blob: e1707004fbeb13d4f698255eab7a7fd42b7afb69 [file] [log] [blame]
import webnotes
from webnotes.utils import load_json, cint, cstr, flt
from webnotes.model.doc import Document, addchild, removechild, getchildren
from webnotes.model.doclist import getlist, copy_doclist
from webnotes import msgprint
sql = webnotes.conn.sql
class TransactionBase:
# Get Customer Default Primary Address - first load
# -----------------------
def get_default_customer_address(self, args=''):
address_text, address_name = self.get_address_text(customer=self.doc.customer)
contact_text, contact_name, contact_email, contact_mobile = self.get_contact_text(customer=self.doc.customer)
self.doc.customer_address = address_name or ''
self.doc.contact_person = contact_name or ''
self.doc.address_display = address_text or ''
self.doc.contact_display = contact_text or ''
self.doc.contact_email = contact_email or ''
self.doc.contact_mobile = contact_mobile or ''
# Get Customer Default Shipping Address - first load
# -----------------------
def get_default_customer_shipping_address(self, args=''):
address_text, address_name = self.get_address_text(customer=self.doc.customer,is_shipping_address=1)
contact_text, contact_name, contact_email, contact_mobile = self.get_contact_text(customer=self.doc.customer)
self.doc.customer_address = address_name or ''
self.doc.contact_person = contact_name or ''
self.doc.address_display = address_text or ''
self.doc.contact_display = contact_text or ''
self.doc.contact_email = contact_email or ''
self.doc.contact_mobile = contact_mobile or ''
if self.doc.doctype != 'Quotation':
# Get Customer Address
# -----------------------
def get_customer_address(self, args):
args = load_json(args)
address_text, address_name = self.get_address_text(address_name=args['address'])
contact_text, contact_name, contact_email, contact_mobile = self.get_contact_text(contact_name=args['contact'])
ret = {
'customer_address' : address_name,
'contact_person' : contact_name,
'address_display' : address_text,
'contact_display' : contact_text,
'contact_email' : contact_email,
'contact_mobile' : contact_mobile
return cstr(ret)
# Get Address Text
# -----------------------
def get_address_text(self, customer=None, address_name=None, supplier=None, is_shipping_address=None):
if customer:
cond = customer and 'customer="%s"' % customer or 'name="%s"' % address_name
elif supplier:
cond = supplier and 'supplier="%s"' % supplier or 'name="%s"' % address_name
cond = 'name="%s"' % address_name
if is_shipping_address:
details = sql("select name, address_line1, address_line2, city, country, pincode, state, phone from `tabAddress` where %s and docstatus != 2 order by is_shipping_address desc limit 1" % cond, as_dict = 1)
details = sql("select name, address_line1, address_line2, city, country, pincode, state, phone from `tabAddress` where %s and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_address desc limit 1" % cond, as_dict = 1)
extract = lambda x: details and details[0] and details[0].get(x,'') or ''
address_fields = [('','address_line1'),('\n','address_line2'),('\n','city'),(' ','pincode'),('\n','state'),('\n','country'),('\nPhone: ','phone')]
address_display = ''.join([a[0]+extract(a[1]) for a in address_fields if extract(a[1])])
if address_display.startswith('\n'): address_display = address_display[1:]
address_name = details and details[0]['name'] or ''
return address_display, address_name
# Get Contact Text
# -----------------------
def get_contact_text(self, customer=None, contact_name=None, supplier=None):
if customer:
cond = customer and 'customer="%s"' % customer or 'name="%s"' % contact_name
elif supplier:
cond = supplier and 'supplier="%s"' % supplier or 'name="%s"' % contact_name
cond = 'name="%s"' % contact_name
details = sql("select name, first_name, last_name, email_id, phone, mobile_no, department, designation from `tabContact` where %s and docstatus != 2 order by is_primary_contact desc limit 1" % cond, as_dict = 1)
extract = lambda x: details and details[0] and details[0].get(x,'') or ''
contact_fields = [('','first_name'),('\n','lastname')]
contact_display = ''.join([a[0]+extract(a[1]) for a in contact_fields if extract(a[1])])
if contact_display.startswith('\n'): contact_display = contact_display[1:]
contact_name = details and details[0]['name'] or ''
contact_email = details and details[0]['email_id'] or ''
