blob: bf37c126ea25ff3d4d309e0e0a096070b3d38651 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015, Frappe Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and Contributors
# License: GNU General Public License v3. See license.txt
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
from frappe.utils import formatdate, format_datetime, getdate, get_datetime, nowdate
from frappe.model.document import Document
from frappe.desk.form import assign_to
class EmployeeBoardingController(Document):
Create the project and the task for the boarding process
Assign to the concerned person and roles as per the onboarding/separation template
def validate(self):
# remove the task if linked before submitting the form
if self.amended_from:
for activity in self.activities:
activity.task = ''
def on_submit(self):
# create the project for the given employee onboarding
project_name = _(self.doctype) + " : "
if self.doctype == "Employee Onboarding":
project_name += self.job_applicant
project_name += self.employee
project = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Project",
"project_name": project_name,
"expected_start_date": self.date_of_joining if self.doctype == "Employee Onboarding" else self.resignation_letter_date,
"department": self.department,
# create the task for the given project and assign to the concerned person
for activity in self.activities:
task = frappe.get_doc({
"doctype": "Task",
"subject": activity.activity_name + " : " + self.employee_name,
"description": activity.description,
"department": self.department,
users = [activity.user] if activity.user else []
if activity.role:
user_list = frappe.db.sql_list('''select distinct(parent) from `tabHas Role`
where parenttype='User' and role=%s''', activity.role)
users = users + user_list
# assign the task the users
if users:
self.assign_task_to_users(task, set(users))
def assign_task_to_users(self, task, users):
for user in users:
args = {
'assign_to' : user,
'doctype' : task.doctype,
'name' :,
'description' : task.description or task.subject,
def on_cancel(self):
# delete task project
for task in frappe.get_all("Task", filters={"project": self.project}):
frappe.delete_doc("Project", self.project)
self.db_set('project', '')
for activity in self.activities:
activity.db_set("task", "")
def get_onboarding_details(parent, parenttype):
return frappe.get_list("Employee Boarding Activity",
fields=["activity_name", "role", "user", "required_for_employee_creation", "description"],
filters={"parent": parent, "parenttype": parenttype},
order_by= "idx")
def set_employee_name(doc):
if doc.employee and not doc.employee_name:
doc.employee_name = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", doc.employee, "employee_name")
def update_employee(employee, details, cancel=False):
for item in details:
fieldtype = frappe.get_meta("Employee").get_field(item.fieldname).fieldtype
new_data = if not cancel else item.current
if fieldtype == "Date" and new_data:
new_data = getdate(new_data)
elif fieldtype =="Datetime" and new_data:
new_data = get_datetime(new_data)
setattr(employee, item.fieldname, new_data)
return employee
def get_employee_fields_label():
fields = []
for df in frappe.get_meta("Employee").get("fields"):
if df.fieldtype in ["Data", "Date", "Datetime", "Float", "Int",
"Link", "Percent", "Select", "Small Text"] and df.fieldname not in ["lft", "rgt", "old_parent"]:
fields.append({"value": df.fieldname, "label": df.label})
return fields
def get_employee_field_property(employee, fieldname):
if employee and fieldname:
field = frappe.get_meta("Employee").get_field(fieldname)
value = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, fieldname)
options = field.options
if field.fieldtype == "Date":
value = formatdate(value)
elif field.fieldtype == "Datetime":
value = format_datetime(value)
return {
"value" : value,
"datatype" : field.fieldtype,
"label" : field.label,
"options" : options
return False
def update_employee(employee, details, cancel=False):
for item in details:
fieldtype = frappe.get_meta("Employee").get_field(item.fieldname).fieldtype
new_data = if not cancel else item.current
if fieldtype == "Date" and new_data:
new_data = getdate(new_data)
elif fieldtype =="Datetime" and new_data:
