blob: 05d900d0f04261d4d2576b50ef509e9a76c4f3e2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import getdate
def get_columns(filters, trans):
# get conditions for based_on filter cond
based_on_details = based_wise_columns_query(filters.get("based_on"), trans)
# get conditions for periodic filter cond
period_cols, period_select = period_wise_columns_query(filters, trans)
# get conditions for grouping filter cond
group_by_cols = group_wise_column(filters.get("group_by"))
columns = based_on_details["based_on_cols"] + period_cols + [_("Total(Qty)") + ":Float:120", _("Total(Amt)") + ":Currency:120"]
if group_by_cols:
columns = based_on_details["based_on_cols"] + group_by_cols + period_cols + \
[_("Total(Qty)") + ":Float:120", _("Total(Amt)") + ":Currency:120"]
conditions = {"based_on_select": based_on_details["based_on_select"], "period_wise_select": period_select,
"columns": columns, "group_by": based_on_details["based_on_group_by"], "grbc": group_by_cols, "trans": trans,
"addl_tables": based_on_details["addl_tables"], "addl_tables_relational_cond": based_on_details.get("addl_tables_relational_cond", "")}
return conditions
def validate_filters(filters):
for f in ["Fiscal Year", "Based On", "Period", "Company"]:
if not filters.get(f.lower().replace(" ", "_")):
frappe.throw(_("{0} is mandatory").format(f))
if not frappe.db.exists("Fiscal Year", filters.get("fiscal_year")):
frappe.throw(_("Fiscal Year {0} Does Not Exist").format(filters.get("fiscal_year")))
if filters.get("based_on") == filters.get("group_by"):
frappe.throw(_("'Based On' and 'Group By' can not be same"))
def get_data(filters, conditions):
data = []
inc, cond= '',''
query_details = conditions["based_on_select"] + conditions["period_wise_select"]
posting_date = 't1.transaction_date'
if conditions.get('trans') in ['Sales Invoice', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Purchase Receipt', 'Delivery Note']:
posting_date = 't1.posting_date'
if filters.period_based_on:
posting_date = 't1.'+filters.period_based_on
if conditions["based_on_select"] in ["t1.project,", "t2.project,"]:
cond = ' and '+ conditions["based_on_select"][:-1] +' IS Not NULL'
if conditions.get('trans') in ['Sales Order', 'Purchase Order']:
cond += " and t1.status != 'Closed'"
if conditions.get('trans') == 'Quotation' and filters.get("group_by") == 'Customer':
cond += " and t1.quotation_to = 'Customer'"
year_start_date, year_end_date = frappe.db.get_value("Fiscal Year",
filters.get('fiscal_year'), ["year_start_date", "year_end_date"])
if filters.get("group_by"):
sel_col = ''
ind = conditions["columns"].index(conditions["grbc"][0])
if filters.get("group_by") == 'Item':
sel_col = 't2.item_code'
elif filters.get("group_by") == 'Customer':
sel_col = 't1.party_name' if conditions.get('trans') == 'Quotation' else 't1.customer'
elif filters.get("group_by") == 'Supplier':
sel_col = 't1.supplier'
if filters.get('based_on') in ['Item','Customer','Supplier']:
inc = 2
else :
inc = 1
data1 = frappe.db.sql(""" select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Item` t2 %s
where t2.parent = and = %s and %s between %s and %s and
t1.docstatus = 1 %s %s
group by %s
""" % (query_details, conditions["trans"], conditions["trans"], conditions["addl_tables"], "%s",
posting_date, "%s", "%s", conditions.get("addl_tables_relational_cond"), cond, conditions["group_by"]), (filters.get("company"),
year_start_date, year_end_date),as_list=1)
for d in range(len(data1)):
#to add blanck column
dt = data1[d]
#to get distinct value of col specified by group_by in filter
row = frappe.db.sql("""select DISTINCT(%s) from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Item` t2 %s
where t2.parent = and = %s and %s between %s and %s
and t1.docstatus = 1 and %s = %s %s %s
""" %
(sel_col, conditions["trans"], conditions["trans"], conditions["addl_tables"],
"%s", posting_date, "%s", "%s", conditions["group_by"], "%s", conditions.get("addl_tables_relational_cond"), cond),
(filters.get("company"), year_start_date, year_end_date, data1[d][0]), as_list=1)
for i in range(len(row)):
des = ['' for q in range(len(conditions["columns"]))]
#get data for group_by filter
row1 = frappe.db.sql(""" select %s , %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Item` t2 %s
where t2.parent = and = %s and %s between %s and %s
and t1.docstatus = 1 and %s = %s and %s = %s %s %s
""" %
(sel_col, conditions["period_wise_select"], conditions["trans"],
conditions["trans"], conditions["addl_tables"], "%s", posting_date, "%s","%s", sel_col,
"%s", conditions["group_by"], "%s", conditions.get("addl_tables_relational_cond"), cond),
(filters.get("company"), year_start_date, year_end_date, row[i][0],
data1[d][0]), as_list=1)
des[ind] = row[i][0]
for j in range(1,len(conditions["columns"])-inc):
des[j+inc] = row1[0][j]
data = frappe.db.sql(""" select %s from `tab%s` t1, `tab%s Item` t2 %s
where t2.parent = and = %s and %s between %s and %s and
t1.docstatus = 1 %s %s
group by %s
""" %
(query_details, conditions["trans"], conditions["trans"], conditions["addl_tables"],
"%s", posting_date, "%s", "%s", cond, conditions.get("addl_tables_relational_cond", ""), conditions["group_by"]),
(filters.get("company"), year_start_date, year_end_date), as_list=1)
return data
def get_mon(dt):
return getdate(dt).strftime("%b")
def period_wise_columns_query(filters, trans):
query_details = ''
pwc = []
bet_dates = get_period_date_ranges(filters.get("period"), filters.get("fiscal_year"))
if trans in ['Purchase Receipt', 'Delivery Note', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Sales Invoice']:
trans_date = 'posting_date'
if filters.period_based_on:
trans_date = filters.period_based_on
trans_date = 'transaction_date'
if filters.get("period") != 'Yearly':
