blob: 9322ca6aa6479bce3cfbb708c1f0fcb5f6cc205d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013, Web Notes Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe.utils import flt
from frappe import msgprint, _, throw
from frappe.model.document import Document
status_map = {
"Contact": [
["Replied", "communication_sent"],
["Open", "communication_received"]
"Job Applicant": [
["Replied", "communication_sent"],
["Open", "communication_received"]
"Lead": [
["Replied", "communication_sent"],
["Converted", "has_customer"],
["Opportunity", "has_opportunity"],
["Open", "communication_received"],
"Opportunity": [
["Draft", None],
["Submitted", "eval:self.docstatus==1"],
["Lost", "eval:self.status=='Lost'"],
["Quotation", "has_quotation"],
["Replied", "communication_sent"],
["Cancelled", "eval:self.docstatus==2"],
["Open", "communication_received"],
"Quotation": [
["Draft", None],
["Submitted", "eval:self.docstatus==1"],
["Lost", "eval:self.status=='Lost'"],
["Ordered", "has_sales_order"],
["Replied", "communication_sent"],
["Cancelled", "eval:self.docstatus==2"],
["Open", "communication_received"],
"Sales Order": [
["Draft", None],
["Submitted", "eval:self.docstatus==1"],
["Stopped", "eval:self.status=='Stopped'"],
["Cancelled", "eval:self.docstatus==2"],
"Support Ticket": [
["Replied", "communication_sent"],
["Open", "communication_received"]
class StatusUpdater(Document):
Updates the status of the calling records
Delivery Note: Update Delivered Qty, Update Percent and Validate over delivery
Sales Invoice: Update Billed Amt, Update Percent and Validate over billing
Installation Note: Update Installed Qty, Update Percent Qty and Validate over installation
def update_prevdoc_status(self):
def set_status(self, update=False):
if self.get("__islocal"):
if self.doctype in status_map:
sl = status_map[self.doctype][:]
for s in sl:
if not s[1]:
self.status = s[0]
elif s[1].startswith("eval:"):
if eval(s[1][5:]):
self.status = s[0]
elif getattr(self, s[1])():
self.status = s[0]
if update:
frappe.db.set_value(self.doctype,, "status", self.status)
def on_communication(self):
if not self.get("communications"): return
self.communication_set = True
self.get("communications").sort(key=lambda d: d.creation)
del self.communication_set
def communication_received(self):
if getattr(self, "communication_set", False):
last_comm = self.get("communications")
if last_comm:
return last_comm[-1].sent_or_received == "Received"
def communication_sent(self):
if getattr(self, "communication_set", False):
last_comm = self.get("communications")
if last_comm:
return last_comm[-1].sent_or_received == "Sent"
def validate_qty(self):
Validates qty at row level
self.tolerance = {}
self.global_tolerance = None
for args in self.status_updater:
# get unique transactions to update
for d in self.get_all_children():
if d.doctype == args['source_dt'] and d.get(args["join_field"]):
args['name'] = d.get(args['join_field'])
# get all qty where qty > target_field
item = frappe.db.sql("""select item_code, `{target_ref_field}`,
`{target_field}`, parenttype, parent from `tab{target_dt}`
where `{target_ref_field}` < `{target_field}`
and name=%s and docstatus=1""".format(**args),
args['name'], as_dict=1)
if item:
item = item[0]
item['idx'] = d.idx
item['target_ref_field'] = args['target_ref_field'].replace('_', ' ')
if not item[args['target_ref_field']]:
msgprint(_("Note: System will not check over-delivery and over-booking for Item {0} as quantity or amount is 0").format(item.item_code))
elif args.get('no_tolerance'):
item['reduce_by'] = item[args['target_field']] - \
if item['reduce_by'] > .01:
msgprint(_("Allowance for over-delivery / over-billing crossed for Item {0}").format(item.item_code))
throw(_("{0} must be less than or equal to {1}").format(_(item.target_ref_field), item[args["target_ref_field"]]))
self.check_overflow_with_tolerance(item, args)
def check_overflow_with_tolerance(self, item, args):
Checks if there is overflow condering a relaxation tolerance
# check if overflow is within tolerance
tolerance, self.tolerance, self.global_tolerance = get_tolerance_for(item['item_code'],
self.tolerance, self.global_tolerance)
overflow_percent = ((item[args['target_field']] - item[args['target_ref_field']]) /
item[args['target_ref_field']]) * 100
