blob: 2563915ea8e3434dfd5859f80c82e66af025fd78 [file] [log] [blame]
# REMEMBER to update this
# ========================
last_patch = 388
def execute(patch_no):
import webnotes
from webnotes.modules.module_manager import reload_doc
from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
sql = webnotes.conn.sql
from webnotes.utils import cint, cstr, flt
from webnotes.model.doc import Document
from webnotes.model import delete_doc
if patch_no == 301:
from patches.delivery_billing_status_patch import run_patch
elif patch_no == 302:
sql("update `tabDocField` set no_copy = 1 where fieldname = 'naming_series'")
elif patch_no == 303:
elif patch_no == 304:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where parent = 'company' and label = 'Trash Company' and fieldtype = 'button'")
reload_doc('setup', 'doctype', 'company')
elif patch_no == 305:
sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'link:Company' where options='link:Company' and fieldname='company' and fieldtype='Select'")
elif patch_no == 306:
sql("update `tabDocField` set options = '\nAccount\nCompany\nCustomer\nSupplier\nEmployee\nWarehouse\nItem' where parent = 'Rename Tool' and fieldname = 'select_doctype'")
sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'link:Item' where parent = 'Raw Materials Supplied' and fieldname = 'po_item'")
sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'Sales Order' where parent = 'Indent Detail' and fieldname = 'sales_order_no'")
sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'link:Company', fieldtype = 'Select' where parent = 'Stock Ledger Entry' and fieldname = 'company'")
reload_doc('utilities', 'doctype', 'rename_tool')
elif patch_no == 307:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where parent = 'company' and label = 'Trash Company' and fieldtype = 'Button'")
reload_doc('setup', 'doctype', 'company')
elif patch_no == 308:
sql("update `tabDocField` set reqd = 0 where fieldname = 'select_item' and parent = 'Property Setter'")
elif patch_no == 309:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'item_attachments_details' and parent = 'Item'")
sql("delete from `tabModule Def Item` where parent = 'Stock' and doc_name = 'Landed Cost Wizard'")
elif patch_no == 310:
from erpnext_structure_cleanup import run_patches
elif patch_no == 311:
sql("update `tabDocField` set reqd = 0 where fieldname = 'select_item' and parent = 'Property Setter'")
#reload_doc('core', 'doctype', 'property_setter')
elif patch_no == 312:
sql("delete from `tabSessions`")
sql("delete from `__SessionCache`")
elif patch_no == 313:
dt = ['GL Entry', 'Stock Ledger Entry']
for t in dt:
rec = sql("select voucher_type, voucher_no, ifnull(is_cancelled, 'No') from `tab%s` where modified >= '2011-07-06 10:00:00' group by voucher_no" % t)
for d in rec:
sql("update `tab%s` set docstatus = %s where name = '%s'" % (d[0], d[2]=='No' and 1 or 2, d[1]))
other_dt = ['Enquiry', 'Quotation', 'Sales Order', 'Indent', 'Purchase Order', 'Production Order', 'Customer Issue', 'Installation Note']
for dt in other_dt:
rec = sql("select name, status from `tab%s` where modified >= '2011-07-06 10:00:00'" % dt)
for r in rec:
sql("update `tab%s` set docstatus = %s where name = '%s'" % (dt, (r[1] in ['Submitted', 'Closed'] and 1 or r[1]=='Cancelled' and 2 or 0), r[0]))
dt_list = ['Delivery Note', 'Purchase Receipt']
for dt in dt_list:
sql("update `tab%s` set status = 'Submitted' where docstatus = 1 and modified >='2011-07-06 10:00:00'" % dt)
sql("update `tab%s` set status = 'Cancelled' where docstatus = 2 and modified >='2011-07-06 10:00:00'" % dt)
dt_list = ['Enquiry', 'Quotation', 'Sales Order', 'Indent', 'Purchase Order', 'Production Order', 'Customer Issue', 'Installation Note', 'Receivable Voucher', 'Payable Voucher', 'Delivery Note', 'Purchase Receipt', 'Journal Voucher', 'Stock Entry']