contact_mobile = details and details[0]['mobile_no'] or ''
return contact_display, contact_name, contact_email, contact_mobile
# Get Customer Details
# -----------------------
def get_customer_details(self, name):
customer_details = sql("select customer_name, customer_group, territory, default_sales_partner, default_commission_rate from tabCustomer where name = '%s' and docstatus != 2" %(name), as_dict = 1)
if customer_details:
self.doc.customer_name = customer_details[0]['customer_name'] or ''
self.doc.customer_group = customer_details[0]['customer_group'] or ''
self.doc.territory = customer_details[0]['territory'] or ''
self.doc.sales_partner = customer_details[0]['default_sales_partner'] or ''
self.doc.commission_rate = customer_details[0]['default_commission_rate'] or ''
# Get Customer Shipping Address
# -----------------------
def get_shipping_address(self, name):
details = sql("select name, address_line1, address_line2, city, country, pincode, state, phone from `tabAddress` where customer = '%s' and docstatus != 2 order by is_shipping_address desc limit 1" %(name), as_dict = 1)
extract = lambda x: details and details[0] and details[0].get(x,'') or ''
address_fields = [('','address_line1'),('\n','address_line2'),('\n','city'),(' ','pincode'),('\n','state'),('\n','country'),('\nPhone: ','phone')]
address_display = ''.join([a[0]+extract(a[1]) for a in address_fields if extract(a[1])])
if address_display.startswith('\n'): address_display = address_display[1:]
ret = {
'shipping_address_name' : details and details[0]['name'] or '',
'shipping_address' : address_display
return cstr(ret)
# Get Lead Details
# -----------------------
def get_lead_details(self, name):
details = sql("select name, lead_name, address_line1, address_line2, city, country, state, pincode, territory, contact_no, mobile_no, email_id from `tabLead` where name = '%s'" %(name), as_dict = 1)
extract = lambda x: details and details[0] and details[0].get(x,'') or ''
address_fields = [('','address_line1'),('\n','address_line2'),('\n','city'),(' ','pincode'),('\n','state'),('\n','country'),('\nPhone: ','contact_no')]
address_display = ''.join([a[0]+extract(a[1]) for a in address_fields if extract(a[1])])
if address_display.startswith('\n'): address_display = address_display[1:]
ret = {
'lead_name' : extract('lead_name'),
'address_display' : address_display,
'territory' : extract('territory'),
'contact_mobile' : extract('mobile_no'),
'contact_email' : extract('email_id')
return cstr(ret)
# Get Supplier Default Primary Address - first load
# -----------------------
def get_default_supplier_address(self, args):
args = load_json(args)
address_text, address_name = self.get_address_text(supplier=args['supplier'])
contact_text, contact_name, contact_email, contact_mobile = self.get_contact_text(supplier=args['supplier'])
ret = {
'supplier_address' : address_name,
'address_display' : address_text,
'contact_person' : contact_name,
'contact_display' : contact_text,
'contact_email' : contact_email,
'contact_mobile' : contact_mobile
return cstr(ret)
# Get Supplier Address
# -----------------------
def get_supplier_address(self, args):
args = load_json(args)
address_text, address_name = self.get_address_text(address_name=args['address'])
contact_text, contact_name, contact_email, contact_mobile = self.get_contact_text(contact_name=args['contact'])
ret = {
'supplier_address' : address_name,
'address_display' : address_text,
'contact_person' : contact_name,
'contact_display' : contact_text,
'contact_email' : contact_email,
'contact_mobile' : contact_mobile
return cstr(ret)
# Get Supplier Details
# -----------------------
def get_supplier_details(self, name):
supplier_details = sql("select supplier_name from tabSupplier where name = '%s' and docstatus != 2" %(name), as_dict = 1)
ret = {
'supplier_name' : supplier_details and supplier_details[0]['supplier_name'] or ''
return ret
# Get Sales Person Details of Customer
# ------------------------------------
def get_sales_person(self, name):
idx = 0
for d in sql("select sales_person, allocated_percentage, allocated_amount, incentives from `tabSales Team` where parent = '%s'" % name):
ch = addchild(self.doc, 'sales_team', 'Sales Team', 1, self.doclist)
ch.sales_person = d and cstr(d[0]) or ''
ch.allocated_percentage = d and flt(d[1]) or 0
ch.allocated_amount = d and flt(d[2]) or 0
ch.incentives = d and flt(d[3]) or 0
ch.idx = idx
idx += 1