blob: 1836db6477f84de266ab188d5d432568d5011ef4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.model.meta import get_field_precision
from frappe.utils import cint, cstr, flt, formatdate, getdate, now
import erpnext
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.accounting_dimension.accounting_dimension import (
from erpnext.accounts.doctype.budget.budget import validate_expense_against_budget
class ClosedAccountingPeriod(frappe.ValidationError): pass
def make_gl_entries(gl_map, cancel=False, adv_adj=False, merge_entries=True, update_outstanding='Yes', from_repost=False):
if gl_map:
if not cancel:
gl_map = process_gl_map(gl_map, merge_entries)
if gl_map and len(gl_map) > 1:
save_entries(gl_map, adv_adj, update_outstanding, from_repost)
# Post GL Map proccess there may no be any GL Entries
elif gl_map:
frappe.throw(_("Incorrect number of General Ledger Entries found. You might have selected a wrong Account in the transaction."))
make_reverse_gl_entries(gl_map, adv_adj=adv_adj, update_outstanding=update_outstanding)
def validate_accounting_period(gl_map):
accounting_periods = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT as name
`tabAccounting Period` ap, `tabClosed Document` cd
WHERE = cd.parent
AND = %(company)s
AND cd.closed = 1
AND cd.document_type = %(voucher_type)s
AND %(date)s between ap.start_date and ap.end_date
""", {
'date': gl_map[0].posting_date,
'company': gl_map[0].company,
'voucher_type': gl_map[0].voucher_type
}, as_dict=1)
if accounting_periods:
frappe.throw(_("You cannot create or cancel any accounting entries with in the closed Accounting Period {0}")
.format(frappe.bold(accounting_periods[0].name)), ClosedAccountingPeriod)
def process_gl_map(gl_map, merge_entries=True, precision=None):
if merge_entries:
gl_map = merge_similar_entries(gl_map, precision)
for entry in gl_map:
# toggle debit, credit if negative entry
if flt(entry.debit) < 0: = flt( - flt(entry.debit)
entry.debit = 0.0
if flt(entry.debit_in_account_currency) < 0:
entry.credit_in_account_currency = \
flt(entry.credit_in_account_currency) - flt(entry.debit_in_account_currency)
entry.debit_in_account_currency = 0.0
if flt( < 0:
entry.debit = flt(entry.debit) - flt( = 0.0
if flt(entry.credit_in_account_currency) < 0:
entry.debit_in_account_currency = \
flt(entry.debit_in_account_currency) - flt(entry.credit_in_account_currency)
entry.credit_in_account_currency = 0.0
return gl_map
def update_net_values(entry):
# In some scenarios net value needs to be shown in the ledger
# This method updates net values as debit or credit
if entry.post_net_value and entry.debit and
if entry.debit >
entry.debit = entry.debit -
entry.debit_in_account_currency = entry.debit_in_account_currency \
- entry.credit_in_account_currency = 0
entry.credit_in_account_currency = 0
else: = - entry.debit
entry.credit_in_account_currency = entry.credit_in_account_currency \
- entry.debit_in_account_currency
entry.debit = 0
entry.debit_in_account_currency = 0
def merge_similar_entries(gl_map, precision=None):
merged_gl_map = []
accounting_dimensions = get_accounting_dimensions()
for entry in gl_map:
# if there is already an entry in this account then just add it
# to that entry
same_head = check_if_in_list(entry, merged_gl_map, accounting_dimensions)
if same_head:
same_head.debit = flt(same_head.debit) + flt(entry.debit)
same_head.debit_in_account_currency = \
flt(same_head.debit_in_account_currency) + flt(entry.debit_in_account_currency) = flt( + flt(
same_head.credit_in_account_currency = \
flt(same_head.credit_in_account_currency) + flt(entry.credit_in_account_currency)
company = gl_map[0].company if gl_map else erpnext.get_default_company()
company_currency = erpnext.get_company_currency(company)
if not precision:
precision = get_field_precision(frappe.get_meta("GL Entry").get_field("debit"), company_currency)
# filter zero debit and credit entries
merged_gl_map = filter(lambda x: flt(x.debit, precision)!=0 or flt(, precision)!=0, merged_gl_map)
merged_gl_map = list(merged_gl_map)
return merged_gl_map
def check_if_in_list(gle, gl_map, dimensions=None):
account_head_fieldnames = ['voucher_detail_no', 'party', 'against_voucher',
'cost_center', 'against_voucher_type', 'party_type', 'project', 'finance_book']
if dimensions:
account_head_fieldnames = account_head_fieldnames + dimensions
for e in gl_map:
same_head = True
if e.account != gle.account:
same_head = False
for fieldname in account_head_fieldnames:
if cstr(e.get(fieldname)) != cstr(gle.get(fieldname)):
same_head = False
if same_head:
return e
def save_entries(gl_map, adv_adj, update_outstanding, from_repost=False):
if not from_repost:
if gl_map:
check_freezing_date(gl_map[0]["posting_date"], adv_adj)
for entry in gl_map:
make_entry(entry, adv_adj, update_outstanding, from_repost)
def make_entry(args, adv_adj, update_outstanding, from_repost=False):
gle = frappe.new_doc("GL Entry")
gle.flags.ignore_permissions = 1
gle.flags.from_repost = from_repost
gle.flags.adv_adj = adv_adj
gle.flags.update_outstanding = update_outstanding or 'Yes'
if not from_repost:
def validate_cwip_accounts(gl_map):
"""Validate that CWIP account are not used in Journal Entry"""
if gl_map and gl_map[0].voucher_type != "Journal Entry":
cwip_enabled = any(cint(ac.enable_cwip_accounting) for ac in frappe.db.get_all("Asset Category", "enable_cwip_accounting"))
if cwip_enabled:
cwip_accounts = [d[0] for d in frappe.db.sql("""select name from tabAccount
where account_type = 'Capital Work in Progress' and is_group=0""")]
for entry in gl_map:
if entry.account in cwip_accounts:
_("Account: <b>{0}</b> is capital Work in progress and can not be updated by Journal Entry").format(entry.account))
def round_off_debit_credit(gl_map):
precision = get_field_precision(frappe.get_meta("GL Entry").get_field("debit"),
currency=frappe.get_cached_value('Company', gl_map[0].company, "default_currency"))
debit_credit_diff = 0.0
for entry in gl_map:
entry.debit = flt(entry.debit, precision) = flt(, precision)
debit_credit_diff += entry.debit -
debit_credit_diff = flt(debit_credit_diff, precision)
if gl_map[0]["voucher_type"] in ("Journal Entry", "Payment Entry"):
allowance = 5.0 / (10**precision)
allowance = .5
if abs(debit_credit_diff) > allowance:
frappe.throw(_("Debit and Credit not equal for {0} #{1}. Difference is {2}.")