for d in dt_list:
tbl = sql("select options from `tabDocField` where fieldtype = 'Table' and parent = '%s'" % d)
for t in tbl:
sql("update `tab%s` t1, `tab%s` t2 set t1.docstatus = t2.docstatus where t1.parent =" % (t[0], d))
elif patch_no == 314:
# delete double feed
sql("delete from tabFeed where subject like 'New %'")
elif patch_no == 315:
# delete double feed
sql("delete from tabFeed where doc_name like 'New %'")
reload_doc('core', 'doctype', 'property_setter')
from webnotes.model.doc import Document
m = Document('Module Def Role')
m.role = 'All'
m.parent = 'Home'
m.parenttype = 'Module Def'
m.parentfield = 'roles'
elif patch_no == 316:
elif patch_no == 317:
sql("update `tabPage` set name = 'profile-settings' where page_name = 'Profile Settings'")
elif patch_no == 318:
reload_doc('utilities', 'doctype', 'bulk_rename_tool')
elif patch_no == 319:
sql("delete from tabFeed where doc_name like 'New %'")
elif patch_no == 320:
reload_doc('setup', 'doctype', 'series_detail')
elif patch_no == 321:
elif patch_no == 322:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where parent = 'Leave Application' and fieldname = 'latter_head'")
elif patch_no == 323:
reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'stock_entry')
sql("update `tabDocField` set options = 'get_stock_and_rate' where parent = 'Stock Entry' and label = 'Get Stock and Rate'")
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where label = 'Get Current Stock' and parent = 'Stock Entry'")
elif patch_no == 324:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'test_field' and parent = 'Customer'")
elif patch_no == 325:
sql("update `tabDocField` set fieldtype = 'Data' where parent = 'Salary Slip' and fieldname = 'total_days_in_month'")
reload_doc('hr', 'doctype', 'salary_slip')
elif patch_no == 326:
# load the new billing page
if cint(webnotes.conn.get_value('Control Panel',None,'sync_with_gateway')):
elif patch_no == 327:
# patch for support email settings now moved to email settings
# map fields from support to email settings
field_map = {
'support_email': 'email',
'support_username': 'username',
'support_password': 'password',
'support_use_ssl': 'use_ssl',
'sync_support_mails': 'integrate_incoming',
'signature': 'support_signature'
for key in field_map:
webnotes.conn.set_value('Email Settings',None,key, \
webnotes.conn.get_value('Support Email Settings',None,field_map[key]))
# delete support email settings
delete_doc('DocType', 'Support Email Settings')
sql("delete from tabDocField where fieldname='problem_description' and parent='Support Ticket'")
elif patch_no == 328:
if webnotes.conn.get_value('Control Panel', None, 'account_id') != 'axjanak2011':
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'supplier_status' and parent = 'Supplier'")
elif patch_no == 329:
reload_doc('utilities', 'doctype', 'rename_tool')
reload_doc('utilities', 'doctype', 'bulk_rename_tool')
elif patch_no == 330:
reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'lease_agreement')
reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'lease_installment')
reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_agreement_list')
reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_monthly_future_installment_inflows')
reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_overdue_age_wise')
reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_over_due_list')
reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_receipts_client_wise')
reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_receipt_summary_year_to_date')
reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'lease_yearly_future_installment_inflows')
reload_doc('accounts', 'Module Def', 'Accounts')
elif patch_no == 331:
