blob: 79f79d7cc0ade46bb2442971361932f0bf4b36e5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os, sys
apache_user = None
is_redhat = is_debian = None
root_password = None
def install(install_path=None):
if not install_path:
install_path = os.getcwd()
def install_pre_requisites():
global is_redhat, is_debian
is_redhat, is_debian = validate_install()
if is_redhat:
elif is_debian:
print "-"*80
print "Pre-requisites Installed"
print "-"*80
def validate_install():
import platform
# check os
operating_system = platform.system()
print "Operating System =", operating_system
if operating_system != "Linux":
raise Exception, "Sorry! This installer works only for Linux based Operating Systems"
# check python version
python_version = sys.version.split(" ")[0]
print "Python Version =", python_version
if not (python_version and int(python_version.split(".")[0])==2 and int(python_version.split(".")[1]) >= 6):
raise Exception, "Hey! ERPNext needs Python version to be 2.6+"
# check distribution
distribution = platform.linux_distribution()[0].lower().replace('"', '')
print "Distribution = ", distribution
is_redhat = distribution in ("redhat", "centos", "centos linux", "fedora")
is_debian = distribution in ("debian", "ubuntu", "elementary os", "linuxmint")
if not (is_redhat or is_debian):
raise Exception, "Sorry! This installer works only with yum or apt-get package management"
return is_redhat, is_debian
def install_using_yum():
packages = "python python-setuptools gcc python-devel MySQL-python httpd git memcached ntp vim-enhanced screen"
print "-"*80
print "Installing Packages: (This may take some time)"
print packages
print "-"*80
exec_in_shell("yum install -y %s" % packages)
if not exec_in_shell("which mysql"):
packages = "mysql mysql-server mysql-devel"
print "Installing Packages:", packages
exec_in_shell("yum install -y %s" % packages)
exec_in_shell("service mysqld restart")
# set a root password post install
global root_password
print "Please create a password for root user of MySQL"
root_password = (get_root_password() or "erpnext").strip()
exec_in_shell('mysqladmin -u root password "%s"' % (root_password,))
print "Root password set as", root_password
# install htop
if not exec_in_shell("which htop"):
exec_in_shell("cd /tmp && rpm -i --force && yum install -y htop")
def update_config_for_redhat():
import re
global apache_user
apache_user = "apache"
# update memcache user
with open("/etc/sysconfig/memcached", "r") as original:
memcached_conf =
with open("/etc/sysconfig/memcached", "w") as modified:
modified.write(re.sub('USER.*', 'USER="%s"' % apache_user, memcached_conf))
# set to autostart on startup
for service in ("mysqld", "httpd", "memcached", "ntpd"):
exec_in_shell("chkconfig --level 2345 %s on" % service)
exec_in_shell("service %s restart" % service)
def install_using_apt():
exec_in_shell("apt-get update")
packages = "python python-setuptools python-dev build-essential python-pip python-mysqldb apache2 git memcached ntp vim screen htop"
print "-"*80
print "Installing Packages: (This may take some time)"
print packages
print "-"*80
exec_in_shell("apt-get install -y %s" % packages)
if not exec_in_shell("which mysql"):
packages = "mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev"
print "Installing Packages:", packages
exec_in_shell("apt-get install -y %s" % packages)
def update_config_for_debian():
global apache_user
apache_user = "www-data"
# update memcache user
with open("/etc/memcached.conf", "r") as original:
memcached_conf =
with open("/etc/memcached.conf", "w") as modified:
modified.write(memcached_conf.replace("-u memcache", "-u %s" % apache_user))
exec_in_shell("a2enmod rewrite")
for service in ("mysql", "apache2", "memcached", "ntpd"):
exec_in_shell("service %s restart" % service)
def install_python_modules():
python_modules = "pytz python-dateutil jinja2 markdown2 termcolor python-memcached requests chardet dropbox google-api-python-client pygeoip"
print "-"*80
print "Installing Python Modules: (This may take some time)"
print python_modules
print "-"*80
if not exec_in_shell("which pip"):
exec_in_shell("easy_install pip")
exec_in_shell("pip install --upgrade pip")
exec_in_shell("pip install --upgrade setuptools")
exec_in_shell("pip install --upgrade virtualenv")
exec_in_shell("pip install -q %s" % python_modules)
def install_erpnext(install_path):
print "-"*80
print "Installing ERPNext"
print "-"*80
# ask for details
global root_password
if not root_password:
root_password = get_root_password()
db_name = raw_input("ERPNext Database Name: ")
if not db_name:
raise Exception, "Sorry! You must specify ERPNext Database Name"
# install folders and conf
setup_conf(install_path, db_name)
