz_response) |
| quiz = frappe.get_doc("Quiz", quiz_name) |
| answers, score, status = quiz.evaluate(quiz_response, quiz_name) |
| |
| result = {k: ('Correct' if v else 'Wrong') for k,v in answers.items()} |
| result_data = [] |
| for key in answers: |
| item = {} |
| item['question'] = key |
| item['quiz_result'] = result[key] |
| try: |
| if isinstance(quiz_response[key], list): |
| item['selected_option'] = ', '.join(frappe.get_value('Options', res, 'option') for res in quiz_response[key]) |
| else: |
| item['selected_option'] = frappe.get_value('Options', quiz_response[key], 'option') |
| except: |
| item['selected_option'] = "Unattempted" |
| result_data.append(item) |
| |
| add_quiz_activity(course, quiz_name, result_data, score, status) |
| return(score) |
| |
| def add_quiz_activity(course, quiz_name, result_data, score, status): |
| if not utils.get_current_student(): |
| return None |
| enrollment = utils.get_course_enrollment(course).name |
| quiz_activity = frappe.get_doc({ |
| "doctype": "Quiz Activity", |
| "enrollment": enrollment, |
| "quiz": quiz_name, |
| "activity_date": frappe.utils.datetime.datetime.now(), |
| "result": result_data, |
| "score": score, |
| "status": status |
| }).insert() |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def enroll_in_program(program_name): |
| if(not utils.get_current_student()): |
| utils.create_student_from_current_user() |
| student = frappe.get_doc("Student", utils.get_current_student()) |
| program_enrollment = student.enroll_in_program(program_name) |
| return program_name |
| |
| # Academty Activity |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def add_activity(course, content_type, content): |
| if not utils.get_current_student(): |
| return |
| enrollment = utils.get_course_enrollment(course) |
| if(utils.check_activity_exists(enrollment.name, content_type, content)): |
| pass |
| else: |
| activity = frappe.get_doc({ |
| "doctype": "Course Activity", |
| "enrollment": enrollment.name, |
| "content_type": content_type, |
| "content": content, |
| "activity_date": frappe.utils.datetime.datetime.now() |
| }) |
| activity.save() |
| frappe.db.commit() |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_course_meta(course_name, program_name): |
| """ |
| Return the porgress of a course in a program as well as the content to continue from. |
| :param course_name: |
| :param program_name: |
| """ |
| if not utils.get_current_student(): |
| return {'flag':'Start Course' } |
| course_enrollment = utils.get_course_enrollment(course_name) |
| program_enrollment = utils.get_program_enrollment(program_name) |
| student = frappe.get_doc("Student", utils.get_current_student()) |
| if not program_enrollment: |
| return None |
| if not course_enrollment: |
| course_enrollment = utils.enroll_in_course(course_name, program_name) |
| progress = course_enrollment.get_progress(student) |
| count = sum([activity['is_complete'] for activity in progress]) |
| if count == 0: |
| return {'flag':'Start Course'} |
| elif count == len(progress): |
| return {'flag':'Completed'} |
| elif count < len(progress): |
| next_item = next(item for item in progress if item['is_complete']==False) |
| return {'flag':'Continue'} |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_topic_meta(topic_name, course_name): |
| """ |
| Return the porgress of a course in a program as well as the content to continue from. |
| :param topic_name: |
| :param course_name: |
| """ |
| topic = frappe.get_doc("Topic", topic_name) |
| if not utils.get_current_student(): |
| topic_content = topic.get_all_children() |
| if topic_content: |
| return {'flag':'Start Course', 'content_type': topic_content[0].content_type, 'content': topic_content[0].content} |
| else: |
| return None |
| course_enrollment = utils.get_course_enrollment(course_name) |
| student = frappe.get_doc("Student", utils.get_current_student()) |
| progress = student.get_topic_progress(course_enrollment.name, topic) |
| if not progress: |
| return { 'flag':'Start Topic', 'content_type': None, 'content': None } |
| count = sum([activity['is_complete'] for activity in progress]) |
| if count == 0: |
| return {'flag':'Start Topic', 'content_type': progress[0]['content_type'], 'content': progress[0]['content']} |
| elif count == len(progress): |
| return {'flag':'Completed', 'content_type': progress[0]['content_type'], 'content': progress[0]['content']} |
| elif count < len(progress): |
| next_item = next(item for item in progress if item['is_complete']==False) |
| return {'flag':'Continue', 'content_type': next_item['content_type'], 'content': next_item['content']} |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_program_progress(program_name): |
| import math |
| program = frappe.get_doc("Program", program_name) |
| program_enrollment = utils.get_program_enrollment(program_name) |
| program_meta = {} |
| if not program_enrollment: |
| return None |
| else: |
| progress = [] |
| for course in program.get_all_children(): |
| meta = get_course_meta(course.course, program_name) |
| is_complete = False |
| if meta['flag'] == "Completed": |
| is_complete = True |
| progress.append({'course_name': course.course_name, 'name': course.course, 'is_complete': is_complete}) |
| program_meta['progress'] = progress |
| program_meta['name'] = program_name |
| program_meta['program'] = program.program_name |
| program_meta['percentage'] = math.ceil((sum([item['is_complete'] for item in progress] * 100)/len(progress))) |
| return program_meta |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_joining_date(): |
| student = frappe.get_doc("Student", utils.get_current_student()) |
| return student.joining_date |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_quiz_progress(program_name): |
| program = frappe.get_doc("Program", program_name) |
| program_enrollment = utils.get_program_enrollment(program_name) |
| quiz_meta = frappe._dict() |
| student = frappe.get_doc("Student", utils.get_current_student()) |
| if not program_enrollment: |
| return None |
| else: |
| progress_list = [] |
| for course in program.get_all_children(): |
| course_enrollment = utils.get_course_enrollment(course.course) |
| meta = course_enrollment.get_progress(student) |
| for progress_item in meta: |
| # if progress_item['content_type'] == "Quiz" and progress_item['is_complete'] == True: |
| if progress_item['content_type'] == "Quiz": |
| progress_item['course'] = course.course_name |
| progress_list.append(progress_item) |
| quiz_meta.quiz_attempt = progress_list |
| quiz_meta.name = program_name |
| quiz_meta.program = program.program_name |
| return quiz_meta |
| |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def get_course_details(course_name): |
| try: |
| course = frappe.get_doc('Course', course_name) |
| return course |
| except: |
| return None |
| |
| # Functions to get program & course details |
| @frappe.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def get_topics(course_name): |
| course = frappe.get_doc('Course', course_name) |
| topics = course.get_topics() |
| return topics |
| |
| @frappe.whitelist() |
| def get_content(type, content): |
| try: |
| return frappe.get_doc(type, content) |
| except: |
| return None |