blob: eccce2b574fa4276291a111f60a289d202123e2c [file] [log] [blame]
import frappe, re
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import cstr, flt, date_diff, getdate
from erpnext.regional.india import states, state_numbers
from erpnext.controllers.taxes_and_totals import get_itemised_tax, get_itemised_taxable_amount
from erpnext.controllers.accounts_controller import get_taxes_and_charges
from import get_salary_assignment
from import make_salary_slip
def validate_gstin_for_india(doc, method):
if not hasattr(doc, 'gstin'):
if doc.gstin:
doc.gstin = doc.gstin.upper()
if doc.gstin not in ["NA", "na"]:
p = re.compile("[0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[a-zA-Z]{1}[1-9A-Za-z]{1}[Z]{1}[0-9a-zA-Z]{1}")
if not p.match(doc.gstin):
frappe.throw(_("Invalid GSTIN or Enter NA for Unregistered"))
if not doc.gst_state:
if doc.state in states:
doc.gst_state = doc.state
if doc.gst_state:
doc.gst_state_number = state_numbers[doc.gst_state]
if doc.gstin and doc.gstin != "NA" and doc.gst_state_number != doc.gstin[:2]:
frappe.throw(_("First 2 digits of GSTIN should match with State number {0}")
def get_itemised_tax_breakup_header(item_doctype, tax_accounts):
if frappe.get_meta(item_doctype).has_field('gst_hsn_code'):
return [_("HSN/SAC"), _("Taxable Amount")] + tax_accounts
return [_("Item"), _("Taxable Amount")] + tax_accounts
def get_itemised_tax_breakup_data(doc):
itemised_tax = get_itemised_tax(doc.taxes)
itemised_taxable_amount = get_itemised_taxable_amount(doc.items)
if not frappe.get_meta(doc.doctype + " Item").has_field('gst_hsn_code'):
return itemised_tax, itemised_taxable_amount
item_hsn_map = frappe._dict()
for d in doc.items:
item_hsn_map.setdefault(d.item_code or d.item_name, d.get("gst_hsn_code"))
hsn_tax = {}
for item, taxes in itemised_tax.items():
hsn_code = item_hsn_map.get(item)
hsn_tax.setdefault(hsn_code, frappe._dict())
for tax_account, tax_detail in taxes.items():
hsn_tax[hsn_code].setdefault(tax_account, {"tax_rate": 0, "tax_amount": 0})
hsn_tax[hsn_code][tax_account]["tax_rate"] = tax_detail.get("tax_rate")
hsn_tax[hsn_code][tax_account]["tax_amount"] += tax_detail.get("tax_amount")
# set taxable amount
hsn_taxable_amount = frappe._dict()
for item, taxable_amount in itemised_taxable_amount.items():
hsn_code = item_hsn_map.get(item)
hsn_taxable_amount.setdefault(hsn_code, 0)
hsn_taxable_amount[hsn_code] += itemised_taxable_amount.get(item)
return hsn_tax, hsn_taxable_amount
def set_place_of_supply(doc, method=None):
doc.place_of_supply = get_place_of_supply(doc, doc.doctype)
# don't remove this function it is used in tests
def test_method():
'''test function'''
return 'overridden'
def get_place_of_supply(out, doctype):
if not frappe.get_meta('Address').has_field('gst_state'): return
if doctype in ("Sales Invoice", "Delivery Note"):
address_name = out.shipping_address_name or out.customer_address
elif doctype == "Purchase Invoice":
address_name = out.shipping_address or out.supplier_address
if address_name:
address = frappe.db.get_value("Address", address_name, ["gst_state", "gst_state_number"], as_dict=1)
if address.gst_state and address.gst_state_number:
return cstr(address.gst_state_number) + "-" + cstr(address.gst_state)
def get_regional_address_details(out, doctype, company):
out.place_of_supply = get_place_of_supply(out, doctype)
if not out.place_of_supply: return
if doctype in ("Sales Invoice", "Delivery Note"):
master_doctype = "Sales Taxes and Charges Template"
if not out.company_gstin:
elif doctype == "Purchase Invoice":
master_doctype = "Purchase Taxes and Charges Template"
if not out.supplier_gstin:
if ((doctype in ("Sales Invoice", "Delivery Note") and out.company_gstin
and out.company_gstin[:2] != out.place_of_supply[:2]) or (doctype == "Purchase Invoice"
and out.supplier_gstin and out.supplier_gstin[:2] != out.place_of_supply[:2])):
default_tax = frappe.db.get_value(master_doctype, {"company": company, "is_inter_state":1, "disabled":0})
default_tax = frappe.db.get_value(master_doctype, {"company": company, "disabled":0, "is_default": 1})
if not default_tax:
out["taxes_and_charges"] = default_tax
out.taxes = get_taxes_and_charges(master_doctype, default_tax)