# setup paths
sys.path.extend([".", "lib", "app"])
# install database, run patches, update schema
setup_db(install_path, root_password, db_name)
def get_root_password():
# ask for root mysql password
import getpass
root_pwd = None
root_pwd = getpass.getpass("MySQL Root user's Password: ")
return root_pwd
def test_root_connection(root_pwd):
out = exec_in_shell("mysql -u root %s -e 'exit'" % \
(("-p"+root_pwd) if root_pwd else "").replace('$', '\$').replace(' ', '\ '))
if "access denied" in out.lower():
raise Exception("Incorrect MySQL Root user's password")
def setup_folders(install_path):
app = os.path.join(install_path, "app")
if not os.path.exists(app):
print "Cloning erpnext"
exec_in_shell("cd %s && git clone app" % install_path)
exec_in_shell("cd app && git config core.filemode false")
if not os.path.exists(app):
raise Exception, "Couldn't clone erpnext repository"
lib = os.path.join(install_path, "lib")
if not os.path.exists(lib):
print "Cloning wnframework"
exec_in_shell("cd %s && git clone lib" % install_path)
exec_in_shell("cd lib && git config core.filemode false")
if not os.path.exists(lib):
raise Exception, "Couldn't clone wnframework repository"
public = os.path.join(install_path, "public")
for p in [public, os.path.join(public, "files"), os.path.join(public, "backups"),
os.path.join(install_path, "logs")]:
if not os.path.exists(p):
def setup_conf(install_path, db_name):
import os, string, random, re
# generate db password
char_range = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
db_password = "".join((random.choice(char_range) for n in xrange(16)))
# make conf file
with open(os.path.join(install_path, "lib", "conf", ""), "r") as template:
conf =
conf = re.sub("db_name.*", 'db_name = "%s"' % (db_name,), conf)
conf = re.sub("db_password.*", 'db_password = "%s"' % (db_password,), conf)
with open(os.path.join(install_path, ""), "w") as conf_file:
return db_password
def setup_db(install_path, root_password, db_name):
from webnotes.install_lib.install import Installer
inst = Installer("root", root_password)
inst.import_from_db(db_name, verbose=1)
# run patches and sync
exec_in_shell("./lib/ --patch_sync_build")
def setup_cron(install_path):
erpnext_cron_entries = [
"*/3 * * * * cd %s && python lib/ --run_scheduler >> /var/log/erpnext-sch.log 2>&1" % install_path,
"0 */6 * * * cd %s && python lib/ --backup >> /var/log/erpnext-backup.log 2>&1" % install_path
for row in erpnext_cron_entries:
existing_cron = exec_in_shell("crontab -l")
if row not in existing_cron:
exec_in_shell('{ crontab -l; echo "%s"; } | crontab' % row)
exec_in_shell('echo "%s" | crontab' % row)
def setup_apache_conf(install_path):
apache_conf_content = """Listen 8080
NameVirtualHost *:8080
<VirtualHost *:8080>
ServerName localhost
DocumentRoot %s/public/
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .xml .py
AddType application/ .eot
AddType font/ttf .ttf
AddType font/otf .otf
AddType application/x-font-woff .woff
<Directory %s/public/>
# directory specific options
Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
# directory's index file
AllowOverride all
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
# rewrite rule
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)$ /$1 [QSA,L]
</VirtualHost>""" % (install_path, install_path)
new_apache_conf_path = os.path.join(install_path, os.path.basename(install_path)+".conf")
with open(new_apache_conf_path, "w") as apache_conf_file:
def post_install(install_path):
global apache_user
exec_in_shell("chown -R %s %s" % (apache_user, install_path))
apache_conf_filename = os.path.basename(install_path)+".conf"
if is_redhat:
os.symlink(os.path.join(install_path, apache_conf_filename),
os.path.join("/etc/httpd/conf.d", apache_conf_filename))
exec_in_shell("service httpd restart")
elif is_debian:
os.symlink(os.path.join(install_path, apache_conf_filename),
os.path.join("/etc/apache2/sites-enabled", apache_conf_filename))
exec_in_shell("service apache2 restart")
print "-"*80
print "To change url domain, run: lib/ --domain"
print "-"*80
print "Installation complete"
print "Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080"
print "Login using username = Administrator and password = admin"
def exec_in_shell(cmd):
# using Popen instead of os.system - as recommended by python docs
from subprocess import Popen
import tempfile
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as stdout:
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as stderr:
p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
out =
err =
if err and any((kw in err.lower() for kw in ["traceback", "error", "exception"])):
print out
raise Exception, err
print "."
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":