p = get_obj('Patch Util')
# permission
p.add_permission('Lease Agreement', 'Accounts Manager', 0, read = 1, write=1,submit=1, cancel=1,amend=1)
p.add_permission('Lease Agreement', 'Accounts Manager', 1, read = 1)
elif patch_no == 332:
sql("update `tabDocField` set permlevel=1, hidden = 1 where parent = 'Bulk Rename Tool' and fieldname = 'file_list'")
elif patch_no == 333:
sql("update `tabDocPerm` set `create` =1 where role = 'Accounts Manager' and parent = 'Lease Agreement'")
p = get_obj('Patch Util')
p.add_permission('DocType Mapper', 'System Manager', 0, read = 1, write=1, create=1)
p.add_permission('Role', 'System Manager', 0, read = 1, write=1, create=1)
p.add_permission('Print Format', 'System Manager', 0, read = 1, write=1, create=1)
elif patch_no == 334:
reload_doc('knowledge_base', 'doctype', 'answer')
elif patch_no == 335:
for dt in ['Account', 'Cost Center', 'Territory', 'Item Group', 'Customer Group']:
sql("update `tabDocField` set fieldtype = 'Link', options = %s where fieldname = 'old_parent' and parent = %s", (dt, dt))
elif patch_no == 336:
elif patch_no == 337:
item_list = webnotes.conn.sql("""SELECT name, description_html
FROM tabItem""")
if item_list:
for item, html in item_list:
if html and "getfile" in html and "acx" in html:
ac_id = webnotes.conn.sql("""SELECT value FROM `tabSingles` WHERE doctype='Control Panel' AND field='account_id'""")
sp_acx = html.split("acx=")
l_acx = len(sp_acx)
if l_acx > 1:
for i in range(l_acx-1):
sp_quot = sp_acx[i+1].split('"')
if len(sp_quot) > 1: sp_quot[0] = str(ac_id[0][0])
sp_acx[i+1] = '"'.join(sp_quot)
html = "acx=".join(sp_acx)
webnotes.conn.sql("""UPDATE tabItem SET description_html=%s WHERE name=%s""", (html, item))
elif patch_no == 338:
# Patch for billing status based on amount
# reload so and dn
# delete billed_qty field
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'billed_qty' and parent in ('Sales Order Detail', 'Delivery Note Detail')")
# update billed amt in item table in so and dn
sql(""" update `tabSales Order Detail` so
set billed_amt = (select sum(amount) from `tabRV Detail` where `so_detail`= and docstatus=1 and parent not like 'old%%'), modified = now()""")
sql(""" update `tabDelivery Note Detail` dn
set billed_amt = (select sum(amount) from `tabRV Detail` where `dn_detail`= and docstatus=1 and parent not like 'old%%'), modified = now()""")
# calculate % billed based on item table
sql(""" update `tabSales Order` so
set per_billed = (select sum(if(amount > ifnull(billed_amt, 0), billed_amt, amount))/sum(amount)*100 from `tabSales Order Detail` where parent =, modified = now()""")
sql(""" update `tabDelivery Note` dn
set per_billed = (select sum(if(amount > ifnull(billed_amt, 0), billed_amt, amount))/sum(amount)*100 from `tabDelivery Note Detail` where parent =, modified = now()""")
# update billing status based on % billed
sql("""update `tabSales Order` set billing_status = if(ifnull(per_billed,0) < 0.001, 'Not Billed',
if(per_billed >= 99.99, 'Fully Billed', 'Partly Billed'))""")
sql("""update `tabDelivery Note` set billing_status = if(ifnull(per_billed,0) < 0.001, 'Not Billed',
if(per_billed >= 99.99, 'Fully Billed', 'Partly Billed'))""")
# update name of questions page
sql("update tabPage set name='questions' where name='Questions'")
sql("update tabPage set name='question-view' where name='Question View'")
elif patch_no == 339:
elif patch_no == 340:
sql("update `tabDocField` set permlevel = 0 where (fieldname in ('process', 'production_order', 'fg_completed_qty') or label = 'Get Items') and parent = 'Stock Entry'")
elif patch_no == 341:
reload_doc('stock','Print Format','Delivery Note Packing List Wise')
if not sql("select format from `tabDocFormat` where name = 'Delivery Note Packing List Wise' and parent = 'Delivery Note'"):
