blob: d3b06feed915d899807fa62459bb99598d0ef7db [file] [log] [blame]
0. Make sure the wnmodules folder has the read,write,execute permissions for user,group and others.
1. After installing wnframework using the INSTALL.txt file from that project, do the following:
edit the file and set the variables as the templates there say.
2. Install dateutil module (apt-get install python-dateutil)
3. Unzip master.sql.gz in the modules folder
4. goto cgi-bin folder in wnframework and execute
python webnotes/install_lib/ root dbrootpassword dbname -s modules/master.sql
root is the root database login
dbrootpassword is the root password
dbname is the name of the database you want to create for the ERP
5. Login
Set permissions through Profile(on top toolbar)-->Roles
Permission: System Manager, Sales User etc.
Tools-->Clear Cache, and refresh your browser.
6. Go to Control Panel --> Set Company Name --> Clear Cache --> Refresh the system --> Go to Home --> Enter Company Abbr, Year begin date, currency and Save it.
7. Go to Setup-->System-->Global Defaults, save it.