| # Copyright (c) 2012 Web Notes Technologies Pvt Ltd. |
| # License: GNU General Public License (v3). For more information see license.txt |
| |
| from __future__ import unicode_literals |
| import webnotes |
| import website.utils |
| from webnotes import _ |
| |
| @webnotes.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def get_blog_list(start=0, by=None, category=None): |
| import webnotes |
| condition = "" |
| if by: |
| condition = " and t1.blogger='%s'" % by.replace("'", "\'") |
| if category: |
| condition += " and t1.blog_category='%s'" % category.replace("'", "\'") |
| query = """\ |
| select |
| t1.title, t1.name, t1.page_name, t1.creation as creation, |
| ifnull(t1.blog_intro, t1.content) as content, |
| t2.full_name, t2.avatar, t1.blogger, |
| (select count(name) from `tabComment` where |
| comment_doctype='Blog' and comment_docname=t1.name) as comments |
| from `tabBlog` t1, `tabBlogger` t2 |
| where ifnull(t1.published,0)=1 |
| and t1.blogger = t2.name |
| %(condition)s |
| order by creation desc, name asc |
| limit %(start)s, 5""" % {"start": start, "condition": condition} |
| |
| result = webnotes.conn.sql(query, as_dict=1) |
| |
| # strip html tags from content |
| import webnotes.utils |
| |
| for res in result: |
| from webnotes.utils import global_date_format, get_fullname |
| res['published'] = global_date_format(res['creation']) |
| if not res['content']: |
| res['content'] = website.utils.get_html(res['page_name']) |
| res['content'] = res['content'][:140] |
| if res.avatar and not "/" in res.avatar: |
| res.avatar = "files/" + res.avatar |
| |
| return result |
| |
| @webnotes.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def add_comment(args=None): |
| """ |
| args = { |
| 'comment': '', |
| 'comment_by': '', |
| 'comment_by_fullname': '', |
| 'comment_doctype': '', |
| 'comment_docname': '', |
| 'page_name': '', |
| } |
| """ |
| import webnotes |
| import webnotes.utils, markdown2 |
| import webnotes.widgets.form.comments |
| |
| if not args: args = webnotes.form_dict |
| args['comment'] = unicode(markdown2.markdown(args.get('comment') or '')) |
| |
| comment = webnotes.widgets.form.comments.add_comment(args) |
| |
| # since comments are embedded in the page, clear the web cache |
| website.utils.clear_cache(args.get('page_name')) |
| |
| comment['comment_date'] = webnotes.utils.global_date_format(comment['creation']) |
| template_args = { 'comment_list': [comment], 'template': 'html/comment.html' } |
| |
| # get html of comment row |
| comment_html = website.utils.build_html(template_args) |
| |
| # notify commentors |
| commentors = [d[0] for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select comment_by from tabComment where |
| comment_doctype='Blog' and comment_docname=%s and |
| ifnull(unsubscribed, 0)=0""", args.get('comment_docname'))] |
| |
| blog = webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from tabBlog where name=%s""", |
| args.get('comment_docname'), as_dict=1)[0] |
| |
| from webnotes.utils.email_lib.bulk import send |
| send(recipients=list(set(commentors + [blog['owner']])), |
| doctype='Comment', |
| email_field='comment_by', |
| subject='New Comment on Blog: ' + blog['title'], |
| message='%(comment)s<p>By %(comment_by_fullname)s</p>' % args) |
| |
| return comment_html |
| |
| @webnotes.whitelist(allow_guest=True) |
| def add_subscriber(): |
| """add blog subscriber to lead""" |
| full_name = webnotes.form_dict.get('your_name') |
| email = webnotes.form_dict.get('your_email_address') |
| name = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name from tabLead where email_id=%s""", email) |
| |
| from webnotes.model.doc import Document |
| if name: |
| lead = Document('Lead', name[0][0]) |
| else: |
| lead = Document('Lead') |
| |
| if not lead.source: lead.source = 'Blog' |
| lead.unsubscribed = 0 |
| lead.blog_subscriber = 1 |
| lead.lead_name = full_name |
| lead.email_id = email |
| lead.save() |
| |
| def get_blog_content(blog_page_name): |
| import website.utils |
| content = website.utils.get_html(blog_page_name) |
| content = split_blog_content(content) |
| import webnotes.utils |
| content = webnotes.utils.escape_html(content) |
| return content |
| |
| def get_blog_template_args(): |
| return { |
| "categories": webnotes.conn.sql_list("select name from `tabBlog Category` order by name") |
| } |
| |
| def get_writers_args(): |
| bloggers = webnotes.conn.sql("select * from `tabBlogger` order by full_name", as_dict=1) |
| for blogger in bloggers: |
| if blogger.avatar and not "/" in blogger.avatar: |
| blogger.avatar = "files/" + blogger.avatar |
| |
| return { |
| "bloggers": bloggers, |
| "texts": { |
| "all_posts_by": _("All posts by") |
| }, |
| "categories": webnotes.conn.sql_list("select name from `tabBlog Category` order by name") |
| } |