def calculate_annual_eligible_hra_exemption(doc):
basic_component = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',, "basic_component")
hra_component = frappe.get_cached_value('Company',, "hra_component")
annual_exemption, monthly_exemption, hra_amount = 0, 0, 0
if hra_component and basic_component:
assignment = get_salary_assignment(doc.employee, getdate())
if assignment and frappe.db.exists("Salary Detail", {
"parent": assignment.salary_structure,
"salary_component": hra_component, "parentfield": "earnings"}):
basic_amount, hra_amount = get_component_amt_from_salary_slip(doc.employee,
assignment.salary_structure, basic_component, hra_component)
if hra_amount:
if doc.monthly_house_rent:
annual_exemption = calculate_hra_exemption(assignment.salary_structure,
basic_amount, hra_amount, doc.monthly_house_rent,
if annual_exemption > 0:
monthly_exemption = annual_exemption / 12
annual_exemption = 0
return {"hra_amount": hra_amount, "annual_exemption": annual_exemption, "monthly_exemption": monthly_exemption}
def get_component_amt_from_salary_slip(employee, salary_structure, basic_component, hra_component):
salary_slip = make_salary_slip(salary_structure, employee=employee)
basic_amt, hra_amt = 0, 0
for earning in salary_slip.earnings:
if earning.salary_component == basic_component:
basic_amt = earning.amount
elif earning.salary_component == hra_component:
hra_amt = earning.amount
if basic_amt and hra_amt:
return basic_amt, hra_amt
return basic_amt, hra_amt
def calculate_hra_exemption(salary_structure, basic, monthly_hra, monthly_house_rent, rented_in_metro_city):
# TODO make this configurable
exemptions = []
frequency = frappe.get_value("Salary Structure", salary_structure, "payroll_frequency")
# case 1: The actual amount allotted by the employer as the HRA.
exemptions.append(get_annual_component_pay(frequency, monthly_hra))
actual_annual_rent = monthly_house_rent * 12
annual_basic = get_annual_component_pay(frequency, basic)
# case 2: Actual rent paid less 10% of the basic salary.
exemptions.append(flt(actual_annual_rent) - flt(annual_basic * 0.1))
# case 3: 50% of the basic salary, if the employee is staying in a metro city (40% for a non-metro city).
exemptions.append(annual_basic * 0.5 if rented_in_metro_city else annual_basic * 0.4)
# return minimum of 3 cases
return min(exemptions)
def get_annual_component_pay(frequency, amount):
if frequency == "Daily":
return amount * 365
elif frequency == "Weekly":
return amount * 52
elif frequency == "Fortnightly":
return amount * 26
elif frequency == "Monthly":
return amount * 12
elif frequency == "Bimonthly":
return amount * 6
def validate_house_rent_dates(doc):
if not doc.rented_to_date or not doc.rented_from_date:
frappe.throw(_("House rented dates required for exemption calculation"))
if date_diff(doc.rented_to_date, doc.rented_from_date) < 14:
frappe.throw(_("House rented dates should be atleast 15 days apart"))
proofs = frappe.db.sql("""select name from `tabEmployee Tax Exemption Proof Submission`
where docstatus=1 and employee='{0}' and payroll_period='{1}' and
(rented_from_date between '{2}' and '{3}' or rented_to_date between
'{2}' and '{3}')""".format(doc.employee, doc.payroll_period,
doc.rented_from_date, doc.rented_to_date))
if proofs:
frappe.throw(_("House rent paid days overlap with {0}").format(proofs[0][0]))
def calculate_hra_exemption_for_period(doc):
monthly_rent, eligible_hra = 0, 0
if doc.house_rent_payment_amount:
# TODO receive rented months or validate dates are start and end of months?
# Calc monthly rent, round to nearest .5
factor = flt(date_diff(doc.rented_to_date, doc.rented_from_date) + 1)/30
factor = round(factor * 2)/2
monthly_rent = doc.house_rent_payment_amount / factor
# update field used by calculate_annual_eligible_hra_exemption
doc.monthly_house_rent = monthly_rent
exemptions = calculate_annual_eligible_hra_exemption(doc)
if exemptions["monthly_exemption"]:
# calc total exemption amount
eligible_hra = exemptions["monthly_exemption"] * factor
exemptions["monthly_house_rent"] = monthly_rent
exemptions["total_eligible_hra_exemption"] = eligible_hra
return exemptions