blob: 99462ceeee5a616376d1b1eb3a32d289ce967345 [file] [log] [blame]
import frappe
import as utils
no_cache = 1
def get_context(context):
# Load Query Parameters
program = frappe.form_dict["program"]
content = frappe.form_dict["content"]
content_type = frappe.form_dict["type"]
course = frappe.form_dict["course"]
topic = frappe.form_dict["topic"]
except KeyError:
frappe.local.flags.redirect_location = "/lms"
raise frappe.Redirect
# Check if user has access to the content
has_program_access = utils.allowed_program_access(program)
has_content_access = allowed_content_access(program, content, content_type)
if frappe.session.user == "Guest" or not has_program_access or not has_content_access:
frappe.local.flags.redirect_location = "/lms"
raise frappe.Redirect
# Set context for content to be displayer
context.content = frappe.get_doc(content_type, content).as_dict()
context.content_type = content_type
context.program = program
context.course = course
context.topic = topic
topic = frappe.get_doc("Topic", topic)
content_list = [
{"content_type": item.content_type, "content": item.content} for item in topic.topic_content
# Set context for progress numbers
context.position = content_list.index({"content": content, "content_type": content_type})
context.length = len(content_list)
# Set context for navigation
context.previous = get_previous_content(content_list, context.position) = get_next_content(content_list, context.position)
def get_next_content(content_list, current_index):
return content_list[current_index + 1]
except IndexError:
return None
def get_previous_content(content_list, current_index):
if current_index == 0:
return None
return content_list[current_index - 1]
def allowed_content_access(program, content, content_type):
contents_of_program = frappe.db.sql(
"""select `tabTopic Content`.content, `tabTopic Content`.content_type
from `tabCourse Topic`,
`tabProgram Course`,
`tabTopic Content`
where `tabCourse Topic`.parent = `tabProgram Course`.course
and `tabTopic Content`.parent = `tabCourse Topic`.topic
and `tabProgram Course`.parent = %(program)s""",
{"program": program},
return (content, content_type) in contents_of_program