if overflow_percent - tolerance > 0.01:
item['max_allowed'] = flt(item[args['target_ref_field']] * (100+tolerance)/100)
item['reduce_by'] = item[args['target_field']] - item['max_allowed']
msgprint(_("Allowance for over-delivery / over-billing crossed for Item {0}.").format(item["item_code"]))
throw(_("{0} must be less than or equal to {1}").format(item["target_ref_field"].title(), item["max_allowed"]))
def update_qty(self, change_modified=True):
Updates qty at row level
for args in self.status_updater:
# condition to include current record (if submit or no if cancel)
if self.docstatus == 1:
args['cond'] = ' or parent="%s"' %'"', '\"')
args['cond'] = ' and parent!="%s"' %'"', '\"')
args['modified_cond'] = ''
if change_modified:
args['modified_cond'] = ', modified = now()'
# update quantities in child table
for d in self.get_all_children():
if d.doctype == args['source_dt']:
# updates qty in the child table
args['detail_id'] = d.get(args['join_field'])
args['second_source_condition'] = ""
if args.get('second_source_dt') and args.get('second_source_field') \
and args.get('second_join_field'):
args['second_source_condition'] = """ + (select sum(%(second_source_field)s)
from `tab%(second_source_dt)s`
where `%(second_join_field)s`="%(detail_id)s"
and (docstatus=1))""" % args
if args['detail_id']:
frappe.db.sql("""update `tab%(target_dt)s`
set %(target_field)s = (select sum(%(source_field)s)
from `tab%(source_dt)s` where `%(join_field)s`="%(detail_id)s"
and (docstatus=1 %(cond)s)) %(second_source_condition)s
where name='%(detail_id)s'""" % args)
# get unique transactions to update
for name in set([d.get(args['percent_join_field']) for d in self.get_all_children(args['source_dt'])]):
if name:
args['name'] = name
# update percent complete in the parent table
frappe.db.sql("""update `tab%(target_parent_dt)s`
set %(target_parent_field)s = (select sum(if(%(target_ref_field)s >
ifnull(%(target_field)s, 0), %(target_field)s,
from `tab%(target_dt)s` where parent="%(name)s") %(modified_cond)s
where name='%(name)s'""" % args)
# update field
if args.get('status_field'):
frappe.db.sql("""update `tab%(target_parent_dt)s`
set %(status_field)s = if(ifnull(%(target_parent_field)s,0)<0.001,
'Not %(keyword)s', if(%(target_parent_field)s>=99.99,
'Fully %(keyword)s', 'Partly %(keyword)s'))
where name='%(name)s'""" % args)
def update_billing_status_for_zero_amount_refdoc(self, ref_dt):
ref_fieldname = ref_dt.lower().replace(" ", "_")
zero_amount_refdoc = []
all_zero_amount_refdoc = frappe.db.sql_list("""select name from `tab%s`
where docstatus=1 and net_total = 0""" % ref_dt)
for item in self.get("entries"):
if item.get(ref_fieldname) \
and item.get(ref_fieldname) in all_zero_amount_refdoc \
and item.get(ref_fieldname) not in zero_amount_refdoc:
if zero_amount_refdoc:
self.update_biling_status(zero_amount_refdoc, ref_dt, ref_fieldname)
def update_biling_status(self, zero_amount_refdoc, ref_dt, ref_fieldname):
for ref_dn in zero_amount_refdoc:
ref_doc_qty = flt(frappe.db.sql("""select sum(ifnull(qty, 0)) from `tab%s Item`
where parent=%s""" % (ref_dt, '%s'), (ref_dn))[0][0])
billed_qty = flt(frappe.db.sql("""select sum(ifnull(qty, 0))
from `tab%s Item` where %s=%s and docstatus=1""" %
(self.doctype, ref_fieldname, '%s'), (ref_dn))[0][0])
per_billed = ((ref_doc_qty if billed_qty > ref_doc_qty else billed_qty)\
/ ref_doc_qty)*100
frappe.db.set_value(ref_dt, ref_dn, "per_billed", per_billed)
if frappe.get_meta(ref_dt).get_field("billing_status"):
if per_billed < 0.001: billing_status = "Not Billed"
elif per_billed >= 99.99: billing_status = "Fully Billed"
else: billing_status = "Partly Billed"
frappe.db.set_value(ref_dt, ref_dn, "billing_status", billing_status)
def get_tolerance_for(item_code, item_tolerance={}, global_tolerance=None):
Returns the tolerance for the item, if not set, returns global tolerance
if item_tolerance.get(item_code):
return item_tolerance[item_code], item_tolerance, global_tolerance
tolerance = flt(frappe.db.get_value('Item',item_code,'tolerance') or 0)
if not tolerance:
if global_tolerance == None:
global_tolerance = flt(frappe.db.get_value('Global Defaults', None,
tolerance = global_tolerance
item_tolerance[item_code] = tolerance
return tolerance, item_tolerance, global_tolerance