.format(gl_map[0].voucher_type, gl_map[0].voucher_no, debit_credit_diff))
elif abs(debit_credit_diff) >= (1.0 / (10**precision)):
make_round_off_gle(gl_map, debit_credit_diff, precision)
def make_round_off_gle(gl_map, debit_credit_diff, precision):
round_off_account, round_off_cost_center = get_round_off_account_and_cost_center(gl_map[0].company)
round_off_account_exists = False
round_off_gle = frappe._dict()
for d in gl_map:
if d.account == round_off_account:
round_off_gle = d
if d.debit:
debit_credit_diff -= flt(d.debit)
debit_credit_diff += flt(
round_off_account_exists = True
if round_off_account_exists and abs(debit_credit_diff) <= (1.0 / (10**precision)):
if not round_off_gle:
for k in ["voucher_type", "voucher_no", "company",
"posting_date", "remarks"]:
round_off_gle[k] = gl_map[0][k]
"account": round_off_account,
"debit_in_account_currency": abs(debit_credit_diff) if debit_credit_diff < 0 else 0,
"credit_in_account_currency": debit_credit_diff if debit_credit_diff > 0 else 0,
"debit": abs(debit_credit_diff) if debit_credit_diff < 0 else 0,
"credit": debit_credit_diff if debit_credit_diff > 0 else 0,
"cost_center": round_off_cost_center,
"party_type": None,
"party": None,
"is_opening": "No",
"against_voucher_type": None,
"against_voucher": None
if not round_off_account_exists:
def get_round_off_account_and_cost_center(company):
round_off_account, round_off_cost_center = frappe.get_cached_value('Company', company,
["round_off_account", "round_off_cost_center"]) or [None, None]
if not round_off_account:
frappe.throw(_("Please mention Round Off Account in Company"))
if not round_off_cost_center:
frappe.throw(_("Please mention Round Off Cost Center in Company"))
return round_off_account, round_off_cost_center
def make_reverse_gl_entries(gl_entries=None, voucher_type=None, voucher_no=None,
adv_adj=False, update_outstanding="Yes"):
Get original gl entries of the voucher
and make reverse gl entries by swapping debit and credit
if not gl_entries:
gl_entries = frappe.get_all("GL Entry",
fields = ["*"],
filters = {
"voucher_type": voucher_type,
"voucher_no": voucher_no,
"is_cancelled": 0
if gl_entries:
check_freezing_date(gl_entries[0]["posting_date"], adv_adj)
set_as_cancel(gl_entries[0]['voucher_type'], gl_entries[0]['voucher_no'])
for entry in gl_entries:
entry['name'] = None
debit = entry.get('debit', 0)
credit = entry.get('credit', 0)
debit_in_account_currency = entry.get('debit_in_account_currency', 0)
credit_in_account_currency = entry.get('credit_in_account_currency', 0)
entry['debit'] = credit
entry['credit'] = debit
entry['debit_in_account_currency'] = credit_in_account_currency
entry['credit_in_account_currency'] = debit_in_account_currency
entry['remarks'] = "On cancellation of " + entry['voucher_no']
entry['is_cancelled'] = 1
if entry['debit'] or entry['credit']:
make_entry(entry, adv_adj, "Yes")
def check_freezing_date(posting_date, adv_adj=False):
Nobody can do GL Entries where posting date is before freezing date
except authorized person
Administrator has all the roles so this check will be bypassed if any role is allowed to post
Hence stop admin to bypass if accounts are freezed
if not adv_adj:
acc_frozen_upto = frappe.db.get_value('Accounts Settings', None, 'acc_frozen_upto')
if acc_frozen_upto:
frozen_accounts_modifier = frappe.db.get_value( 'Accounts Settings', None,'frozen_accounts_modifier')
if getdate(posting_date) <= getdate(acc_frozen_upto) \
and (frozen_accounts_modifier not in frappe.get_roles() or frappe.session.user == 'Administrator'):
frappe.throw(_("You are not authorized to add or update entries before {0}").format(formatdate(acc_frozen_upto)))
def set_as_cancel(voucher_type, voucher_no):
Set is_cancelled=1 in all original gl entries for the voucher
frappe.db.sql("""UPDATE `tabGL Entry` SET is_cancelled = 1,
modified=%s, modified_by=%s
where voucher_type=%s and voucher_no=%s and is_cancelled = 0""",
(now(), frappe.session.user, voucher_type, voucher_no))