for dt in bet_dates:
get_period_wise_columns(dt, filters.get("period"), pwc)
query_details = get_period_wise_query(dt, trans_date, query_details)
pwc = [_(filters.get("fiscal_year")) + " ("+_("Qty") + "):Float:120",
_(filters.get("fiscal_year")) + " ("+ _("Amt") + "):Currency:120"]
query_details = " SUM(t2.stock_qty), SUM(t2.base_net_amount),"
query_details += 'SUM(t2.stock_qty), SUM(t2.base_net_amount)'
return pwc, query_details
def get_period_wise_columns(bet_dates, period, pwc):
if period == 'Monthly':
pwc += [_(get_mon(bet_dates[0])) + " (" + _("Qty") + "):Float:120",
_(get_mon(bet_dates[0])) + " (" + _("Amt") + "):Currency:120"]
pwc += [_(get_mon(bet_dates[0])) + "-" + _(get_mon(bet_dates[1])) + " (" + _("Qty") + "):Float:120",
_(get_mon(bet_dates[0])) + "-" + _(get_mon(bet_dates[1])) + " (" + _("Amt") + "):Currency:120"]
def get_period_wise_query(bet_dates, trans_date, query_details):
query_details += """SUM(IF(t1.%(trans_date)s BETWEEN '%(sd)s' AND '%(ed)s', t2.stock_qty, NULL)),
SUM(IF(t1.%(trans_date)s BETWEEN '%(sd)s' AND '%(ed)s', t2.base_net_amount, NULL)),
""" % {"trans_date": trans_date, "sd": bet_dates[0],"ed": bet_dates[1]}
return query_details
def get_period_date_ranges(period, fiscal_year=None, year_start_date=None):
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
if not year_start_date:
year_start_date, year_end_date = frappe.db.get_value("Fiscal Year",
fiscal_year, ["year_start_date", "year_end_date"])
increment = {
"Monthly": 1,
"Quarterly": 3,
"Half-Yearly": 6,
"Yearly": 12
period_date_ranges = []
for i in range(1, 13, increment):
period_end_date = getdate(year_start_date) + relativedelta(months=increment, days=-1)
if period_end_date > getdate(year_end_date):
period_end_date = year_end_date
period_date_ranges.append([year_start_date, period_end_date])
year_start_date = period_end_date + relativedelta(days=1)
if period_end_date == year_end_date:
return period_date_ranges
def get_period_month_ranges(period, fiscal_year):
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
period_month_ranges = []
for start_date, end_date in get_period_date_ranges(period, fiscal_year):
months_in_this_period = []
while start_date <= end_date:
start_date += relativedelta(months=1)
return period_month_ranges
def based_wise_columns_query(based_on, trans):
based_on_details = {}
# based_on_cols, based_on_select, based_on_group_by, addl_tables
if based_on == "Item":
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Item:Link/Item:120", "Item Name:Data:120"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t2.item_code, t2.item_name,"
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't2.item_code'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ''
elif based_on == "Item Group":
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Item Group:Link/Item Group:120"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t2.item_group,"
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't2.item_group'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ''
elif based_on == "Customer":
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Customer:Link/Customer:120", "Territory:Link/Territory:120"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t1.customer_name, t1.territory, "
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't1.party_name' if trans == 'Quotation' else 't1.customer'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ''
elif based_on == "Customer Group":
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Customer Group:Link/Customer Group"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t1.customer_group,"
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't1.customer_group'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ''
elif based_on == 'Supplier':
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Supplier:Link/Supplier:120", "Supplier Group:Link/Supplier Group:140"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t1.supplier, t3.supplier_group,"
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't1.supplier'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ',`tabSupplier` t3'
based_on_details["addl_tables_relational_cond"] = " and t1.supplier ="
elif based_on == 'Supplier Group':
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Supplier Group:Link/Supplier Group:140"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t3.supplier_group,"
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't3.supplier_group'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ',`tabSupplier` t3'
based_on_details["addl_tables_relational_cond"] = " and t1.supplier ="
elif based_on == "Territory":
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Territory:Link/Territory:120"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t1.territory,"
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't1.territory'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ''
elif based_on == "Project":
if trans in ['Sales Invoice', 'Delivery Note', 'Sales Order']:
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Project:Link/Project:120"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t1.project,"
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't1.project'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ''
elif trans in ['Purchase Order', 'Purchase Invoice', 'Purchase Receipt']:
based_on_details["based_on_cols"] = ["Project:Link/Project:120"]
based_on_details["based_on_select"] = "t2.project,"
based_on_details["based_on_group_by"] = 't2.project'
based_on_details["addl_tables"] = ''
frappe.throw(_("Project-wise data is not available for Quotation"))
return based_on_details
def group_wise_column(group_by):
if group_by:
return [group_by+":Link/"+group_by+":120"]
return []