from webnotes.model.doc import addchild
dt_obj = get_obj('DocType', 'Delivery Note', with_children = 1)
ch = addchild(dt_obj.doc, 'formats', 'DocFormat', 1)
ch.format = 'Delivery Note Packing List Wise'
elif patch_no == 342:
sql("update `tabDocField` set permlevel = 0 where parent = 'Stock Entry Detail' and fieldname in ('s_warehouse', 't_warehouse', 'fg_item')")
elif patch_no == 343:
elif patch_no == 344:
sql("delete from `tabDocFormat` where ifnull(format, '') = '' and parent = 'Delivery Note'")
reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'delivery_note_detail')
reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'item_customer_detail')
elif patch_no == 345:
# rerun 343 (merge confict)
sql("delete from `tabModule Def Item` where display_name = 'Salary Slip Control Panel' and parent = 'HR'")
reload_doc('hr','Module Def','HR')
elif patch_no == 346:
elif patch_no == 347:
sql("delete from `tabField Mapper Detail` where from_field = to_field and map = 'Yes' and ifnull(checking_operator, '') = ''")
elif patch_no == 348:
sql("update `tabStock Ledger Entry` set is_cancelled = 'No' where voucher_type = 'Serial No'")
elif patch_no == 349:
delete_doc('Custom Script', 'Update Series-Server')
delete_doc('Custom Script', 'Profile-Client')
delete_doc('Custom Script', 'Event-Client')
delete_doc('Custom Script', 'File-Server')
# reload profile with new fields for security
delete_doc('DocType', 'Profile')
reload_doc('core', 'doctype', 'profile')
elif patch_no == 350:
reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'delivery_note_detail')
reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'item_customer_detail')
elif patch_no == 351:
reload_doc('home', 'page', 'dashboard')
elif patch_no == 352:
reload_doc('stock','Print Format','Delivery Note Packing List Wise')
if not sql("select format from `tabDocFormat` where name = 'Delivery Note Packing List Wise' and parent = 'Delivery Note'"):
from webnotes.model.doc import addchild
dt_obj = get_obj('DocType', 'Delivery Note', with_children = 1)
ch = addchild(dt_obj.doc, 'formats', 'DocFormat', 1)
ch.format = 'Delivery Note Packing List Wise'
elif patch_no == 353:
reload_doc('core', 'doctype', 'doctype')
sql("update `tabDocType` set default_print_format = 'Standard' where name = 'Delivery Note'")
elif patch_no == 354:
reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'delivery_note')
reload_doc('stock', 'doctype', 'delivery_note_detail')
elif patch_no == 355:
sql("update `tabDocField` set print_hide =1 where fieldname in ('pack_no', 'pack_gross_wt', 'weight_uom', 'pack_nett_wt') and parent = 'Delivery Note Detail'")
elif patch_no == 356:
sql("update `tabDocField` set print_hide =1 where fieldname = 'print_packing_slip' and parent = 'Delivery Note'")
elif patch_no == 357:
reload_doc('hr', 'doctype', 'salary_manager')
elif patch_no == 358:
reload_doc('setup', 'doctype','features_setup')
sql("update tabDocField set label='Produced Qty',description='Updated after finished goods are transferred to FG Warehouse through Stock Entry' where parent='Production Order' and fieldname='produced_qty'")
rs = sql("select fieldname from tabDocField where parent='Features Setup' and fieldname is not null")
from webnotes.model.doc import Document
m = Document('Features Setup')
for d in rs:
m.fields[d[0]] = 1
elif patch_no == 359:
reload_doc('hr', 'doctype', 'salary_slip')
delete_doc('DocType', 'Salary Control Panel')
elif patch_no == 360:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where (fieldname in ('client_string', 'server_code_error', 'server_code_compiled', 'server_code', 'server_code_core', 'client_script', 'client_script_core', 'dt_template', 'change_log') or label = 'Template') and parent = 'DocType'")
elif patch_no == 361:
sql("update `tabModule Def Item` set doc_name = 'GL Entry' where display_name in ('Lease Agreement List', 'Lease Monthly Future Installment Inflows', 'Lease Overdue Age Wise', 'Lease Overdue List', 'Lease Receipts Client Wise', 'Lease Receipt Summary Month Wise', 'Lease Yearly Future Installment Inflows') and parent = 'Accounts'")
elif patch_no == 362:
sql("update `tabDocField` set no_copy = 1 where fieldname in ('amended_from', 'amendment_date', 'file_list', 'naming_series', 'status')")
elif patch_no == 363:
reload_doc('accounts', 'search_criteria', 'voucher_wise_tax_details')
reload_doc('accounts', 'Module Def', 'Accounts')
mappers = sql("select name, module from `tabDocType Mapper`")
for d in mappers:
if d[0] and d[1]:
reload_doc(d[1].lower(), 'DocType Mapper', d[0])
elif patch_no == 364:
sql("""delete from `tabField Mapper Detail`
where to_field in ('qty', 'amount', 'export_amount')
and parent in ('Sales Order-Receivable Voucher', 'Delivery Note-Receivable Voucher')
mappers = sql("select name, module from `tabDocType Mapper`")
for d in mappers:
if d[0] and d[1]:
reload_doc(d[1].lower(), 'DocType Mapper', d[0])
elif patch_no == 365:
from patches.delivery_billing_status_patch import run_patch
elif patch_no == 367:
bin = sql("select name from tabBin")
for b in bin:
bobj = get_obj('Bin',b[0])
bobj.update_entries_after(posting_date = '2011-09-01', posting_time = '01:00')
elif patch_no == 368:
from webnotes.utils import nestedset
t = [
['Account', 'parent_account'], ['Cost Center', 'parent_cost_center'],
['Item Group', 'parent_item_group'], ['Territory', 'parent_territory'],
['Customer Group', 'parent_customer_group'], ['Sales Person', 'parent_sales_person']
for d in t:
nestedset.rebuild_tree(d[0], d[1])
elif patch_no == 369:
reload_doc('hr', 'doctype', 'appraisal')
reload_doc('hr', 'doctype', 'appraisal_detail')
elif patch_no == 370:
sql("update `tabDocField` set `hidden` = 0 where fieldname = 'group_or_ledger' and parent = 'Cost Center'")
elif patch_no == 371:
from webnotes.modules.module_manager import reload_doc
reload_doc('setup', 'doctype','features_setup')
flds = ['page_break', 'projects', 'packing_details', 'discounts', 'brands', 'item_batch_nos', 'after_sales_installations', 'item_searial_nos', 'item_group_in_details', 'exports', 'imports', 'item_advanced', 'sales_extras', 'more_info', 'quality', 'manufacturing', 'pos', 'item_serial_nos']
for f in flds:
val = sql("select value from tabSingles where field = '%s' and doctype = 'Features Setup'" % f)
val = val and val[0][0] or 0
sql("update `tabSingles` set `value` = %s where `field` = '%s' and doctype = 'Features Setup'" % (val, '__'+f))
st = "'"+"', '".join(flds)+"'"
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname in (%s) and parent = 'Features Setup'" % st)
sql("delete from `tabDefaultValue` where defkey in (%s) and parent = 'Control Panel'" % st)
get_obj('Features Setup', 'Features Setup')
elif patch_no == 372:
from webnotes.modules.module_manager import reload_doc
reload_doc('setup', 'doctype','features_setup')
flds = ['page_break', 'projects', 'packing_details', 'discounts', 'brands', 'item_batch_nos', 'after_sales_installations', 'item_searial_nos', 'item_group_in_details', 'exports', 'imports', 'item_advanced', 'sales_extras', 'more_info', 'quality', 'manufacturing', 'pos', 'item_serial_nos']
for f in flds:
val = sql("select value from tabSingles where field = '%s' and doctype = 'Features Setup'" % f)
val = val and val[0][0] or 0
sql("update `tabSingles` set `value` = %s where `field` = '%s' and doctype = 'Features Setup'" % (val, 'fs_'+f))
st = "'__"+"', '__".join(flds)+"'"
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname in (%s) and parent = 'Features Setup'" % st)
sql("delete from `tabDefaultValue` where defkey in (%s) and parent = 'Control Panel'" % st)