new_data = get_datetime(new_data)
setattr(employee, item.fieldname, new_data)
return employee
def validate_dates(doc, from_date, to_date):
date_of_joining, relieving_date = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", doc.employee, ["date_of_joining", "relieving_date"])
if getdate(from_date) > getdate(to_date):
frappe.throw(_("To date can not be less than from date"))
elif getdate(from_date) > getdate(nowdate()):
frappe.throw(_("Future dates not allowed"))
elif date_of_joining and getdate(from_date) < getdate(date_of_joining):
frappe.throw(_("From date can not be less than employee's joining date"))
elif relieving_date and getdate(to_date) > getdate(relieving_date):
frappe.throw(_("To date can not greater than employee's relieving date"))
def validate_overlap(doc, from_date, to_date, company = None):
query = """
select name
from `tab{0}`
where name != %(name)s
query += get_doc_condition(doc.doctype)
if not
# hack! if name is null, it could cause problems with != = "New "+doc.doctype
overlap_doc = frappe.db.sql(query.format(doc.doctype),{
"employee": doc.employee,
"from_date": from_date,
"to_date": to_date,
"company": company
}, as_dict = 1)
if overlap_doc:
exists_for = doc.employee
if company:
exists_for = company
throw_overlap_error(doc, exists_for, overlap_doc[0].name, from_date, to_date)
def get_doc_condition(doctype):
if doctype == "Compensatory Leave Request":
return "and employee = %(employee)s and docstatus < 2 \
and (work_from_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s \
or work_end_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s \
or (work_from_date < %(from_date)s and work_end_date > %(to_date)s))"
elif doctype == "Leave Period":
return "and company = %(company)s and (from_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s \
or to_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s \
or (from_date < %(from_date)s and to_date > %(to_date)s))"
def throw_overlap_error(doc, exists_for, overlap_doc, from_date, to_date):
msg = _("A {0} exists between {1} and {2} (").format(doc.doctype,
formatdate(from_date), formatdate(to_date)) \
+ """ <b><a href="#Form/{0}/{1}">{1}</a></b>""".format(doc.doctype, overlap_doc) \
+ _(") for {0}").format(exists_for)
def get_employee_leave_policy(employee):
leave_policy = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, "leave_policy")
if not leave_policy:
employee_grade = frappe.db.get_value("Employee", employee, "grade")
if employee_grade:
leave_policy = frappe.db.get_value("Employee Grade", employee_grade, "default_leave_policy")
if not leave_policy:
frappe.throw(_("Employee {0} of grade {1} have no default leave policy").format(employee, employee_grade))
frappe.throw(_("Employee {0} has no grade to get default leave policy").format(employee))
if leave_policy:
return frappe.get_doc("Leave Policy", leave_policy)
def validate_tax_declaration(declarations):
subcategories = []
for declaration in declarations:
if declaration.exemption_sub_category in subcategories:
frappe.throw(_("More than one selection for {0} not \
allowed").format(declaration.exemption_sub_category), frappe.ValidationError)
max_amount = frappe.db.get_value("Employee Tax Exemption Sub Category", \
declaration.exemption_sub_category, "max_amount")
if declaration.amount > max_amount:
frappe.throw(_("Max exemption amount for {0} is {1}").format(\
declaration.exemption_sub_category, max_amount), frappe.ValidationError)
def get_leave_period(from_date, to_date, company):
leave_period = frappe.db.sql("""
select name, from_date, to_date
from `tabLeave Period`
where company=%(company)s and is_active=1
and (from_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s
or to_date between %(from_date)s and %(to_date)s
or (from_date < %(from_date)s and to_date > %(to_date)s))
""", {
"from_date": from_date,
"to_date": to_date,
"company": company
}, as_dict=1)
if leave_period:
return leave_period
def get_payroll_period(from_date, to_date, company):
payroll_period = frappe.db.sql("""select name, start_date, end_date from
`tabPayroll Period`
where start_date<=%s and end_date>= %s and company=%s""", (from_date, to_date, company), as_dict=1)
return payroll_period[0] if payroll_period else None