get_obj('Features Setup', 'Features Setup')
elif patch_no == 373:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname = 'item_searial_nos' and parent = 'Features Setup'")
sql("delete from `tabDefaultValue` where defkey = 'item_searial_nos' and parent = 'Control Panel'")
elif patch_no == 374:
rs = sql("select fieldname from tabDocField where parent='Features Setup' and fieldname is not null")
from webnotes.model.code import get_obj
m = get_obj('Features Setup')
for d in rs:
m.doc.fields[d[0]] = 1
elif patch_no == 375:
from webnotes.session_cache import clear_cache
elif patch_no == 376:
reload_doc('stock', 'DocType Mapper', 'Purchase Order-Purchase Receipt')
elif patch_no == 377:
flds = ['page_break', 'projects', 'packing_details', 'discounts', 'brands', 'item_batch_nos', 'after_sales_installations', 'item_searial_nos', 'item_group_in_details', 'exports', 'imports', 'item_advanced', 'sales_extras', 'more_info', 'quality', 'manufacturing', 'pos', 'item_serial_nos']
st = "'"+"', '".join(flds)+"'"
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where fieldname in (%s) and parent = 'Features Setup'" % st)
sql("delete from `tabDefaultValue` where defkey in (%s) and parent = 'Control Panel'" % st)
from webnotes.session_cache import clear_cache
elif patch_no == 378:
comp = sql("select name from tabCompany where docstatus!=2")
fy = sql("select name from `tabFiscal Year` order by year_start_date asc")
for c in comp:
prev_fy = ''
for f in fy:
fy_obj = get_obj('Fiscal Year', f[0])
fy_obj.doc.past_year = prev_fy = c[0]
prev_fy = f[0]
sql("start transaction")
elif patch_no == 379:
sql("update tabDocPerm set amend = 0 where parent = 'Salary Structure'")
sql("update tabDocPerm set cancel = 1 where parent = 'Company' and role = 'System Manager'")
elif patch_no == 380:
if sql("select count(name) from `tabDocField` where label = 'View Ledger Entry' and parent = 'Journal Voucher' and fieldtype = 'Button'")[0][0] > 1:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where label = 'View Ledger Entry' and parent = 'Journal Voucher' and fieldtype = 'Button' limit 1")
if sql("select count(name) from `tabDocField` where label = 'Get Balance' and parent = 'Journal Voucher' and fieldtype = 'Button'")[0][0] > 1:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where label = 'Get Balance' and parent = 'Journal Voucher' and fieldtype = 'Button' limit 1")
elif patch_no == 381:
reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'internal_reconciliation')
reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'ir_payment_detail')
reload_doc('accounts', 'Module Def', 'Accounts')
elif patch_no == 382:
if sql("select count(name) from `tabDocField` where label = 'Get Specification Details' and parent = 'QA Inspection Report' and fieldtype = 'Button'")[0][0] > 1:
sql("delete from `tabDocField` where label = 'Get Specification Details' and parent = 'QA Inspection Report' and fieldtype = 'Button' limit 1")
elif patch_no == 383:
reload_doc('accounts', 'doctype', 'cost_center')
elif patch_no == 384:
reload_doc('stock', 'Module Def', 'Stock')
sql("delete from `tabModule Def Item` where display_name = 'Serial No' and parent = 'Support'")
sql("update `tabDocType` set subject = 'Item Code: %(item_code)s, Warehouse: %(warehouse)s' where name = 'Serial No'")
elif patch_no == 385:
# Patch for adding packing related columns (packed by, checked by, shipping mark etc)
elif patch_no == 386:
sql("update `tabDocField` set allow_on_submit = 1 where fieldname = 'page_break'")
elif patch_no == 387:
sql("update `tabDocField` set allow_on_submit = 1 where fieldname in ('indent_details', 'po_details', 'purchase_receipt_details', 'entries', 'sales_order_details', 'delivery_note_details', 'quotation_details') and fieldtype = 'Table'")
elif patch_no == 388: