blob: 3c45bcb5baf36248b903345d82f1805073cf8b55 [file] [log] [blame]
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001"""Customer Provided Item"" cannot be Purchase Item also",""Xaridor tomonidan taqdim etilgan narsa" shuningdek, xarid qilish obyekti bo'lolmaydi",
2"""Customer Provided Item"" cannot have Valuation Rate","Buyurtmachiga taqdim etilgan mahsulot" baho qiymatiga ega bo'lolmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303"""Is Fixed Asset"" cannot be unchecked, as Asset record exists against the item",""Ruxsat etilgan aktivlar" ni belgilash mumkin emas, chunki ob'ektga nisbatan Asset yozuvi mavjud",
4'Based On' and 'Group By' can not be same,'Based On' va 'Group By' bir xil bo'lishi mumkin emas,
5'Days Since Last Order' must be greater than or equal to zero,"Oxirgi buyurtma beri o'tgan kunlar" noldan kattaroq yoki teng bo'lishi kerak,
6'Entries' cannot be empty,"Yozuvlar" bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00007'From Date' is required,"Sana" so'rovi talab qilinadi,
8'From Date' must be after 'To Date',"Sana" kunidan keyin "To Date",
9'Has Serial No' can not be 'Yes' for non-stock item,"Seriya Yo'q" yo'q stokli mahsulot uchun "Ha" bo'lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053010'Opening',"Ochilish",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000011'To Case No.' cannot be less than 'From Case No.',"Ishga doir" "Aslida" dan kam bo'lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053012'To Date' is required,"Sana uchun" so'raladi,
14'Update Stock' can not be checked because items are not delivered via {0},""Yangilash kabinetga" tekshirilishi mumkin emas, chunki elementlar {0}",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000015'Update Stock' cannot be checked for fixed asset sale,'Qimmatli qog'ozlar yangilanishi' moddiy aktivlarni sotish uchun tekshirib bo'lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053016) for {0},) uchun {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000171 exact match.,1 ta mos kelish.,
19A Customer Group exists with same name please change the Customer name or rename the Customer Group,"Xaridorlar guruhi shu nom bilan mavjud bo'lib, xaridor nomini o'zgartiring yoki xaridorlar guruhini o'zgartiring",
20A Default Service Level Agreement already exists.,Standart xizmat darajasi to'g'risidagi shartnoma allaqachon mavjud.,
21A Lead requires either a person's name or an organization's name,Etakchi shaxsning ismini yoki tashkilot nomini talab qiladi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053022A customer with the same name already exists,Xuddi shu nomga ega bo'lgan mijoz allaqachon mavjud,
23A question must have more than one options,Savolda bir nechta variant bo'lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000024A qustion must have at least one correct options,Qustion kamida bitta to'g'ri tanlovga ega bo'lishi kerak,
25A {0} exists between {1} and {2} (,{1} va {2} () o'rtasida {0} mavjud,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053026Abbr can not be blank or space,Abbr bo'sh yoki bo'sh joy bo'la olmaydi,
27Abbreviation already used for another company,Qisqartma boshqa kompaniya uchun ishlatilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000028Abbreviation cannot have more than 5 characters,Qisqartirishda 5dan ortiq belgi bo'lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053029Abbreviation is mandatory,Qisqartirish majburiydir,
30About the Company,Kompaniya haqida,
31About your company,Sizning kompaniyangiz haqida,
34Academic Term,Akademik atamalar,
35Academic Term: ,Akademik atamalar:,
36Academic Year,O'quv yili,
37Academic Year: ,O'quv yil:,
38Accepted + Rejected Qty must be equal to Received quantity for Item {0},"Qabul qilingan + Rad etilgan Qty, {0}",
39Accessable Value,Kirish mumkin bo'lgan qiymat,
41Account Number,Hisob raqami,
42Account Number {0} already used in account {1},Hisob raqami {0} allaqachon {1} hisobida ishlatilgan,
43Account Pay Only,Hisob faqatgina to'laydi,
44Account Type,Hisob turi,
45Account Type for {0} must be {1},{0} uchun hisob turi {1} bo'lishi kerak,
46"Account balance already in Credit, you are not allowed to set 'Balance Must Be' as 'Debit'",Hisob balansida allaqachon Kreditda 'Balans Must Be' deb ataladigan 'Debit',
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000047"Account balance already in Debit, you are not allowed to set 'Balance Must Be' as 'Credit'","Debet-da hisob balansi mavjud bo'lsa, sizda "Balance Must Be" ("Balans Must Be") "Credit"",
48Account number for account {0} is not available.<br> Please setup your Chart of Accounts correctly.,"{0} hisob qaydnomasi raqami mavjud emas. <br> Iltimos, Hisoblar jadvalini to'g'ri sozlang.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053049Account with child nodes cannot be converted to ledger,Bola tugunlari bilan hisob qaydnomasiga o&#39;tkazilmaydi,
50Account with child nodes cannot be set as ledger,"Bola düğümleri bo&#39;lgan hisob, kitoblar sifatida ayarlanamaz",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000051Account with existing transaction can not be converted to group.,Mavjud tranzaktsiyadagi hisobni guruhga aylantirish mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053052Account with existing transaction can not be deleted,Mavjud amal bilan hisob o&#39;chirilmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000053Account with existing transaction cannot be converted to ledger,Mavjud bitim bilan hisob qaydnomasiga o&#39;tkazilmaydi,
54Account {0} does not belong to company: {1},{0} hisobiga kompaniya tegishli emas: {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053055Account {0} does not belongs to company {1},Hisob {0} kompaniya {1} ga tegishli emas,
56Account {0} does not exist,{0} hisobi mavjud emas,
57Account {0} does not exists,Hisob {0} mavjud emas,
58Account {0} does not match with Company {1} in Mode of Account: {2},Hisob {0} Hisob holatida Kompaniya {1} bilan mos emas: {2},
59Account {0} has been entered multiple times,{0} hisobi bir necha marta kiritilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000060Account {0} is added in the child company {1},{1} bolalar kompaniyasiga {0} hisobi qo&#39;shildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053061Account {0} is frozen,{0} hisobi muzlatilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000062Account {0} is invalid. Account Currency must be {1},Hisob {0} yaroqsiz. Hisob valyutasi {1} bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053063Account {0}: Parent account {1} can not be a ledger,Hisob {0}: Ota-hisob {1} hisob kitobi bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
64Account {0}: Parent account {1} does not belong to company: {2},Hisob {0}: Ota-hisob {1} kompaniyaga tegishli emas: {2},
65Account {0}: Parent account {1} does not exist,Hisob {0}: Ota-hisob {1} mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000066Account {0}: You can not assign itself as parent account,Hisob {0}: Siz uni yuqori hisob sifatida belgilashingiz mumkin emas,
67Account: {0} can only be updated via Stock Transactions,Hisob: {0} faqatgina kabinetga operatsiyalari orqali yangilanishi mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053068Account: {0} with currency: {1} can not be selected,Hisob: {0} valyutaga: {1} tanlanmaydi,
71Accounting Entry for Asset,Aktivlar uchun hisob yozuvi,
72Accounting Entry for Stock,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar uchun hisob yozuvi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000073Accounting Entry for {0}: {1} can only be made in currency: {2},{0} uchun buxgalteriya yozuvi: {1} faqatgina valyutada bo&#39;lishi mumkin: {2},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053074Accounting Ledger,Buxgalterlik hisobi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053075Accounting journal entries.,Buxgalteriya jurnali yozuvlari.,
77Accounts Payable,Kreditorlik qarzi,
78Accounts Payable Summary,To&#39;lanadigan qarz hisoboti,
79Accounts Receivable,Kutilgan tushim,
80Accounts Receivable Summary,Qabul qilinadigan hisobvaraqlarning qisqacha bayoni,
81Accounts table cannot be blank.,Hisoblar jadvali bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000082Accrual Journal Entry for salaries from {0} to {1},Accrual Journal {0} dan {1} ga qadar oylik maosh uchun,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053083Accumulated Depreciation,Yig&#39;ilgan amortizatsiya,
84Accumulated Depreciation Amount,Yig&#39;ilgan Amortizatsiya summasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000085Accumulated Depreciation as on,Yig&#39;ilgan Amortismanlar,
86Accumulated Monthly,Yil olingan oy,
87Accumulated Values,Biriktirilgan qiymatlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053088Accumulated Values in Group Company,Guruh kompaniyalarida to&#39;plangan qiymatlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000089Achieved ({}),Erishildi ({}),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053090Action,Harakat,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000091Action Initialised,Harakat boshlang&#39;ich,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053092Actions,Amallar,
94Active Leads / Customers,Faol yo&#39;riqchilar / mijozlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +000095Activity Cost exists for Employee {0} against Activity Type - {1},Faoliyatning turi {1} uchun Ta&#39;minotchi uchun {0} ishchi uchun mavjud.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +053096Activity Cost per Employee,Xodimga ko&#39;ra harajatlar,
97Activity Type,Faollik turi,
98Actual Cost,Haqiqiy xarajat,
99Actual Delivery Date,Haqiqiy etkazib berish sanasi,
100Actual Qty,Haqiqiy Miqdor,
101Actual Qty is mandatory,Haqiqiy miqdori majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000102Actual Qty {0} / Waiting Qty {1},Haqiqiy miqdori {0} / kutayotgan Qty {1},
103Actual Qty: Quantity available in the warehouse.,Haqiqiy miqdor: omborda mavjud bo&#39;lgan miqdor.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530104Actual qty in stock,Aksiyada haqiqiy miqdor,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000105Actual type tax cannot be included in Item rate in row {0},Haqiqiy turdagi soliqni {0} qatoridagi Item Rate ga qo&#39;shish mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530106Add,Qo&#39;shish,
107Add / Edit Prices,Narxlarni qo&#39;shish / tahrirlash,
108Add All Suppliers,Barcha etkazib beruvchilarni qo&#39;shish,
109Add Comment,Izoh qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000110Add Customers,Mijozlarni qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530111Add Employees,Ishchilarni qo&#39;shish,
112Add Item,Mavzu qo&#39;shish,
113Add Items,Ma&#39;lumotlar qo&#39;shish,
114Add Leads,Rahbarlar qo&#39;shing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000115Add Multiple Tasks,Ko&#39;p vazifalarni qo&#39;shing,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530116Add Row,Roy qo&#39;shish,
117Add Sales Partners,Savdo hamkorlarini qo&#39;shish,
118Add Serial No,Seriya raqami qo&#39;shing,
119Add Students,Talabalarni qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000120Add Suppliers,Ta&#39;minlovchilarni qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530121Add Time Slots,Vaqt oraliqlarini qo&#39;shish,
122Add Timesheets,Vaqt jadvallarini qo&#39;shish,
123Add Timeslots,Timeslots-ni qo&#39;shish,
124Add Users to Marketplace,Foydalanuvchilarni Bozorga qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000125Add a new address,Yangi manzil qo‘shing,
126Add cards or custom sections on homepage,Bosh sahifaga kartalar yoki shaxsiy bo&#39;limlarni qo&#39;shing,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530127Add more items or open full form,Boshqa narsalarni qo&#39;shish yoki to&#39;liq shaklni oching,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000128Add notes,Qayd qo&#39;shish,
129Add the rest of your organization as your users. You can also add invite Customers to your portal by adding them from Contacts,"Tashkilotingiz qolgan qismini foydalanuvchilar sifatida qo&#39;shing. Siz shuningdek mijozlaringizni Kontaktlar ro&#39;yxatidan qo&#39;shib, portalga taklif qilishingiz mumkin",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530130Add to Details,Ma&#39;lumotlarga qo&#39;shish,
131Add/Remove Recipients,Qabul qiluvchilarni qo&#39;shish / o&#39;chirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000132Added,Qo&#39;shilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530133Added to details,Tafsilotlarga qo&#39;shildi,
134Added {0} users,{0} foydalanuvchi qo&#39;shilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000135Additional Salary Component Exists.,Ish haqi bo&#39;yicha qo&#39;shimcha komponentlar mavjud.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530136Address,Manzil,
137Address Line 2,Manzil yo&#39;nalish 2,
138Address Name,Manzil nomi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000139Address Title,Manzil sarlavhasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530140Address Type,Manzil turi,
141Administrative Expenses,Ma&#39;muriy xarajatlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000142Administrative Officer,Ma&#39;muriy xodim,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530144Admission,Qabul qilish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000145Admission and Enrollment,Qabul va yozilish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530146Admissions for {0},{0} uchun qabul,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000147Admit,E&#39;tiroz bering,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530148Admitted,Qabul qilingan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000149Advance Amount,Advance miqdori,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530150Advance Payments,Advance to&#39;lovlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000151Advance account currency should be same as company currency {0},Advance hisobvarag&#39;ining valyutasi kompaniyaning valyutasi {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530152Advance amount cannot be greater than {0} {1},Avans miqdori {0} {1} dan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
156Against Account,Hisobga qarshi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000157Against Journal Entry {0} does not have any unmatched {1} entry,Jurnalga qarshi kiritilgan {0} yozuviga mos bo&#39;lmagan {1} yozuvi mavjud emas,
158Against Journal Entry {0} is already adjusted against some other voucher,Journal Entryga qarshi {0} da allaqachon boshqa bir kvotaga nisbatan o&#39;rnatilgan,
159Against Supplier Invoice {0} dated {1},{1} {0} etkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturasiga qarshi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530160Against Voucher,Voucherga qarshi,
161Against Voucher Type,Voucher turiga qarshi,
163Age (Days),Yosh (kunlar),
164Ageing Based On,Qarish asosli,
165Ageing Range 1,Qarish oralig&#39;i 1,
166Ageing Range 2,Qarish oralig&#39;i 2,
167Ageing Range 3,Qarish oralig&#39;i 3,
168Agriculture,Qishloq xo&#39;jaligi,
169Agriculture (beta),Qishloq xo&#39;jaligi (beta),
171All Accounts,Barcha hisoblar,
172All Addresses.,Barcha manzillar.,
173All Assessment Groups,Barcha baholash guruhlari,
174All BOMs,Barcha BOMlar,
175All Contacts.,Barcha kontaktlar.,
176All Customer Groups,Barcha xaridorlar guruhlari,
177All Day,Butun kun,
178All Departments,Barcha bo&#39;limlar,
179All Healthcare Service Units,Barcha sog&#39;liqni saqlash bo&#39;limlari,
180All Item Groups,Barcha elementlar guruhlari,
181All Jobs,Barcha ishlar,
182All Products,Barcha Mahsulotlar,
183All Products or Services.,Barcha mahsulotlar yoki xizmatlar.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000184All Student Admissions,Barcha talabalar qabul qilish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530185All Supplier Groups,Barcha Yetkazib beruvchi Guruhlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000186All Supplier scorecards.,Barcha etkazib beruvchi kartalari.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530187All Territories,Barcha hududlar,
188All Warehouses,Barcha saqlash,
189All communications including and above this shall be moved into the new Issue,Ushbu va undan yuqori qismdagi barcha xabarlar yangi nashrga o&#39;tkazilishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000190All items have already been invoiced,Barcha mahsulotlar allaqachon faktura qilingan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530191All items have already been transferred for this Work Order.,Barcha buyumlar ushbu Ish tartibi uchun allaqachon uzatilgan.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000192All other ITC,Boshqa barcha ITC,
193All the mandatory Task for employee creation hasn't been done yet.,Xodimlarni yaratish bo&#39;yicha barcha majburiy ishlar hali bajarilmadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530194All these items have already been invoiced,Bu barcha narsalar allaqachon faturalanmıştı,
195Allocate Payment Amount,To&#39;lov miqdorini ajratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000196Allocated Amount,Ajratilgan mablag&#39;,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530197Allocated Leaves,Ajratilgan barglar,
198Allocating leaves...,Barglarni ajratish ...,
199Already record exists for the item {0},{0} elementi uchun allaqachon qayd mavjud,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000200"Already set default in pos profile {0} for user {1}, kindly disabled default",{0} uchun {0} profilidagi profilni sukut saqlab qo&#39;ygansiz,
201Alternate Item,Muqobil ob&#39;ekt,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530202Alternative item must not be same as item code,Shu bilan bir qatorda element element kodi bilan bir xil bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000203Amount,Miqdori,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530204Amount After Depreciation,Amortizatsiyadan keyin jami miqdor,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000205Amount of Integrated Tax,Birlashtirilgan soliq summasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530206Amount of TDS Deducted,TDS miqdori kamaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000207Amount should not be less than zero.,Miqdor noldan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530208Amount to Bill,Bill miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000209Amount {0} {1} against {2} {3},{0} {1} miqdori {2} {3} ga qarshi,
210Amount {0} {1} deducted against {2},{0} {1} miqdori {2} ga nisbatan tushdi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530211Amount {0} {1} transferred from {2} to {3},{0} {1} miqdori {2} dan {3},
212Amount {0} {1} {2} {3},Miqdor {0} {1} {2} {3},
214"An Item Group exists with same name, please change the item name or rename the item group","Mavzu guruhi bir xil nom bilan mavjud bo&#39;lib, element nomini o&#39;zgartiring yoki element guruhini o&#39;zgartiring",
215An academic term with this 'Academic Year' {0} and 'Term Name' {1} already exists. Please modify these entries and try again.,"Ushbu &quot;o&#39;quv yili&quot; {0} va &quot;muddatli nomi&quot; {1} bilan akademik atama allaqachon mavjud. Iltimos, ushbu yozuvlarni o&#39;zgartiring va qayta urinib ko&#39;ring.",
216An error occurred during the update process,Yangilash jarayonida xatolik yuz berdi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000217"An item exists with same name ({0}), please change the item group name or rename the item","Biror narsa ({0}) bir xil nom bilan mavjud bo&#39;lsa, iltimos, element guruh nomini o&#39;zgartiring yoki ob&#39;ektni qayta nomlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530218Analyst,Tahlilchi,
220Annual Billing: {0},Yillik to&#39;lov: {0},
221Annual Salary,Yillik ish haqi,
223Another Budget record '{0}' already exists against {1} '{2}' and account '{3}' for fiscal year {4},&quot;{0}&quot; boshqa byudjet yozuvi allaqachon {1} &#39;{2}&#39; ga qarshi va {4} moliya yili uchun &#39;{3}&#39; hisobi mavjud.,
224Another Period Closing Entry {0} has been made after {1},Boshqa bir davrni yopish {0} {1},
225Another Sales Person {0} exists with the same Employee id,Boshqa bir Sotuvdagi Shaxs {0} bir xil xodim identifikatori mavjud,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000227Apparel & Accessories,Tashqi va o&#39;smirlar,
228"Applicable if the company is SpA, SApA or SRL","Agar kompaniya SpA, SApA yoki SRL bo&#39;lsa, tegishli",
229Applicable if the company is a limited liability company,"Agar kompaniya ma&#39;suliyati cheklangan jamiyat bo&#39;lsa, tegishli",
230Applicable if the company is an Individual or a Proprietorship,"Agar kompaniya jismoniy shaxs yoki mulkdor bo&#39;lsa, tegishli",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530231Applicant,Ariza beruvchi,
232Applicant Type,Ariza beruvchi turi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000233Application of Funds (Assets),Jamg&#39;armalar (aktivlar) ni qo&#39;llash,
234Application period cannot be across two allocation records,Ilova davri ikkita ajratma yozuvlari bo&#39;yicha bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
235Application period cannot be outside leave allocation period,Ariza soatlari tashqaridan ajratilgan muddatning tashqarisida bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530236Applied,Amalga oshirildi,
237Apply Now,Endi murojaat qiling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530238Appointment Confirmation,Uchrashuvni tasdiqlash,
239Appointment Duration (mins),Uchrashuv davomiyligi (daqiqa),
240Appointment Type,Uchrashuv turi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530241Appointment {0} and Sales Invoice {1} cancelled,Uchrashuv {0} va Sotuvdagi Billing {1} bekor qilindi,
242Appointments and Encounters,Uchrashuvlar va uchrashuvlar,
243Appointments and Patient Encounters,Uchrashuvlar va bemor uchrashuvlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000244Appraisal {0} created for Employee {1} in the given date range,Belgilangan sana oralig&#39;ida xodim {1} uchun baholangan {0} baholanadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530245Apprentice,Chiragcha,
246Approval Status must be 'Approved' or 'Rejected',Tasdiqlash maqomi &quot;Tasdiqlangan&quot; yoki &quot;Rad etilgan&quot; bo&#39;lishi kerak,
248Approving Role cannot be same as role the rule is Applicable To,Ishtirokni tasdiqlash qoida sifatida qo&#39;llanilishi mumkin bo&#39;lgan rolga o&#39;xshamaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000249Approving User cannot be same as user the rule is Applicable To,Foydalanuvchini tasdiqlash qoida sifatida qo&#39;llanilishi mumkin bo&#39;lgan foydalanuvchi sifatida bir xil bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530250"Apps using current key won't be able to access, are you sure?","Joriy kalitdan foydalanadigan ilovalar kirish imkoniga ega emas, ishonchingiz komilmi?",
251Are you sure you want to cancel this appointment?,Siz ushbu uchrashuvni bekor qilmoqchimisiz?,
253As Examiner,Ekspert sifatida,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000254As On Date,Sana Sana bo&#39;yicha,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530255As Supervisor,Boshqaruvchi sifatida,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000256As per rules 42 & 43 of CGST Rules,CGST Qoidalarining 42 va 43-qoidalariga muvofiq,
257As per section 17(5),17-bo&#39;limda (5) bo&#39;yicha,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530258As per your assigned Salary Structure you cannot apply for benefits,Sizning belgilangan Ma&#39;ruza tuzilishiga ko&#39;ra siz nafaqa olish uchun ariza bera olmaysiz,
260Assessment Criteria,Baholash mezonlari,
261Assessment Group,Baholash guruhi,
262Assessment Group: ,Baholash guruhi:,
263Assessment Plan,Baholash rejasi,
264Assessment Plan Name,Baholash rejasining nomi,
265Assessment Report,Baholash bo&#39;yicha hisobot,
266Assessment Reports,Baholash bo&#39;yicha hisobot,
267Assessment Result,Baholash natijasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000268Assessment Result record {0} already exists.,Baholash natijasi {0} allaqachon mavjud.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530269Asset,Asset,
270Asset Category,Asset kategoriyasi,
271Asset Category is mandatory for Fixed Asset item,Assot kategoriyasi Ruxsat etilgan obyektlar uchun majburiydir,
272Asset Maintenance,Aktivlarga texnik xizmat ko&#39;rsatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000273Asset Movement,Asset harakati,
274Asset Movement record {0} created,Aktivlar harakati qaydlari {0} yaratildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530275Asset Name,Asset nomi,
276Asset Received But Not Billed,"Qabul qilingan, lekin olinmagan aktivlar",
277Asset Value Adjustment,Asset qiymatini sozlash,
278"Asset cannot be cancelled, as it is already {0}","Aktivni bekor qilish mumkin emas, chunki allaqachon {0}",
279Asset scrapped via Journal Entry {0},Aktivlar jurnal jurnali orqali {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000280"Asset {0} cannot be scrapped, as it is already {1}",{0} obyekti allaqachon {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530281Asset {0} does not belong to company {1},Asset {0} kompaniyaga tegishli emas {1},
282Asset {0} must be submitted,Asset {0} yuborilishi kerak,
285Assign Salary Structure,Ish haqi tuzilishini tayinlash,
286Assign to Employees,Xodimlarga tayinlang,
287Assigning Structures...,Tuzilmalarni tayinlash ...,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000289At least one mode of payment is required for POS invoice.,POS-faktura uchun kamida bitta to&#39;lov tartibi talab qilinadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530290Atleast one item should be entered with negative quantity in return document,Eng kamida bitta element qaytarib berilgan hujjatda salbiy miqdor bilan kiritilishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000291Atleast one of the Selling or Buying must be selected,Eng ko&#39;p sotilgan yoki sotilgan mahsulotlardan biri tanlangan bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530292Atleast one warehouse is mandatory,Eng kamida bir omborxona majburiydir,
293Attach Logo,Asosiy joylashtiring,
295Attendance,Ishtirok etish,
296Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date is mandatory,Sana va davomiylikdan Sana bo&#39;yicha ishtirok etish majburiydir,
297Attendance Record {0} exists against Student {1},Davomat yozuvi {0} talabasiga qarshi {1} mavjud,
298Attendance can not be marked for future dates,Kelgusi sanalar uchun tomosha qilish mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000299Attendance date can not be less than employee's joining date,Davomiylik sanasi xodimning ishtirok etish kunidan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530300Attendance for employee {0} is already marked,Xodimga ({0} davomi allaqachon belgilangan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000301Attendance for employee {0} is already marked for this day,Xodimga {0} davomi bu kun uchun belgilandi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530302Attendance has been marked successfully.,Ishtirok etish muvaffaqiyatli o&#39;tdi.,
303Attendance not submitted for {0} as it is a Holiday.,Dam olish kuni sifatida {0} uchun yuborilmadi.,
304Attendance not submitted for {0} as {1} on leave.,Davom etish {0} uchun {1} sifatida qoldirilmadi.,
305Attribute table is mandatory,Xususiyat jadvali majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000306Attribute {0} selected multiple times in Attributes Table,Xususiyat {0} xususiyati bir nechta marta Attributes jadvalida tanlangan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530307Authorized Signatory,Vakolatli vakil,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000308Auto Material Requests Generated,Avtomatik material talablari yaratildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530309Auto repeat document updated,Avtomatik qayta-qayta hujjat yangilandi,
312Available Leaves,Mavjud barglar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000313Available Qty,Mavjud Miqdor,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530314Available Selling,Sotuvga tayyor,
315Available for use date is required,Foydalanish uchun mavjud bo&#39;lgan sana talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000316Available slots,Mavjud bo&#39;shliqlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530317Available {0},{0} mavjud,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000318Available-for-use Date should be after purchase date,Foydalanishga tayyor bo&#39;lgan sana xarid tarixidan keyin bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530319Average Age,O&#39;rtacha yoshi,
320Average Rate,O&#39;rtacha narx,
321Avg Daily Outgoing,Avg Daily Outgoing,
322Avg. Buying Price List Rate,Ort Sotib olish narxlarining ro&#39;yxati,
323Avg. Selling Price List Rate,Ort Sotish narxi narxlari darajasi,
324Avg. Selling Rate,Ort Sotish darajasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530326BOM Browser,BOM brauzeri,
327BOM No,BOM No,
328BOM Rate,BOM darajasi,
329BOM Stock Report,BOM birjasi,
330BOM and Manufacturing Quantity are required,BOM va ishlab chiqarish miqdori talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000331BOM does not contain any stock item,BOMda biron-bir mahsulot elementi yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530332BOM {0} does not belong to Item {1},BOM {0} {1} mahsulotiga tegishli emas,
333BOM {0} must be active,BOM {0} faol bo&#39;lishi kerak,
334BOM {0} must be submitted,BOM {0} yuborilishi kerak,
336Balance (Dr - Cr),Balans (Dr - Cr),
337Balance ({0}),Balans ({0}),
338Balance Qty,Balans miqdori,
339Balance Sheet,Balanslar varaqasi,
340Balance Value,Balans qiymati,
341Balance for Account {0} must always be {1},Hisob uchun {0} muvozanat har doim {1} bo&#39;lishi kerak,
343Bank Account,Bank hisob raqami,
344Bank Accounts,Bank hisoblari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000345Bank Draft,Bank loyihasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530346Bank Entries,Bank yozuvlari,
347Bank Name,Bank nomi,
348Bank Overdraft Account,Bankning omonat hisoboti,
349Bank Reconciliation,Bank bilan kelishuv,
350Bank Reconciliation Statement,Bank kelishuvi bayonoti,
351Bank Statement,Bank bayonnomasi,
352Bank Statement Settings,Bank Statement Sozlamalari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000353Bank Statement balance as per General Ledger,Bank Bosh balansidagi balans balansi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530354Bank account cannot be named as {0},Bank hisobi {0},
355Bank/Cash transactions against party or for internal transfer,Bank / Partiyaga qarshi yoki ichki pul o&#39;tkazish uchun pul o&#39;tkazish,
356Banking,Bank xizmatlari,
357Banking and Payments,Bank va to&#39;lovlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000358Barcode {0} already used in Item {1},{1} {{1} shtrix kodi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530359Barcode {0} is not a valid {1} code,{0} shtrix kodi joriy {1} kod emas,
361Based On,Shunga asosan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000362Based On Payment Terms,To&#39;lov shartlari asosida,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530363Basic,Asosiy,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000365Batch Entries,Paket yozuvlari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530366Batch ID is mandatory,Partiya identifikatori majburiydir,
367Batch Inventory,Partiya inventarizatsiyasini,
368Batch Name,Partiya nomi,
369Batch No,Partiya no,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000370Batch number is mandatory for Item {0},Partiya raqami {0} element uchun majburiydir.,
371Batch {0} of Item {1} has expired.,{1} banddagi {0} guruhining amal qilish muddati tugadi.,
372Batch {0} of Item {1} is disabled.,{1} banddagi {0} guruhining o&#39;chirilganligi o&#39;chirilgan.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530373Batch: ,Partiya:,
375Become a Seller,Sotuvchi bo&#39;l,
377Bill Date,Bill tarixi,
378Bill No,Bill №,
379Bill of Materials,Materiallar to&#39;plami,
380Bill of Materials (BOM),Materiallar to&#39;plami (BOM),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000381Billable Hours,To‘lov vaqti,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530382Billed,To&#39;lov,
383Billed Amount,To&#39;lov miqdori,
385Billing Address,Murojaat manzili,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000386Billing Address is same as Shipping Address,To‘lov manzili yetkazib berish manzili bilan bir xil,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530387Billing Amount,To&#39;lov miqdori,
388Billing Status,Billing holati,
389Billing currency must be equal to either default company's currency or party account currency,To&#39;lov valyutasi odatiy kompaniyaning valyutasiga yoki partiyaning hisobvaraqlariga teng bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000390Bills raised by Suppliers.,Yetkazuvchilar tomonidan ko&#39;tarilgan qonun loyihalari.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530391Bills raised to Customers.,Xarajatlar mijozlarga yetkazildi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000393Birthday Reminder,Tug&#39;ilgan kun eslatma,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530394Black,Qora,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000395Blanket Orders from Costumers.,Kostyum sotuvchilarining adyol buyurtmalari.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530396Block Invoice,Blokni to&#39;ldirish,
398Bonus Payment Date cannot be a past date,Bonus To&#39;lov sanasi o&#39;tgan sana bo&#39;la olmaydi,
399Both Trial Period Start Date and Trial Period End Date must be set,Sinov muddati boshlanish sanasi va Sinov muddati tugashi kerak,
400Both Warehouse must belong to same Company,Har ikkisi ham bir xil kompaniyaga tegishli bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000402Broadcasting,Radioeshittirish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530403Brokerage,Brokerlik,
404Browse BOM,BOM-ga ko&#39;z tashlang,
405Budget Against,Byudjetga qarshi,
406Budget List,Byudjet ro&#39;yxati,
407Budget Variance Report,Byudjet o&#39;zgaruvchilari hisoboti,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000408Budget cannot be assigned against Group Account {0},Byudjetga {0} Guruh hisobi bo&#39;yicha topshirish mumkin emas,
409"Budget cannot be assigned against {0}, as it's not an Income or Expense account","Byudjet {0} ga nisbatan tayinlanishi mumkin emas, chunki u daromad yoki xarajatlar hisobidir",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530410Buildings,Binolar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000411Bundle items at time of sale.,Sotuv vaqtidagi narsalarni to&#39;plash.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530412Business Development Manager,Ish oshirish menejeri,
413Buy,Xarid qiling,
414Buying,Sotib olish,
415Buying Amount,Xarid qilish miqdori,
416Buying Price List,Narxlar ro&#39;yxatini sotib olish,
417Buying Rate,Xarid qilish darajasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000418"Buying must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0}","{0} sifatida tanlangan bo&#39;lsa, xarid qilishni tekshirish kerak",
419By {0},{0} tomonidan,
420Bypass credit check at Sales Order ,Savdo buyurtmasidan kredit chekini chetlab o&#39;ting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530421C-Form records,C-formasi yozuvlari,
422C-form is not applicable for Invoice: {0},C-formasi Billing uchun qo&#39;llanilmaydi: {0},
423CEO,Bosh ijrochi direktor,
424CESS Amount,CESS miqdori,
425CGST Amount,CGST miqdori,
427CWIP Account,CWIP hisobi,
428Calculated Bank Statement balance,Bank hisob-kitob balansi hisoblangan,
431Can be approved by {0},{0} tomonidan tasdiqlangan bo&#39;lishi mumkin,
432"Can not filter based on Account, if grouped by Account","Hisob asosida guruhlangan bo&#39;lsa, hisob qaydnomasi asosida filtrlay olmaydi",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000433"Can not filter based on Voucher No, if grouped by Voucher","Voucher tomonidan guruhlangan bo&#39;lsa, Voucher No ga asoslangan holda filtrlay olmaydi",
434"Can not mark Inpatient Record Discharged, there are Unbilled Invoices {0}","Statsionar tovarni bekor qilishni belgilash mumkin emas, shunda {0}",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530435Can only make payment against unbilled {0},Faqat to&#39;ldirilmagan {0} ga to&#39;lovni amalga oshirishi mumkin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000436Can refer row only if the charge type is 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'Previous Row Total',Qatorni faqatgina &#39;On oldingi satr miqdori&#39; yoki &#39;oldingi qatorni jami&#39;,
437"Can't change valuation method, as there are transactions against some items which does not have it's own valuation method","Baholash usulini o&#39;zgartira olmaydi, chunki o&#39;z baholash uslubiga ega bo&#39;lmagan ayrim narsalarga nisbatan operatsiyalar mavjud",
438Can't create standard criteria. Please rename the criteria,"Standart mezonlarni yaratib bo&#39;lmaydi. Iltimos, mezonlarni qayta nomlash",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530439Cancel,Bekor qilish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000440Cancel Material Visit {0} before cancelling this Warranty Claim,Ushbu kafolat talabnomasini bekor qilishdan avval materialni bekor qilish {0} ga tashrif buyuring,
441Cancel Material Visits {0} before cancelling this Maintenance Visit,Materialni bekor qilish Bu Xizmat tashrifini bekor qilishdan avval {0} tashrif,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530442Cancel Subscription,Obunani bekor qilish,
443Cancel the journal entry {0} first,Avval {0} jurnal jurnalini bekor qiling,
444Canceled,Bekor qilindi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000445"Cannot Submit, Employees left to mark attendance","Ishtirok eta olmaydi, xodimlar ishtirok etishni belgilash uchun qoldirilgan",
446Cannot be a fixed asset item as Stock Ledger is created.,"Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar bazasi yaratilganligi sababli, asosiy vosita bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.",
447Cannot cancel because submitted Stock Entry {0} exists,"Bekor qilolmaysiz, chunki taqdim etilgan Stock Entry {0} mavjud",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530448Cannot cancel transaction for Completed Work Order.,Tugallangan ish tartibi uchun jurnali bekor qilolmaydi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000449Cannot cancel {0} {1} because Serial No {2} does not belong to the warehouse {3},"{1} {1} bekor qila olmaydi, chunki ketma-ket No {2} omborga tegishli emas {3}",
450Cannot change Attributes after stock transaction. Make a new Item and transfer stock to the new Item,Birja bitimidan keyin Xususiyatlarni o&#39;zgartirib bo&#39;lmaydi. Yangi mahsulotni yarating va yangi mahsulotga aktsiyalaringizni topshiring,
451Cannot change Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date once the Fiscal Year is saved.,Moliyaviy yil saqlanganidan so&#39;ng moliyaviy yil boshlanish sanasi va moliya yili tugash sanasi o&#39;zgartirilmaydi.,
452Cannot change Service Stop Date for item in row {0},{0} qatoridagi xizmat uchun xizmatni to&#39;xtatish sanasi o&#39;zgartirib bo&#39;lmadi,
453Cannot change Variant properties after stock transaction. You will have to make a new Item to do this.,Birja bitimidan so&#39;ng Variant xususiyatlarini o&#39;zgartirib bo&#39;lmaydi. Buning uchun yangi mahsulotni yaratish kerak bo&#39;ladi.,
454"Cannot change company's default currency, because there are existing transactions. Transactions must be cancelled to change the default currency.","Kompaniya amaldagi valyutani o&#39;zgartira olmaydi, chunki mavjud bitimlar mavjud. Standart valyutani o&#39;zgartirish uchun bitimlar bekor qilinadi.",
455Cannot change status as student {0} is linked with student application {1},"Holatni o&#39;zgartirib bo&#39;lmaydi, chunki {0} talaba {1} talabalar arizasi bilan bog&#39;langan.",
456Cannot convert Cost Center to ledger as it has child nodes,"Xarajatli markazni kitob nusxa ko&#39;chirish qurilmasiga aylantira olmaysiz, chunki u tugmachalarga ega",
457Cannot covert to Group because Account Type is selected.,Hisob turi tanlanganligi sababli guruhga yashirin bo&#39;lmaydi.,
458Cannot create Retention Bonus for left Employees,Chap xodimlar uchun &quot;Saqlash bonusi&quot; yarata olmadi,
459Cannot create a Delivery Trip from Draft documents.,Qoralama hujjatlardan etkazib berish safari yaratib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
460Cannot deactivate or cancel BOM as it is linked with other BOMs,BOMni boshqa BOMlar bilan bog&#39;langanidek o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yish yoki bekor qilish mumkin emas,
461"Cannot declare as lost, because Quotation has been made.","Yo&#39;qotilgan deb e&#39;lon qilinmaydi, chunki takliflar qilingan.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530462Cannot deduct when category is for 'Valuation' or 'Valuation and Total',&quot;Baholash&quot; yoki &quot;Baholash va jami&quot;,
463Cannot deduct when category is for 'Valuation' or 'Vaulation and Total',Qaysi kategoriya uchun &quot;Baholash&quot; yoki &quot;Vaulusiya va jami&quot;,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000464"Cannot delete Serial No {0}, as it is used in stock transactions","Serial No {0} o&#39;chirib tashlanmaydi, chunki u birja bitimlarida qo&#39;llaniladi",
465Cannot enroll more than {0} students for this student group.,Ushbu talabalar guruhida {0} dan ortiq talabalarni ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tkazib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
466Cannot find Item with this barcode,Ushbu shtrix-kod yordamida elementni topib bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530467Cannot find active Leave Period,Faol chiqish davri topilmadi,
468Cannot produce more Item {0} than Sales Order quantity {1},{0} Savdo buyurtma miqdoridan ko&#39;proq {0} mahsulot ishlab chiqarish mumkin emas.,
469Cannot promote Employee with status Left,Ishtirokchi maqomini chapga targ&#39;ib qila olmaydi,
470Cannot refer row number greater than or equal to current row number for this Charge type,Ushbu zaryad turi uchun joriy satr raqamidan kattaroq yoki kattaroq satrlarni topib bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000471Cannot select charge type as 'On Previous Row Amount' or 'On Previous Row Total' for first row,To&#39;lov turi &quot;Birinchi qatorda oldingi miqdorda&quot; yoki &quot;Birinchi qatorda oldingi qatorda&quot; tanlanmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530472Cannot set a received RFQ to No Quote,Hechqisi taklif qilinmagan RFQni o&#39;rnatib bo&#39;lmaydi,
473Cannot set as Lost as Sales Order is made.,Savdo buyurtmasi sifatida yo&#39;qolgan deb belgilanmaydi.,
474Cannot set authorization on basis of Discount for {0},{0} uchun chegirmalar asosida avtorizatsiyani sozlab bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000475Cannot set multiple Item Defaults for a company.,Bir kompaniyaga bir nechta elementlar parametrlarini sozlab bo&#39;lmaydi.,
476Cannot set quantity less than delivered quantity,Miqdorni etkazib berilgan miqdordan kamroq belgilab bo&#39;lmaydi,
477Cannot set quantity less than received quantity,Olingan miqdordan kamroq miqdorni belgilab bo&#39;lmaydi,
478Cannot set the field <b>{0}</b> for copying in variants,Variantlardan nusxa olish uchun <b>{0}</b> maydonini o&#39;rnatib bo&#39;lmaydi,
479Cannot transfer Employee with status Left,Xodimga statusni chapga bera olmaysiz,
480Cannot {0} {1} {2} without any negative outstanding invoice,{0} {1} {2} hech qanday salbiy taqdim etgan holda taqdim etilmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530481Capital Equipments,Kapital uskunalar,
482Capital Stock,Sarmoya birjasi,
483Capital Work in Progress,Kapital ishlari davom etmoqda,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000484Cart,Savat,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530485Cart is Empty,Savat bo&#39;sh,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000486Case No(s) already in use. Try from Case No {0},Hech qanday holatlar mavjud emas. Hech qanday {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530487Cash,Naqd pul,
488Cash Flow Statement,Naqd pul oqimlari bayonoti,
489Cash Flow from Financing,Moliyadan pul oqimi,
490Cash Flow from Investing,Investitsiyalardan pul oqimi,
491Cash Flow from Operations,Operatsiyalardan pul oqimi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000492Cash In Hand,Qo&#39;ldagi pul,
493Cash or Bank Account is mandatory for making payment entry,To&#39;lovni kiritish uchun naqd pul yoki bank hisobi majburiydir,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530494Cashier Closing,Kassirlarni yopish,
495Casual Leave,Oddiy chiqish,
496Caution,E&#39;tibor bering,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000497Central Tax,Markaziy soliq,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530498Certification,Sertifikatlash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000499Cess,Sessiya,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530500Change Amount,Miqdorni o&#39;zgartirish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530501Change Item Code,Mahsulot kodini almashtirish,
502Change POS Profile,POS profilini o&#39;zgartirish,
503Change Release Date,Chiqish sanasini o&#39;zgartirish,
504Change Template Code,Andoza kodini o&#39;zgartirish,
505Changing Customer Group for the selected Customer is not allowed.,Tanlangan mijoz uchun xaridorlar guruhini o&#39;zgartirishga ruxsat berilmaydi.,
507Chapter information.,Bo&#39;lim haqida ma&#39;lumot.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000508Charge of type 'Actual' in row {0} cannot be included in Item Rate,{0} qatoridagi &quot;Haqiqiy&quot; turidagi to&#39;lovni &quot;Oddiy qiymat&quot; ga qo&#39;shish mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530510Charges are updated in Purchase Receipt against each item,To&#39;lovlar har bir elementga nisbatan Buyurtmachnomada yangilanadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000511"Charges will be distributed proportionately based on item qty or amount, as per your selection",Narxlar Sizning tanlovingiz bo&#39;yicha mahsulot miqdori yoki miqdori bo&#39;yicha mutanosib ravishda taqsimlanadi,
512Chart Of Accounts,Hisob jadvali,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530513Chart of Cost Centers,Xarajat markazlari jadvali,
514Check all,Barchasini tekshiring,
515Checkout,Tekshirib ko&#39;rmoq,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000518Cheque/Reference No,Tekshirish / Yo&#39;naltiruvchi No,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530519Cheques Required,Tekshirishlar kerak,
520Cheques and Deposits incorrectly cleared,Chexlar va depozitlar noto&#39;g&#39;ri tozalanadi,
521Child Item should not be a Product Bundle. Please remove item `{0}` and save,"Bola mahsuloti mahsulot to&#39;plami bo&#39;lmasligi kerak. Iltimos, `{0}` dan olib tashlang va saqlang",
522Child Task exists for this Task. You can not delete this Task.,Ushbu Vazifa uchun Bola vazifasi mavjud. Ushbu vazifani o&#39;chira olmaysiz.,
523Child nodes can be only created under 'Group' type nodes,Bolalar tugunlari faqat &quot;Guruh&quot; tipidagi tugunlar ostida yaratilishi mumkin,
524Child warehouse exists for this warehouse. You can not delete this warehouse.,Ushbu ombor uchun bolalar ombori mavjud. Ushbu omborni o&#39;chira olmaysiz.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000525Circular Reference Error,Dairesel mos yozuvlar xatosi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530526City,Shahar,
527City/Town,Shahar / shahar,
528Claimed Amount,Da&#39;vo qilingan miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000530Clear filters,Filtrlarni tozalang,
531Clear values,Qiymatlarni tozalang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530532Clearance Date,Bo&#39;shatish sanasi,
533Clearance Date not mentioned,Bo&#39;shatish tarixi eslatma topilmadi,
534Clearance Date updated,Bo&#39;shatish sanasi yangilandi,
535Clinical Procedure,Klinik protsedura,
536Clinical Procedure Template,Klinik protsedura namunasi,
537Close Balance Sheet and book Profit or Loss.,Balansni yopish va daromadni yo&#39;qotish.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000538Close Loan,Kreditni yopish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530539Close the POS,Qalinlikni o&#39;chirib qo&#39;ying,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000541Closed order cannot be cancelled. Unclose to cancel.,Yopiq buyurtmani bekor qilish mumkin emas. Bekor qilish uchun yoping.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530542Closing (Cr),Yakunlovchi (Cr),
543Closing (Dr),Yakunlovchi (doktor),
544Closing (Opening + Total),Yakunlovchi (ochilish + jami),
545Closing Account {0} must be of type Liability / Equity,Hisobni yopish {0} javobgarlik / tenglik turi bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000546Closing Balance,Yakuniy balans,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530547Collapse All,Hammasini ixchamlashtirish,
549Combined invoice portion must equal 100%,Qo&#39;shma hisob-faktura qismi 100%,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000552Commission Rate %,Komissiya darajasi%,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530553Commission on Sales,Savdo bo&#39;yicha komissiya,
554Commission rate cannot be greater than 100,Komissiya stavkasi 100 dan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
555Community Forum,Jamoa forumi,
556Company (not Customer or Supplier) master.,Kompaniya (mijoz yoki yetkazib beruvchi emas) ustasi.,
557Company Abbreviation,Kompaniya qisqartmasi,
558Company Abbreviation cannot have more than 5 characters,Kompaniya qisqartmasi 5 belgidan oshmasligi kerak,
559Company Name,kopmaniya nomi,
560Company Name cannot be Company,Kompaniyaning nomi Kompaniya bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
561Company currencies of both the companies should match for Inter Company Transactions.,Ham kompaniyaning kompaniyaning valyutalari Inter Company Transactions uchun mos kelishi kerak.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000562Company is manadatory for company account,Kompaniyaning kompaniya hisob raqamlari uchun ma&#39;muriy hisoblanadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530563Company name not same,Kompaniya nomi bir xil emas,
564Company {0} does not exist,Kompaniya {0} mavjud emas,
565"Company, Payment Account, From Date and To Date is mandatory","Kompaniya, To&#39;lov Hisobi, Sana va Sana bo&#39;yicha majburiydir",
566Compensatory Off,Compensatory Off,
567Compensatory leave request days not in valid holidays,Kompensatsion ta&#39;til talablari joriy bayramlarda emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000569Completed Qty can not be greater than 'Qty to Manufacture',Tugallangan Miqdor &quot;Katta ishlab chiqarish&quot; dan katta bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530570Completion Date,Tugatish sanasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000572Configure,Moslashtiring,
573Configure {0},Sozlash {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530574Confirmed orders from Customers.,Xaridorlarning buyurtmalari tasdiqlangan.,
575Connect Amazon with ERPNext,Amazonni ERPNext bilan ulang,
576Connect Shopify with ERPNext,Shopifyni ERPNext bilan ulang,
577Connect to Quickbooks,Tez kitoblarga ulanish,
578Connected to QuickBooks,QuickBooks-ga ulangan,
579Connecting to QuickBooks,QuickBooks-ga ulanish,
584Consumed,Iste&#39;mol qilingan,
585Consumed Amount,Iste&#39;mol qilingan summalar,
586Consumed Qty,Iste&#39;mol qilingan Miqdor,
587Consumer Products,Iste&#39;molchi mahsulotlari,
588Contact Number,Aloqa raqami,
589Contact Us,Biz bilan bog&#39;lanish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000590Content Masters,Tarkib ustalari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530591Continue Configuration,Konfiguratsiyani davom ettiring,
593Contract End Date must be greater than Date of Joining,Shartnoma tugash sanasi qo&#39;shilish sanasidan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
594Contribution %,Qatnashish%,
595Contribution Amount,Qatnashchining miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000596Conversion factor for default Unit of Measure must be 1 in row {0},Birlamchi o&#39;lchov birligi uchun ishlab chiqarish omili {0} qatorida 1 bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530597Conversion rate cannot be 0 or 1,Ishlab chiqarish darajasi 0 yoki 1 bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000598Convert to Group,Guruhga aylantirilsin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530599Convert to Non-Group,Guruhga o&#39;tkazilmasin,
601Cost Center,Xarajat markazi,
602Cost Center Number,Xarajat markazi raqami,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000603Cost Center and Budgeting,Xarajatlar markazi va byudjetlashtirish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530604Cost Center is required in row {0} in Taxes table for type {1},Narxlar markazi {1} qatoridagi Vergiler jadvalidagi {0} qatorida talab qilinadi,
605Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to group,Amalga oshirilgan operatsiyalar bilan Narx Markaziga guruhga o&#39;tish mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000606Cost Center with existing transactions can not be converted to ledger,Amalga oshirilgan operatsiyalarni bajarish uchun xarajatlar markaziy hisob kitobiga o&#39;tkazilmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530607Cost Centers,Xarajat markazlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000608Cost Updated,Qiymati yangilandi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530609Cost as on,Narh-navo,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000610Cost of Delivered Items,Etkazib beriladigan mahsulotlarning narxi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530611Cost of Goods Sold,Sotilgan mol-mulki,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000612Cost of Issued Items,Chiqarilgan mahsulotlarning narxi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530613Cost of New Purchase,Yangi xarid qiymati,
614Cost of Purchased Items,Xarid qilingan buyumlarning narxi,
615Cost of Scrapped Asset,Chiqib ketgan aktivlarning qiymati,
616Cost of Sold Asset,Sotilgan aktivlarning qiymati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000617Cost of various activities,Turli faoliyat turlarining narxi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530618"Could not create Credit Note automatically, please uncheck 'Issue Credit Note' and submit again","Kredit eslatmasini avtomatik ravishda yaratib bo&#39;lmadi, iltimos, &quot;Mas&#39;uliyatni zahiralash&quot; belgisini olib tashlang va qayta yuboring",
619Could not generate Secret,Yashirin bo&#39;lmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000620Could not retrieve information for {0}.,{0} uchun ma&#39;lumot topilmadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530621Could not solve criteria score function for {0}. Make sure the formula is valid.,{0} uchun kriteriya funksiyasini o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmadi. Formulaning haqiqiyligiga ishonch hosil qiling.,
622Could not solve weighted score function. Make sure the formula is valid.,Og&#39;irlikdagi ball vazifasini hal qila olmadi. Formulaning haqiqiyligiga ishonch hosil qiling.,
623Could not submit some Salary Slips,Ish haqi toifalarini topshirib bo&#39;lmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000624"Could not update stock, invoice contains drop shipping item.","Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar yangilanib bo&#39;lmadi, hisob-faktura tomchi qoplama mahsulotini o&#39;z ichiga oladi.",
625Country wise default Address Templates,Country wise wise manzili Shablonlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530626Course,Kurs,
627Course Code: ,Kurs kodi:,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000628Course Enrollment {0} does not exists,{0} kursiga yozilish mavjud emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530629Course Schedule,Kurs jadvali,
630Course: ,Kurs:,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000632Create,Yarating,
633Create BOM,BOM yarating,
634Create Delivery Trip,Etkazib berish safari yarating,
635Create Disbursement Entry,To&#39;lov yozuvini yarating,
636Create Employee,Xodimni yaratish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530637Create Employee Records,Xodimlarning yozuvlarini yaratish,
638"Create Employee records to manage leaves, expense claims and payroll","Barglarni, xarajat da&#39;vatlarini va ish haqini boshqarish uchun xodimlar yozuvlarini yarating",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000639Create Fee Schedule,Ish haqi jadvalini yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530640Create Fees,Narxlarni yarating,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000641Create Inter Company Journal Entry,Inter Company jurnaliga yozuv yarating,
642Create Invoice,Hisob-fakturani yaratish,
643Create Invoices,Hisob-fakturalar yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530644Create Job Card,Ish kartasini yarating,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000645Create Journal Entry,Jurnal yozuvini yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530646Create Lab Test,Laboratoriya testini yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000647Create Lead,Qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530648Create Leads,Yaratmalar yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000649Create Maintenance Visit,Xizmat tashrifini yaratish,
650Create Material Request,Talabnomani yaratish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530651Create Multiple,Bir nechta yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000652Create Opening Sales and Purchase Invoices,Ochish va sotib olish uchun hisobvaraqlarni yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530653Create Payment Entries,To&#39;lov yozuvlarini yarating,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000654Create Payment Entry,To&#39;lov yozuvini yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530655Create Print Format,Chop etish formatini yaratish,
656Create Purchase Order,Buyurtma buyurtmasini yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000657Create Purchase Orders,Buyurtma buyurtmalarini yaratish,
658Create Quotation,Kotirovka yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530659Create Salary Slip,Ish haqi slipini yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000660Create Salary Slips,Ish haqi slipslarini yarating,
661Create Sales Invoice,Savdo fakturasini yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530662Create Sales Order,Savdo buyurtmasini yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000663Create Sales Orders to help you plan your work and deliver on-time,O&#39;zingizning ishingizni rejalashtirish va o&#39;z vaqtida etkazib berishga yordam berish uchun sotish buyurtmalarini yarating,
664Create Sample Retention Stock Entry,Namuna saqlash aktsiyadorlik yozuvini yarating,
665Create Student,Student yaratish,
666Create Student Batch,Talabalar to&#39;plamini yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530667Create Student Groups,Talabalar guruhini yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000668Create Supplier Quotation,Yetkazib beruvchiga narxlarni yaratish,
669Create Tax Template,Soliq shablonini yarating,
670Create Timesheet,Vaqt jadvalini yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530671Create User,Foydalanuvchi yarat,
672Create Users,Foydalanuvchilarni yaratish,
673Create Variant,Variant yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000674Create Variants,Variantlarni yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530675Create a new Customer,Yangi xaridorni yarating,
676"Create and manage daily, weekly and monthly email digests.","Kundalik, haftalik va oylik elektron pochta digestlarini yarating va boshqaring.",
677Create customer quotes,Xaridor taklifini yarating,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000678Create rules to restrict transactions based on values.,Jarayonlarni qadriyatlar asosida cheklash uchun qoidalar yarating.,
679Created {0} scorecards for {1} between: ,{1} uchun {0} ko&#39;rsatkichlar jadvalini yaratdi:,
680Creating Company and Importing Chart of Accounts,Kompaniyani yaratish va hisoblar jadvalini import qilish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530681Creating Fees,Narxlarni yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000682Creating Payment Entries......,To&#39;lov yozuvlarini tuzish ......,
683Creating Salary Slips...,Ish haqi toifalarini yaratish ...,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530684Creating student groups,Talabalar guruhlarini yaratish,
685Creating {0} Invoice,{0} Billingni yaratish,
687Credit ({0}),Kredit ({0}),
688Credit Account,Kredit hisobi,
689Credit Balance,Kredit balansi,
690Credit Card,Kredit karta,
691Credit Days cannot be a negative number,Kredit kuni salbiy raqam bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
692Credit Limit,Kredit cheklovi,
693Credit Note,Kredit eslatma,
694Credit Note Amount,Kredit eslatma miqdori,
695Credit Note Issued,Kredit notasi chiqarildi,
696Credit Note {0} has been created automatically,{0} kredit eslatmasi avtomatik ravishda yaratilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000697Credit limit has been crossed for customer {0} ({1}/{2}),Xaridor uchun {0} ({1} / {2}) krediti cheklanganligi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530698Creditors,Kreditorlar,
699Criteria weights must add up to 100%,Mezonning og&#39;irliklari 100%,
700Crop Cycle,O&#39;simlik aylanishi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000701Crops & Lands,O&#39;simliklar va erlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530702Currency Exchange must be applicable for Buying or for Selling.,Valyuta almashinuvi xarid yoki sotish uchun tegishli bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000703Currency can not be changed after making entries using some other currency,Valyutani boshqa valyutani qo&#39;llagan holda kiritish o&#39;zgartirilmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530704Currency exchange rate master.,Ayirboshlash kursi ustasi.,
705Currency for {0} must be {1},{0} uchun valyuta {1} bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000706Currency is required for Price List {0},Narxlar ro&#39;yxati uchun valyuta talab qilinadi {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530707Currency of the Closing Account must be {0},Yakuniy hisob raqamining valyutasi {0} bo&#39;lishi kerak,
708Currency of the price list {0} must be {1} or {2},Narxlar ro&#39;yxatining {0} valyutasi {1} yoki {2},
709Currency should be same as Price List Currency: {0},Valyuta bir xil bo&#39;lishi kerak Price List Valyuta: {0},
711Current Assets,Joriy aktivlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000712Current BOM and New BOM can not be same,Joriy BOM va yangi BOM bir xil bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530713Current Job Openings,Joriy ish o&#39;rinlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000714Current Liabilities,Joriy majburiyatlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530715Current Qty,Joriy Miqdor,
716Current invoice {0} is missing,Joriy {0} hisob-kitobi yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000718Customer Addresses And Contacts,Mijozlar manzillari va aloqalar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530719Customer Contact,Mijozlar bilan aloqa,
720Customer Database.,Mijozlar bazasi.,
721Customer Group,Mijozlar guruhi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000722Customer Group is Required in POS Profile,Qalin profilda mijozlar guruhi talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530723Customer LPO,Xaridor LPO,
724Customer LPO No.,Xaridor LPO No.,
725Customer Name,Xaridor nomi,
726Customer POS Id,Xaridor QO&#39;ShI Id,
727Customer Service,Mijozlarga hizmat,
728Customer and Supplier,Xaridor va yetkazib beruvchi,
729Customer is required,Xaridor talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000730Customer isn't enrolled in any Loyalty Program,Xaridor har qanday sodiqlik dasturiga kiritilmagan,
731Customer required for 'Customerwise Discount',&quot;Customerwise-ning dasturi&quot;,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530732Customer {0} does not belong to project {1},Xaridor {0} loyihaga {1} tegishli emas,
733Customer {0} is created.,Xaridor {0} yaratildi.,
734Customers in Queue,Navbatdagi mijozlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000735Customize Homepage Sections,Bosh sahifa bo&#39;limlarini sozlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530736Customizing Forms,Formalarni xususiylashtirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000737Daily Project Summary for {0},{0} uchun kunlik loyihaning qisqacha mazmuni,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530738Daily Reminders,Kundalik eslatmalar,
739Daily Work Summary,Kundalik ish xulosasi,
740Daily Work Summary Group,Kundalik Ish Xulosa Guruhi,
741Data Import and Export,Ma&#39;lumotlarni import qilish va eksport qilish,
742Data Import and Settings,Ma&#39;lumotlarni import qilish va sozlash,
743Database of potential customers.,Potentsial mijozlar bazasi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000744Date Of Retirement must be greater than Date of Joining,Pensiya tarixi sanasi qo&#39;shilish sanasidan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530745Date is repeated,Sana takrorlanadi,
746Date of Birth,Tug&#39;ilgan sana,
747Date of Birth cannot be greater than today.,Tug&#39;ilgan sanasi bugungi kunda katta bo&#39;lmasligi mumkin.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000748Date of Commencement should be greater than Date of Incorporation,Boshlanish sanasi Jamg&#39;arma sanasidan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
749Date of Joining,Ishtirok etish sanasi,
750Date of Joining must be greater than Date of Birth,Kiritilgan sana Tug&#39;ilgan kundan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530751Date of Transaction,Jurnal tarixi,
753Debit ({0}),Debet ({0}),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000754Debit A/C Number,Debit A / C raqami,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530755Debit Account,Hisob qaydnomasi,
756Debit Note,Debet eslatmasi,
757Debit Note Amount,Debet qaydnomasi miqdori,
758Debit Note Issued,Debet notasi chiqarildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530759Debit To is required,Debet kerak,
760Debit and Credit not equal for {0} #{1}. Difference is {2}.,Debet va kredit {0} # {1} uchun teng emas. Farqi {2} dir.,
762Debtors ({0}),Qarzdorlar ({0}),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000763Declare Lost,Yo&#39;qotilganligini e&#39;lon qiling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530764Deduction,O&#39;chirish,
765Default Activity Cost exists for Activity Type - {0},Faoliyat turi - {0} uchun odatiy faoliyat harajati mavjud.,
766Default BOM ({0}) must be active for this item or its template,Ushbu element yoki uning shabloni uchun standart BOM ({0}) faol bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000767Default BOM for {0} not found,{0} uchun odatiy BOM topilmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530768Default BOM not found for Item {0} and Project {1},{0} va Project {1} uchun standart BOM topilmadi,
769Default Tax Template,Standart soliq kodi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000770Default Unit of Measure for Item {0} cannot be changed directly because you have already made some transaction(s) with another UOM. You will need to create a new Item to use a different Default UOM.,"{0} elementi uchun standart o&#39;lchov birligi bevosita o&#39;zgartirilmaydi, chunki siz boshqa UOM bilan ba&#39;zi bitimlar (tranzaktsiyalar) qildingiz. Boshqa bir standart UOM dan foydalanish uchun yangi element yaratishingiz lozim.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530771Default Unit of Measure for Variant '{0}' must be same as in Template '{1}',&#39;{0}&#39; variantining standart o&#39;lchov birligi &#39;{1}&#39; shablonidagi kabi bo&#39;lishi kerak,
772Default settings for buying transactions.,Jurnallarni sotib olish uchun standart sozlamalar.,
773Default settings for selling transactions.,Jurnallarni sotish uchun standart sozlamalar.,
774Default tax templates for sales and purchase are created.,Savdo va xarid uchun odatiy soliq namunalari yaratilgan.,
775Default warehouse is required for selected item,Tanlangan element uchun odatiy ombor kerak,
777Define Project type.,Loyiha turini belgilang.,
778Define budget for a financial year.,Moliyaviy yil uchun byudjetni belgilang.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000779Define various loan types,Turli xil kredit turlarini aniqlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530780Del,Del,
781Delay in payment (Days),To&#39;lovni kechiktirish (kunlar),
782Delete all the Transactions for this Company,Ushbu kompaniyaning barcha operatsiyalarini o&#39;chirish,
783Delete permanently?,Doimiy o&#39;chirilsinmi?,
784Deletion is not permitted for country {0},{0} mamlakat uchun o&#39;chirishga ruxsat yo&#39;q,
786Delivered Amount,Miqdori topshirilgan,
787Delivered Qty,Miqdori topshirilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000788Delivered: {0},Tasdiqlangan: {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530789Delivery,Yetkazib berish,
790Delivery Date,Yetkazib berish sanasi,
791Delivery Note,Yetkazib berish eslatmasi,
792Delivery Note {0} is not submitted,Yetkazib berish eslatmasi {0} yuborilmadi,
793Delivery Note {0} must not be submitted,Yetkazib berish eslatmasi {0} yuborilmasligi kerak,
794Delivery Notes {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order,Ushbu Sotuvdagi Buyurtmani bekor qilishdan oldin etkazib berish xatnomalarini {0} bekor qilish kerak,
795Delivery Notes {0} updated,Yetkazib berish xatlari {0} yangilandi,
796Delivery Status,Etkazib berish holati,
797Delivery Trip,Etkazib berish,
798Delivery warehouse required for stock item {0},{0} aksessuarlari uchun yetkazib berish ombori,
800Department Stores,Savdo do&#39;konlari,
802Depreciation Amount,Amortizatsiya summasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000803Depreciation Amount during the period,Amortisman muddati davomida,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530804Depreciation Date,Amortizatsiya sanasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000805Depreciation Eliminated due to disposal of assets,Amortizatsiya Aktivlarni yo&#39;qotish oqibatida yo&#39;qotilgan,
806Depreciation Entry,Amortizatsiyani kiritish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530807Depreciation Method,Amortizatsiya usuli,
808Depreciation Row {0}: Depreciation Start Date is entered as past date,Amortizatsiya satrlari {0}: Amortizatsiya boshlanish sanasi o&#39;tgan sana sifatida kiritiladi,
809Depreciation Row {0}: Expected value after useful life must be greater than or equal to {1},Amortizatsiya satri {0}: foydali muddat tugagandan keyin kutilgan qiymat {1} dan katta yoki teng bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000810Depreciation Row {0}: Next Depreciation Date cannot be before Available-for-use Date,Amortizatsiya sathi {0}: Keyingi Amortizatsiya tarixi foydalanish uchun tayyor bo&#39;lgan sanadan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530811Depreciation Row {0}: Next Depreciation Date cannot be before Purchase Date,Amortizatsiya sathi {0}: Keyingi Amortizatsiya tarixi sotib olish sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000813Detailed Reason,To&#39;liq sabab,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530814Details,Batafsil,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000815Details of Outward Supplies and inward supplies liable to reverse charge,Orqaga zaryadlanishi kerak bo&#39;lgan tashqi ta&#39;minot va ichki ta&#39;minot tafsilotlari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530816Details of the operations carried out.,Faoliyatning tafsilotlari.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000818Did not find any item called {0},{0} nomli biron-bir element topilmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530819Diff Qty,Diff Sts,
820Difference Account,Farq hisob,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000821"Difference Account must be a Asset/Liability type account, since this Stock Reconciliation is an Opening Entry","Farq Hisobi Hisob-kitobi bo&#39;lishi kerak, chunki bu fondning kelishuvi ochilish yozuvi",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530822Difference Amount,Farqi miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000823Difference Amount must be zero,Ajratish miqdori nol bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530824Different UOM for items will lead to incorrect (Total) Net Weight value. Make sure that Net Weight of each item is in the same UOM.,Ma&#39;lumotlar uchun turli UOM noto&#39;g&#39;ri (Total) Net Og&#39;irligi qiymatiga olib keladi. Har bir elementning aniq vazniga bir xil UOM ichida ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling.,
825Direct Expenses,To&#39;g&#39;ridan-to&#39;g&#39;ri xarajatlar,
826Direct Income,To&#39;g&#39;ridan-to&#39;g&#39;ri daromad,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000827Disabled template must not be default template,Nogironlar shabloni asl shabloni bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530828Disburse Loan,Kreditni to&#39;lash,
829Disbursed,Qabul qilingan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000832Discount,Dasturi,
833Discount Percentage can be applied either against a Price List or for all Price List.,Chegirma foizlar yoki Narxlar ro&#39;yxatiga yoki barcha Narxlar ro&#39;yxatiga nisbatan qo&#39;llanilishi mumkin.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530834Discount amount cannot be greater than 100%,Diskontning miqdori 100% dan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
835Discount must be less than 100,Diskont 100 dan kam bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000836Diseases & Fertilizers,Kasallik va go&#39;ng,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530837Dispatch,Dispetcher,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000838Dispatch Notification,Dispetcher haqida bildirishnoma,
839Dispatch State,Shtat yuboring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530840Distance,Masofa,
843Dividends Paid,To&#39;langan mablag&#39;lar,
844Do you really want to restore this scrapped asset?,"Chindan ham, bu eskirgan obyektni qayta tiklashni xohlaysizmi?",
845Do you really want to scrap this asset?,Haqiqatan ham ushbu obyektni yo&#39;qotmoqchimisiz?,
846Do you want to notify all the customers by email?,Barcha mijozlarni elektron pochta orqali xabardor qilishni xohlaysizmi?,
847Doc Date,Doc tarixi,
848Doc Name,Doc nomi,
849Doc Type,Doc turi,
850Docs Search,Hujjatlar qidiruvi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000851Document Status,Hujjat holati,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530852Document Type,Hujjat turi,
857Donor Type information.,Donor turi haqida ma&#39;lumot.,
858Donor information.,Donor ma&#39;lumoti.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000859Download JSON,JSON-ni yuklab oling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530860Draft,Loyihalar,
861Drop Ship,Drop Ship,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000862Drug,Dori,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530863Due / Reference Date cannot be after {0},Vaqt / ariza sanasi {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000864Due Date cannot be before Posting / Supplier Invoice Date,To&#39;lov sanasi Post / Yetkazib beruvchi schyot-fakturasi sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530865Due Date is mandatory,To&#39;lov sanasi majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000866Duplicate Entry. Please check Authorization Rule {0},"Ikki nusxadagi yozuv. Iltimos, tasdiqlash qoidasini {0}",
867Duplicate Serial No entered for Item {0},Duplikat ketma-ket No {0} element uchun kiritilgan,
868Duplicate customer group found in the cutomer group table,Cutomer guruhi jadvalida topilgan mijozlar guruhini takrorlash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530869Duplicate entry,Ikki nusxadagi kirish,
870Duplicate item group found in the item group table,Elementlar guruhi jadvalida topilgan nusxalash elementlari guruhi,
871Duplicate roll number for student {0},Talabalar uchun {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000872Duplicate row {0} with same {1},Shu {1} bilan {0} qatorini nusxalash,
873Duplicate {0} found in the table,Jadvalda {0} nusxasi topildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530874Duration in Days,Kunlarning davomiyligi,
875Duties and Taxes,Vazifalar va soliq,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000876E-Invoicing Information Missing,Elektron schyot-fakturada ma&#39;lumot yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530877ERPNext Demo,ERPNekst demo,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000878ERPNext Settings,ERPNext sozlamalari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530879Earliest,Eng qadimgi,
880Earnest Money,Pul ishlang,
883Edit Publishing Details,Nashriyot ma&#39;lumotlarini tahrirlash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000884"Edit in full page for more options like assets, serial nos, batches etc.","Aktivlar, ketma-ket noslar, partiyalar va h.k. kabi qo&#39;shimcha variantlar uchun to&#39;liq sahifada tahrir qiling.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530885Education,Ta&#39;lim,
886Either location or employee must be required,Joy yoki ishchi kerak bo&#39;lishi kerak,
887Either target qty or target amount is mandatory,Nishon miqdor yoki maqsad miqdori majburiydir,
888Either target qty or target amount is mandatory.,Nishon miqdor yoki maqsad miqdori majburiydir.,
890Electronic Equipments,Elektron uskunalar,
892Eligible ITC,Muvofiq ITC,
893"Email Address must be unique, already exists for {0}","E-pochta manzili noyob bo&#39;lishi kerak, {0} uchun allaqachon mavjud",
894Email Digest: ,E-pochtasi:,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000895Email Reminders will be sent to all parties with email contacts,E-pochta xabari barcha ishtirokchilarga e-pochta aloqasi yuboriladi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530896Email not found in default contact,E-pochta manzili standart kontaktda topilmadi,
897Email sent to supplier {0},{0} yetkazib beruvchiga yuborilgan elektron xat,
898Email sent to {0},{0} ga yuborilgan elektron pochta,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000900Employee A/C Number,Xodimning A / C raqami,
901Employee Advances,Ishchilarning avanslari,
902Employee Benefits,Ishchilarning nafaqalari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530903Employee Grade,Ishchilar darajasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000904Employee ID,Xodimning shaxsini tasdiqlovchi hujjat,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530905Employee Lifecycle,Xodimlarning hayot muddati,
906Employee Name,Xodimlarning nomi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000907Employee Promotion cannot be submitted before Promotion Date ,Xodimlar Rag&#39;batlantirilishi Rag&#39;batlantiruvchi Kunidan oldin topshirilishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530908Employee Referral,Xodimga murojaat,
909Employee Transfer cannot be submitted before Transfer Date ,Xodimlarning transferi topshirilgunga qadar topshirilishi mumkin emas,
910Employee cannot report to himself.,Xodim o&#39;z oldiga hisobot bera olmaydi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000911Employee relieved on {0} must be set as 'Left',{0} da bo&#39;shagan xodim &quot;chapga&quot;,
912Employee status cannot be set to 'Left' as following employees are currently reporting to this employee:&nbsp;,"Xodimning maqomini &quot;Chap&quot; ga sozlab bo&#39;lmaydi, chunki quyidagi xodimlar ushbu xodimga hisobot berishmoqda:",
913Employee {0} already submited an apllication {1} for the payroll period {2},{0} xizmatdoshi {1} ish haqi muddati uchun {1},
914Employee {0} has already applied for {1} between {2} and {3} : ,{0} xizmatdoshi {1} uchun {2} va {3}) orasida allaqachon murojaat qilgan:,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530915Employee {0} has already applied for {1} on {2} : ,{0} xizmatdoshi {1} uchun {2} da allaqachon murojaat qilgan:,
916Employee {0} has no maximum benefit amount,{0} xodimida maksimal nafaqa miqdori yo&#39;q,
917Employee {0} is not active or does not exist,Xodim {0} faol emas yoki mavjud emas,
918Employee {0} is on Leave on {1},{0} xodimi {1} ta&#39;tilda,
919Employee {0} of grade {1} have no default leave policy,{1} sinfidagi xodimlar {0} standart ta&#39;til siyosatiga ega emas,
920Employee {0} on Half day on {1},Yarim kun {1} da xizmatdosh {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530921Enable / disable currencies.,Pullarni yoqish / o&#39;chirish.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530922"Enabling 'Use for Shopping Cart', as Shopping Cart is enabled and there should be at least one Tax Rule for Shopping Cart",Xarid qilish vositasi yoqilganligi uchun &quot;Savatga savatni ishlatish&quot; funksiyasini yoqish va savat uchun kamida bitta Soliq qoidasi bo&#39;lishi kerak,
923End Date,Tugash sanasi,
924End Date can not be less than Start Date,Tugash sanasi Boshlanish sanasidan past bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
925End Date cannot be before Start Date.,Tugash sanasi boshlanish sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
926End Year,End Year,
927End Year cannot be before Start Year,End Year Year Year oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
928End on,Tugatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000929End time cannot be before start time,Tugash vaqti boshlanish vaqtidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
930Ends On date cannot be before Next Contact Date.,Nihoyasiga yetadigan sana Keyingi aloqa kuni oldidan bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530931Energy,Energiya,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000933Enough Parts to Build,Qurilish uchun yetarli qismlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530934Enroll,Ro&#39;yxatga olish,
935Enrolling student,Talabgorni ro&#39;yxatga olish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000936Enrolling students,Talabalar ro&#39;yxatga olish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530937Enter depreciation details,Amortizatsiya ma&#39;lumotlarini kiriting,
938Enter the Bank Guarantee Number before submittting.,Ishlatishdan oldin bank kafolat raqamini kiriting.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000939Enter the name of the Beneficiary before submittting.,Foydali tomonning nomini topshirishdan oldin kiriting.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530940Enter the name of the bank or lending institution before submittting.,Qabul qilishdan oldin bank yoki kredit tashkilotining nomini kiriting.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000941Enter value betweeen {0} and {1},{0} va {1} oralig&#39;idagi qiymatni kiriting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530942Enter value must be positive,Qiymatni kiritish ijobiy bo&#39;lishi kerak,
943Entertainment & Leisure,O&#39;yin-kulgi va hordiq,
944Entertainment Expenses,O&#39;yin xarajatlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000946Error evaluating the criteria formula,Me&#39;riy formulani baholashda xato,
947Error in formula or condition: {0},Formulada yoki vaziyatda xato: {0},
948Error while processing deferred accounting for {0},{0} uchun buxgalteriya hisobini qayta ishlashda xatolik,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530949Error: Not a valid id?,Xato: haqiqiy emas kim?,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000950Estimated Cost,Bashoratli narxlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530951Evaluation,Baholash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000952"Even if there are multiple Pricing Rules with highest priority, then following internal priorities are applied:","Yuqori ustuvorlikka ega bo&#39;lgan bir nechta narx qoidalari mavjud bo&#39;lsa ham, ichki ustuvorliklar quyidagilarga amal qiladi:",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530953Event Location,Voqealar joylashuvi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000954Event Name,Voqealar nomi,
955Exchange Gain/Loss,Almashinish / Zarar,
956Exchange Rate Revaluation master.,Valyuta kursini qayta baholash ustasi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530957Exchange Rate must be same as {0} {1} ({2}),Ayirboshlash kursi {0} {1} ({2}),
958Excise Invoice,Aksiz billing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000959Execution,Ijroiya,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530960Executive Search,Ijrochi Izlash,
961Expand All,Hammasini kengaytirish,
962Expected Delivery Date,Kutilayotgan etkazib berish sanasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000963Expected Delivery Date should be after Sales Order Date,Kutilayotgan etkazib berish sanasi Sotuvdagi Buyurtma tarixidan keyin bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530964Expected End Date,Kutilayotgan tugash sanasi,
965Expected Hrs,Kutilgan soat,
966Expected Start Date,Kutilayotgan boshlanish sanasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000967Expense,Xarajatlar,
968Expense / Difference account ({0}) must be a 'Profit or Loss' account,Xarajatlar / farq statistikasi ({0}) &quot;Qor yoki ziyon&quot; hisobiga bo&#39;lishi kerak,
969Expense Account,Xisob-kitobi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530970Expense Claim,Xarajat shikoyati,
971Expense Claim for Vehicle Log {0},Avtotransport jurnali uchun xarajatlar uchun da&#39;vo {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000972Expense Claim {0} already exists for the Vehicle Log,Avtomobil logi uchun {0} xarajat talabi allaqachon mavjud,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530973Expense Claims,Xarajatlar bo&#39;yicha da&#39;vo,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000974Expense account is mandatory for item {0},Xarajat hisobi {0} elementi uchun majburiydir.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530975Expense or Difference account is mandatory for Item {0} as it impacts overall stock value,"Xarajat yoki farq statistikasi {0} elementi uchun majburiy, chunki u umumiy qimmatbaho qiymatga ta&#39;sir qiladi",
977Expenses Included In Asset Valuation,Aktivlarni baholashga kiritiladigan xarajatlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000978Expenses Included In Valuation,Baholashda ishtirok etish xarajatlari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530979Expired Batches,Muddati tugagan batareyalar,
980Expires On,Muddati tugaydi,
981Expiring On,Vaqt o&#39;tishi bilan,
982Expiry (In Days),Vaqt muddati (kunlar),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000984Export E-Invoices,Elektron hisob-fakturalarni eksport qilish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530985Extra Large,Juda katta,
986Extra Small,Qo&#39;shimcha kichik,
988Failed to create website,Veb-sayt yaratilmadi,
989Failed to install presets,Avvalgi sozlamalarni o&#39;rnatib bo&#39;lmadi,
990Failed to login,Kirish amalga oshmadi,
991Failed to setup company,Kompaniya o&#39;rnatilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000992Failed to setup defaults,Odatiy sozlash amalga oshmadi,
993Failed to setup post company fixtures,Kompaniya korporatsiyalarini o&#39;rnatib bo&#39;lmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530995Fee Created,Ish haqi yaratildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +0000996Fee Creation Failed,Narxni yaratish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +0530997Fee Creation Pending,Ish haqi yaratilishi kutilmoqda,
998Fee Records Created - {0},Yaratilgan yozuvlar - {0},
1001Fetch Data,Ma&#39;lumotlarni olish,
1002Fetch Subscription Updates,Obunani yangilang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301003Fetch exploded BOM (including sub-assemblies),"Fetch portlash qilingan BOM (sub-assemblies, shu jumladan)",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001004Fetching records......,Yozuvlarni yuklash ......,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301005Fill the form and save it,Shaklni to&#39;ldiring va uni saqlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001006Filter Employees By (Optional),Xodimlarni filtrlash (ixtiyoriy),
1007"Filter Fields Row #{0}: Fieldname <b>{1}</b> must be of type ""Link"" or ""Table MultiSelect""",Maydonlar qatori filtri {{0}: <b>{1}</b> maydon nomi &quot;Bog&#39;lanish&quot; yoki &quot;Jadval MultiSelect&quot; turida bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301008Filter Total Zero Qty,Filtrni jami nolinchi son,
1009Finance Book,Moliya kitobi,
1010Financial / accounting year.,Moliyaviy / hisobot yili.,
1011Financial Services,Moliyaviy xizmatlar,
1012Financial Statements,Moliyaviy jadvallar,
1013Financial Year,Moliyaviy yil,
1015Finished Good,Yaxshi tugadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001016Finished Good Item Code,Tayyor mahsulot kodi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301017Finished Goods,Tayyor mahsulotlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001018Finished Item {0} must be entered for Manufacture type entry,Ishlab chiqarish turi uchun {0} tugagan elementni kiritish kerak,
1019Finished product quantity <b>{0}</b> and For Quantity <b>{1}</b> cannot be different,Tugallangan mahsulot miqdori <b>{0}</b> va miqdori <b>{1}</b> uchun boshqacha bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
1020"Fiscal Regime is mandatory, kindly set the fiscal regime in the company {0}","Fiskal rejim majburiydir, kompaniyada fiskal rejimni sozlang {0}",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301021Fiscal Year,Moliyaviy yil,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001022Fiscal Year End Date should be one year after Fiscal Year Start Date,Moliyaviy yil tugash sanasi moliya yilining boshlanish sanasidan bir yil keyin bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301023Fiscal Year Start Date and Fiscal Year End Date are already set in Fiscal Year {0},Moliyaviy yil boshlash sanasi va Moliya yili tugash sanasi Moliyaviy yil {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001024Fiscal Year Start Date should be one year earlier than Fiscal Year End Date,Moliyaviy yilning boshlanish sanasi moliya yilining tugash sanasidan bir yil oldin bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301025Fiscal Year {0} does not exist,Moliyaviy yil {0} mavjud emas,
1026Fiscal Year {0} is required,Moliyaviy yil {0} talab qilinadi,
1027Fiscal Year {0} not found,Moliyaviy yil {0} topilmadi,
1028Fiscal Year: {0} does not exists,Moliyaviy yil: {0} mavjud emas,
1029Fixed Asset,Ruxsat etilgan aktiv,
1030Fixed Asset Item must be a non-stock item.,Ruxsat etilgan aktiv elementi qimmatli qog&#39;oz emas.,
1031Fixed Assets,Asosiy vositalar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001032Following Material Requests have been raised automatically based on Item's re-order level,"Materiallar so&#39;rovlaridan so&#39;ng, Materiallar buyurtma buyurtma darajasi bo&#39;yicha avtomatik ravishda to&#39;ldirildi",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301033Following accounts might be selected in GST Settings:,GST sozlamalarida quyidagi hisoblarni tanlash mumkin:,
1034Following course schedules were created,Kurs jadvallarini tuzishdan keyin yaratildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001035Following item {0} is not marked as {1} item. You can enable them as {1} item from its Item master,{0} elementdan so&#39;ng {1} element sifatida belgilangani yo&#39;q. Ularni Item masterdan {1} element sifatida faollashtirishingiz mumkin,
1036Following items {0} are not marked as {1} item. You can enable them as {1} item from its Item master,{0} elementdan so&#39;ng {1} element sifatida belgilanmagan. Ularni Item masterdan {1} element sifatida faollashtirishingiz mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301037Food,Ovqat,
1038"Food, Beverage & Tobacco","Oziq-ovqat, ichgani va tamaki",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001040"For 'Product Bundle' items, Warehouse, Serial No and Batch No will be considered from the 'Packing List' table. If Warehouse and Batch No are same for all packing items for any 'Product Bundle' item, those values can be entered in the main Item table, values will be copied to 'Packing List' table.","&quot;Paket ro&#39;yxati&quot; jadvalidan &#39;Mahsulot paketi&#39; elementlari, QXI, seriya raqami va lotin raqami ko&#39;rib chiqilmaydi. Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar va partiyalar raqami &quot;mahsulot paketi&quot; elementi uchun barcha qadoqlash buyumlari uchun bir xil bo&#39;lsa, ushbu qiymatlar asosiy element jadvaliga kiritilishi mumkin, qadriyatlar &#39;Paket ro&#39;yxati&#39; jadvaliga ko&#39;chiriladi.",
1041For Employee,Ishchi uchun,
1042For Quantity (Manufactured Qty) is mandatory,Miqdor uchun (ishlab chiqarilgan Qty) majburiydir,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301043For Supplier,Yetkazib beruvchiga,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001044For Warehouse,QXI uchun,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301045For Warehouse is required before Submit,Yuborishdan oldin ombor uchun talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001046"For an item {0}, quantity must be negative number",{0} maqola uchun miqdori salbiy son bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301047"For an item {0}, quantity must be positive number",{0} elementi uchun miqdor musbat son bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001048"For job card {0}, you can only make the 'Material Transfer for Manufacture' type stock entry",{0} ish kartasi uchun siz &quot;Ishlab chiqarish uchun pul o&#39;tkazmasi&quot; turidagi yozuvlarni amalga oshirishingiz mumkin,
1049"For row {0} in {1}. To include {2} in Item rate, rows {3} must also be included",{1} da {0} qator uchun. Mavzu kursiga {2} ni qo&#39;shish uchun {3} qatorlari ham qo&#39;shilishi kerak,
1050For row {0}: Enter Planned Qty,{0} qatoriga: rejali qty kiriting,
1051"For {0}, only credit accounts can be linked against another debit entry",{0} uchun faqat kredit hisoblari boshqa to&#39;lov usullariga bog&#39;liq bo&#39;lishi mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301052"For {0}, only debit accounts can be linked against another credit entry",{0} uchun faqat bank hisoblari boshqa kredit yozuvlari bilan bog&#39;lanishi mumkin,
1053Form View,Formasi ko&#39;rinishi,
1054Forum Activity,Forum faoliyati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001055Free item code is not selected,Bepul mahsulot kodi tanlanmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301056Freight and Forwarding Charges,Yuk va ekspeditorlik xarajatlari,
1057Friday,Juma kuni,
1059From Address 1,1-manzildan boshlab,
1060From Address 2,Unvon: 2,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001061From Currency and To Currency cannot be same,Valyuta va valyutaga nisbatan bir xil bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301062From Date and To Date lie in different Fiscal Year,"Sana va tarixdan boshlab, har xil moliyaviy yilda joylashadi",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001063From Date cannot be greater than To Date,Sana Sana&#39;dan ko&#39;ra kattaroq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301064From Date must be before To Date,Tarixdan Tarixgacha bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1065From Date should be within the Fiscal Year. Assuming From Date = {0},Sana boshlab Moliya yilida bo&#39;lishi kerak. Sana = {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001066From Date {0} cannot be after employee's relieving Date {1},"{0} sanasidan, xodimning ozod etilgan kunidan keyin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas {1}",
1067From Date {0} cannot be before employee's joining Date {1},{0} sanasidan boshlab xodimning {1} sana qo&#39;shilishidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301068From Datetime,Datetime&#39;dan,
1069From Delivery Note,Etkazib berish eslatmasidan,
1070From Fiscal Year,Moliyaviy yildan boshlab,
1071From GSTIN,GSTINdan,
1072From Party Name,Partiya nomidan,
1073From Pin Code,Pin kodidan,
1074From Place,Joydan,
1075From Range has to be less than To Range,Qatordan oraliq oralig&#39;idan kam bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1076From State,Davlatdan,
1077From Time,Vaqtdan,
1078From Time Should Be Less Than To Time,Vaqtdan oz vaqtgacha bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001079From Time cannot be greater than To Time.,Vaqtdan Vaqtga qaraganda Kattaroq bo&#39;la olmaydi.,
1080"From a supplier under composition scheme, Exempt and Nil rated","Tarkib sxemasi bo&#39;yicha etkazib beruvchidan, ozod va Nil reytingi",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301081From and To dates required,Kerakli kunlardan boshlab,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001082From date can not be less than employee's joining date,Ish kunidan e&#39;tiboran xodimning ishtirok etish muddati kam bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301083From value must be less than to value in row {0},Qiymatdan {0} qatorda qiymatdan kam bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1084From {0} | {1} {2},{0} dan {1} {2},
1085Fuel Price,Yoqilg&#39;i narxi,
1086Fuel Qty,Yoqilg&#39;i miqdori,
1088Full Name,To&#39;liq ismi sharif,
1089Full-time,To&#39;liq stavka,
1090Fully Depreciated,To&#39;liq Amortizatsiyalangan,
1091Furnitures and Fixtures,Mebel va anjomlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001092"Further accounts can be made under Groups, but entries can be made against non-Groups","Boshqa hisoblar Guruhlar ostida amalga oshirilishi mumkin, lekin guruhlar bo&#39;lmagan guruhlarga qarshi yozuvlar kiritilishi mumkin",
1093Further cost centers can be made under Groups but entries can be made against non-Groups,"Qo&#39;shimcha xarajatlar markazlari Guruhlar bo&#39;yicha amalga oshirilishi mumkin, ammo guruhlar bo&#39;lmagan guruhlarga qarshi yozuvlarni kiritish mumkin",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301094Further nodes can be only created under 'Group' type nodes,Boshqa tugunlarni faqat &quot;Guruh&quot; tipidagi tugunlar ostida yaratish mumkin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001095Future dates not allowed,Kelgusi sanalar ruxsat etilmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301096GSTIN,GSTIN,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001097GSTR3B-Form,GSTR3B-shakl,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301098Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal,Aktivlarni yo&#39;qotish bo&#39;yicha daromad / yo&#39;qotish,
1099Gantt Chart,Gantt grafikasi,
1100Gantt chart of all tasks.,Barcha vazifalar uchun Gantt jadvali.,
1103General Ledger,Umumiy Buxgalteriya,
1104Generate Material Requests (MRP) and Work Orders.,Materiallar talablari (MRP) va ish buyurtmalarini yaratish.,
1105Generate Secret,Yashirin yaratish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001106Get Details From Declaration,Tafsilotlarni deklaratsiyadan oling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301107Get Employees,Ishchilarni oling,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001108Get Invocies,Taklifnomalarni oling,
1109Get Invoices,Hisob-fakturalarni oling,
1110Get Invoices based on Filters,Filtrlar asosida hisob-fakturalarni oling,
1111Get Items from BOM,BOM&#39;dan ma&#39;lumotlar ol,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301112Get Items from Healthcare Services,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash xizmatidan ma&#39;lumotlar oling,
1113Get Items from Prescriptions,Rezeptlardan narsalarni oling,
1114Get Items from Product Bundle,Mahsulot paketidagi narsalarni oling,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001115Get Suppliers,Yetkazuvchilarni qabul qiling,
1116Get Suppliers By,Ta&#39;minlovchilarni qabul qiling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301117Get Updates,Yangilanishlarni oling,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001118Get customers from,Xaridorlarni xarid qiling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301119Get from Patient Encounter,Bemor uchrashuvidan oling,
1120Getting Started,Ishni boshlash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001121Global settings for all manufacturing processes.,Barcha ishlab chiqarish jarayonlari uchun global sozlamalar.,
1122Go to the Desktop and start using ERPNext,Ish stoliga o&#39;ting va ERPNext dasturini ishga tushiring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301123GoCardless SEPA Mandate,GoCardless SEPA mandati,
1124GoCardless payment gateway settings,GoCardsiz to&#39;lov shluzi sozlamalari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001125Goal and Procedure,Maqsad va protsedura,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301126Goals cannot be empty,Maqsadlar bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001127Goods In Transit,Tranzit tovarlar,
1128Goods Transferred,Olib borilgan tovarlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301129Goods and Services Tax (GST India),Mol va xizmatlar solig&#39;i (GST Hindiston),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001130Goods are already received against the outward entry {0},Tovarlar tashqi kirishga qarshi {0} allaqachon qabul qilingan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301131Government,Hukumat,
1132Grand Total,Jami,
1134Grant Application,Grantga ariza,
1135Grant Leaves,Grantlar barglari,
1136Grant information.,Grant haqida ma&#39;lumot.,
1138Gross Pay,Brüt to&#39;lov,
1139Gross Profit,Yalpi foyda,
1140Gross Profit %,Yalpi foyda %,
1141Gross Profit / Loss,Brüt Qor / Zarari,
1142Gross Purchase Amount,Xarid qilishning umumiy miqdori,
1143Gross Purchase Amount is mandatory,Umumiy xarid miqdori majburiydir,
1144Group by Account,Hisobga ko&#39;ra guruh,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001145Group by Party,Partiya tomonidan guruhlangan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301146Group by Voucher,Voucher tomonidan guruh,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001147Group by Voucher (Consolidated),Voucher tomonidan guruhlangan (birlashtirilgan),
1148Group node warehouse is not allowed to select for transactions,Guruh tugunli omborga bitimlarni tanlashga ruxsat berilmaydi,
1149Group to Non-Group,Guruh bo&#39;lmaganlar guruhiga,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301150Group your students in batches,Talabalaringizni guruhlarga qo&#39;shing,
1152Guardian1 Email ID,Guardian1 Email identifikatori,
1153Guardian1 Mobile No,Guardian1 Mobil raqami,
1154Guardian1 Name,Guardian1 Ismi,
1155Guardian2 Email ID,Guardian2 Email identifikatori,
1156Guardian2 Mobile No,Guardian2 Mobil raqami,
1157Guardian2 Name,Guardian2 Ismi,
1158HR Manager,Kadrlar bo&#39;yicha menejer,
1161Half Day Date is mandatory,Yarim kunlik sana majburiydir,
1162Half Day Date should be between From Date and To Date,Yarim kunlik sana Sana va Tarix orasida bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1163Half Day Date should be in between Work From Date and Work End Date,Yarim kunlik sana Sana va Ish tugash sanasi o&#39;rtasida bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1164Half day date should be in between from date and to date,Yarim kunlik sana sana va sanalar orasida bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1165Half-Yearly,Yarim yillik,
1167Head of Marketing and Sales,Marketing va sotish boshqarmasi boshlig&#39;i,
1168Health Care,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash,
1169Healthcare,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash,
1170Healthcare (beta),Sog&#39;liqni saqlash (beta),
1171Healthcare Practitioner,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash amaliyoti,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001172Healthcare Practitioner not available on {0},{0} da sog&#39;liqni saqlash bo&#39;yicha amaliyotchi mavjud emas,
1173Healthcare Practitioner {0} not available on {1},{1} da sog&#39;liqni saqlash bo&#39;yicha amaliyotchi {{0} mavjud emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301174Healthcare Service Unit,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash xizmati bo&#39;limi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001175Healthcare Service Unit Tree,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash xizmatining xizmat daraxti daraxti,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301176Healthcare Service Unit Type,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash xizmati birligi turi,
1177Healthcare Services,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash xizmatlari,
1178Healthcare Settings,Sog&#39;liqni saqlash sozlamalari,
1180Help Results for,Yordam uchun natijalar,
1182High Sensitivity,Oliy sezuvchanlik,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001183Hold,Ushlab turing,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301184Hold Invoice,Billingni ushlab turing,
1185Holiday,Dam olish,
1186Holiday List,Dam olish ro&#39;yxati,
1187Hotel Rooms of type {0} are unavailable on {1},{0} turidagi mehmonxona xonalarida {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001190House rent paid days overlapping with {0},Uyni ijaraga olish uchun to&#39;langan kunlar {0} bilan qoplangan,
1191House rented dates required for exemption calculation,Uydan ozod qilishni hisoblash uchun zarur bo&#39;lgan vaqtni ijaraga olish,
1192House rented dates should be atleast 15 days apart,Uy ijarasi muddati 15 kundan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301193How Pricing Rule is applied?,Qanday qilib narx belgilash qoidalari qo&#39;llaniladi?,
1194Hub Category,Hub-toifa,
1195Human Resource,Inson resursi,
1196Human Resources,Kadrlar bo&#39;limi,
1197IFSC Code,IFSC kodi,
1198IGST Amount,IGST miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001199ITC Available (whether in full op part),ITC mavjud (to&#39;liq holatda bo&#39;lsin),
1200ITC Reversed,ITC teskari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301201Identifying Decision Makers,Qabul qiluvchilarni aniqlash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001202"If Auto Opt In is checked, then the customers will be automatically linked with the concerned Loyalty Program (on save)","Avto-Opt-In ni belgilansa, mijozlar avtomatik ravishda ushbu sodiqlik dasturi bilan bog&#39;lanadi (saqlab qolish uchun)",
1203"If multiple Pricing Rules continue to prevail, users are asked to set Priority manually to resolve conflict.","Agar bir nechta narx qoidalari ustunlik qila boshlasa, foydalanuvchilardan nizoni hal qilish uchun birinchi o&#39;ringa qo&#39;l o&#39;rnatish talab qilinadi.",
1204"If selected Pricing Rule is made for 'Rate', it will overwrite Price List. Pricing Rule rate is the final rate, so no further discount should be applied. Hence, in transactions like Sales Order, Purchase Order etc, it will be fetched in 'Rate' field, rather than 'Price List Rate' field.","Agar tanlangan narxlash qoidasi &quot;Rate&quot; uchun tuzilgan bo&#39;lsa, u narxlari ro&#39;yxatiga yoziladi. Raqobatchilar Qoida stavkasi oxirgi kurs hisoblanadi, shuning uchun hech qanday chegirmalar qo&#39;llanilmaydi. Shuning uchun, Sotuvdagi Buyurtma, Xarid qilish Buyurtma va shunga o&#39;xshash operatsiyalarda, u &quot;Narxlar ro&#39;yxati darajasi&quot; o&#39;rniga &quot;Ovoz&quot; maydoniga keltiriladi.",
1205"If two or more Pricing Rules are found based on the above conditions, Priority is applied. Priority is a number between 0 to 20 while default value is zero (blank). Higher number means it will take precedence if there are multiple Pricing Rules with same conditions.","Yuqoridagi shartlarga asosan ikki yoki undan ko&#39;proq narx belgilash qoidalari mavjud bo&#39;lsa, birinchi o&#39;ringa qo&#39;llaniladi. Prioritet 0 dan 20 gacha bo&#39;lgan sonni ko&#39;rsatib, standart qiymat nol (bo&#39;sh). Agar yuqorida ko&#39;rsatilgan shartlarga ega bo&#39;lgan bir nechta narxlash qoidalari mavjud bo&#39;lsa, yuqoriroq raqam birinchi o&#39;ringa ega bo&#39;lishni anglatadi.",
1206"If unlimited expiry for the Loyalty Points, keep the Expiry Duration empty or 0.","Sodiqlik ballari uchun cheksiz muddat tugagandan so&#39;ng, muddat tugashini bo&#39;sh yoki 0 ushlab turing.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301207"If you have any questions, please get back to us.","Savollaringiz bo&#39;lsa, iltimos, bizga murojaat qiling.",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001208Ignore Existing Ordered Qty,Mavjud buyurtma qilingan Qty ga e&#39;tibor bermang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301209Import Data,Ma&#39;lumotlarni import qilish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001210Import Day Book Data,Kunlik kitob ma&#39;lumotlarini import qilish,
1211Import Master Data,Magistr ma&#39;lumotlarini import qilish,
1212Import Successfull,Import muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301213Import in Bulk,Katta hajmdagi import,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001214Import of goods,Tovarlar importi,
1215Import of services,Xizmatlar importi,
1216Importing Items and UOMs,Elementlar va UOM-larni import qilish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301217Importing Parties and Addresses,Tomonlar va manzillarni import qilish,
1218In Maintenance,Xizmatda,
1219In Production,Ishlab chiqarishda,
1220In Qty,Miqdorda,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001221In Stock Qty,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar sonida,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301222In Stock: ,Omborda mavjud; sotuvda mavjud:,
1223In Value,Qiymatida,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001224"In the case of multi-tier program, Customers will be auto assigned to the concerned tier as per their spent",Ko&#39;p qatlamli dasturda mijozlar o&#39;zlari sarflagan xarajatlariga muvofiq tegishli darajaga avtomatik tarzda topshiriladi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301225Incentives,Rag&#39;batlantirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001226Include Default Book Entries,Odatiy kitob yozuvlarini qo&#39;shing,
1227Include Exploded Items,Portlatilgan narsalarni qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301228Include POS Transactions,Qalin operatsiyalarni qo&#39;shish,
1229Include UOM,UOM ni qo&#39;shing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001230Included in Gross Profit,Yalpi foyda ichiga kiritilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301231Income,Daromad,
1232Income Account,Daromad hisobvarag&#39;i,
1233Income Tax,Daromad solig&#39;i,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001235Incoming Rate,Kiruvchi foiz,
1236Incorrect number of General Ledger Entries found. You might have selected a wrong Account in the transaction.,Umumiy bosh yozilgan ma&#39;lumotlarining noto&#39;g&#39;ri soni topildi. Jurnalda noto&#39;g&#39;ri Hisobni tanlagan bo&#39;lishingiz mumkin.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301237Increment cannot be 0,Artish 0 bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
1238Increment for Attribute {0} cannot be 0,{0} xususiyati uchun ortish 0 bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
1239Indirect Expenses,Bilvosita xarajatlar,
1240Indirect Income,Bilvosita daromad,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001242Ineligible ITC,Nomaqbul ITC,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301243Initiated,Boshlandi,
1244Inpatient Record,Statsionar qaydnomasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001245Insert,Qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301246Installation Note,O&#39;rnatish eslatmasi,
1247Installation Note {0} has already been submitted,O&#39;rnatish uchun eslatma {0} allaqachon yuborilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001248Installation date cannot be before delivery date for Item {0},O&#39;rnatish sanasi {0} mahsuloti uchun etkazib berish tarixidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301249Installing presets,Oldindan o&#39;rnatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001250Institute Abbreviation,Institut qisqartmasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301251Institute Name,Institutning nomi,
1253Insufficient Stock,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar yetarli emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001254Insurance Start date should be less than Insurance End date,Sug&#39;urtaning boshlanish sanasi sug&#39;urta tugagan sanadan kam bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1255Integrated Tax,Birlashtirilgan soliq,
1256Inter-State Supplies,Davlatlararo etkazib berish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301257Interest Amount,Foiz miqdori,
1259Internet Publishing,Internet-nashriyot,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001260Intra-State Supplies,Davlat ichidagi etkazib berish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301261Invalid Attribute,Noto&#39;g&#39;ri attribut,
1262Invalid Blanket Order for the selected Customer and Item,Tanlangan buyurtmachi va mahsulot uchun yorliqli buyurtma,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001263Invalid Company for Inter Company Transaction.,Kompaniya ichidagi bitim uchun yaroqsiz kompaniya.,
1264Invalid GSTIN! A GSTIN must have 15 characters.,Noto‘g‘ri GSTIN! GSTIN 15 ta belgidan iborat bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
1265Invalid GSTIN! First 2 digits of GSTIN should match with State number {0}.,Noto‘g‘ri GSTIN! GSTINning dastlabki 2 raqami {0} shtat raqamiga mos kelishi kerak.,
1266Invalid GSTIN! The input you've entered doesn't match the format of GSTIN.,Noto‘g‘ri GSTIN! Siz kiritgan kirish GSTIN formatiga mos kelmadi.,
1267Invalid Posting Time,Noto&#39;g&#39;ri joylashtirish vaqti,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301268Invalid attribute {0} {1},{0} {1} atributi noto&#39;g&#39;ri,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001269Invalid quantity specified for item {0}. Quantity should be greater than 0.,{0} elementi uchun belgilangan miqdor noto&#39;g&#39;ri. Miqdori 0 dan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301270Invalid reference {0} {1},Noto&#39;g&#39;ri reference {0} {1},
1271Invalid {0},Noto&#39;g&#39;ri {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001272Invalid {0} for Inter Company Transaction.,Kompaniya ichidagi bitim uchun {0} yaroqsiz.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301273Invalid {0}: {1},Noto&#39;g&#39;ri {0}: {1},
1275Investment Banking,Investitsiya banklari,
1278Invoice Created,Hisob-faktura yaratildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001279Invoice Discounting,Hisob-fakturani chegirma,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301280Invoice Patient Registration,Billingni ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tkazish,
1281Invoice Posting Date,Faktura yuborish sanasi,
1282Invoice Type,Faktura turi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001283Invoice already created for all billing hours,Hisob-faktura barcha hisob-kitob soatlarida yaratilgan,
1284Invoice can't be made for zero billing hour,Hisob-kitob hisobini nol hisob-kitob qilish vaqtida amalga oshirish mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301285Invoice {0} no longer exists,Faktura {0} endi yo&#39;q,
1287Invoiced Amount,Xarajatlar miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001289Invoices for Costumers.,Iste&#39;molchilar uchun hisob-fakturalar.,
1290Inward Supplies(liable to reverse charge,Ichki etkazib berish (qaytarib berilishi shart,
1291Inward supplies from ISD,ISDdan ichki etkazib berish,
1292Inward supplies liable to reverse charge (other than 1 & 2 above),Orqaga zaryadlanishi kerak bo&#39;lgan ichki etkazib berish (yuqoridagi 1 va 2-bandlardan tashqari),
1293Is Existing Asset,Mavjud aktiv,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301294Is Frozen,Muzlatilgan,
1295Is Group,Guruh,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001297Issue Material,Muammo materiallari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301298Issued,Berilgan sana,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001300It is needed to fetch Item Details.,Ma&#39;lumotlar ma&#39;lumotlarini olish kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301301Item,Mavzu,
1302Item 1,1-band,
1303Item 2,2-band,
1304Item 3,3-modda,
1305Item 4,4-band,
1306Item 5,5-modda,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001307Item Cart,Mahsulot savatchasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301308Item Code,Mahsulot kodi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001309Item Code cannot be changed for Serial No.,Mahsulot kodini ketma-ket kod uchun o&#39;zgartirish mumkin emas.,
1310Item Code required at Row No {0},Yo&#39;q qatorida zarur bo&#39;lgan mahsulot kodi yo&#39;q {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301311Item Description,Mavzu tavsifi,
1312Item Group,Mavzu guruhi,
1313Item Group Tree,Mavzu guruh daraxti,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001314Item Group not mentioned in item master for item {0},{0} element uchun maqola ustidagi ob&#39;ektlar guruhi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301315Item Name,Mavzu nomi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001316Item Price added for {0} in Price List {1},{1} narxlar ro&#39;yxatida {0} uchun qo&#39;shilgan narx,
1317"Item Price appears multiple times based on Price List, Supplier/Customer, Currency, Item, UOM, Qty and Dates.","Mahsulot narxi Prays-listga, Yetkazib beruvchiga / Xaridorga, Valyuta, Mavzu, UOM, Miqdor va Sana asosida bir necha marotaba paydo bo&#39;ladi.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301318Item Price updated for {0} in Price List {1},Narxlar ro&#39;yxatida {1} uchun {0} uchun mahsulot narxi yangilandi.,
1319Item Row {0}: {1} {2} does not exist in above '{1}' table,Row {0}: {1} {2} yuqoridagi &quot;{1}&quot; jadvalida mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001320Item Tax Row {0} must have account of type Tax or Income or Expense or Chargeable,Mahsulot Soliq Royi {0} turidagi Soliq yoki daromad yoki xarajatlar yoki Ulanish uchun hisobga ega bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301321Item Template,Mavzu shablonni,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001322Item Variant Settings,Variant sozlamalari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301323Item Variant {0} already exists with same attributes,Mavzu Variant {0} allaqachon bir xil atributlarga ega,
1324Item Variants,Variant variantlari,
1325Item Variants updated,Variantlar yangilandi,
1326Item has variants.,Mavzu variantlarga ega.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001327Item must be added using 'Get Items from Purchase Receipts' button,Buyumni &quot;Xarid qilish arizalaridan olish&quot; tugmachasi yordamida qo&#39;shib qo&#39;yish kerak,
1328Item or Warehouse for row {0} does not match Material Request,{0} satriga yoki odatdagi materialga Material talabiga mos kelmaydi,
1329Item valuation rate is recalculated considering landed cost voucher amount,Tovarlarni baholash darajasi tushirilgan narx-kvot miqdorini inobatga olgan holda qayta hisoblab chiqiladi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301330Item variant {0} exists with same attributes,{0} mahsulot varianti bir xil xususiyatlarga ega,
1331Item {0} does not exist,{0} elementi mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001332Item {0} does not exist in the system or has expired,{0} mahsuloti tizimda mavjud emas yoki muddati tugagan,
1333Item {0} has already been returned,{0} elementi allaqachon qaytarilgan,
1334Item {0} has been disabled,{0} mahsuloti o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301335Item {0} has reached its end of life on {1},{0} elementi {1} da umrining oxiriga yetdi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001336Item {0} ignored since it is not a stock item,{0} elementi hissa moddasi bo&#39;lmagani uchun e&#39;tibordan chetda,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301337"Item {0} is a template, please select one of its variants","{0} element shablon bo&#39;lib, uning variantlaridan birini tanlang",
1338Item {0} is cancelled,{0} mahsuloti bekor qilindi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001339Item {0} is disabled,{0} element o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yilgan,
1340Item {0} is not a serialized Item,{0} mahsuloti seriyali element emas,
1341Item {0} is not a stock Item,{0} elementi aktsiyalar elementi emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301342Item {0} is not active or end of life has been reached,{0} elementi faol emas yoki umrining oxiriga yetdi,
1343Item {0} is not setup for Serial Nos. Check Item master,{0} mahsuloti ketma-ketlik uchun sozlanmagan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001344Item {0} is not setup for Serial Nos. Column must be blank,{0} elementi ketma-ketlik uchun sozlanmagan. Ustun bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1345Item {0} must be a Fixed Asset Item,{0} elementi Ruxsat etilgan aktiv obyekti bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1346Item {0} must be a Sub-contracted Item,{0} mahsuloti sub-shartnoma qo&#39;yilgan bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301347Item {0} must be a non-stock item,{0} elementi qimmatli bo&#39;lmagan mahsulot bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001348Item {0} must be a stock Item,{0} elementi birja elementi bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301349Item {0} not found,{0} elementi topilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001350Item {0} not found in 'Raw Materials Supplied' table in Purchase Order {1},Buyurtma {1} da &quot;Xom moddalar bilan ta&#39;minlangan&quot; jadvalidagi {0} mahsuloti topilmadi,
1351Item {0}: Ordered qty {1} cannot be less than minimum order qty {2} (defined in Item).,{0} elementi: Buyurtma berilgan qty {1} minimal buyurtma miqdordan kam {2} dan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301352Item: {0} does not exist in the system,Mavzu: {0} tizimda mavjud emas,
1354Items Filter,Elements Filter,
1355Items and Pricing,Mahsulotlar va narxlanish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001356Items for Raw Material Request,Xom ashyoni talab qiladigan narsalar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301357Job Card,Ish kartasi,
1358Job Description,Ishning tavsifi,
1359Job Offer,Ishga taklif,
1360Job card {0} created,{0} ish kartasi yaratildi,
1362Join,Ishtirok etish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001363Journal Entries {0} are un-linked,Journal yozuvlari {0} un-bog&#39;lanmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301364Journal Entry,Jurnalga kirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001365Journal Entry {0} does not have account {1} or already matched against other voucher,Kundalik yozuv {0} da {1} hisobiga ega emas yoki boshqa to&#39;lovlarga qarshi allaqachon mos kelgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301366Kanban Board,Kanban kengashi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001367Key Reports,Asosiy hisobotlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301368LMS Activity,LMS faoliyati,
1369Lab Test,Laboratoriya tekshiruvi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001370Lab Test Prescriptions,Laboratoriya testlari retseptlari,
1371Lab Test Report,Laborotoriya test hisobot,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301372Lab Test Sample,Laborotoriya namunasi,
1373Lab Test Template,Laboratoriya viktorina namunasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001374Lab Test UOM,Laborator tekshiruvi UOM,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301375Lab Tests and Vital Signs,Laboratoriya testlari va hayotiy belgilar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001376Lab result datetime cannot be before testing datetime,Datetime sinov muddati datetime sinovdan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
1377Lab testing datetime cannot be before collection datetime,Laboratoriya tekshiruvi datetime yig&#39;ishdan oldin datetime vaqtini topa olmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301378Laboratory,Laboratoriya,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001379Large,Katta,
1380Last Communication,Oxirgi muloqot,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301381Last Communication Date,Oxirgi aloqa davri,
1382Last Order Amount,Oxirgi Buyurtma miqdori,
1383Last Order Date,Oxirgi Buyurtma sanasi,
1384Last Purchase Price,Oxirgi xarid narxi,
1385Last Purchase Rate,Oxirgi xarid qiymati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001387Latest price updated in all BOMs,Eng so&#39;nggi narx barcha BOMlarda yangilandi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301388Lead,Qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin,
1389Lead Count,Qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin soni,
1390Lead Owner,Qurilish egasi,
1391Lead Owner cannot be same as the Lead,Qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin egasi qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin bilan bir xil bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
1392Lead Time Days,Uchrashuv vaqtlari,
1393Lead to Quotation,So&#39;zga chiqing,
1394"Leads help you get business, add all your contacts and more as your leads","Rahbarlar sizning biznesingizga yordam beradi, sizning barcha kontaktlaringizni va boshqalaringizni yetakchilik qilishingiz mumkin",
1396Leave Approval Notification,Tasdiqlash xabarnomasidan chiqing,
1397Leave Blocked,Blokdan chiqing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001398Leave Encashment,Inkassatsiya qilishni qoldiring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301399Leave Management,Boshqarishni qoldiring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001400Leave Status Notification,Vaziyat bayonnomasini qoldiring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301401Leave Type,Turini qoldiring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001402Leave Type is madatory,Tugatishni qoldirib ketish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301403Leave Type {0} cannot be allocated since it is leave without pay,{0} to`xtab turish to`lovsiz qoldirilganligi sababli bo`lmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001404Leave Type {0} cannot be carry-forwarded,{0} to`xtab turish mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301405Leave Type {0} is not encashable,{0} to`xtab turish imkoniyati mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001406Leave Without Pay,To&#39;lovsiz qoldiring,
1407Leave and Attendance,Qoldiring va davom eting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301408Leave application {0} already exists against the student {1},{0} dasturidan chiqish uchun talaba {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001409"Leave cannot be allocated before {0}, as leave balance has already been carry-forwarded in the future leave allocation record {1}","{0} dan oldin qoldirib bo&#39;linmaydi, chunki kelajakda bo&#39;sh joy ajratish yozuvida {1}",
1410"Leave cannot be applied/cancelled before {0}, as leave balance has already been carry-forwarded in the future leave allocation record {1}","{0} dan oldingi ruxsatni bekor qilish yoki bekor qilish mumkin emas, chunki kelajakda ajratilgan mablag &#39;ajratish yozuvida {1}",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301411Leave of type {0} cannot be longer than {1},{0} tipidagi qoldiring {1} dan uzun bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
1412Leave the field empty to make purchase orders for all suppliers,Barcha etkazib beruvchilar uchun buyurtma berish uchun maydonni bo&#39;sh qoldiring,
1414Leaves Allocated Successfully for {0},{0} uchun muvaffaqiyatli tarzda ajratilgan qoldirilganlar,
1415Leaves has been granted sucessfully,Barglari muvaffaqiyatli topshirildi,
1416Leaves must be allocated in multiples of 0.5,"Barglari 0,5 foizga bo&#39;linadi",
1417Leaves per Year,Yillar davomida barglar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001419Legal,Huquqiy,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301420Legal Expenses,Huquqiy xarajatlar,
1421Letter Heads for print templates.,Chop etish uchun andozalar.,
1424Lifecycle,Hayot sikli,
1425Limit Crossed,Cheklangan chiziqli,
1426Link to Material Request,Materiallar talabiga havola,
1427List of all share transactions,Barcha ulushlarning bitimlar ro&#39;yxati,
1428List of available Shareholders with folio numbers,Folio raqamlari mavjud bo&#39;lgan aktsiyadorlar ro&#39;yxati,
1429Loading Payment System,To&#39;lov tizimini o&#39;rnatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001431Loan Amount cannot exceed Maximum Loan Amount of {0},Kredit summasi {0} maksimum kredit summasidan oshib ketmasligi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301432Loan Application,Kreditlash uchun ariza,
1433Loan Management,Kreditni boshqarish,
1434Loan Repayment,Kreditni qaytarish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001435Loan Start Date and Loan Period are mandatory to save the Invoice Discounting,Hisob-fakturani chegirishni saqlash uchun kreditning boshlanish sanasi va kredit muddati majburiy hisoblanadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301436Loans (Liabilities),Kreditlar (majburiyatlar),
1437Loans and Advances (Assets),Kreditlar va avanslar (aktivlar),
1439"LocalStorage is full , did not save","LocalStorage to&#39;liq, saqlanmadi",
1440"LocalStorage is full, did not save","LocalStorage to&#39;liq, saqlanmadi",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001441Log,Kundalik,
1442Logs for maintaining sms delivery status,Sms yetkazib berish holatini saqlab qolish uchun qaydlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301443Lost,Yo&#39;qotilgan,
1444Lost Reasons,Yo&#39;qotilgan sabablar,
1446Low Sensitivity,Kam sezgirlik,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001447Lower Income,Kam daromad,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301448Loyalty Amount,Sadoqat miqdori,
1449Loyalty Point Entry,Sadoqat nuqtasi yozuvi,
1450Loyalty Points,Sadoqatli ballar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001451"Loyalty Points will be calculated from the spent done (via the Sales Invoice), based on collection factor mentioned.",Sodiqlik ballari eslatilgan yig&#39;ish faktori asosida amalga oshirilgan sarf-xarajatlardan (Sotuvdagi schyot-faktura orqali) hisoblab chiqiladi.,
1452Loyalty Points: {0},Sodiqlik ballari: {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301453Loyalty Program,Sadoqat dasturi,
1456Maintenance Log,Xizmat yozuvi,
1457Maintenance Schedule,Xizmat jadvali,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001458Maintenance Schedule is not generated for all the items. Please click on 'Generate Schedule',Xizmat jadvali barcha elementlar uchun yaratilmaydi. &quot;Jadvalni yarat&quot; tugmasini bosing,
1459Maintenance Schedule {0} exists against {1},Texnik xizmat ko&#39;rsatish jadvali {1} ga qarshi {1} mavjud,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301460Maintenance Schedule {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order,"Ushbu Sotuvdagi Buyurtmani bekor qilishdan avval, {0} Xizmat jadvali bekor qilinishi kerak",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001461Maintenance Status has to be Cancelled or Completed to Submit,Xizmat holatini bekor qilish yoki topshirish uchun bajarilishi lozim,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301462Maintenance Visit,Xizmat tashrifi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001463Maintenance Visit {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order,"Ushbu Savdo Buyurtmani bekor qilishdan oldin, tashrif {0} tashrifi bekor qilinishi kerak",
1464Maintenance start date can not be before delivery date for Serial No {0},Xizmatni boshlash sanasi Serial No {0} uchun etkazib berish sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301465Make,Qilish,
1466Make Payment,To&#39;lovni amalga oshirish,
1467Make project from a template.,Loyihani shablondan qiling.,
1468Making Stock Entries,Aktsiyalarni kiritish,
1469Manage Customer Group Tree.,Mijozlar guruhi daraxtini boshqarish.,
1470Manage Sales Partners.,Savdo hamkorlarini boshqarish.,
1471Manage Sales Person Tree.,Sotuvdagi shaxslar daraxti boshqaruvi.,
1472Manage Territory Tree.,Mintaqa daraxtini boshqarish.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001473Manage your orders,Buyurtmalarni boshqaring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301474Management,Boshqarish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001475Manager,Menejer,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301476Managing Projects,Loyihalarni boshqarish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001477Managing Subcontracting,Subpudrat shartnomasini boshqarish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301478Mandatory field - Academic Year,Majburiy maydon - Akademik yil,
1479Mandatory field - Get Students From,Majburiy maydon - Talabalarni qabul qiling,
1480Mandatory field - Program,Majburiy maydon - Dastur,
1481Manufacture,Ishlab chiqarish,
1482Manufacturer,Ishlab chiqaruvchi,
1483Manufacturer Part Number,Ishlab chiqaruvchi raqami,
1484Manufacturing,Ishlab chiqarish,
1485Manufacturing Quantity is mandatory,Ishlab chiqarish miqdori majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001486Mark Absent,Mark Luqo Absent,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301487Mark Attendance,Markni tomosha qilish,
1488Mark Half Day,Yarim kunni nishonlang,
1489Mark Present,Markni hozir aytib bering,
1491Marketing Expenses,Marketing xarajatlari,
1493Marketplace Error,Bozor xatosi,
1494"Master data syncing, it might take some time","Magistr ma&#39;lumotlarini sinxronlash, biroz vaqt talab qilishi mumkin",
1496Match Payments with Invoices,Xarajatlarni hisob-kitob qilish,
1497Match non-linked Invoices and Payments.,Bog&#39;langan bo&#39;lmagan Xarajatlar va To&#39;lovlar bilan bog&#39;lang.,
1499Material Consumption,Moddiy iste&#39;mol,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001500Material Consumption is not set in Manufacturing Settings.,Ishlab chiqarish sozlamalarida Materiallar sarflanishi belgilanmagan.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301501Material Receipt,Materiallar oling,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001502Material Request,Materiallar talabi,
1503Material Request Date,Materialni so&#39;rash sanasi,
1504Material Request No,Talabnomaning yo&#39;qligi,
1505"Material Request not created, as quantity for Raw Materials already available.",Xom ashyo uchun mavjud bo&#39;lgan miqdordagi material uchun buyurtma yaratilmagan.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301506Material Request of maximum {0} can be made for Item {1} against Sales Order {2},{1} mahsulot uchun {2} savdo buyurtmasiga qarshi maksimal {0} material so&#39;rovini bajarish mumkin.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001507Material Request to Purchase Order,Buyurtma buyurtmasiga buyurtma berish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301508Material Request {0} is cancelled or stopped,Materialda so&#39;rov {0} bekor qilindi yoki to&#39;xtatildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001509Material Request {0} submitted.,{0} material so&#39;rovi yuborildi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301510Material Transfer,Materiallarni uzatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001511Material Transferred,Material uzatildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301512Material to Supplier,Yetkazib beruvchiga material,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001513Max Exemption Amount cannot be greater than maximum exemption amount {0} of Tax Exemption Category {1},Maksimal ozod qilish summasi {1} soliq imtiyozi toifasining {0} miqdoridan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lmasligi kerak.,
1514Max benefits should be greater than zero to dispense benefits,Maksimal imtiyozlar imtiyozlar berish uchun noldan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1515Max discount allowed for item: {0} is {1}%,Element uchun ruxsat etilgan maksimal chegirma: {0} {1}%,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301516Max: {0},Maks: {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001517Maximum Samples - {0} can be retained for Batch {1} and Item {2}.,Eng ko&#39;p namuna - {0} Batch {1} va Item {2} uchun saqlanishi mumkin.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301518Maximum Samples - {0} have already been retained for Batch {1} and Item {2} in Batch {3}.,Eng ko&#39;p namuna - {0} ommaviy {1} va {2} elementlari uchun ommaviy {3} da allaqachon saqlangan.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001519Maximum amount eligible for the component {0} exceeds {1},{0} komponentiga mos keladigan maksimal miqdor {1} dan oshib ketdi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301520Maximum benefit amount of component {0} exceeds {1},{0} komponentining maksimal foyda miqdori {1} dan oshib ketdi,
1521Maximum benefit amount of employee {0} exceeds {1},Xodimning {0} maksimal foyda miqdori {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001522Maximum discount for Item {0} is {1}%,{0} elementiga maksimal chegirma {1}%,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301523Maximum leave allowed in the leave type {0} is {1},{0} turidagi ruxsat etilgan maksimal ruxsatnoma {1},
1525Medical Code,Tibbiy kod,
1526Medical Code Standard,Tibbiyot kodeksi,
1527Medical Department,Tibbiy bo&#39;lim,
1528Medical Record,Tibbiy ma&#39;lumot,
1531Member Activity,Ro&#39;yxatdan faoliyati,
1532Member ID,Foydalanuvchi identifikatori,
1533Member Name,Ro&#39;yxatdan nomi,
1534Member information.,Ro&#39;yxatdan ma&#39;lumotlari.,
1536Membership Details,Registratsiya tafsilotlari,
1537Membership ID,Registratsiya raqami,
1538Membership Type,Registratsiya turi,
1539Memebership Details,Imzolar haqida ma&#39;lumot,
1540Memebership Type Details,Xodimlar haqida ma&#39;lumot,
1542Merge Account,Hisobni birlashtirish,
1543Merge with Existing Account,Mavjud hisob bilan birlashtirilsin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001544"Merging is only possible if following properties are same in both records. Is Group, Root Type, Company","Birlashma faqatgina ikkita yozuvda bir xil xususiyatlar mavjud bo&#39;lganda mumkin. Guruh, Ildiz turi, Kompaniya",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301545Message Sent,Xabar yuborildi,
1546Middle Income,O&#39;rta daromad,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001547Min Amt can not be greater than Max Amt,Min Amt Maks Amtdan katta bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
1548Min Qty can not be greater than Max Qty,Min Kty Maksimum kattaridan kattaroq bo&#39;la olmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301549Minimum Lead Age (Days),Minimal qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin yoshi (kunlar),
1550Miscellaneous Expenses,Har xil xarajatlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001551Missing Currency Exchange Rates for {0},{0} uchun yo&#39;qolgan valyuta kurslari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301552Missing email template for dispatch. Please set one in Delivery Settings.,"Yuborish uchun e-pochta shablonini yo&#39;q. Iltimos, etkazib berish sozlamalarini tanlang.",
1553"Missing value for Password, API Key or Shopify URL","Parol, API kaliti yoki URL manzilini sotish uchun nuqsonli qiymat",
1554Mode of Payment,To&#39;lov tartibi,
1555Mode of Payments,To&#39;lov tartibi,
1556Mode of Transport,Tashish tartibi,
1557Mode of Transportation,Tashish tartibi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001558Mode of payment is required to make a payment,To&#39;lovni amalga oshirish uchun to&#39;lov shakli talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301559Model,Model,
1560Moderate Sensitivity,O&#39;rtacha sezuvchanlik,
1563Monthly Distribution,Oylik tarqatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001564Monthly Repayment Amount cannot be greater than Loan Amount,Oylik qaytarib beriladigan pul miqdori Kredit miqdoridan kattaroq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301565More,Ko&#39;proq,
1566More Information,Qo&#39;shimcha ma&#39;lumot,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001567More than one selection for {0} not allowed,{0} uchun bittadan ortiq tanlovga ruxsat berilmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301568More...,Ko&#39;proq...,
1569Motion Picture & Video,Motion Picture &amp; Video,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001570Move,harakatlaning,
1571Move Item,Ob&#39;ektni siljiting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301572Multi Currency,Ko&#39;p valyuta,
1573Multiple Item prices.,Bir nechta mahsulot narxi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001574Multiple Loyalty Program found for the Customer. Please select manually.,"Xaridor uchun bir nechta sodiqlik dasturi topildi. Iltimos, qo&#39;lda tanlang.",
1575"Multiple Price Rules exists with same criteria, please resolve conflict by assigning priority. Price Rules: {0}","Ko&#39;p narx qoidalari bir xil mezonlarga ega, iltimos, birinchi o&#39;ringa tayinlash orqali mojaroni hal qiling. Narxlar qoidalari: {0}",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301576Multiple Variants,Bir nechta varianti,
1577Multiple default mode of payment is not allowed,Ko&#39;p ko&#39;rsatiladigan to&#39;lov shakli yo&#39;l qo&#39;yilmaydi,
1578Multiple fiscal years exist for the date {0}. Please set company in Fiscal Year,"{0} sana uchun bir necha moliyaviy yillar mavjud. Iltimos, kompaniyani Moliyaviy yilga qo&#39;ying",
1580Name error: {0},Ism xato: {0},
1581Name of new Account. Note: Please don't create accounts for Customers and Suppliers,"Yangi hisob nomi. Eslatma: Iltimos, mijozlar va etkazib beruvchilar uchun hisoblar yarating",
1582Name or Email is mandatory,Ism yoki elektron pochta manzili majburiydir,
1583Nature Of Supplies,Ta&#39;minotning tabiati,
1585Needs Analysis,Ehtiyojlarni tahlil qilish,
1586Negative Quantity is not allowed,Salbiy miqdorda ruxsat berilmaydi,
1587Negative Valuation Rate is not allowed,Salbiy baholash darajasi ruxsat etilmaydi,
1588Negotiation/Review,Muzokara / Tadqiq,
1589Net Asset value as on,Net aktiv qiymati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001590Net Cash from Financing,Moliyadan aniq pul,
1591Net Cash from Investing,Investitsiyalardan tushgan aniq pul,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301592Net Cash from Operations,Operatsiyalar bo&#39;yicha aniq pul,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001593Net Change in Accounts Payable,To&#39;lanadigan qarzlarning sof o&#39;zgarishi,
1594Net Change in Accounts Receivable,Xarid oluvchilarning aniq o&#39;zgarishi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301595Net Change in Cash,Naqd pulning aniq o&#39;zgarishi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001596Net Change in Equity,Özkaynakta aniq o&#39;zgarishlar,
1597Net Change in Fixed Asset,Ruxsat etilgan aktivlardagi aniq o&#39;zgarish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301598Net Change in Inventory,Inventarizatsiyada aniq o&#39;zgarishlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001599Net ITC Available(A) - (B),Mavjud ITC (A) - (B),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301600Net Pay,Net to&#39;lov,
1601Net Pay cannot be less than 0,Net ulush 0 dan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001602Net Profit,Sof foyda,
1603Net Salary Amount,Ish haqining aniq miqdori,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301604Net Total,Net Jami,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001605Net pay cannot be negative,Net to&#39;lov salbiy bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301606New Account Name,Yangi hisob nomi,
1607New Address,Yangi manzil,
1608New BOM,Yangi BOM,
1609New Batch ID (Optional),Yangi partiya identifikatori (majburiy emas),
1610New Batch Qty,Yangi Batch son,
1611New Cart,Yangi savat,
1612New Company,Yangi kompaniya,
1613New Contact,Yangi kontakt,
1614New Cost Center Name,Yangi narxlari markazi nomi,
1615New Customer Revenue,Yangi xaridorlar daromadi,
1616New Customers,Yangi mijozlar,
1617New Department,Yangi bo&#39;lim,
1618New Employee,Yangi xodim,
1619New Location,Yangi manzil,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001620New Quality Procedure,Yangi sifat tartibi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301621New Sales Invoice,Yangi Sotuvdagi Billing,
1622New Sales Person Name,Yangi Sotuvdagi Shaxs ismi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001623New Serial No cannot have Warehouse. Warehouse must be set by Stock Entry or Purchase Receipt,"Yangi seriyali yo&#39;q, QXK bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas. QXI kabinetga kirish yoki Xarid qilish Qabulnomasi bilan o&#39;rnatilishi kerak",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301624New Warehouse Name,Yangi ombor nomi,
1625New credit limit is less than current outstanding amount for the customer. Credit limit has to be atleast {0},Yangi kredit limiti mijoz uchun mavjud summasidan kamroq. Kredit cheklovi atigi {0} bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001626New task,Yangi topshiriq,
1627New {0} pricing rules are created,Yangi {0} narxlash qoidalari yaratildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301629Newspaper Publishers,Gazeta nashriyoti,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001631Next Contact By cannot be same as the Lead Email Address,Keyingi kontaktni Kontakt Email manzili bilan bir xil bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301632Next Contact Date cannot be in the past,Keyingi kontakt tarixi o&#39;tmishda bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
1633Next Steps,Keyingi qadamlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001634No Action,Harakat yo‘q,
1635No Customers yet!,Hozir mijozlar yo&#39;q!,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301636No Data,Ma&#39;lumot yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001637No Delivery Note selected for Customer {},Buyurtmachilar uchun {},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301638No Employee Found,Xodim topilmadi,
1639No Item with Barcode {0},{0} shtrixli element yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001640No Item with Serial No {0},Hech narsa Serialli yo&#39;q {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301641No Items added to cart,Savatga hech narsa qo&#39;shilmagan,
1642No Items available for transfer,O&#39;tkazish uchun hech narsa mavjud emas,
1643No Items selected for transfer,O&#39;tkazish uchun tanlangan ma&#39;lumotlar yo&#39;q,
1644No Items to pack,To&#39;plam uchun hech narsa yo&#39;q,
1645No Items with Bill of Materials to Manufacture,Ishlab chiqarish uchun materiallar varaqasi yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001646No Items with Bill of Materials.,Hisob-kitob materiallari yo&#39;q.,
1647No Lab Test created,Laborator tekshiruvi yaratilmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301648No Permission,Izoh yo&#39;q,
1649No Quote,Hech qanday taklif yo&#39;q,
1650No Remarks,Izohlar yo&#39;q,
1651No Result to submit,Yuborish uchun natija yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001652No Salary Structure assigned for Employee {0} on given date {1},Berilgan sana {1} da Employee {0} uchun ish haqi tuzilishi tayinlangan emas,
1653No Staffing Plans found for this Designation,Ushbu nom uchun kadrlar rejasi yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301654No Student Groups created.,Hech qanday talabalar guruhi yaratilmagan.,
1655No Students in,Kirish yo&#39;q,
1656No Tax Withholding data found for the current Fiscal Year.,Joriy moliya yili uchun Soliq to&#39;lash ma&#39;lumoti topilmadi.,
1657No Work Orders created,Ish buyurtmalari yaratilmagan,
1658No accounting entries for the following warehouses,Quyidagi omborlar uchun buxgalteriya yozuvlari mavjud emas,
1659No active or default Salary Structure found for employee {0} for the given dates,Berilgan sana uchun ishlaydigan {0} uchun faol yoki standart ish haqi tuzilishi topilmadi,
1660No address added yet.,Hech qanday manzil hali qo&#39;shilmagan.,
1661No contacts added yet.,Hech qanday kontakt qo&#39;shilmagan.,
1662No contacts with email IDs found.,E-pochta identifikatorlari mavjud bo&#39;lgan kontaktlar topilmadi.,
1663No data for this period,Ushbu davr uchun ma&#39;lumot yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001664No description given,Tavsif berilmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301665No employees for the mentioned criteria,Ko&#39;rsatilgan mezonlarga xodimlar yo&#39;q,
1666No gain or loss in the exchange rate,Ayirboshlash kursida daromad yo&#39;q,
1667No items listed,Ro&#39;yxatda hech narsa yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001668No items to be received are overdue,Qabul qilinadigan hech qanday ma&#39;lumot kechikmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301669No material request created,Hech qanday material talabi yaratilmagan,
1670No more updates,Boshqa yangilanishlar yo&#39;q,
1671No of Interactions,O&#39;zaro aloqalar yo&#39;q,
1672No of Shares,Hissa yo&#39;q,
1673No pending Material Requests found to link for the given items.,Berilgan narsalar uchun bog&#39;lanmagan Material Talablari topilmadi.,
1674No products found,Hech qanday mahsulot topilmadi,
1675No products found.,Hech qanday mahsulot topilmadi.,
1676No record found,Hech qanday yozuv topilmadi,
1677No records found in the Invoice table,Billing-jadvalida yozuvlar topilmadi,
1678No records found in the Payment table,To&#39;lov jadvalida yozuvlar topilmadi,
1679No replies from,Javoblar yo&#39;q,
1680No salary slip found to submit for the above selected criteria OR salary slip already submitted,Yuqorida ko&#39;rsatilgan tanlangan mezonlarga YoKI ish haqi to`plami topshirilmadi,
1681No tasks,Vazifalar yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001682No time sheets,Vaqt yo&#39;q,
1683No values,Qiymatlar yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301684No {0} found for Inter Company Transactions.,Inter kompaniyasi operatsiyalari uchun {0} topilmadi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001685Non GST Inward Supplies,GST bo&#39;lmagan ichki ta&#39;minot,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301686Non Profit,Qor bo&#39;lmagan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001687Non Profit (beta),Non-foyda (beta),
1688Non-GST outward supplies,GST bo&#39;lmagan tashqi etkazib berish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301689Non-Group to Group,Guruh bo&#39;lmagan guruhga,
1690None of the items have any change in quantity or value.,Hech qaysi mahsulot miqdori yoki qiymati o&#39;zgarmas.,
1692Not Available,Mavjud emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301693Not Marked,Belgilangan emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001694Not Paid and Not Delivered,To&#39;langan emas va taslim qilinmagan,
1695Not Permitted,Ruxsat berilmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301696Not Started,Boshlanmadi,
1697Not active,Faol emas,
1698Not allow to set alternative item for the item {0},{0} elementi uchun muqobil elementni o&#39;rnatishga ruxsat berish,
1699Not allowed to update stock transactions older than {0},{0} dan katta aktsiyalarini yangilash uchun ruxsat berilmadi,
1700Not authorized to edit frozen Account {0},Muzlatilgan hisobni tahrirlash uchun vakolatli emas {0},
1701Not authroized since {0} exceeds limits,{0} dan boshlab authroized emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001702Not eligible for the admission in this program as per DOB,Ushbu dasturda DOBga mos kelmasligi mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301703Not items found,Ma&#39;lumotlar topilmadi,
1704Not permitted for {0},{0} uchun ruxsat berilmagan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001705"Not permitted, configure Lab Test Template as required","Hech qanday ruxsat berilmaydi, kerak bo&#39;lganda Lab viktorina jadvalini sozlang",
1706Not permitted. Please disable the Service Unit Type,Ruxsat berilmaydi. Xizmat birligi turini o&#39;chirib qo&#39;ying,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301707Note: Due / Reference Date exceeds allowed customer credit days by {0} day(s),"Eslatma: Muddati o&#39;tgan / mos yozuvlar sanasi, mijozlar kredit kunlarini {0} kun (lar)",
1708Note: Item {0} entered multiple times,Eslatma: {0} elementi bir necha marta kiritilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001709Note: Payment Entry will not be created since 'Cash or Bank Account' was not specified,Eslatma: &quot;Naqd yoki Bank hisobi&quot; ko&#39;rsatilmagani uchun to&#39;lov kiritish yaratilmaydi,
1710Note: System will not check over-delivery and over-booking for Item {0} as quantity or amount is 0,Izoh: tizim {0} mahsulotiga ortiqcha yoki miqdor miqdori 0 bo&#39;lgani uchun ortiqcha yetkazib berishni va ortiqcha arizani tekshirmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301711Note: There is not enough leave balance for Leave Type {0},Izoh: Tovar {0} uchun qoldirilgan muvozanat etarli emas.,
1712Note: This Cost Center is a Group. Cannot make accounting entries against groups.,Eslatma: Ushbu XARAJATLAR MARKAZI - bu guruh. Guruhlarga nisbatan buxgalteriya yozuvlarini kiritib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
1713Note: {0},Eslatma: {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001715Nothing is included in gross,Hech narsa yalpi tarkibga kirmaydi,
1716Nothing more to show.,Ko&#39;rsatish uchun boshqa hech narsa yo&#39;q.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301717Nothing to change,O&#39;zgarishga hech narsa yo&#39;q,
1718Notice Period,Bildirishnoma muddati,
1719Notify Customers via Email,E-pochta orqali mijozlarni xabardor qilish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001720Number of Depreciations Booked cannot be greater than Total Number of Depreciations,Qayd qilingan amortizatsiya miqdori jami Amortizatsiya miqdoridan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301721Number of Interaction,O&#39;zaro munosabatlar soni,
1722Number of Order,Buyurtma soni,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001723"Number of new Account, it will be included in the account name as a prefix","Yangi hisob raqami, u old nomdagi hisob nomiga kiritiladi",
1724"Number of new Cost Center, it will be included in the cost center name as a prefix",Yangi XARAJATLARNING KO&#39;RSATILADIGAN XARAJATLARNI KO&#39;RIB ChIQARISh TARTIBI,
1725Number of root accounts cannot be less than 4,Ildiz hisoblarining soni 4 tadan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301726Odometer,Odometer,
1727Office Equipments,Ofis uskunalari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001728Office Maintenance Expenses,Xizmat uchun xizmat xarajatlari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301729Office Rent,Ofis ijarasi,
1730On Hold,Kutib turishda,
1731On Net Total,Jami aniq,
1732One customer can be part of only single Loyalty Program.,Bitta mijoz faqatgina bitta sodiqlik dasturining bir qismi bo&#39;lishi mumkin.,
1734Online Auctions,Onlayn auktsionlar,
1735Only Leave Applications with status 'Approved' and 'Rejected' can be submitted,Faqat &quot;Tasdiqlangan&quot; va &quot;Rad etilgan&quot; ilovalarni qoldiring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001736"Only the Student Applicant with the status ""Approved"" will be selected in the table below.",Faqat &quot;Tasdiqlangan&quot; maqomiga ega bo&#39;lgan talabalar arizasi quyidagi jadvalda tanlanadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301737Only users with {0} role can register on Marketplace,Bozorda faqat {0} roli bo&#39;lgan foydalanuvchilar ro&#39;yxatga olinishi mumkin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001738Only {0} in stock for item {1},{1} element uchun faqat {0},
1739Open BOM {0},BOM {0},
1740Open Item {0},{0} bandini ochish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301741Open Notifications,Bildirishnomalarni oching,
1742Open Orders,Ochiq buyurtmalar,
1743Open a new ticket,Yangi chipta oching,
1745Opening (Cr),Ochilish (Cr),
1746Opening (Dr),Ochilish (doktor),
1747Opening Accounting Balance,Buxgalteriya balansini ochish,
1748Opening Accumulated Depreciation,Biriktirilgan amortizatsiyani ochish,
1749Opening Accumulated Depreciation must be less than equal to {0},Yig&#39;ilgan Amortizatsiyani ochish {0} ga teng bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001750Opening Balance,Ochilish balansi,
1751Opening Balance Equity,Balansni muomalaga kiritish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301752Opening Date and Closing Date should be within same Fiscal Year,Ochilish sanasi va Yakunlovchi sanasi bir xil Moliya yili ichida bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1753Opening Date should be before Closing Date,Ochilish sanasi tugash sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1754Opening Entry Journal,Kirish jurnalini ochish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001755Opening Invoice Creation Tool,Billingni ochish vositasini ochish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301756Opening Invoice Item,Billing elementini ochish,
1757Opening Invoices,Xarajatlarni ochish,
1758Opening Invoices Summary,Xarajatlarni qisqacha tavsifi,
1759Opening Qty,Miqdorni ochish,
1760Opening Stock,Ochilish hisobi,
1761Opening Stock Balance,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar balansini ochish,
1762Opening Value,Ochilish qiymati,
1763Opening {0} Invoice created,{0} ochilgan hisob-faktura,
1765Operation Time must be greater than 0 for Operation {0},Operatsion vaqti {0} dan foydalanish uchun 0 dan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001766"Operation {0} longer than any available working hours in workstation {1}, break down the operation into multiple operations",{0} ish stantsiyasida ishlaydigan har qanday ish soatlaridan ko&#39;proq {0} operatsiya operatsiyani bir nechta operatsiyalarga ajratish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301767Operations,Operatsiyalar,
1768Operations cannot be left blank,Operatsiyalarni bo&#39;sh qoldirib bo&#39;lmaydi,
1769Opp Count,Opp Count,
1770Opp/Lead %,Opp / Lead%,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001772Opportunities by lead source,Qurilma manbai yordamida imkoniyatlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301773Opportunity,Imkoniyat,
1774Opportunity Amount,Imkoniyatlar miqdori,
1775Optional Holiday List not set for leave period {0},Majburiy bo&#39;lmagan bayramlar ro&#39;yxati {0} dam olish muddati uchun o&#39;rnatilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001776"Optional. Sets company's default currency, if not specified.","Majburiy emas. Belgilansa, kompaniyaning standart valyutasini o&#39;rnatadi.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301777Optional. This setting will be used to filter in various transactions.,Majburiy emas. Ushbu parametr turli operatsiyalarda filtrlash uchun ishlatiladi.,
1778Order Count,Buyurtma soni,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001779Order Entry,Buyurtma yozuvi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301780Order Value,Buyurtma qiymati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001781Order rescheduled for sync,Sinxronlashtirish uchun buyurtma rejalashtirilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301782Order/Quot %,Buyurtma / QQT%,
1783Ordered,Buyurtma qilingan,
1784Ordered Qty,Buyurtma miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001785"Ordered Qty: Quantity ordered for purchase, but not received.","Buyurtma berilgan miqdor: Xarid qilish uchun buyurtma berilgan, ammo olinmagan.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301786Orders,Buyurtma,
1787Orders released for production.,Ishlab chiqarish uchun chiqarilgan buyurtmalar.,
1789Organization Name,tashkilot nomi,
1790Other Reports,Boshqa hisobotlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001791"Other outward supplies(Nil rated,Exempted)","Boshqa tashqi etkazib berish (Nil baholanmagan, ozod qilingan)",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301792Others,Boshqalar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001793Out Qty,Miqdori,
1794Out Value,Chiqish qiymati,
1795Out of Order,Tartibsiz,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301796Outgoing,Chiqish,
1798Outstanding Amount,Ustun miqdori,
1799Outstanding Amt,Amaldor Amt,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001800Outstanding Cheques and Deposits to clear,Olinadigan chexlar va depozitlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301801Outstanding for {0} cannot be less than zero ({1}),{0} uchun ustunlik noldan kam bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas ({1}),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001802Outward taxable supplies(zero rated),Soliqqa tortiladigan etkazib berish (nolga teng),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301803Overdue,Vadesi o&#39;tgan,
1804Overlap in scoring between {0} and {1},{0} va {1} orasida,
1805Overlapping conditions found between:,Quyidagilar orasida o&#39;zaro kelishilgan shartlar:,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001808PO already created for all sales order items,Barcha savdo buyurtma ma&#39;lumotlar uchun yaratilgan PO,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301809POS,Qalin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001810POS Closing Voucher alreday exists for {0} between date {1} and {2},{1} va {2} sanalari orasida {0} uchun POS-yopilish vaucher muddati tugadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301811POS Profile,Qalin profil,
1812POS Profile is required to use Point-of-Sale,Sotish nuqtasini ishlatish uchun qalin profil talab qilinadi,
1813POS Profile required to make POS Entry,Qalin kirishni amalga oshirish uchun qalin profil talab qilinadi,
1814POS Settings,Qalin sozlamalari,
1815Packed quantity must equal quantity for Item {0} in row {1},To&#39;ldirilgan miqdor {1} qatorda {0} uchun teng miqdorga ega bo&#39;lishi kerak,
1816Packing Slip,Qoplamali sumkasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001817Packing Slip(s) cancelled,Ambalaj kipleri bekor qilindi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301818Paid,To&#39;langan,
1819Paid Amount,To&#39;langan pul miqdori,
1820Paid Amount cannot be greater than total negative outstanding amount {0},To&#39;langan pul miqdori jami salbiy ortiqcha {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001821Paid amount + Write Off Amount can not be greater than Grand Total,To&#39;langan pul miqdori + Write Off To&#39;lov miqdori Grand Totaldan katta bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301822Paid and Not Delivered,To&#39;langan va etkazib berilmagan,
1823Parent Item {0} must not be a Stock Item,{0} Ota-ona element Stock kabinetga bo&#39;lishi shart emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001824Parents Teacher Meeting Attendance,Ota-onalar o&#39;qituvchilari uchrashuvi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301825Part-time,To&#39;liqsiz ish kuni,
1826Partially Depreciated,Qisman Amortizatsiyalangan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001827Partially Received,Qisman olingan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301828Party,Partiya,
1829Party Name,Partiyaning nomi,
1830Party Type,Partiya turi,
1831Party Type and Party is mandatory for {0} account,Partiya turi va partiyasi {0} uchun majburiydir,
1832Party Type is mandatory,Partiya turi majburiydir,
1833Party is mandatory,Partiya majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001834Password policy for Salary Slips is not set,Ish haqi slipsida parol siyosati o&#39;rnatilmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301835Past Due Date,O&#39;tgan muddat,
1837Patient Appointment,Bemorni tayinlash,
1838Patient Encounter,Bemor uchrashuvi,
1839Patient not found,Kasal topilmadi,
1840Pay Remaining,Qolganini to&#39;lash,
1841Pay {0} {1},{0} {1} to&#39;lash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001842Payable,To&#39;lanishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301843Payable Account,To&#39;lanadigan hisob,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001844Payable Amount,To&#39;lanadigan miqdor,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301845Payment,To&#39;lov,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001846Payment Cancelled. Please check your GoCardless Account for more details,"To&#39;lov bekor qilindi. Iltimos, batafsil ma&#39;lumot uchun GoCardsiz hisobingizni tekshiring",
1847Payment Confirmation,To&#39;lovlarni tasdiqlash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301848Payment Date,To&#39;lov sanasi,
1849Payment Days,To&#39;lov kunlari,
1850Payment Document,To&#39;lov hujjati,
1851Payment Due Date,To&#39;lov sanasi,
1852Payment Entries {0} are un-linked,To&#39;lov yozuvlari {0} un-bog&#39;lanmagan,
1853Payment Entry,To&#39;lov kiritish,
1854Payment Entry already exists,To&#39;lov usuli allaqachon mavjud,
1855Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it. Please pull it again.,"To&#39;lov kirish kiritilgandan keyin o&#39;zgartirildi. Iltimos, yana torting.",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001856Payment Entry is already created,To&#39;lov kirish allaqachon yaratilgan,
1857Payment Failed. Please check your GoCardless Account for more details,"To&#39;lov amalga oshmadi. Iltimos, batafsil ma&#39;lumot uchun GoCardsiz hisobingizni tekshiring",
1858"Payment Gateway Account not created, please create one manually.","To&#39;lov shlyuzi hisobini yaratib bo&#39;lmadi, iltimos, bir qo&#39;lda yarating.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301859Payment Mode,To&#39;lov tartibi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001860"Payment Mode is not configured. Please check, whether account has been set on Mode of Payments or on POS Profile.",To&#39;lov tartibi sozlanmagan. Hisobni to&#39;lov usulida yoki Qalin profilda o&#39;rnatganligini tekshiring.,
1861Payment Receipt Note,To&#39;lov ma&#39;lumotnomasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301862Payment Request,To&#39;lov talabi,
1863Payment Request for {0},{0} uchun to&#39;lov so&#39;rov,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001864Payment Tems,To&#39;lov vositalari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301865Payment Term,To&#39;lov muddati,
1866Payment Terms,To&#39;lov shartlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001867Payment Terms Template,To&#39;lov shartlari shablonni,
1868Payment Terms based on conditions,Shartlarga qarab to&#39;lov shartlari,
1869Payment Type,To&#39;lov turi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301870"Payment Type must be one of Receive, Pay and Internal Transfer","To&#39;lov shakli olish, to&#39;lash va ichki to&#39;lovlardan biri bo&#39;lishi kerak",
1871Payment against {0} {1} cannot be greater than Outstanding Amount {2},{0} {1} ga nisbatan to&#39;lov Olingan miqdordan ortiq bo&#39;lmasligi mumkin {2},
1872Payment of {0} from {1} to {2},{1} dan {2} gacha {0} to&#39;lovi,
1873Payment request {0} created,To&#39;lov talabi {0} yaratildi,
1875Payroll,Ish haqi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001876Payroll Number,Ish haqi raqami,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301877Payroll Payable,To&#39;lanadigan qarzlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001878Payroll date can not be less than employee's joining date,Ish beruvchining hisob-kitob tarixi xodimning ishga tushirilishidan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301879Payslip,Payslip,
1880Pending Activities,Kutilayotgan amallar,
1881Pending Amount,Kutilayotgan miqdor,
1882Pending Leaves,Kutilayotgan barglar,
1883Pending Qty,Kutilayotgan son,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001884Pending Quantity,Kutilayotgan miqdori,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301885Pending Review,Ko&#39;rib chiqishni kutish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001886Pending activities for today,Bugungi faoliyatni kutish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301887Pension Funds,Pensiya jamg&#39;armalari,
1888Percentage Allocation should be equal to 100%,Foizlarni taqsimlash 100%,
1889Perception Analysis,Hisni tahlil qilish,
1891Period Closing Entry,Davrni yopish,
1892Period Closing Voucher,Davrni yopish voucher,
1894Personal Details,Shaxsiy ma&#39;lumotlar,
1896Pharmaceuticals,Dori vositalari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001899Pin Code,PIN kod,
1900Place Of Supply (State/UT),Ta&#39;minot joyi (Shtat / UT),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301901Place Order,Buyurtmani joylashtiring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001902Plan for maintenance visits.,Ta&#39;minot tashriflari rejasi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301903Planned Qty,Rejalangan Miqdor,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001904"Planned Qty: Quantity, for which, Work Order has been raised, but is pending to be manufactured.","Rejalashtirilgan daraja: Ish uchun buyurtma berilgan, ammo ishlab chiqarilishi kutilayotgan miqdori.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301905Planning,Rejalashtirish,
1906Plants and Machineries,O&#39;simliklar va mashinalari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001907Please Set Supplier Group in Buying Settings.,Buyurtma sozlamalarida iltimos etkazib beruvchi guruhini tanlang.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301908Please add a Temporary Opening account in Chart of Accounts,"Iltimos, Hisoblar jadvalida vaqtinchalik ochilish hisobini qo&#39;shing",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001909Please add the account to root level Company - ,"Iltimos, hisobni kompaniyaning ildiz darajasiga qo&#39;shing -",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301910Please add the remaining benefits {0} to any of the existing component,Qolgan imtiyozlarni {0} mavjud tarkibiy qismlardan biriga qo&#39;shing,
1911Please check Multi Currency option to allow accounts with other currency,Boshqa valyutadagi hisoblarga ruxsat berish uchun ko&#39;p valyuta opsiyasini tanlang,
1912Please click on 'Generate Schedule',&quot;Jadvalni yarat&quot; tugmasini bosing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001913Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to fetch Serial No added for Item {0},{0} elementiga qo&#39;shilgan ketma-ketlik uchun &quot;Jadvalni yarat&quot; tugmasini bosing,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301914Please click on 'Generate Schedule' to get schedule,Jadvalni olish uchun &quot;Jadvalni yarat&quot; tugmasini bosing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001915Please confirm once you have completed your training,Ta&#39;limingizni tugatganingizdan keyin tasdiqlang,
1916Please contact to the user who have Sales Master Manager {0} role,Sotish bo&#39;yicha Magistr Direktori {0} roli mavjud foydalanuvchi bilan bog&#39;laning,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301917Please create Customer from Lead {0},"Iltimos, {0} qo&#39;rg&#39;oshidan mijozni yarating",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001918Please create purchase receipt or purchase invoice for the item {0},"Iltimos, {0} elementi uchun xarid q&#39;ong&#39;isi yoki xarid-fakturani sotib oling",
1919Please define grade for Threshold 0%,"Marhamat, esda tuting: 0%",
1920Please enable Applicable on Booking Actual Expenses,"Iltimos, haqiqiy xarajatlarga nisbatan qo&#39;llanilishi mumkin",
1921Please enable Applicable on Purchase Order and Applicable on Booking Actual Expenses,"Iltimos, Buyurtma buyurtmasi bo&#39;yicha amal qilishi mumkin va Rezervasyon haqiqiy xarajatlarga nisbatan qo&#39;llaniladi",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301922Please enable default incoming account before creating Daily Work Summary Group,Kundalik Ish Xulosa Guruhini yaratishdan oldin standart kirish hisobini yoqing,
1923Please enable pop-ups,"Iltimos, pop-up&#39;larni yoqing",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001924Please enter 'Is Subcontracted' as Yes or No,&quot;Yes&quot; yoki &quot;No&quot; deb nomlangan &quot;Subcontracted&quot; so&#39;zini kiriting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301925Please enter API Consumer Key,"Iltimos, API mijozlar kalitini kiriting",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001926Please enter API Consumer Secret,"Iltimos, API iste&#39;molchi sirini kiriting",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301927Please enter Account for Change Amount,O&#39;zgarish uchun Hisobni kiriting,
1928Please enter Approving Role or Approving User,"Iltimos, rozni rozilikni kiriting yoki foydalanuvchini tasdiqlang",
1929Please enter Cost Center,Xarajat markazini kiriting,
1930Please enter Delivery Date,"Iltimos, etkazib berish sanasi kiriting",
1931Please enter Employee Id of this sales person,"Iltimos, ushbu savdo vakili xodimining identifikatorini kiriting",
1932Please enter Expense Account,"Marhamat, hisobni kiriting",
1933Please enter Item Code to get Batch Number,Partiya raqami olish uchun mahsulot kodini kiriting,
1934Please enter Item Code to get batch no,"Iltimos, mahsulot kodini kiriting",
1935Please enter Item first,"Iltimos, avval Elementni kiriting",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001936Please enter Maintaince Details first,"Iltimos, birinchi navbatda Tafsilotlarni kiriting",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301937Please enter Material Requests in the above table,"Iltimos, yuqoridagi jadvalda Materiallar talablarini kiriting",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001938Please enter Planned Qty for Item {0} at row {1},{1} qatorida {0} uchun rejalashtirilgan sonni kiriting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301939Please enter Preferred Contact Email,"Marhamat qilib, tanlangan aloqa elektron pochta manzilini kiriting",
1940Please enter Production Item first,Avval ishlab chiqarish elementini kiriting,
1941Please enter Purchase Receipt first,Avval Qabul Qabulnomasini kiriting,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001942Please enter Receipt Document,"Iltimos, hujjatning hujjatini kiriting",
1943Please enter Reference date,"Iltimos, arizani kiriting",
1944Please enter Repayment Periods,To&#39;lov muddatlarini kiriting,
1945Please enter Reqd by Date,Iltimos sanasi bo&#39;yicha Reqd kiriting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301946Please enter Sales Orders in the above table,Yuqoridagi jadvalda Savdo buyurtmalarini kiriting,
1947Please enter Woocommerce Server URL,"Iltimos, Woocommerce Server URL manzilini kiriting",
1948Please enter Write Off Account,"Iltimos, hisob raqamini kiriting",
1949Please enter atleast 1 invoice in the table,"Iltimos, stolda atleast 1-fakturani kiriting",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001950Please enter company first,"Iltimos, kompaniyani birinchi kiriting",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301951Please enter company name first,Avval kompaniya nomini kiriting,
1952Please enter default currency in Company Master,"Iltimos, kompaniyaning ustalidagi valyutani kiriting",
1953Please enter message before sending,Yuborishdan oldin xabarni kiriting,
1954Please enter parent cost center,"Iltimos, yuqori xarajat markazini kiriting",
1955Please enter quantity for Item {0},"Iltimos, {0} mahsulot uchun miqdorni kiriting",
1956Please enter relieving date.,"Iltimos, bo&#39;sh vaqtni kiriting.",
1957Please enter repayment Amount,To&#39;lov miqdorini kiriting,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001958Please enter valid Financial Year Start and End Dates,"Iltimos, joriy moliyaviy yilni boshlash va tugatish sanasini kiriting",
1959Please enter valid email address,"Iltimos, to&#39;g&#39;ri elektron pochta manzilini kiriting",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301960Please enter {0} first,Avval {0} kiriting,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001961Please fill in all the details to generate Assessment Result.,"Iltimos, baholash natijasini yaratish uchun barcha ma&#39;lumotlarni to&#39;ldiring.",
1962Please identify/create Account (Group) for type - {0},"Iltimos, turini ko&#39;rish uchun hisob qaydnomasini (guruhini) aniqlang / yarating - {0}",
1963Please identify/create Account (Ledger) for type - {0},"Iltimos, hisob qaydnomasini (Ledger) aniqlang / yarating - {0}",
1964Please input all required Result Value(s),"Iltimos, barcha kerakli Natijani qiymatini kiriting",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301965Please login as another user to register on Marketplace,Bozorda ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tish uchun boshqa foydalanuvchi sifatida tizimga kiring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001966Please make sure you really want to delete all the transactions for this company. Your master data will remain as it is. This action cannot be undone.,"Iltimos, ushbu kompaniya uchun barcha operatsiyalarni o&#39;chirib tashlamoqchimisiz. Sizning asosiy ma&#39;lumotlaringiz qoladi. Ushbu amalni bekor qilish mumkin emas.",
1967Please mention Basic and HRA component in Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyadagi asosiy va HRA komponentlarini aytib bering",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301968Please mention Round Off Account in Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyadagi Yagona hisob qaydnomasidan foydalaning",
1969Please mention Round Off Cost Center in Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyadagi yumaloq xarajatlar markazidan so&#39;zlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001970Please mention no of visits required,"Iltimos, kerakli tashriflardan hech qanday foydalanmang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301971Please mention the Lead Name in Lead {0},"Iltimos, qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin nomi {0}",
1972Please pull items from Delivery Note,"Iltimos, mahsulotni etkazib berish Eslatma",
1973Please re-type company name to confirm,"Iltimos, tasdiqlash uchun kompaniya nomini qayta kiriting",
1974Please register the SIREN number in the company information file,"Iltimos, kompaniya ma&#39;lumot faylida SIREN raqamini ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tkazing",
1975Please remove this Invoice {0} from C-Form {1},"Iltimos, ushbu hisob-fakturani {1} shaklidan olib tashlang.",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001976Please save the patient first,"Iltimos, avvalo kasalni saqlang",
1977Please save the report again to rebuild or update,Qayta tiklash yoki yangilash uchun hisobotni yana saqlang,
1978"Please select Allocated Amount, Invoice Type and Invoice Number in atleast one row","Iltimos, atigi bir qatorda ajratilgan miqdori, hisob-faktura turi va hisob-faktura raqami-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301979Please select Apply Discount On,"Iltimos, &quot;Ilovani yoqish&quot; ni tanlang",
1980Please select BOM against item {0},"Iltimos, {0} elementiga qarshi BOM ni tanlang",
1981Please select BOM for Item in Row {0},"Iltimos, Row {0} qatori uchun BOM-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001982Please select BOM in BOM field for Item {0},"Iltimos, {0} uchun BOM maydonida BOM-ni tanlang",
1983Please select Category first,"Iltimos, oldin Turkum tanlang",
1984Please select Charge Type first,"Marhamat qilib, oldin Zaryadlovchi turi-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301985Please select Company,"Iltimos, Kompaniya-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001986Please select Company and Designation,"Marhamat, Kompaniya va Belgilash-ni tanlang",
1987Please select Company and Party Type first,Marhamat qilib Kompaniya va Partiya turini tanlang,
1988Please select Company and Posting Date to getting entries,Yozuvlar olish uchun Kompaniya va Xabar yuborish tarixini tanlang,
1989Please select Company first,"Iltimos, kompaniyani tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301990Please select Completion Date for Completed Asset Maintenance Log,Tugallangan aktivlarga xizmat ko&#39;rsatish jurnalining tugallangan kunini tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001991Please select Completion Date for Completed Repair,Tugallangan ta&#39;mirlash uchun tugagan sanani tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301992Please select Course,"Iltimos, kursni tanlang",
1993Please select Drug,"Iltimos, Dori-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001994Please select Employee,"Iltimos, Ishchi-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05301995Please select Employee Record first.,Avval Employee Record-ni tanlang.,
1996Please select Existing Company for creating Chart of Accounts,Hisoblar jadvali yaratish uchun mavjud Kompaniya-ni tanlang,
1997Please select Healthcare Service,"Iltimos, Sog&#39;liqni saqlash xizmati tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00001998"Please select Item where ""Is Stock Item"" is ""No"" and ""Is Sales Item"" is ""Yes"" and there is no other Product Bundle",&quot;Stoktaki Mahsulot&quot; - &quot;Yo&#39;q&quot; va &quot;Sotuvdagi Maqsad&quot; - &quot;Ha&quot; deb nomlangan Mavzu-ni tanlang va boshqa Mahsulot Bundlei yo&#39;q,
1999Please select Maintenance Status as Completed or remove Completion Date,Marhamat qilib Xizmat Statusini Tugallangan yoki tugatish sanasini tanlang,
2000Please select Party Type first,"Marhamat qilib, avval Teri turini tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302001Please select Patient,"Marhamat, Klinik-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002002Please select Patient to get Lab Tests,"Lab Testlarini olish uchun Marhamat, Bemor-ni tanlang",
2003Please select Posting Date before selecting Party,Tomonni tanlashdan oldin sanasi sanasini tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302004Please select Posting Date first,"Marhamat, birinchi marta o&#39;tilganlik sanasi tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002005Please select Price List,"Iltimos, narxlar ro&#39;yxatini tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302006Please select Program,"Iltimos, Dasturni tanlang",
2007Please select Qty against item {0},"Iltimos, {0} elementiga qarshi Qty ni tanlang",
2008Please select Sample Retention Warehouse in Stock Settings first,Avval Stok Sozlamalarida Sample Retention Warehouse-ni tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002009Please select Start Date and End Date for Item {0},"Iltimos, {0} uchun mahsulotning boshlanish sanasi va tugash sanasini tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302010Please select Student Admission which is mandatory for the paid student applicant,"Iltimos, to&#39;ldirilgan talaba nomzodiga majburiy bo&#39;lgan talabgor qabul qiling",
2011Please select a BOM,"Iltimos, BOM-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002012Please select a Batch for Item {0}. Unable to find a single batch that fulfills this requirement,{0} uchun mahsulotni tanlang. Ushbu talabni bajaradigan yagona guruh topilmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302013Please select a Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyani tanlang",
2014Please select a batch,"Iltimos, partiyani tanlang",
2015Please select a csv file,CSV faylini tanlang,
2016Please select a customer,"Iltimos, mijozni tanlang",
2017Please select a field to edit from numpad,"Iltimos, numpad dan tahrir qilish uchun maydonni tanlang",
2018Please select a table,"Iltimos, jadval tanlang",
2019Please select a valid Date,"Iltimos, to&#39;g&#39;ri Sana tanlang",
2020Please select a value for {0} quotation_to {1},"Iltimos, {0} uchun kotirovka qiymatini tanlang {1}",
2021Please select a warehouse,"Iltimos, omborni tanlang",
2022Please select an item in the cart,Savatdagi elementni tanlang,
2023Please select at least one domain.,"Iltimos, kamida bitta domenni tanlang.",
2024Please select correct account,"Iltimos, to&#39;g&#39;ri hisobni tanlang",
2025Please select customer,"Iltimos, mijozni tanlang",
2026Please select date,"Iltimos, tarixni tanlang",
2027Please select item code,"Iltimos, mahsulot kodini tanlang",
2028Please select month and year,"Iltimos, oy va yilni tanlang",
2029Please select prefix first,"Iltimos, avval prefiksni tanlang",
2030Please select the Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyani tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002031Please select the Company first,Avval Kompaniya-ni tanlang,
2032Please select the Multiple Tier Program type for more than one collection rules.,"Iltimos, bir nechta yig&#39;ish qoidalari uchun bir nechta darajali dastur turini tanlang.",
2033Please select the assessment group other than 'All Assessment Groups',"Iltimos, barcha baholash guruhlaridan boshqa baholash guruhini tanlang.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302034Please select the document type first,"Iltimos, avval hujjat turini tanlang",
2035Please select weekly off day,Haftalik yopiq kunni tanlang,
2036Please select {0},"Iltimos, {0}",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002037Please select {0} first,Avval {0} ni tanlang,
2038Please set 'Apply Additional Discount On',"Iltimos, &quot;Qo&#39;shimcha chegirmalarni yoqish&quot;",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302039Please set 'Asset Depreciation Cost Center' in Company {0},"Iltimos, {0} kompaniyasida &quot;Asset Amortizatsiya xarajatlari markazi&quot; ni belgilang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002040Please set 'Gain/Loss Account on Asset Disposal' in Company {0},{0} da kompaniyadagi aktivlarni yo&#39;qotish bo&#39;yicha &#39;Qimmatli /,
2041Please set Account in Warehouse {0} or Default Inventory Account in Company {1},"Iltimos, hisob qaydnomasini {0} da saqlang yoki {1}",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302042Please set B2C Limit in GST Settings.,"Iltimos, B2C Limitni GST Sozlamalarida o&#39;rnating.",
2043Please set Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyani tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002044Please set Company filter blank if Group By is 'Company',"Guruh tomonidan &quot;Kompaniya&quot; bo&#39;lsa, Kompaniya filtrini bo&#39;sh qoldiring.",
2045Please set Default Payroll Payable Account in Company {0},{0} kompaniyasida ish haqi bo&#39;yicha to&#39;lanadigan hisob qaydnomasini o&#39;rnating.,
2046Please set Depreciation related Accounts in Asset Category {0} or Company {1},Amalga oshirilgan hisob-kitoblarni {0} obyekti yoki Kompaniya {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302047Please set Email Address,E-pochta manzilingizni belgilang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002048Please set GST Accounts in GST Settings,GST sozlamalarida GST sozlamalarini belgilang,
2049Please set Hotel Room Rate on {},"Iltimos, Hotel Room Rate ni {} belgilang.",
2050Please set Number of Depreciations Booked,"Iltimos, ko&#39;rsatilgan Amortizatsiya miqdorini belgilang",
2051Please set Unrealized Exchange Gain/Loss Account in Company {0},Iltimos {0} kompaniyasida amalga oshirilmaydigan Exchange Gain / Loss Accountni tanlang,
2052Please set User ID field in an Employee record to set Employee Role,"Iltimos, foydalanuvchi identifikatorini Xodimlar roliga o&#39;rnatish uchun Xodimlar ro&#39;yxatiga qo&#39;ying",
2053Please set a default Holiday List for Employee {0} or Company {1},"Iltimos, xizmatdoshlar uchun {0} yoki Kompaniya {1}",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302054Please set account in Warehouse {0},"Iltimos, hisob qaydnomasini {0}",
2055Please set an active menu for Restaurant {0},Restoran {0} uchun faol menyu tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002056Please set associated account in Tax Withholding Category {0} against Company {1},"Iltimos, tegishli hisob qaydnomasini {0} soliqni ushlab turish turkumida {1}",
2057Please set at least one row in the Taxes and Charges Table,"Iltimos, Soliqlar va yig&#39;imlar jadvalida kamida bitta qator qo&#39;ying",
2058Please set default Cash or Bank account in Mode of Payment {0},"Iltimos, odatdagi Cash yoki Bank hisobini {0} To&#39;lov tartibi rejimida tanlang.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302059Please set default account in Salary Component {0},"Iltimos, ish haqi komponentida {0}",
2060Please set default customer group and territory in Selling Settings,Savdo sozlamalarida standart mijozlar guruhini va hududni tanlang,
2061Please set default customer in Restaurant Settings,Restoran sozlamalarida standart mijozni tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002062Please set default template for Leave Approval Notification in HR Settings.,Chiqish sozlamalarida tasdiqlashni tasdiqlash xabarnomasi uchun standart shablonni o&#39;rnating.,
2063Please set default template for Leave Status Notification in HR Settings.,Chiqish sozlamalari uchun Leave Status Notification holatini ko&#39;rsatish uchun standart shablonni o&#39;rnating.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302064Please set default {0} in Company {1},{1} kompaniyasida standart {0} ni belgilang,
2065Please set filter based on Item or Warehouse,"Iltimos, filtrni yoki odatiy ob&#39;ektni tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002066Please set leave policy for employee {0} in Employee / Grade record,"Iltimos, Xodimga / Baho yozuvida ishlaydigan {0} uchun ta&#39;til tartib-qoidasini belgilang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302067Please set recurring after saving,Saqlaganingizdan keyin takroriy-ni tanlang,
2068Please set the Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyani tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002069Please set the Customer Address,"Iltimos, mijoz manzilini ko&#39;rsating",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302070Please set the Date Of Joining for employee {0},"Iltimos, xodimingizga {0}",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002071Please set the Default Cost Center in {0} company.,"Iltimos, {0} kompaniyasidagi Standart xarajatlar markazini tanlang.",
2072Please set the Email ID for the Student to send the Payment Request,"Iltimos, to&#39;lov talabnomasini yuborish uchun Talabaga Email ID-ni belgilang",
2073Please set the Item Code first,Avval Mahsulot kodini o&#39;rnating,
2074Please set the Payment Schedule,"Iltimos, to&#39;lov jadvalini o&#39;rnating",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302075Please set the series to be used.,"Iltimos, foydalanish uchun ketma-ketlikni o&#39;rnating.",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002076Please set {0} for address {1},"Iltimos, {1} manzili uchun {0} ni o&#39;rnating.",
2077Please setup Students under Student Groups,Talabalar uchun Talabalar Guruhi ostida tanlansin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302078Please share your feedback to the training by clicking on 'Training Feedback' and then 'New',"&quot;Ta&#39;lim bo&#39;yicha hisobot&quot; ni bosing, so&#39;ngra &quot;Yangi&quot;",
2079Please specify Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyani ko&#39;rsating",
2080Please specify Company to proceed,Davom etish uchun kompaniyani ko&#39;rsating,
2081Please specify a valid 'From Case No.',"Iltimos, tegishli &quot;Qoidadan boshlab&quot;",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002082Please specify a valid Row ID for row {0} in table {1},Iltimos {1} jadvalidagi {0} qatoriga tegishli joriy qatorni identifikatorini ko&#39;rsating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302083Please specify at least one attribute in the Attributes table,"Iltimos, atributlar jadvalidagi kamida bitta xususiyatni ko&#39;rsating",
2084Please specify currency in Company,"Iltimos, kompaniyadagi valyutani ko&#39;rsating",
2085Please specify either Quantity or Valuation Rate or both,Miqdor yoki baholash bahosini yoki ikkalasini ham ko&#39;rsating,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002086Please specify from/to range,"Marhamat, tanlang",
2087Please supply the specified items at the best possible rates,"Iltimos, ko&#39;rsatilgan narsalarni eng yaxshi narxlarda bering",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302088Please update your status for this training event,"Iltimos, ushbu mashg&#39;ulot uchun statusingizni yangilang",
2089Please wait 3 days before resending the reminder.,Eslatmani qayta yuborishdan oldin 3 kun kuting.,
2090Point of Sale,Sotuv nuqtasi,
2091Point-of-Sale,Sotuv nuqtasi,
2092Point-of-Sale Profile,Sotuv nuqtasi profili,
2094Possible Supplier,Mumkin bo&#39;lgan yetkazib beruvchi,
2095Postal Expenses,Pochta xarajatlari,
2096Posting Date,O&#39;tilganlik sanasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002097Posting Date cannot be future date,Kiritilgan sana kelajakdagi sana bo&#39;la olmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302098Posting Time,Vaqtni yuborish vaqti,
2099Posting date and posting time is mandatory,Yozish sanasi va joylashtirish vaqti majburiydir,
2100Posting timestamp must be after {0},Vaqt tamg&#39;asini yuborish {0},
2101Potential opportunities for selling.,Sotish uchun potentsial imkoniyatlar.,
2102Practitioner Schedule,Amaliyot dasturlari,
2103Pre Sales,Old savdo,
2105Prescribed Procedures,Belgilangan protseduralar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002106Prescription,Ortga nazar tashlash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302107Prescription Dosage,Reçetesiz dozaj,
2108Prescription Duration,Rezektsiya davomiyligi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002110Present,Mavjud,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302111Prev,Oldindan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002112Preview Salary Slip,Preview ish haqi slip,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302113Previous Financial Year is not closed,Avvalgi moliyaviy yil yopiq emas,
2115Price List,Narxlar ro&#39;yxati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002116Price List Currency not selected,Narxlar ro&#39;yxati Valyutasi tanlanmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302117Price List Rate,Narxlar ro&#39;yxati darajasi,
2118Price List master.,Narxlar ro&#39;yxati ustasi.,
2119Price List must be applicable for Buying or Selling,Narxlar ro&#39;yxati Buyurtma yoki Sotish uchun tegishli bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002120Price List not found or disabled,Narxlar ro&#39;yxati topilmadi yoki o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302121Price List {0} is disabled or does not exist,Narxlar ro&#39;yxati {0} o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yilgan yoki mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002122Price or product discount slabs are required,Narx yoki mahsulotga chegirma plitalari kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302123Pricing,Raqobatchilar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002124Pricing Rule,Raqobatchilar qoidasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302125"Pricing Rule is first selected based on 'Apply On' field, which can be Item, Item Group or Brand.","Raqobatchilarimiz qoidasi &quot;Apply O&#39;n&quot; maydoniga asoslanib tanlangan, bular Item, Item Group yoki Tovar bo&#39;lishi mumkin.",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002126"Pricing Rule is made to overwrite Price List / define discount percentage, based on some criteria.",Raqobatchilar qoidasi narx-navo varag&#39;ining ustiga yozish uchun belgilanadi / ba&#39;zi mezonlarga asoslanib chegirma foizini belgilaydi.,
2127Pricing Rule {0} is updated,{0} narx qoidasi yangilandi,
2128Pricing Rules are further filtered based on quantity.,Raqobatchilar qoidalari miqdori bo&#39;yicha qo&#39;shimcha ravishda filtrlanadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302130Primary Address Details,Birlamchi manzil ma&#39;lumotlari,
2131Primary Contact Details,Birlamchi aloqa ma&#39;lumotlari,
2132Principal Amount,Asosiy miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002133Print IRS 1099 Forms,IRS 1099 shakllarini chop eting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302134Print Report Card,Hisobot kartasini chop etish,
2135Print and Stationery,Chop etish va ish yuritish,
2136Print settings updated in respective print format,Chop etish moslamalari tegishli bosib chiqarish formatida yangilanadi,
2137Print taxes with zero amount,Soliqlarni nolga teng miqdorda chop eting,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002138Printing and Branding,Bosib chiqarish va brendlash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302139Private Equity,Xususiy kapital,
2140Privilege Leave,Privilege Leave,
2142Probationary Period,Sinov muddati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002143Process Day Book Data,Jarayon kuni kitobi ma&#39;lumotlari,
2144Process Master Data,Asosiy ma&#39;lumotlarni qayta ishlash,
2145Processing Chart of Accounts and Parties,Hisoblar va tomonlarning ishlov berish jadvali,
2146Processing Items and UOMs,Elementlar va UOM-larga ishlov berish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302147Processing Party Addresses,Partiya manzillarini qayta ishlash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002148Processing Vouchers,Voucherlarni qayta ishlash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302149Procurement,Xarid qilish,
2150Produced Qty,Ishlab chiqarilgan Miqdor,
2152Product Bundle,Mahsulot to&#39;plami,
2153Product Search,Mahsulot qidirish,
2154Production,Ishlab chiqarish,
2155Production Item,Ishlab chiqarish mahsulotlari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302156Products,Mahsulotlar,
2157Profit and Loss,Qor va ziyon,
2158Profit for the year,Yil uchun foyda,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002160Program in the Fee Structure and Student Group {0} are different.,Ish haqi tarkibi va talabalar guruhi {0} da dastur boshqacha.,
2161Program {0} does not exist.,{0} dasturi mavjud emas.,
2162Program: ,Dastur:,
2163Progress % for a task cannot be more than 100.,Bir vazifa uchun% progress 100 dan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302164Project Collaboration Invitation,Loyiha hamkorlik taklifi,
2165Project Id,Loyiha Id,
2166Project Manager,Proyekt menejeri,
2167Project Name,Loyiha nomi,
2168Project Start Date,Loyiha boshlanish sanasi,
2169Project Status,Loyiha holati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002170Project Summary for {0},{0} uchun loyihaning qisqacha tavsifi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302171Project Update.,Loyiha yangilanishi.,
2172Project Value,Loyiha qiymati,
2173Project activity / task.,Loyiha faoliyati / vazifasi.,
2174Project master.,Loyiha bo&#39;yicha mutaxassis.,
2175Project-wise data is not available for Quotation,Loyiha bo&#39;yicha ma&#39;lumot quyish uchun mavjud emas,
2177Projected Qty,Loyiha miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002178Projected Quantity Formula,Prognoz qilinadigan miqdor formulasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302179Projects,Loyihalar,
2180Property already added,Xususiyat allaqachon qo&#39;shilgan,
2181Proposal Writing,Takliflarni Yozish,
2182Proposal/Price Quote,Taklif / narx taklifi,
2184Provisional Profit / Loss (Credit),Vaqtinchalik foyda / zarar (kredit),
2186Publish Items on Website,Saytdagi ma&#39;lumotlar nashr qiling,
2188Purchase,Sotib olish,
2189Purchase Amount,Xarid miqdori,
2190Purchase Date,Sotib olish sanasi,
2191Purchase Invoice,Xarajatlarni xarid qiling,
2192Purchase Invoice {0} is already submitted,Xaridni taqdim etgan {0} allaqachon yuborilgan,
2193Purchase Order,Xarid buyurtmasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002194Purchase Order Amount,Xarid buyurtmasi miqdori,
2195Purchase Order Amount(Company Currency),Xarid buyurtmasi miqdori (kompaniya valyutasi),
2196Purchase Order Date,Buyurtma sanasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302197Purchase Order Items not received on time,Buyurtma Buyurtma Buyurtma vaqtida olinmagan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002198Purchase Order number required for Item {0},{0} band uchun xaridni tartib raqami talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302199Purchase Order to Payment,To&#39;lovni sotib olish tartibi,
2200Purchase Order {0} is not submitted,Buyurtma {0} topshirilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002201Purchase Orders are not allowed for {0} due to a scorecard standing of {1}.,{1} belgisi tufayli buyurtma berish buyurtmalariga {0} uchun ruxsat berilmaydi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302202Purchase Orders given to Suppliers.,Yetkazib beruvchilarga berilgan buyurtmalar.,
2203Purchase Price List,Sotib olish narxlari ro&#39;yxati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002204Purchase Receipt,Xarid qilish arizasi,
2205Purchase Receipt {0} is not submitted,Xarid qilish shakli {0} yuborilmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302206Purchase Tax Template,Xarid qilish shablonini sotib oling,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002207Purchase orders help you plan and follow up on your purchases,Xarid qilish buyurtmalari xaridlarni rejalashtirish va kuzatib borishingizga yordam beradi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302208Purchasing,Xarid qilish,
2209Purpose must be one of {0},Maqsad {0} dan biri bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002211Qty To Manufacture,Ishlab chiqarish uchun miqdori,
2212Qty Total,Miqdor jami,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302213Qty for {0},{0} uchun son,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302214Qualification,Malakali,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002216Quality Action,Sifatli harakatlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302217Quality Goal.,Sifat maqsadi.,
2218Quality Inspection,Sifatni tekshirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002219Quality Inspection: {0} is not submitted for the item: {1} in row {2},Sifat nazorati: {0} {2} qatoriga {0} taqdim etilmagan.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302220Quality Management,Sifat menejmenti,
2221Quality Meeting,Sifat uchrashuvi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002222Quality Procedure,Sifat tartibi,
2223Quality Procedure.,Sifat tartibi.,
2224Quality Review,Sifatni ko&#39;rib chiqish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302225Quantity,Miqdor,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302226Quantity for Item {0} must be less than {1},{0} uchun mahsulot miqdori {1} dan kam bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2227Quantity in row {0} ({1}) must be same as manufactured quantity {2},{0} ({1}) qatorlar soni ishlab chiqarilgan {2} miqdoriga teng bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
2228Quantity must be less than or equal to {0},Miqdori {0} dan kam yoki unga teng bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2229Quantity must be positive,Miqdor ijobiy bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2230Quantity must not be more than {0},Miqdori {0} dan ortiq bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
2231Quantity required for Item {0} in row {1},{1} qatoridagi {0} element uchun zarur miqdori,
2232Quantity should be greater than 0,Miqdori 0 dan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2233Quantity to Make,Qilish uchun miqdori,
2234Quantity to Manufacture must be greater than 0.,Ishlab chiqarish miqdori 0dan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
2235Quantity to Produce,Ishlab chiqarish miqdori,
2236Quantity to Produce can not be less than Zero,Ishlab chiqarish miqdori noldan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
2237Queued for replacing the BOM. It may take a few minutes.,BOMni almashtirish uchun navbat. Bir necha daqiqa o&#39;tishi mumkin.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002238Queued for updating latest price in all Bill of Materials. It may take a few minutes.,Barcha materiallar materiallarida eng so&#39;nggi narxni yangilash uchun navbatda turdi. Bir necha daqiqa o&#39;tishi mumkin.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302239Quick Journal Entry,Tez jurnalni kiritish,
2240Quot Count,Hisob soni,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002241Quot/Lead %,Qisqacha / qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin%,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302242Quotation,Tavsif,
2243Quotation {0} is cancelled,Quotatsiya {0} bekor qilindi,
2244Quotation {0} not of type {1},Iqtibos {0} turidan emas {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002246"Quotations are proposals, bids you have sent to your customers","Qabullar sizning mijozlaringizga yuborilgan takliflar, takliflar",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302247Quotations received from Suppliers.,Ta&#39;minlovchilar tomonidan olingan takliflar.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002248Quotations: ,Qo&#39;shtirnoq:,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302249Quotes to Leads or Customers.,Qabul qiluvchi yoki mijozlarga takliflar.,
2250RFQs are not allowed for {0} due to a scorecard standing of {1},{1} hisob qaydnomasi holati tufayli {0} uchun RFQ-larga ruxsat berilmaydi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002253Rate:,Baho:,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302254Raw Material,Xom ashyo,
2255Raw Materials,Xom ashyolar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002256Raw Materials cannot be blank.,Xom ashyoni bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302257Re-open,Qayta oching,
2258Read blog,Blogni o&#39;qing,
2259Read the ERPNext Manual,ERPNext qo&#39;llanmasini o&#39;qing,
2260Reading Uploaded File,Yuklangan faylni o&#39;qish,
2261Real Estate,Ko `chmas mulk,
2262Reason For Putting On Hold,Tutish uchun sabab,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002263Reason for Hold,Ushlab turish uchun sabab,
2264Reason for hold: ,Kutish sababi:,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302265Receipt,Qabul qilish,
2266Receipt document must be submitted,Qabul hujjati topshirilishi kerak,
2268Receivable Account,Oladigan Hisob,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002269Receive at Warehouse Entry,Omborga kirishda qabul qiling,
2270Received,Qabul qilingan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302271Received On,Qabul qilingan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002272Received Quantity,Miqdor qabul qilindi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302273Received Stock Entries,Qabul qilingan aktsiyalar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002274Receiver List is empty. Please create Receiver List,"Qabul qiladiganlar ro&#39;yxati bo&#39;sh. Iltimos, qabul qiluvchi ro&#39;yxatini yarating",
2276"Record of all communications of type email, phone, chat, visit, etc.","E-pochta, telefon, suhbat, tashrif va hk.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302277Records,Yozuvlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002279Ref Date,Qayta sanasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302280Reference,Malumot,
2281Reference #{0} dated {1},{{1}} {{0},
2282Reference Date,Malumot sanasi,
2283Reference Doctype must be one of {0},Malumot Doctype {0} dan biri bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2284Reference Document,Malumot hujjati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002285Reference No & Reference Date is required for {0},Yo&#39;naltiruvchi Yo&#39;naltiruvchi va Yo&#39;naltiruvchi {0},
2286Reference No and Reference Date is mandatory for Bank transaction,Bank bo&#39;yicha bitim uchun Yo&#39;naltiruvchi Yo&#39;naltiruvchi va Yo&#39;nalish sanasi majburiy hisoblanadi,
2287Reference No is mandatory if you entered Reference Date,"Malumot sanasi kiritilgan bo&#39;lsa, Yo&#39;naltiruvchi raqami majburiy emas",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302288Reference No.,Yo&#39;naltiruvchi raqami,
2289Reference Number,Malumot raqami,
2290"Reference: {0}, Item Code: {1} and Customer: {2}","Malumot: {0}, mahsulot kodi: {1} va mijoz: {2}",
2292Register,Ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302293Reject,Rad etish,
2294Rejected,Rad etildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002295Related,Bilan bog&#39;liq,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302296Relation with Guardian1,Guardian1 bilan aloqalar,
2297Relation with Guardian2,Guardian2 bilan aloqalar,
2298Release Date,Ishlab chiqarilish sanasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002299Reload Linked Analysis,Bog&#39;langan tahlilni qayta tiklash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302300Remaining,Qoldik,
2301Remaining Balance,Qolgan muvozanat,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002303Reminder to update GSTIN Sent,GSTIN yuborilgan eslatmani eslatish,
2304Remove item if charges is not applicable to that item,"Ushbu elementga to&#39;lovlar tegishli bo&#39;lmasa, elementni olib tashlang",
2305Removed items with no change in quantity or value.,Sifat yoki qiymat o&#39;zgarmasdan chiqarilgan elementlar.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302306Reopen,Qayta oching,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002307Reorder Level,Tartibni qayta tartibga solish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302308Reorder Qty,Miqdorni qayta tartiblashtirish,
2309Repeat Customer Revenue,Xaridor daromadini takrorlang,
2310Repeat Customers,Iste&#39;molchilarni takrorlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002311Replace BOM and update latest price in all BOMs,BOMni almashtiring va barcha BOM&#39;lardagi eng so&#39;nggi narxni yangilang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302312Replies,Javoblar,
2314Report Builder,Report Builder,
2315Report Type is mandatory,Hisobot turi majburiydir,
2316Report an Issue,Muammo haqida xabar bering,
2318Reqd By Date,Sana bo&#39;yicha sana,
2319Reqd Qty,Reqd Qty,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002320Request for Quotation,Buyurtma uchun so&#39;rov,
2321"Request for Quotation is disabled to access from portal, for more check portal settings.","Ilovaning so&#39;rovi portaldan kirish uchun o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yilgan, portalni yanada aniqroq tekshirish uchun.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302322Request for Quotations,Takliflar uchun so&#39;rov,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002323Request for Raw Materials,Xom-ashyo uchun talab,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302324Request for purchase.,Sotib olish talabi.,
2325Request for quotation.,Taklif so&#39;rovi.,
2326Requested Qty,Kerakli son,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002327"Requested Qty: Quantity requested for purchase, but not ordered.","Talab qilingan miqdor: Xarid qilish uchun so&#39;ralgan, ammo buyurtma qilinmagan.",
2328Requesting Site,Saytni talab qilish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302329Requesting payment against {0} {1} for amount {2},{0} {1} dan {2},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002330Requestor,Talab qiluvchi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302331Required On,Majburiy On,
2332Required Qty,Kerakli son,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002333Required Quantity,Kerakli miqdori,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302334Reschedule,Qaytadan rejalashtirish,
2336Research & Development,Tadqiqot va Loyihalash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002337Researcher,Tadqiqotchi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302338Resend Payment Email,To&#39;lov E-pochtasini qayta yuboring,
2339Reserve Warehouse,Zaxira ombori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002340Reserved Qty,Saqlandi Qty,
2341Reserved Qty for Production,Ishlab chiqarish uchun belgilangan miqdor,
2342Reserved Qty for Production: Raw materials quantity to make manufacturing items.,Ishlab chiqarish uchun zahiralangan miqdor: ishlab chiqarish buyumlarini tayyorlash uchun xom ashyo miqdori.,
2343"Reserved Qty: Quantity ordered for sale, but not delivered.","Savdo zahirasi: Sotish uchun buyurtma berilgan, ammo etkazib berilmagan.",
2344Reserved Warehouse is mandatory for Item {0} in Raw Materials supplied,Zahiralangan QXI mahsulotning {0} mahsuloti uchun berilgan xom ashyo uchun majburiydir,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302345Reserved for manufacturing,Ishlab chiqarish uchun ajratilgan,
2346Reserved for sale,Savdo uchun ajratilgan,
2347Reserved for sub contracting,Sub-shartnoma uchun ajratilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002348Resistant,Chidamli,
2349Resolve error and upload again.,Xatoni hal qiling va qayta yuklang.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302351Rest Of The World,Dunyoning qolgan qismi,
2352Restart Subscription,Obunani qayta ishga tushiring,
2354Result Date,Natija sanasi,
2355Result already Submitted,Yuborilgan natija,
2356Resume,Rezyume; qayta boshlash,
2357Retail,Chakana savdo,
2358Retail & Wholesale,Chakana va ulgurji savdo,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002359Retail Operations,Chakana operatsiyalar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302360Retained Earnings,Yig&#39;ilib qolgan oylik maoshlari,
2361Retention Stock Entry,Saqlash fondini kiritish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002362Retention Stock Entry already created or Sample Quantity not provided,Ta&#39;minlangan aktsiyadorlik jamg&#39;armasi yaratilgan yoki taqlid miqdori berilmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302363Return,Qaytish,
2364Return / Credit Note,Qaytaring / Kredit eslatma,
2365Return / Debit Note,Qaytaring / Debet Eslatma,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002366Returns,Qaytishlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302367Reverse Journal Entry,Jurnalga teskari qaytish,
2368Review Invitation Sent,Taklifni ko&#39;rib chiqish yuborildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002369Review and Action,Sharh va harakat,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302370Rooms Booked,Xonalar rezervasyonu,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002371Root Company,Ildiz kompaniyasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302372Root Type,Ildiz turi,
2373Root Type is mandatory,Ildiz turi majburiydir,
2374Root cannot be edited.,Ildiz tahrirlanmaydi.,
2375Root cannot have a parent cost center,Ildiz ota-ona xarajatlari markaziga ega bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002376Round Off,Dumaloq yopiq,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302377Rounded Total,Rounded Total,
2378Row # {0}: ,# {0} qatori:,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002379Row # {0}: Batch No must be same as {1} {2},# {0} satrida: {1} {2},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302380Row # {0}: Cannot return more than {1} for Item {2},{0} qatori: {1} dan ortiq {2},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002381Row # {0}: Rate cannot be greater than the rate used in {1} {2},Row # {0}: Rate {1} {2} da ishlatiladigan kursdan kattaroq bo&#39;la olmaydi,
2382Row # {0}: Returned Item {1} does not exists in {2} {3},{0} qatori: Qaytarilgan {1} {2} {3},
2383Row # {0}: Serial No is mandatory,# {0} qatori: seriya raqami majburiy emas,
2384Row # {0}: Serial No {1} does not match with {2} {3},# {0} qatori: ketma-ket No {1} {2} {3},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302385Row #{0} (Payment Table): Amount must be negative,Row # {0} (To&#39;lov jadvali): Miqdori salbiy bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2386Row #{0} (Payment Table): Amount must be positive,Row # {0} (To&#39;lov jadvali): Miqdor ijobiy bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2387Row #{0}: Account {1} does not belong to company {2},# {0} qatori: Hisob {1} kompaniyaga tegishli emas {2},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002388Row #{0}: Allocated Amount cannot be greater than outstanding amount.,Row # {0}: Ajratilgan miqdori uncha katta bo&#39;lmagan miqdordan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302389"Row #{0}: Asset {1} cannot be submitted, it is already {2}","# {0} qatori: Asset {1} yuborib bo&#39;lolmaydi, allaqachon {2}",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002390Row #{0}: Cannot set Rate if amount is greater than billed amount for Item {1}.,"# {0} satri: {1} element uchun taqdim etgan summa miqdoridan katta bo&#39;lsa, Rate ni o&#39;rnatib bo&#39;lmaydi.",
2391Row #{0}: Clearance date {1} cannot be before Cheque Date {2},# {0} satrida: {1} bo&#39;shatish kuni oldin tekshirilish sanasi {2},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302392Row #{0}: Duplicate entry in References {1} {2},{0} qatori: {1} {2} da zikr etilgan dublikat,
2393Row #{0}: Expected Delivery Date cannot be before Purchase Order Date,Row # {0}: Kutilayotgan etkazib berish sanasi Buyurtma tarixidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002394Row #{0}: Item added,# {0} qator: element qo&#39;shildi,
2395Row #{0}: Journal Entry {1} does not have account {2} or already matched against another voucher,{{0} qatori: {1} yozuvi {2} hisobiga ega emas yoki boshqa kafelga qarama-qarshi,
2396Row #{0}: Not allowed to change Supplier as Purchase Order already exists,"Row # {0}: Yetkazib beruvchini Xarid qilish tartibi sifatida o&#39;zgartirishga ruxsat yo&#39;q, allaqachon mavjud",
2397Row #{0}: Please set reorder quantity,"# {0} qatori: Iltimos, buyurtmaning miqdorini belgilang",
2398Row #{0}: Please specify Serial No for Item {1},"Row # {0}: Iltimos, mahsulot uchun {1}",
2399Row #{0}: Qty increased by 1,# {0} qator: Qty 1 ga ko&#39;paydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302400Row #{0}: Rate must be same as {1}: {2} ({3} / {4}) ,Row # {0}: Baho {1}: {2} ({3} / {4}),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002401Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Expense Claim or Journal Entry,# {0} satri: Hujjatning Hujjat turi xarajat shikoyati yoki jurnali kiritmasidan biri bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2402"Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice or Journal Entry","# {0} satri: Hujjatning Hujjat turi Buyurtma Buyurtma, Buyurtma Xarajati yoki Jurnal Yozuvi bo&#39;lishi kerak",
2403"Row #{0}: Reference Document Type must be one of Sales Order, Sales Invoice or Journal Entry","# {0} sath: Ariza Hujjat turi Sotuvdagi Buyurtma, Sotuvdagi Billing yoki Jurnal Yozuvi bo&#39;lishi kerak",
2404Row #{0}: Rejected Qty can not be entered in Purchase Return,# {0} qatori: Rad etilgan Qty Xarid qilishni qaytarib bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302405Row #{0}: Rejected Warehouse is mandatory against rejected Item {1},Roy # {0}: Rad etilgan QXI rad etilgan elementga qarshi majburiydir {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002406Row #{0}: Reqd by Date cannot be before Transaction Date,Roy # {0}: Sana bo&#39;yicha Reqd Jurnal kunidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
2407Row #{0}: Set Supplier for item {1},{0} qator: Ta&#39;minlovchini {1} elementiga sozlang,
2408Row #{0}: Status must be {1} for Invoice Discounting {2},# {0} qator: Hisob-fakturani chegirma uchun {1} holati {1} bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302409"Row #{0}: The batch {1} has only {2} qty. Please select another batch which has {3} qty available or split the row into multiple rows, to deliver/issue from multiple batches","# {0} qatori: {1} guruhida faqat {2} qty bor. Iltimos, {3} qty mavjud bo&#39;lgan boshqa qatorni tanlang yoki bir nechta partiyalardan etkazib berish uchun qatorni bir necha qatorga bo&#39;linib ko&#39;rsating",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002410Row #{0}: Timings conflicts with row {1},# {0} satr: vaqt {1} qatori bilan zid,
2411Row #{0}: {1} can not be negative for item {2},{{0} qatori: {1} element {2} uchun salbiy bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
2412Row No {0}: Amount cannot be greater than Pending Amount against Expense Claim {1}. Pending Amount is {2},No {0} qatori: Miqdor kutilgan qarz miqdori bo&#39;yicha da&#39;volardan {1} dan yuqori bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas. Kutilayotgan miqdor {2},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302413Row {0} : Operation is required against the raw material item {1},Row {0}: {1} xom ashyo moddasiga qarshi operatsiyalar talab qilinadi,
2414Row {0}# Allocated amount {1} cannot be greater than unclaimed amount {2},Row {0} # Ajratilgan miqdor {1} da&#39;vo qilinmagan miqdordan ortiq bo&#39;lmasligi mumkin {2},
2415Row {0}# Item {1} cannot be transferred more than {2} against Purchase Order {3},{0} # 1-satr {1} -chi satr {3} Xarid buyurtmasiga qarshi {2} dan ortiq o&#39;tkazilmaydi.,
2416Row {0}# Paid Amount cannot be greater than requested advance amount,Row {0} # To&#39;langan pul miqdori so&#39;ralgan avans miqdoridan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
2417Row {0}: Activity Type is mandatory.,Row {0}: Faoliyat turi majburiydir.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002418Row {0}: Advance against Customer must be credit,Row {0}: mijozga qarshi avans kredit bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2419Row {0}: Advance against Supplier must be debit,Row {0}: Yetkazib beruvchiga qarshi oldindan qarzdor bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2420Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to Payment Entry amount {2},Row {0}: ajratilgan miqdor {1} To&#39;lovni kiritish miqdoridan kam yoki teng bo&#39;lishi kerak {2},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302421Row {0}: Allocated amount {1} must be less than or equals to invoice outstanding amount {2},Row {0}: ajratilgan summasi {1} hisob-faktura summasidan kam yoki teng bo&#39;lishi kerak {2},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002422Row {0}: An Reorder entry already exists for this warehouse {1},Row {0}: Qayta buyurtmaning arizasi allaqachon {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302423Row {0}: Bill of Materials not found for the Item {1},Row {0}: Mahsulot {1} uchun topilmadi.,
2424Row {0}: Conversion Factor is mandatory,Row {0}: Konvertatsiya qilish omillari majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002425Row {0}: Cost center is required for an item {1},Row {0}: xarajat markazi {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302426Row {0}: Credit entry can not be linked with a {1},Row {0}: kredit yozuvini {1} bilan bog&#39;lash mumkin emas,
2427Row {0}: Currency of the BOM #{1} should be equal to the selected currency {2},Row {0}: BOM # {1} valyutasi tanlangan valyutaga teng bo&#39;lishi kerak {2},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002428Row {0}: Debit entry can not be linked with a {1},Row {0}: Debit yozuvini {1} bilan bog&#39;lash mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302429Row {0}: Depreciation Start Date is required,Row {0}: Amortizatsiya boshlanishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302430Row {0}: Enter location for the asset item {1},Row {0}: {1} obyekti elementi uchun joyni kiriting,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002431Row {0}: Exchange Rate is mandatory,Row {0}: Valyuta kursi majburiydir,
2432Row {0}: Expected Value After Useful Life must be less than Gross Purchase Amount,Row {0}: Foydali Hayotdan keyin kutilgan qiymat Brüt Xarid Qabul qilingan miqdordan kam bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302433Row {0}: For supplier {0} Email Address is required to send email,Row {0}: yetkazib beruvchi uchun {0} elektron pochta manzili uchun elektron pochta manzili talab qilinadi,
2434Row {0}: From Time and To Time is mandatory.,Row {0}: Vaqt va vaqtdan boshlab majburiydir.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002435Row {0}: From Time and To Time of {1} is overlapping with {2},Row {0}: {1} dan vaqt va vaqtdan {2},
2436Row {0}: From time must be less than to time,{0} qator: vaqti-vaqti bilan vaqti-vaqti bilan kamroq bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302437Row {0}: Hours value must be greater than zero.,Row {0}: soat qiymati noldan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
2438Row {0}: Invalid reference {1},Row {0}: yaroqsiz ma&#39;lumot {1},
2439Row {0}: Party / Account does not match with {1} / {2} in {3} {4},Row {0}: Partiya / Hisob {3} {4} da {1} / {2},
2440Row {0}: Party Type and Party is required for Receivable / Payable account {1},Row {0}: Partiya turi va partiyasi oladigan / to&#39;lanadigan hisobvaraq uchun {1},
2441Row {0}: Payment against Sales/Purchase Order should always be marked as advance,Row {0}: Sotuvga / sotib olish buyrug&#39;iga qarshi to&#39;lov har doim oldindan belgilanishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002442Row {0}: Please check 'Is Advance' against Account {1} if this is an advance entry.,"Row {0}: agar bu oldindan yoziladigan bo&#39;lsa, {1} hisobiga &quot;Ish haqi&quot; ni tekshiring.",
2443Row {0}: Please set at Tax Exemption Reason in Sales Taxes and Charges,"{0} qatori: Iltimos, soliqlarni to&#39;lash va soliqlarni to&#39;lashda soliqdan ozod qilish sababini belgilang",
2444Row {0}: Please set the Mode of Payment in Payment Schedule,"{0} qatori: Iltimos, to&#39;lov jadvalida to&#39;lov usulini o&#39;rnating",
2445Row {0}: Please set the correct code on Mode of Payment {1},"{0} qator: Iltimos, to&#39;lash rejimida to&#39;g&#39;ri kodni o&#39;rnating {1}",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302446Row {0}: Qty is mandatory,Row {0}: Miqdor majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002447Row {0}: Quality Inspection rejected for item {1},{0} qator: {1} elementi uchun sifat nazorati rad qilindi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302448Row {0}: UOM Conversion Factor is mandatory,Row {0}: UOM Conversion Factor majburiydir,
2449Row {0}: select the workstation against the operation {1},Row {0}: ish stantsiyasini {1} operatsiyasidan qarshi tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002450Row {0}: {1} Serial numbers required for Item {2}. You have provided {3}.,Row {0}: {1} Serial raqamlari {2} uchun kerak. Siz {3} ni taqdim qildingiz.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302451Row {0}: {1} is required to create the Opening {2} Invoices,{0} qatori: {1} fursatni ochish uchun {2} foyda kerak,
2452Row {0}: {1} must be greater than 0,Row {0}: {1} 0 dan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2453Row {0}: {1} {2} does not match with {3},Row {0}: {1} {2} {3} bilan mos emas,
2454Row {0}:Start Date must be before End Date,Row {0}: Boshlanish sanasi tugash sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002455Rows with duplicate due dates in other rows were found: {0},Boshqa qatorlardagi takroriy sana bilan atalgan satrlar: {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302456Rules for adding shipping costs.,Yuk tashish xarajatlarini qo&#39;shish qoidalari.,
2457Rules for applying pricing and discount.,Narxlarni va imtiyozlarni qo&#39;llash qoidalari.,
2458S.O. No.,Yo&#39;q.,
2459SGST Amount,SGST miqdori,
2460SO Qty,SO Miqdor,
2461Safety Stock,Xavfsizlik kabinetga,
2462Salary,Ish haqi,
2463Salary Slip ID,Ish haqi miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002464Salary Slip of employee {0} already created for this period,Ish staji Bu davr uchun allaqachon yaratilgan {0} xodim,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302465Salary Slip of employee {0} already created for time sheet {1},Ish staji {1} vaqt jadvalini uchun yaratilgan ({0}),
2466Salary Slip submitted for period from {0} to {1},Ish staji {0} dan {1} gacha bo&#39;lgan muddatga taqdim etildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002467Salary Structure Assignment for Employee already exists,Xodimga ish haqi tarkibi tayinlanishi allaqachon mavjud,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302468Salary Structure Missing,Ish haqi tuzilmasi to&#39;liqsiz,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002469Salary Structure must be submitted before submission of Tax Ememption Declaration,Ish haqi tarkibi soliq imtiyozlari deklaratsiyasini topshirishdan oldin topshirilishi kerak,
2470Salary Structure not found for employee {0} and date {1},Xodim uchun ish haqi tuzilmasi topilmadi {0} va sana {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302471Salary Structure should have flexible benefit component(s) to dispense benefit amount,Ish haqi tuzilmasi foydaning miqdori uchun moslashuvchan foyda komponenti (lar) ga ega bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002472"Salary already processed for period between {0} and {1}, Leave application period cannot be between this date range.","{0} va {1} oralig&#39;idagi davrda allaqachon ishlov berilgan ish haqi, ushbu muddat oralig&#39;ida ariza berish muddati qoldirilmasligi kerak.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302473Sales,Savdo,
2474Sales Account,Savdo hisobi,
2475Sales Expenses,Savdo xarajatlari,
2476Sales Funnel,Savdo huni,
2477Sales Invoice,Savdo Billing,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302478Sales Invoice {0} has already been submitted,Savdo shaxsi {0} allaqachon yuborilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002479Sales Invoice {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order,Sotuvdagi Buyurtmani bekor qilishdan oldin {0} Sotuvdagi Billing bekor qilinishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302480Sales Order,Savdo buyurtmasi,
2481Sales Order Item,Savdo Buyurtma Buyurtma,
2482Sales Order required for Item {0},{0} band uchun zarur Sotuvdagi Buyurtma,
2483Sales Order to Payment,Sotish Buyurtma To&#39;lovi,
2484Sales Order {0} is not submitted,Savdo Buyurtma {0} yuborilmadi,
2485Sales Order {0} is not valid,Savdo Buyurtmani {0} haqiqiy emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002486Sales Order {0} is {1},Savdo Buyurtma {0} - {1},
2487Sales Orders,Savdo buyurtmalarini,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302488Sales Partner,Savdo hamkori,
2489Sales Pipeline,Savdo Quvuri,
2490Sales Price List,Sotuvlar narxlari ro&#39;yxati,
2491Sales Return,Sotishdan qaytish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002492Sales Summary,Savdo xulosasi,
2493Sales Tax Template,Savdo bo&#39;yicha soliq jadvalini,
2494Sales Team,Savdo guruhi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302495Sales and Returns,Sotish va qaytarish,
2496Sales campaigns.,Savdo kampaniyalari.,
2497Sales orders are not available for production,Savdo buyurtmalari ishlab chiqarish uchun mavjud emas,
2498Same Company is entered more than once,Xuddi shu kompaniya bir necha marta kiritilgan,
2499Same item cannot be entered multiple times.,Xuddi shu element bir necha marta kiritilmaydi.,
2500Same supplier has been entered multiple times,Xuddi shunday yetkazib beruvchi bir necha marta kiritilgan,
2501Sample Collection,Namunani yig&#39;ish,
2502Sample quantity {0} cannot be more than received quantity {1},{0} o&#39;rnak miqdori qabul qilingan miqdordan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002504Sanctioned Amount,Sanktsiya miqdori,
2505Sanctioned Amount cannot be greater than Claim Amount in Row {0}.,Sanktsiyalangan pul miqdori {0} qatorida da&#39;vo miqdori qiymatidan katta bo&#39;lmasligi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302506Sand,Qum,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002508Saved,Saqlangan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302509Saving {0},{0} saqlash,
2511Schedule Admission,Qabul qilishni rejalashtirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002512Schedule Course,Jadval kursi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302513Schedule Date,Jadval sanasi,
2514Schedule Discharge,Chiqib ketishni rejalashtirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002515Scheduled,Rejalashtirilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302516Scheduled Upto,Rejalashtirilgan Upto,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002517"Schedules for {0} overlaps, do you want to proceed after skiping overlaped slots ?","{0} uchun jadvallar bir-biri bilan chalkashtirilsa, ketma-ket qoplangan pog&#39;onalarni skripka qilgandan keyin davom etmoqchimisiz?",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302518Score cannot be greater than Maximum Score,Skor maksimal balldan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
2519Score must be less than or equal to 5,Ballar 5dan kam yoki teng bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2523Search Item,Qidiruv vositasi,
2524Search Item (Ctrl + i),Qidiruv vositasi (Ctrl + i),
2525Search Results,Qidiruv natijalari,
2526Search Sub Assemblies,Qidiruv Sub Assemblies,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002527"Search by item code, serial number, batch no or barcode","Mahsulot kodi, seriya raqami, ommaviy no yoki shtrix kod bo&#39;yicha qidirish",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302528"Seasonality for setting budgets, targets etc.","Byudjetni belgilashning mavsumiyligi, maqsadlari va boshqalar.",
2530Section Code,Bo&#39;lim kodi,
2531Secured Loans,Kafolatlangan kreditlar,
2532Securities & Commodity Exchanges,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar va BUyuMLAR birjalari,
2533Securities and Deposits,Qimmatli Qog&#39;ozlar va depozitlar,
2534See All Articles,Barcha maqolalarni ko&#39;ring,
2535See all open tickets,Barcha ochiq chiptalarni ko&#39;rish,
2536See past orders,O&#39;tgan buyurtmalarga qarang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002537See past quotations,O&#39;tgan narxlarni ko&#39;rib chiqing,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302538Select,Tanlang,
2539Select Alternate Item,Alternativ ob&#39;ektni tanlang,
2540Select Attribute Values,Nitelik qiymatlarini tanlang,
2541Select BOM,BOM-ni tanlang,
2542Select BOM and Qty for Production,Ishlab chiqarish uchun BOM va Qty ni tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002543"Select BOM, Qty and For Warehouse","BOM, Qty va ombor uchun tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302544Select Batch,Batch-ni tanlang,
2545Select Batch No,Partiya no. Ni tanlang,
2546Select Batch Numbers,Partiya raqamlarini tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002547Select Brand...,Tovar belgisini tanlang ...,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302548Select Company,Kompaniya-ni tanlang,
2549Select Company...,Kompaniyani tanlang ...,
2550Select Customer,Xaridorni tanlang,
2551Select Days,Kunlarni tanlang,
2552Select Default Supplier,Standart etkazib beruvchini tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302553Select Fiscal Year...,Moliyaviy yilni tanlang ...,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302554Select Item (optional),Ob&#39;ektni tanlash (ixtiyoriy),
2555Select Items based on Delivery Date,Etkazib berish sanasi asosida narsalarni tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002556Select Items to Manufacture,Mahsulotni tayyorlash buyrug&#39;ini tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302557Select Loyalty Program,Sadoqat dasturini tanlang,
2558Select POS Profile,Qalin profilni tanlang,
2559Select Patient,Kasalni tanlang,
2560Select Possible Supplier,Mumkin etkazib beruvchini tanlang,
2561Select Property,Ob&#39;ektni tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002562Select Quantity,Miqdorni tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302563Select Serial Numbers,Seriya raqamlarini tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302564Select Target Warehouse,Maqsadli omborni tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302565Select Warehouse...,QXI tanlang ...,
2566Select an account to print in account currency,Hisob valyutasini chop etish uchun hisobni tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002567Select an employee to get the employee advance.,Xodimni oldindan olish uchun xodimni tanlang.,
2568Select at least one value from each of the attributes.,Har bir atributdan kamida bitta qiymatni tanlang.,
2569Select change amount account,O&#39;zgarish miqdorini tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302570Select company first,Avval kompaniya tanlang,
2571Select items to save the invoice,Billingni saqlash uchun elementlarni tanlang,
2572Select or add new customer,Yangi mijozni tanlang yoki qo&#39;shing,
2573Select students manually for the Activity based Group,Faoliyatga asoslangan guruh uchun talabalarni qo&#39;lda tanlang,
2574Select the customer or supplier.,Mijozni yoki yetkazib beruvchini tanlang.,
2575Select the nature of your business.,Biznesingizning xususiyatini tanlang.,
2576Select the program first,Avval dasturni tanlang,
2577Select to add Serial Number.,Seriya raqamini qo&#39;shish uchun tanlang.,
2578Select your Domains,Domenlaringizni tanlang,
2579Selected Price List should have buying and selling fields checked.,Tanlangan narxlari ro&#39;yxatida sotib olish va sotish joylari tekshirilishi kerak.,
2582Selling Amount,Sotish miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002583Selling Price List,Sotuvlar narxlari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302584Selling Rate,Sotish darajasi,
2585"Selling must be checked, if Applicable For is selected as {0}","{0} sifatida tanlangan bo&#39;lsa, sotish tekshirilishi kerak",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002586Selling rate for item {0} is lower than its {1}. Selling rate should be atleast {2},{0} elementi uchun sotish darajasi {1} dan past. Sotish narxi atleast {2},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302587Send Grant Review Email,Grantlar bo&#39;yicha ko&#39;rib chiqish elektron pochta manzilini yuboring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002588Send Now,Hozir yuboring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302589Send SMS,SMS yuborish,
2590Send Supplier Emails,Yetkazib beruvchi elektron pochta xabarlarini yuborish,
2591Send mass SMS to your contacts,Kontaktlaringizga ommaviy SMS yuboring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002592Sensitivity,Ta&#39;sirchanlik,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302593Serial #,Seriya #,
2594Serial No and Batch,Seriya raqami va to&#39;plami,
2595Serial No is mandatory for Item {0},Serial No {0} uchun majburiy emas,
2596Serial No {0} does not belong to Batch {1},No {0} ketma-ketligi {1} guruhiga tegishli emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002597Serial No {0} does not belong to Delivery Note {1},No {0} seriyali etkazib berish eslatmasi {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302598Serial No {0} does not belong to Item {1},No {0} seriyasi {1} mahsulotiga tegishli emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002599Serial No {0} does not belong to Warehouse {1},No {0} seriyali Warehouse {1} ga tegishli emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302600Serial No {0} does not belong to any Warehouse,No {0} seriyali har qanday omborga tegishli emas,
2601Serial No {0} does not exist,Hech bir {0} yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002602Serial No {0} has already been received,No {0} seriyali allaqachon qabul qilingan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302603Serial No {0} is under maintenance contract upto {1},No {0} seriyali parvarish shartnoma bo&#39;yicha {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002604Serial No {0} is under warranty upto {1},Har qanday {0} gacha {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302605Serial No {0} not found,Seriya no {0} topilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002606Serial No {0} not in stock,Serial No {0} aksiyada mavjud emas,
2607Serial No {0} quantity {1} cannot be a fraction,Seriya No {0} miqdori {1} bir qism emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302608Serial Nos Required for Serialized Item {0},Serileştirilmiş Mahsulot uchun Serial Nos kerak {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002609Serial Number: {0} is already referenced in Sales Invoice: {1},Seriya raqami: {0} savdo faturasında zikr qilingan: {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302610Serial Numbers,Seriya raqamlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002611Serial Numbers in row {0} does not match with Delivery Note,{0} qatoridagi ketma-ket raqamlar etkazib berish eslatmasiga mos kelmaydi,
2612Serial no item cannot be a fraction,Serial hech bir element qisman bo&#39;lolmaydi,
2613Serial no {0} has been already returned,Hech bir {0} ketma-ketligi qaytarilmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302614Serial number {0} entered more than once,Seriya raqami {0} bir necha marta kiritilgan,
2615Serialized Inventory,Seriyali inventar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002616Series Updated,Series yangilandi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302617Series Updated Successfully,Series muvaffaqiyatli yangilandi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002618Series is mandatory,Seriya majburiy,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302619Series {0} already used in {1},{0} qatori {1} da allaqachon ishlatilgan,
2621Service Expense,Xizmat ketadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002622Service Level Agreement,Xizmat ko&#39;rsatish darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi kelishuv,
2623Service Level Agreement.,Xizmat ko&#39;rsatish darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi kelishuv.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302624Service Level.,Xizmat darajasi.,
2625Service Stop Date cannot be after Service End Date,Xizmatni to&#39;xtatish sanasi Xizmat tugatish sanasidan so&#39;ng bo&#39;lolmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002626Service Stop Date cannot be before Service Start Date,Sizga xizmat ko&#39;rsatuvchi Tugatish sanasi Xizmat Boshlanish sanasi oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302627Services,Xizmatlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002628"Set Default Values like Company, Currency, Current Fiscal Year, etc.","Kompaniya, valyuta, joriy moliyaviy yil, va hokazo kabi standart qiymatlarni o&#39;rnating.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302629Set Details,Ma&#39;lumotni sozlash,
2630Set New Release Date,Yangi chiqish sanasini belgilang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002631Set Project and all Tasks to status {0}?,{0} holatiga Loyiha va barcha vazifalarni o&#39;rnatish kerakmi?,
2632Set Status,Holatni o&#39;rnating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302633Set Tax Rule for shopping cart,Xarid qilish vositasi uchun Soliq qoidasini o&#39;rnating,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002634Set as Closed,Yopiq qilib belgilang,
2635Set as Completed,Tugallangan sifatida sozlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302636Set as Default,Standart sifatida belgilash,
2637Set as Lost,Lost sifatida sozlash,
2638Set as Open,Ochiq qilib belgilang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002639Set default inventory account for perpetual inventory,Doimiy ro&#39;yxatga olish uchun odatiy inventarizatsiyadan foydalaning,
2640Set default mode of payment,Standart to&#39;lov usulini belgilang,
2641Set this if the customer is a Public Administration company.,"Agar buyurtmachi jamoat boshqaruvi kompaniyasi bo&#39;lsa, buni o&#39;rnating.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302642Set {0} in asset category {1} or company {2},{1} guruhidagi {0} yoki kompaniya {2},
2643"Setting Events to {0}, since the Employee attached to the below Sales Persons does not have a User ID{1}","Tadbirlarni {0} ga sozlash, chunki quyida ko&#39;rsatilgan Sotish Sotuviga qo&#39;yilgan xodimlar uchun foydalanuvchi identifikatori yo&#39;q {1}",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002644Setting defaults,Standartni belgilash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302645Setting up Email,E-pochtani sozlash,
2646Setting up Email Account,E-pochta qayd yozuvini sozlash,
2647Setting up Employees,Xodimlarni o&#39;rnatish,
2648Setting up Taxes,Soliqni o&#39;rnatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002649Setting up company,Kompaniyani tashkil qilish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302650Settings,Sozlamalar,
2651"Settings for online shopping cart such as shipping rules, price list etc.","Yuk tashish qoidalari, narxlar ro&#39;yxati va h.k. kabi onlayn xarid qilish vositasi sozlamalari",
2652Settings for website homepage,Veb-sayt bosh sahifasining sozlamalari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002653Settings for website product listing,Veb-sayt ro&#39;yxati uchun sozlamalar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302655Setup Gateway accounts.,Gateway hisoblarini sozlash.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002656Setup SMS gateway settings,SMS-gateway sozlamalarini to&#39;g&#39;rilash,
2657Setup cheque dimensions for printing,Bosib chiqarishni tekshirish registrlarini sozlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302658Setup default values for POS Invoices,POS hisob-fakturalarida standart qiymatlarni sozlash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002659Setup mode of POS (Online / Offline),POSning sozlash rejimi (Onlayn / Offlayn),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302660Setup your Institute in ERPNext,Institutni ERP-matnida sozlang,
2661Share Balance,Hissa balansi,
2662Share Ledger,Ledgerni ulashing,
2663Share Management,Hissa boshqarish,
2664Share Transfer,Almashuvni o&#39;tkazish,
2665Share Type,Share toifa,
2667Ship To State,Shtatga yuboriladi,
2669Shipping,yuk tashish; yetkazib berish,
2670Shipping Address,Yetkazish manzili,
2671"Shipping Address does not have country, which is required for this Shipping Rule",Yetkazib berish manzili ushbu Shartnoma uchun zarur bo&#39;lgan mamlakatga ega emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302672Shipping rule only applicable for Buying,Yuk tashish qoidani faqat xarid uchun qo&#39;llash mumkin,
2673Shipping rule only applicable for Selling,Yuk tashish qoidasi faqat Sotish uchun amal qiladi,
2674Shopify Supplier,Ta&#39;minlovchini xarid qiling,
2675Shopping Cart,Xarid savati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002676Shopping Cart Settings,Xarid savatni sozlamalari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302677Shortage Qty,Miqdori miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002678Show Completed,Shou tugadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302679Show Cumulative Amount,Kümülatiya miqdori ko&#39;rsatilsin,
2680Show Employee,Xodim ko&#39;rsatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002681Show Open,Ko&#39;rish ochiq,
2682Show Opening Entries,Kirish yozuvlarini ko&#39;rsatish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302683Show Payment Details,To&#39;lov ma&#39;lumotlarini ko&#39;rsatish,
2684Show Return Entries,Qaytish yozuvlarini ko&#39;rsatish,
2685Show Salary Slip,Ish haqi slipini ko&#39;rsatish,
2686Show Variant Attributes,Variant xususiyatlarini ko&#39;rsatish,
2687Show Variants,Varyantlarni ko&#39;rsatish,
2688Show closed,Yopiq ko&#39;rsatilsin,
2689Show exploded view,Portlash ko&#39;rinishini ko&#39;rsatish,
2690Show only POS,Faqat qalinni ko&#39;rsatish,
2691Show unclosed fiscal year's P&L balances,Yoqmagan moliyaviy yilgi P &amp; L balanslarini ko&#39;rsating,
2692Show zero values,Nolinchi qiymatlarni ko&#39;rsatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002693Sick Leave,Yuqumli kasalliklar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302694Silt,Silt,
2695Single Variant,Bitta variant,
2696Single unit of an Item.,Ob&#39;ektning yagona birligi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002697"Skipping Leave Allocation for the following employees, as Leave Allocation records already exists against them. {0}","Quyidagi xodimlar uchun ajratish qoldiring, chunki ular uchun ajratilgan ajratmalar yozuvlari allaqachon mavjud. {0}",
2698"Skipping Salary Structure Assignment for the following employees, as Salary Structure Assignment records already exists against them. {0}","Ish haqi tarkibini belgilash yozuvlari allaqachon mavjud bo&#39;lganligi sababli, quyidagi xodimlar uchun ish haqi tuzilmasini tayinlashni o&#39;tkazib yuborish. {0}",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302699Slots for {0} are not added to the schedule,{0} uchun joylar jadvalga qo&#39;shilmaydi,
2701Soap & Detergent,Sovun va detarjen,
2702Software,Dasturiy ta&#39;minot,
2703Software Developer,Dastur ishlab chiqaruvchisi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002705Soil compositions do not add up to 100,Tuproq tarkibida 100 ga yaqin miqdor qo&#39;shilmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302706Sold,Sotildi,
2707Some emails are invalid,Ba&#39;zi elektron pochta xabarlari noto&#39;g&#39;ri,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002708Some information is missing,Ba&#39;zi ma&#39;lumotlar yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302709Something went wrong!,Nimadir noto&#39;g&#39;ri bajarildi!,
2710"Sorry, Serial Nos cannot be merged","Kechirasiz, Serial Nos birlashtirilmaydi",
2712Source Warehouse,Resurs ombori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002713Source and Target Location cannot be same,Manba va maqsadlar joylashuvi bir xil bo`lishi mumkin emas,
2714Source and target warehouse cannot be same for row {0},Resurs va maqsadli omborlar {0} qatori uchun bir xil bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302715Source and target warehouse must be different,Resurslar va maqsadli omborlar boshqacha bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2716Source of Funds (Liabilities),Jamg&#39;arma mablag&#39;lari (majburiyatlar),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002717Source warehouse is mandatory for row {0},Resurs ombori {0} qatoriga kiritilishi shart,
2718Specified BOM {0} does not exist for Item {1},{1} mahsulot uchun belgilangan BOM {0} mavjud emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302719Split,Split,
2720Split Batch,Split partiyasi,
2721Split Issue,Split muammo,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002723Staffing Plan {0} already exist for designation {1},{0} Xodimlar rejasi {1} uchun mavjud.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302724Standard Buying,Standart xarid,
2725Standard Selling,Standart sotish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002726Standard contract terms for Sales or Purchase.,Sotuv yoki sotib olish uchun standart shartnoma shartlari.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302727Start Date,Boshlanish vaqti,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002728Start Date of Agreement can't be greater than or equal to End Date.,Shartnomaning boshlanish sanasi tugash sanasidan katta yoki unga teng bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302729Start Year,Boshlanish yili,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002730"Start and end dates not in a valid Payroll Period, cannot calculate {0}","Ish haqi davri davridagi boshlanish va tugash sanalari, {0} ni hisoblab chiqa olmaydi",
2731"Start and end dates not in a valid Payroll Period, cannot calculate {0}.","Boshlang&#39;ich va tugash sanalari amaldagi chegirma davrida emas, {0} hisoblab chiqolmaydi.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302732Start date should be less than end date for Item {0},Boshlanish sanasi {0} element uchun tugash sanasidan past bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002733Start date should be less than end date for task {0},Boshlanish sanasi {0} vazifasi uchun tugatish sanasidan past bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302734Start day is greater than end day in task '{0}',Boshlanish kuni &quot;{0}&quot; vazifasida so&#39;nggi kundan katta,
2735Start on,Boshlang,
2737State/UT Tax,Davlat / UT solig&#39;i,
2738Statement of Account,Hisob qaydnomasi,
2739Status must be one of {0},Vaziyat {0} dan biri bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002740Stock,Aksiyalar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302741Stock Adjustment,Aksiyalarni sozlash,
2742Stock Analytics,Stock Analytics,
2743Stock Assets,Fond aktivlari,
2744Stock Available,Mavjudotlar mavjud,
2745Stock Balance,Kabinetga balansi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002746Stock Entries already created for Work Order ,Ish tartibi uchun allaqachon yaratilgan aktsion yozuvlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302747Stock Entry,Stock Entry,
2748Stock Entry {0} created,Stock Entry {0} yaratildi,
2749Stock Entry {0} is not submitted,Stock Entry {0} yuborilmadi,
2750Stock Expenses,Aksiyadorlik xarajatlari,
2751Stock In Hand,Al-Qoida,
2752Stock Items,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar,
2753Stock Ledger,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar bozori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002754Stock Ledger Entries and GL Entries are reposted for the selected Purchase Receipts,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar bilan bog&#39;liq yozuvlar va GL yozuvlari tanlangan xarid q&#39;abolari uchun qayta joylashtiriladi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302755Stock Levels,Kabinetga darajalari,
2756Stock Liabilities,Qarz majburiyatlari,
2757Stock Options,Aksiyadorlik imkoniyatlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002758Stock Qty,Qissa soni,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302759Stock Received But Not Billed,"Qabul qilingan, lekin olinmagan aktsiyalar",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002760Stock Reports,Birja yangiliklari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302761Stock Summary,Qisqacha tavsifi,
2762Stock Transactions,Stock Transactions,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002763Stock UOM,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar UOM,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302764Stock Value,Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar qiymati,
2765Stock balance in Batch {0} will become negative {1} for Item {2} at Warehouse {3},{3} omboridagi {2} mahsulot uchun {0} partiyadagi balans salbiy {1} bo&#39;ladi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002766Stock cannot be updated against Delivery Note {0},Stokni etkazib berishga qarshi yangilanib bo&#39;lmaydi. {0},
2767Stock cannot be updated against Purchase Receipt {0},Qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar oldi-sotdisi qabul qilinmasa {0},
2768Stock cannot exist for Item {0} since has variants,{0} element uchun kabinetga mavjud emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302769Stock transactions before {0} are frozen,{0} dan oldin birja bitimlari muzlatilgan,
2772"Stopped Work Order cannot be cancelled, Unstop it first to cancel","To&#39;xtatilgan ish tartibi bekor qilinishi mumkin emas, bekor qilish uchun avval uni to&#39;xtatib turish",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002774Structures have been assigned successfully,Tuzilmalar muvaffaqiyatli tayinlandi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302775Student,Talaba,
2776Student Activity,Talabalar faoliyati,
2777Student Address,Isoning shogirdi manzili,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002778Student Admissions,Talabalarni qabul qilish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302779Student Attendance,Isoning shogirdi ishtiroki,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002780"Student Batches help you track attendance, assessments and fees for students","Talaba to&#39;dalari talabalar uchun tashrif buyurish, baholash va to&#39;lovlarni kuzatishda sizga yordam beradi",
2781Student Email Address,Isoning shogirdi elektron pochta manzili,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302782Student Email ID,Isoning shogirdi Email identifikatori,
2783Student Group,Talabalar guruhi,
2784Student Group Strength,Talabalar guruhining kuchi,
2785Student Group is already updated.,Talabalar guruhi allaqachon yangilangan.,
2786Student Group or Course Schedule is mandatory,Talabalar guruhi yoki kurslar jadvali majburiydir,
2787Student Group: ,Isoning shogirdi guruhi:,
2788Student ID,Isoning shogirdi kimligi,
2789Student ID: ,Isoning shogirdi kimligi:,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002790Student LMS Activity,Talabalarning LMS faoliyati,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302791Student Mobile No.,Talabalar uchun mobil telefon raqami,
2792Student Name,Isoning shogirdi nomi,
2793Student Name: ,Isoning shogirdi ismi:,
2794Student Report Card,Isoning shogirdi hisoboti kartasi,
2795Student is already enrolled.,Talabalar allaqachon ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tgan.,
2796Student {0} - {1} appears Multiple times in row {2} & {3},Isoning shogirdi {0} - {1} qatori {2} &amp; {3},
2797Student {0} does not belong to group {1},Shogird {0} {1} guruhiga tegishli emas,
2798Student {0} exist against student applicant {1},Isoning shogirdi {0} talaba arizachiga nisbatan {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002799"Students are at the heart of the system, add all your students","Talabalar tizimning markazida bo&#39;lib, barcha talabalarni qo&#39;shib qo&#39;yasiz",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302800Sub Assemblies,Quyi majlislar,
2801Sub Type,Pastki toifa,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002806Submit Proof,Isbotni yuboring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302807Submit Salary Slip,Ish haqi slipini topshirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002808Submit this Work Order for further processing.,Keyinchalik ishlash uchun ushbu Buyurtma yuborish.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302809Submit this to create the Employee record,Xodimlar yozuvini yaratish uchun uni yuboring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002810Submitted orders can not be deleted,Berilgan buyurtmalarni o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302811Submitting Salary Slips...,Ish haqi tovarlaringizni ...,
2813Subscription Management,Obuna boshqarish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002815Subtotal,Jami summ,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302816Successfully Reconciled,Muvaffaqiyatli o&#39;zaro kelishilgan,
2817Successfully Set Supplier,Muvaffaqiyatli etkazib beruvchini tanlang,
2818Successfully created payment entries,Muvaffaqiyatli to&#39;lov yozuvlari yaratildi,
2819Successfully deleted all transactions related to this company!,Ushbu kompaniya bilan bog&#39;liq barcha operatsiyalar muvaffaqiyatli o&#39;chirildi!,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002820Sum of Scores of Assessment Criteria needs to be {0}.,Ko&#39;rib chiqishlar kriterlarining yig&#39;indisi {0} bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302821Sum of points for all goals should be 100. It is {0},Barcha maqsadlar uchun ball yig&#39;indisi 100 bo&#39;lishi kerak. Bu {0},
2822Summary for this month and pending activities,Bu oy uchun xulosa va kutilayotgan tadbirlar,
2823Summary for this week and pending activities,Bu hafta uchun xulosa va kutilayotgan tadbirlar,
2826Suplier Name,Superial nomi,
2827Supplier,Yetkazib beruvchi,
2828Supplier Group,Yetkazib beruvchilar guruhi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002829Supplier Group master.,Yetkazib beruvchilar guruhining ustasi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302830Supplier Id,Yetkazib beruvchi identifikatori,
2831Supplier Invoice Date cannot be greater than Posting Date,Yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturasi sanasi yuborish kunidan kattaroq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
2832Supplier Invoice No,Yetkazib beruvchi hisob raqami №,
2833Supplier Invoice No exists in Purchase Invoice {0},Yetkazib beruvchi hisob-fakturasi yo&#39;q {0},
2834Supplier Name,Yetkazib beruvchi nomi,
2835Supplier Part No,Yetkazib beruvchi qism No,
2836Supplier Quotation,Yetkazib beruvchi kotirovkasi,
2837Supplier Quotation {0} created,Yetkazib beruvchi quo {0} yaratildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002838Supplier Scorecard,Yetkazib beruvchi Kuzatuv kartasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302839Supplier Warehouse mandatory for sub-contracted Purchase Receipt,Yetkazib beruvchi ombori subpudratli sotib olish uchun ariza uchun majburiydir,
2840Supplier database.,Yetkazib beruvchi ma&#39;lumotlar bazasi.,
2841Supplier {0} not found in {1},Yetkazib beruvchi {0} {1} da topilmadi,
2842Supplier(s),Yetkazib beruvchilar (lar),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002843Supplies made to UIN holders,UIN egalariga etkazib beriladigan materiallar,
2844Supplies made to Unregistered Persons,Ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tmagan shaxslarga etkazib beriladigan materiallar,
2845Suppliies made to Composition Taxable Persons,Kompozitsiyani soliqqa tortiladigan shaxslarga etkazib berish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302846Supply Type,Ta&#39;minot turi,
2848Support Analytics,Analytics-ni qo&#39;llab-quvvatlash,
2849Support Settings,Yordam sozlamalari,
2850Support Tickets,Yordam chiptalari,
2851Support queries from customers.,Mijozlardan so&#39;rovlarni qo&#39;llab-quvvatlash.,
2853Sync Master Data,Master ma&#39;lumotlarini sinxronlash,
2854Sync Offline Invoices,Oflayn xaritalarni sinxronlash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002855Sync has been temporarily disabled because maximum retries have been exceeded,"Sinxronlashtirish vaqtinchalik o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yilgan, chunki maksimal qayta ishlashlar oshirilgan",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302856Syntax error in condition: {0},Joylashuvda xatolik: {0},
2857Syntax error in formula or condition: {0},Formulada yoki vaziyatda sintaksik xato: {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002858TDS Rate %,TDS tezligi%,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302859Tap items to add them here,Bu yerga qo&#39;shish uchun narsalarni teging,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002860Target ({}),Maqsad ({}),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302861Target On,Nishonni yoqing,
2862Target Warehouse,Nishon ombori,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302863Target warehouse is mandatory for row {0},Nishon ombor {0} satr uchun majburiydir.,
2866Tasks have been created for managing the {0} disease (on row {1}),{0} kasalligini boshqarish uchun vazifalar ({1} qatorda),
2868Tax Assets,Soliq aktivlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002869Tax Category for overriding tax rates.,Soliq stavkalarini bekor qilish uchun soliq toifasi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302870"Tax Category has been changed to ""Total"" because all the Items are non-stock items","Soliq kategoriyasi &quot;Hammasi&quot; deb o&#39;zgartirildi, chunki barcha narsalar qimmatli qog&#39;ozlar emas",
2871Tax ID,Soliq identifikatori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002872Tax Id: ,Soliq kodi:,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302873Tax Rate,Soliq stavkasi,
2874Tax Rule Conflicts with {0},Soliq qoidalari to&#39;qnashuvi {0},
2875Tax Rule for transactions.,Bitim uchun soliq qoidalari.,
2876Tax Template is mandatory.,Soliq namunasi majburiydir.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002877Tax Withholding rates to be applied on transactions.,Bitimlar bo&#39;yicha soliqqa tortish stavkalari qo&#39;llaniladi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302878Tax template for buying transactions.,Jurnallarni sotib olish uchun soliq shablonni.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002879Tax template for item tax rates.,Soliq stavkalari uchun soliq shablonlari.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302880Tax template for selling transactions.,Jurnallarni sotish uchun soliq shablonni.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002881Taxable Amount,Soliq summasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302882Taxes,Soliqlar,
2883Team Updates,Jamoa yangiliklari,
2886Telephone Expenses,Telefon xarajatlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002888Template of terms or contract.,Atamalar yoki shartnoma namunalari.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302889Templates of supplier scorecard criteria.,Yetkazib beruvchilar koeffitsienti mezonlari namunalari.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002890Templates of supplier scorecard variables.,Yetkazib beruvchilar kartalari o&#39;zgaruvchilari shabloni.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302891Templates of supplier standings.,Yetkazib beruvchi reytinglarining namunalari.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002892Temporarily on Hold,Vaqtinchalik ushlab turish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302893Temporary,Vaqtinchalik,
2894Temporary Accounts,Vaqtinchalik hisob qaydnomalari,
2895Temporary Opening,Vaqtinchalik ochilish,
2896Terms and Conditions,Foydalanish shartlari,
2897Terms and Conditions Template,Shartlar va shartlar shabloni,
2899Territory is Required in POS Profile,Territory qalin rejimida talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002900Test,Viktorina,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302901Thank you,rahmat,
2902Thank you for your business!,Ishingiz uchun tashakkur!,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002903The 'From Package No.' field must neither be empty nor it's value less than 1.,&quot;Paketdan boshlab&quot; maydon bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lmasligi yoki 1 dan kam qiymat bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302904The Brand,Tovar,
2905The Item {0} cannot have Batch,{0} bandda partiyalar mavjud emas,
2906The Loyalty Program isn't valid for the selected company,Sadoqat dasturi tanlangan kompaniya uchun haqiqiy emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002907The Payment Term at row {0} is possibly a duplicate.,"{0} qatoridagi to&#39;lov muddati, ehtimol, ikki nusxadir.",
2908The Term End Date cannot be earlier than the Term Start Date. Please correct the dates and try again.,"Davrning oxirgi sanasi Davrning boshlanishi sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas. Iltimos, sanalarni tahrirlang va qaytadan urinib ko&#39;ring.",
2909The Term End Date cannot be later than the Year End Date of the Academic Year to which the term is linked (Academic Year {}). Please correct the dates and try again.,"Davrning tugash sanasi atamalar bilan bog&#39;liq bo&#39;lgan Akademik yilning Yil oxiri sanasidan (Akademik yil) {} o&#39;tishi mumkin emas. Iltimos, sanalarni tahrirlang va qaytadan urinib ko&#39;ring.",
2910The Term Start Date cannot be earlier than the Year Start Date of the Academic Year to which the term is linked (Academic Year {}). Please correct the dates and try again.,"Davrning boshlanishi sana atamasi bilan bog&#39;liq bo&#39;lgan Akademik yilning Yil boshlanishi sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas (Akademik yil (})). Iltimos, sanalarni tahrirlang va qaytadan urinib ko&#39;ring.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302911The Year End Date cannot be earlier than the Year Start Date. Please correct the dates and try again.,"Yil oxiri kuni Yil boshlanish sanasidan oldingi bo&#39;la olmaydi. Iltimos, sanalarni tahrirlang va qaytadan urinib ko&#39;ring.",
2912The amount of {0} set in this payment request is different from the calculated amount of all payment plans: {1}. Make sure this is correct before submitting the document.,Ushbu to&#39;lov bo&#39;yicha so&#39;rovda belgilangan {0} miqdori barcha to&#39;lov rejalarining hisoblangan miqdoridan farq qiladi: {1}. Hujjatni topshirishdan oldin bu to&#39;g&#39;ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002913The day(s) on which you are applying for leave are holidays. You need not apply for leave.,Dam olish uchun ariza topshirgan kun (lar) bayramdir. Siz ta&#39;tilga ariza berishingiz shart emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302914The field From Shareholder cannot be blank,Aktsiyadan olgan joy bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
2915The field To Shareholder cannot be blank,Aktsiyadorlar uchun maydon bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002916The fields From Shareholder and To Shareholder cannot be blank,Aktsiyador va aktsiyadorlardan olganlar bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302917The folio numbers are not matching,Folio raqamlari mos emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302918The holiday on {0} is not between From Date and To Date,{0} bayrami sanasi va sanasi o&#39;rtasidagi emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002919The name of the institute for which you are setting up this system.,Ushbu tizimni tashkil qilayotgan institut nomi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302920The name of your company for which you are setting up this system.,Ushbu tizimni o&#39;rnatayotgan kompaniyangizning nomi.,
2921The number of shares and the share numbers are inconsistent,Aktsiyalar soni va aktsiyalarning soni nomuvofiqdir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002922The payment gateway account in plan {0} is different from the payment gateway account in this payment request,{0} da to&#39;lov gateway hisobi ushbu to&#39;lov bo&#39;yicha so&#39;rovda to&#39;lov shluzi hisobidan farq qiladi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302923The request for quotation can be accessed by clicking on the following link,Qo&#39;shtirnoq so&#39;roviga quyidagi havolani bosish orqali kirish mumkin,
2924The selected BOMs are not for the same item,Tanlangan BOMlar bir xil element uchun emas,
2925The selected item cannot have Batch,Tanlangan elementda partiyalar mavjud emas,
2926The seller and the buyer cannot be the same,Sotuvchi va xaridor bir xil bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002927The shareholder does not belong to this company,Aktsiyador bu kompaniyaga tegishli emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302928The shares already exist,Hisob-kitoblar allaqachon mavjud,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002929The shares don't exist with the {0},{0} bilan aktsiyalar mavjud emas,
2930"The task has been enqueued as a background job. In case there is any issue on processing in background, the system will add a comment about the error on this Stock Reconciliation and revert to the Draft stage","Vazifa asosiy ish sifatida qabul qilindi. Agar fonda ishlov berish bo&#39;yicha biron bir muammo yuzaga kelsa, tizim ushbu aktsiyalashtirish xatosi haqida sharh qo&#39;shib, qoralama bosqichiga qaytadi.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302931"Then Pricing Rules are filtered out based on Customer, Customer Group, Territory, Supplier, Supplier Type, Campaign, Sales Partner etc.","Keyin narxlash qoidalari xaridorlar, xaridorlar guruhi, hududi, yetkazib beruvchisi, yetkazib beruvchi turi, aksiya, savdo bo&#39;yicha hamkor va boshqalar asosida filtrlanadi.",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002932"There are inconsistencies between the rate, no of shares and the amount calculated","Hisoblangan foizlar miqdori, aktsiyalar soni va hisoblangan miqdorlar o&#39;rtasidagi ziddiyatlar mavjud",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302933There are more holidays than working days this month.,Bu oyda ish kunlaridan ko&#39;ra ko&#39;proq bayramlar bor.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002934There can be multiple tiered collection factor based on the total spent. But the conversion factor for redemption will always be same for all the tier.,O&#39;tkazilgan jami sarf-xarajatlar asosida bir necha bosqichli yig&#39;ish omili bo&#39;lishi mumkin. Lekin to&#39;lovni qabul qilish faktori barcha qatlam uchun hamisha bir xil bo&#39;ladi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302935There can only be 1 Account per Company in {0} {1},{0} {1} da Kompaniyaga 1 Hisob faqatgina bo&#39;lishi mumkin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002936"There can only be one Shipping Rule Condition with 0 or blank value for ""To Value""",Faqatgina &quot;qiymat&quot; qiymati uchun 0 yoki bo&#39;sh qiymat bilan bitta &quot;Yuk tashish qoidasi&quot; sharti bo&#39;lishi mumkin.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302937There is no leave period in between {0} and {1},{0} va {1} o&#39;rtasida hech qanday ijara muddati mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002938There is not enough leave balance for Leave Type {0},{0} to`g`ri to`g`ri uchun muvozanat etarli emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302939There is nothing to edit.,Tahrir qilish uchun hech narsa yo&#39;q.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002940There isn't any item variant for the selected item,Tanlangan element uchun biron-bir element varianti yo&#39;q,
2941"There seems to be an issue with the server's GoCardless configuration. Don't worry, in case of failure, the amount will get refunded to your account.","Serverning GoCardless konfiguratsiyasi bilan bog&#39;liq muammodir. Xavotir olmang, mag&#39;lubiyatsiz bo&#39;lsa, hisobingiz hisobingizga qaytariladi.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302942There were errors creating Course Schedule,Dars jadvali yaratishda xatolar yuz berdi,
2943There were errors.,Xatolar bor edi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002944This Item is a Template and cannot be used in transactions. Item attributes will be copied over into the variants unless 'No Copy' is set,"Ushbu maqola shablon bo&#39;lib, operatsiyalarda mavjud emas. &quot;No Copy&quot; parametri belgilanmagan bo&#39;lsa, element identifikatorlari variantlarga ko&#39;chiriladi",
2945This Item is a Variant of {0} (Template).,Ushbu element {0} ning bir variantidir (Andoza).,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302946This Month's Summary,Ushbu oyning qisqacha bayoni,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002947This Week's Summary,Ushbu xaftaning qisqacha bayoni,
2948This action will stop future billing. Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription?,Ushbu amal kelajakdagi hisob-kitoblarni to&#39;xtatadi. Haqiqatan ham ushbu obunani bekor qilmoqchimisiz?,
2949This covers all scorecards tied to this Setup,Ushbu sozlash bilan bog&#39;liq barcha ko&#39;rsatkichlar mavjud,
2950This document is over limit by {0} {1} for item {4}. Are you making another {3} against the same {2}?,Ushbu hujjat {4} uchun {0} {1} tomonidan cheklangan. {2} ga qarshi yana bitta {3} qilyapsizmi?,
2951This is a root account and cannot be edited.,Bu ildiz hisob hisoblanadi va tahrirlanmaydi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302952This is a root customer group and cannot be edited.,Bu ildiz mijozlar guruhidir va tahrirlanmaydi.,
2953This is a root department and cannot be edited.,Bu ildiz bo&#39;limidir va tahrirlanmaydi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002954This is a root healthcare service unit and cannot be edited.,Bu ildiz sog&#39;liqni saqlash xizmati bo&#39;linmasi va tahrir qilinishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302955This is a root item group and cannot be edited.,Bu ildiz elementlar guruhidir va tahrirlanmaydi.,
2956This is a root sales person and cannot be edited.,Bu ildiz sotuvchisidir va tahrirlanmaydi.,
2957This is a root supplier group and cannot be edited.,Bu ildiz etkazib beruvchilar guruhidir va tahrirlanmaydi.,
2958This is a root territory and cannot be edited.,Bu ildiz hududidir va tahrirlanmaydi.,
2959This is an example website auto-generated from ERPNext,Bu ERPNext-dan avtomatik tarzda yaratilgan veb-sayt,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002960This is based on logs against this Vehicle. See timeline below for details,"Bu, ushbu avtomobilga qarshi jurnallarga asoslangan. Tafsilotlar uchun quyidagi jadvalga qarang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302961This is based on stock movement. See {0} for details,Bu fond aktsiyalariga asoslangan. Tafsilotlar uchun {0} ga qarang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002962This is based on the Time Sheets created against this project,Ushbu loyihaga qarshi yaratilgan vaqt jadvallariga asoslanadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302963This is based on the attendance of this Employee,Bu ushbu xodimning ishtirokiga asoslangan,
2964This is based on the attendance of this Student,Bu talaba ushbu talabaga asoslanadi,
2965This is based on transactions against this Customer. See timeline below for details,"Bu esa, ushbu xaridorga qarshi qilingan operatsiyalarga asoslanadi. Tafsilotlar uchun quyidagi jadvalga qarang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002966This is based on transactions against this Healthcare Practitioner.,Bu sog&#39;liqni saqlash amaliyot shifokoriga qarshi amalga oshirilgan operatsiyalarga asoslanadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302967This is based on transactions against this Patient. See timeline below for details,Bu bemorga qilingan operatsiyalarga asoslanadi. Tafsilotlar uchun quyidagi jadvalga qarang,
2968This is based on transactions against this Sales Person. See timeline below for details,Bu ushbu Sotuvdagi Shaxsga qarshi tuzilgan bitimlar asosida amalga oshiriladi. Tafsilotlar uchun quyidagi jadvalga qarang,
2969This is based on transactions against this Supplier. See timeline below for details,Bu Ta&#39;minotchi bilan tuzilgan bitimlarga asoslanadi. Tafsilotlar uchun quyidagi jadvalga qarang,
2970This will submit Salary Slips and create accrual Journal Entry. Do you want to proceed?,Bu ish haqi to`plarini taqdim etadi va hisobga olish jurnalini yaratadi. Davom etmoqchimisiz?,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002971This {0} conflicts with {1} for {2} {3},{0} {2} {3} uchun {1} bilan nizolar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302972Time Sheet for manufacturing.,Ishlab chiqarish uchun vaqt jadvalini.,
2973Time Tracking,Vaqtni kuzatish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302974"Time slot skiped, the slot {0} to {1} overlap exisiting slot {2} to {3}","Vaqt oralig&#39;i skiped, {0} dan {1} gacha slot {2} dan {3}",
2975Time slots added,Vaqt oraliqlari qo&#39;shildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002976Time(in mins),Soat (daqiqa),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302977Timer,Taymer,
2978Timer exceeded the given hours.,Taymer belgilangan soatdan oshib ketdi.,
2979Timesheet,Vaqt jadvallari,
2980Timesheet for tasks.,Vazifalar uchun vaqt jadvalini.,
2981Timesheet {0} is already completed or cancelled,Vaqt jadvalining {0} allaqachon tugallangan yoki bekor qilingan,
2982Timesheets,Vaqt jadvallari,
2983"Timesheets help keep track of time, cost and billing for activites done by your team","Vaqt jadvallari sizning jamoangiz tomonidan amalga oshiriladigan tadbirlar uchun vaqtni, narxni va hisob-kitoblarni kuzatish imkonini beradi",
2984Titles for print templates e.g. Proforma Invoice.,"Bosma andozalar namunalari, masalan Proforma Billing.",
2986To Address 1,1-manzilga murojaat qilish,
2987To Address 2,2-manzilga murojaat qilish,
2988To Bill,Billga,
2989To Date,Hozirgi kungacha,
2990To Date cannot be before From Date,Sana Sana uchun DATE dan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002991To Date cannot be less than From Date,Kiritish uchun sana Sana&#39;dan kam bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
2992To Date must be greater than From Date,Sana sanasi kundan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak,
2993To Date should be within the Fiscal Year. Assuming To Date = {0},Sana uchun moliyaviy yil ichida bo&#39;lishi kerak. Halihazırda = {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302994To Datetime,Datetime-ga,
2995To Deliver,Taqdim etish uchun,
2996To Deliver and Bill,Taqdim etish va Bill,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00002997To Fiscal Year,Moliyaviy yil uchun,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05302998To GSTIN,GSTINga,
2999To Party Name,Partiya nomiga,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003000To Pin Code,Kodni kiritish uchun,
3001To Place,Joyga qo&#39;yish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303002To Receive,Qabul qilmoq,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003003To Receive and Bill,Qabul qilish va tasdiqlash uchun,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303004To State,Davlatga,
3005To Warehouse,QXIga,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003006To create a Payment Request reference document is required,To&#39;lov talabnomasini yaratish uchun ma&#39;lumotnoma talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303007To date can not be equal or less than from date,Bugungi kunga teng yoki undan kam bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003008To date can not be less than from date,Bugungi kunga nisbatan kamroq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303009To date can not greater than employee's relieving date,"Bugungi kunga kelib, xodimning ozod etilish muddatidan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas",
3010"To filter based on Party, select Party Type first",Partiyaga asoslangan filtrni belgilash uchun birinchi navbatda Partiya turini tanlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003011"To get the best out of ERPNext, we recommend that you take some time and watch these help videos.","ERPNext-dan eng yaxshisini olish uchun, sizga biroz vaqt ajratib, ushbu yordam videoslarini tomosha qilishingizni tavsiya qilamiz.",
3012"To include tax in row {0} in Item rate, taxes in rows {1} must also be included",Mavzu kursiga {0} qatoridagi soliqni kiritish uchun qatorlar {1} da soliqlar ham kiritilishi kerak,
3013To make Customer based incentive schemes.,Mijozlarga asoslangan rag&#39;batlantirish sxemalarini amalga oshirish.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303014"To merge, following properties must be same for both items",Birlashtirish uchun quyidagi xususiyatlar ikkala element uchun bir xil bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003015"To not apply Pricing Rule in a particular transaction, all applicable Pricing Rules should be disabled.",Raqobatchilar qoidasini muayyan operatsiyalarda qo&#39;llamaslik uchun barcha amaldagi narx qoidalari bekor qilinishi kerak.,
3016"To set this Fiscal Year as Default, click on 'Set as Default'",Ushbu moliyaviy yilni &quot;Standart&quot; deb belgilash uchun &quot;Default as default&quot; -ni bosing,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303017To view logs of Loyalty Points assigned to a Customer.,Xaridorga berilgan sodiqlik ballari jurnallarini ko&#39;rish.,
3018To {0},{0} uchun,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003019To {0} | {1} {2},{0} uchun {1} {2},
3020Toggle Filters,Filtrlarni almashtirish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303021Too many columns. Export the report and print it using a spreadsheet application.,Juda ko&#39;p ustunlar. Hisobotni eksport qiling va elektron jadval ilovasidan foydalaning.,
3023Total (Credit),Jami (kredit),
3024Total (Without Tax),Hammasi bo&#39;lib (soliqsiz),
3025Total Absent,Hammasi yo&#39;q,
3026Total Achieved,Jami erishildi,
3027Total Actual,Jami haqiqiy,
3028Total Allocated Leaves,Jami ajratilgan barglar,
3029Total Amount,Umumiy hisob,
3030Total Amount Credited,Jami kredit miqdori,
3031Total Amount {0},Jami miqdori {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003032Total Applicable Charges in Purchase Receipt Items table must be same as Total Taxes and Charges,Buyurtma olish bo&#39;yicha ma&#39;lumotlar jamlanmasi jami soliqlar va yig&#39;imlar bilan bir xil bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303033Total Budget,Jami byudjet,
3034Total Collected: {0},Hammasi jamlangan: {0},
3035Total Commission,Jami komissiya,
3036Total Contribution Amount: {0},Jami qo&#39;shilgan qiymat: {0},
3037Total Credit/ Debit Amount should be same as linked Journal Entry,Jami kredit / debet miqdori Aloqador jurnallar bilan bir xil bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003038Total Debit must be equal to Total Credit. The difference is {0},Jami debet umumiy kredit bilan teng bo&#39;lishi kerak. Farqi {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303039Total Deduction,Jami cheklov,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003040Total Invoiced Amount,Umumiy hisobdagi mablag &#39;,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303041Total Leaves,Jami barglar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003042Total Order Considered,Ko&#39;rib umumiy Buyurtma,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303043Total Order Value,Umumiy Buyurtma qiymati,
3044Total Outgoing,Jami chiqish,
3045Total Outstanding,Umumiy natija,
3046Total Outstanding Amount,Umumiy natija miqdori,
3047Total Outstanding: {0},Umumiy natija: {0},
3048Total Paid Amount,To&#39;langan pul miqdori,
3049Total Payment Amount in Payment Schedule must be equal to Grand / Rounded Total,To&#39;lov tarifidagi umumiy to&#39;lov miqdori Grand / Rounded Totalga teng bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003050Total Payments,Umumiy to&#39;lovlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303051Total Present,Jami mavjud,
3052Total Qty,Jami Miqdor,
3053Total Quantity,Jami miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003054Total Revenue,Umumiy daromad,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303055Total Student,Jami talabalar,
3056Total Target,Umumiy maqsad,
3057Total Tax,Jami Soliq,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003058Total Taxable Amount,Soliqqa tortiladigan jami miqdori,
3059Total Taxable Value,Umumiy soliqqa tortiladigan qiymat,
3060Total Unpaid: {0},Jami to&#39;lanmagan: {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303061Total Variance,Jami o&#39;zgarish,
3062Total Weightage of all Assessment Criteria must be 100%,Barcha baholash mezonlarining umumiy vazni 100%,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003063Total advance ({0}) against Order {1} cannot be greater than the Grand Total ({2}),Buyurtma {1} ga nisbatan umumiy oldindan ({0}) Grand Total ({2}),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303064Total advance amount cannot be greater than total claimed amount,Umumiy avans miqdori jami talab qilingan miqdordan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003065Total advance amount cannot be greater than total sanctioned amount,Umumiy avans miqdori jami ruxsat etilgan miqdordan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303066Total allocated leaves are more days than maximum allocation of {0} leave type for employee {1} in the period,Jami ajratilgan barglar davr mobaynida {1} xodim uchun {0} ruxsatnoma turini maksimal ajratishdan ko&#39;p kunlar,
3067Total allocated leaves are more than days in the period,Jami ajratilgan barglar davr ichida kundan ortiq,
3068Total allocated percentage for sales team should be 100,Savdo jamoasi uchun jami ajratilgan foiz 100 bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3069Total cannot be zero,Jami nol bo&#39;lmasligi mumkin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003070Total contribution percentage should be equal to 100,Umumiy badal miqdori 100 ga teng bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3071Total flexible benefit component amount {0} should not be less than max benefits {1},Jami moslashuvchan foyda komponenti {0} maksimal foydadan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303072Total hours: {0},Umumiy soatlar: {0},
3073Total leaves allocated is mandatory for Leave Type {0},Berilgan barglarning barchasi {0} to`lash toifasi uchun majburiydir.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003074Total weightage assigned should be 100%. It is {0},Belgilangan jami vaznda 100% bo&#39;lishi kerak. Bu {0},
3075Total working hours should not be greater than max working hours {0},Umumiy ish soatlari eng ko&#39;p ish vaqti {0} dan ortiq bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303076Total {0} ({1}),Jami {0} ({1}),
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003077"Total {0} for all items is zero, may be you should change 'Distribute Charges Based On'","Barcha elementlar uchun {0} nolga teng bo&#39;lsa, siz &quot;Distribute Charges Based On&quot;",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303078Total(Amt),Jami (Amt),
3079Total(Qty),Hammasi bo&#39;lib (Miqdor),
3081Track Leads by Lead Source.,Qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin manbai yordamida kuzatib boring.,
3083Training Event,O&#39;quv mashg&#39;uloti,
3084Training Events,O&#39;quv mashg&#39;ulotlari,
3085Training Feedback,Ta&#39;lim bo&#39;yicha fikr-mulohazalar,
3086Training Result,Ta&#39;lim natijasi,
3088Transaction Date,Jurnal tarixi,
3089Transaction Type,Jurnal turi,
3090Transaction currency must be same as Payment Gateway currency,Jurnal valyutasi to&#39;lov shluzi valyutasi bilan bir xil bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3091Transaction not allowed against stopped Work Order {0},Jarayon to&#39;xtatilgan ish tartibiga qarshi ruxsat etilmagan {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003092Transaction reference no {0} dated {1},O&#39;tkazma ma&#39;lumotnomasi {1} sanasida berilgan {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303093Transactions,Jurnallar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003094Transactions can only be deleted by the creator of the Company,Jurnallarni faqat Kompaniya yaratuvchisi o&#39;chirib tashlashi mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303095Transfer,Transfer,
3096Transfer Material,Transfer materiallari,
3097Transfer Type,Transfer turi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003098Transfer an asset from one warehouse to another,Ob&#39;ektni bitta ombordan ikkinchisiga o&#39;tkazish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303099Transfered,O&#39;tkazildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003100Transferred Quantity,O&#39;tkazilgan miqdori,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303101Transport Receipt Date,Yuk qabul qilish sanasi,
3102Transport Receipt No,Yuk qabul qilish no,
3104Transporter ID,Tashuvchi identifikatori,
3105Transporter Name,Transporter nomi,
3107Travel Expenses,Sayohat xarajatlari,
3108Tree Type,Daraxt turi,
3109Tree of Bill of Materials,Materiallar hisoboti daraxti,
3110Tree of Item Groups.,Mavzu guruhlari daraxti.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003111Tree of Procedures,Protseduralar daraxti,
3112Tree of Quality Procedures.,Sifat protseduralari daraxti.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303113Tree of financial Cost Centers.,Moliyaviy xarajatlar markazlarining daraxti.,
3114Tree of financial accounts.,Moliyaviy hisoblar daraxti.,
3115Treshold {0}% appears more than once,Treshold {0}% bir martadan ortiq ko&#39;rinadi,
3116Trial Period End Date Cannot be before Trial Period Start Date,Sinov muddati tugash sanasi Sinov davri boshlanish sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
3118Type of Business,Biznes turi,
3119Types of activities for Time Logs,Vaqt qaydlari uchun faoliyat turlari,
3121UOM Conversion factor is required in row {0},{0} qatorida UOM o&#39;tkazish faktori talab qilinadi,
3122UOM coversion factor required for UOM: {0} in Item: {1},UOM uchun UOM koversion faktorlari talab qilinadi: {0}: {1},
3123Unable to find DocType {0},DocType {0} topilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003124Unable to find exchange rate for {0} to {1} for key date {2}. Please create a Currency Exchange record manually,"{2} kalit sana uchun {0} dan {1} gacha bo&#39;lgan valyuta kursini topib bo&#39;lmadi. Iltimos, valyuta ayirboshlash yozuvini qo&#39;lda yarating",
3125Unable to find score starting at {0}. You need to have standing scores covering 0 to 100,{0} da boshlangan balni topib bo&#39;lmadi. Siz 0 dan 100 gacha bo&#39;lgan sog&#39;lom balllarga ega bo&#39;lishingiz kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303126Unable to find variable: ,Argumentlar topilmadi:,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003127Unblock Invoice,Billingni to&#39;siqdan olib tashlash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303128Uncheck all,Barchasini olib tashlang,
3129Unclosed Fiscal Years Profit / Loss (Credit),Yopiq moliyaviy yillar Qor / ziyon (kredit),
3131Unit of Measure,O&#39;lchov birligi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003132Unit of Measure {0} has been entered more than once in Conversion Factor Table,O&#39;lchov birligi {0} bir necha marta kiritilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303133Unknown,Noma&#39;lum,
3134Unpaid,Bepul emas,
3135Unsecured Loans,Ta&#39;minlanmagan kreditlar,
3136Unsubscribe from this Email Digest,Ushbu e-pochta xujjatidan obunani bekor qilish,
3138Unverified Webhook Data,Tasdiqlanmagan Webhook Ma&#39;lumotlarni,
3139Update Account Name / Number,Hisob nomi / raqamini yangilang,
3140Update Account Number / Name,Hisob raqami / ismini yangilang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003141Update Bank Transaction Dates,Bankning jurnali kunlarini yangilash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303142Update Cost,Narxni yangilash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003143Update Cost Center Number,Xarajat markazi raqamini yangilash,
3144Update Email Group,E-pochta guruhini yangilang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303145Update Items,Mahsulotlarni yangilash,
3146Update Print Format,Bosib chiqarish formatini yangilang,
3147Update Response,Javobni yangilash,
3148Update bank payment dates with journals.,Bankdagi to&#39;lov kunlarini jurnallar bilan yangilang.,
3149Update in progress. It might take a while.,Yangilanish davom etmoqda. Biroz vaqt talab etiladi.,
3150Update rate as per last purchase,So&#39;nggi xarid qilish bo&#39;yicha yangilanish tezligi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003151Update stock must be enable for the purchase invoice {0},Yangilangan aktsiyalarni sotib olish uchun taqdim etgan {0},
3152Updating Variants...,Variantlar yangilanmoqda ...,
3153Upload your letter head and logo. (you can edit them later).,Sizning xat boshingizni va logotipingizni yuklang. (keyinchalik ularni tahrirlashingiz mumkin).,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303154Upper Income,Yuqori daromad,
3155Used Leaves,Ishlatilgan barglar,
3157User Forum,Foydalanuvchining forumi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003158User ID not set for Employee {0},Foydalanuvchining identifikatori {0} xizmatdoshiga o&#39;rnatilmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303159User Remark,Foydalanuvchi eslatmasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003160User has not applied rule on the invoice {0},Foydalanuvchi hisob-fakturada qoida tatbiq etmagan {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303161User {0} already exists,{0} foydalanuvchisi allaqachon mavjud,
3162User {0} created,Foydalanuvchi {0} yaratildi,
3163User {0} does not exist,{0} foydalanuvchisi mavjud emas,
3164User {0} doesn't have any default POS Profile. Check Default at Row {1} for this User.,{0} foydalanuvchida hech qanday standart qalin profil mavjud emas. Ushbu foydalanuvchi uchun Row {1} -dan standartni tekshiring.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003165User {0} is already assigned to Employee {1},{0} {0} {{{}} foydalanuvchisi allaqachon tayinlangan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303166User {0} is already assigned to Healthcare Practitioner {1},Foydalanuvchining {0} allaqachon Sog&#39;liqni saqlash amaliyoti uchun {1},
3168Utility Expenses,Kommunal xizmat xarajatlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003169Valid From Date must be lesser than Valid Upto Date.,Kiritilgan sana amaldagi Upto DATE dan kamroq bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
3170Valid Till,Tilligacha amal qiling,
3171Valid from and valid upto fields are mandatory for the cumulative,To&#39;plangan maydonlarning amal qilishi va amal qilishi majburiydir,
3172Valid from date must be less than valid upto date,Yaroqlilik muddati sanadan kam bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3173Valid till date cannot be before transaction date,O&#39;tgan sanaga qadar amal qilish muddati tranzaksiya sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
3174Validity period of this quotation has ended.,Ushbu tirnoqning amal qilish muddati tugadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303175Valuation Rate,Baholash darajasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003176Valuation Rate is mandatory if Opening Stock entered,Ochiq aktsiyadorlik jamg&#39;armasi kiritilgan taqdirda baholash mezonlari majburiydir,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303177Valuation type charges can not marked as Inclusive,Baholashning turi to&#39;lovlari inklyuziv sifatida belgilanishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003178Value Or Qty,Qiymati yoki kattaligi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303179Value Proposition,Qiymat taklifi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003180Value for Attribute {0} must be within the range of {1} to {2} in the increments of {3} for Item {4},{0} atributi uchun {4} belgisi uchun {1} - {2} oralig&#39;ida {3},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303181Value missing,Qiymat kam,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003182Value must be between {0} and {1},Qiymat {0} va {1} orasida bo‘lishi kerak,
3183"Values of exempt, nil rated and non-GST inward supplies","Ishlab chiqarilmaydigan, nolga teng va GST bo&#39;lmagan ichki ta&#39;minot qiymatlari",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303184Variable,Argumentlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003186Variance ({}),O&#39;zgarish ({}),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303187Variant,Variant,
3188Variant Attributes,Variant xususiyatlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003189Variant Based On cannot be changed,Asoslangan Variantni o&#39;zgartirib bo&#39;lmaydi,
3190Variant Details Report,Variant tafsilotlari haqida hisobot,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303191Variant creation has been queued.,Variantni yaratish navbatga qo&#39;yildi.,
3192Vehicle Expenses,Avtomobil xarajatlari,
3193Vehicle No,Avtomobil raqami,
3194Vehicle Type,Avtomobil turi,
3195Vehicle/Bus Number,Avtomobil / avtobus raqami,
3196Venture Capital,Venture Capital,
3197View Chart of Accounts,Hisob jadvalini ko&#39;ring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003198View Fees Records,Narxlar yozuvlarini ko&#39;rish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303199View Form,Formani ko&#39;rish,
3200View Lab Tests,Lab sinovlarini ko&#39;rish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003201View Leads,Ko&#39;rsatmalarini ko&#39;rish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303202View Ledger,Ledger-ni ko&#39;rib chiqing,
3203View Now,Hozir ko&#39;rish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303204View a list of all the help videos,Barcha yordam videoslarining ro&#39;yxatini ko&#39;ring,
3205View in Cart,Savatda ko&#39;rish,
3206Visit report for maintenance call.,Xizmatga qo&#39;ng&#39;iroq qilish uchun hisobotga tashrif buyuring.,
3207Visit the forums,Forumlarga tashrif buyuring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003208Vital Signs,Vital belgilari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303209Volunteer,Ko&#39;ngilli,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003210Volunteer Type information.,Ixtiyoriy ma&#39;lumot turi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303211Volunteer information.,Ixtiyoriy ma&#39;lumot.,
3212Voucher #,Voucher #,
3213Voucher No,Voucher No.,
3214Voucher Type,Voucher turi,
3215WIP Warehouse,WIP ombori,
3216Walk In,Yuring,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003217Warehouse can not be deleted as stock ledger entry exists for this warehouse.,"Ushbu ombor uchun kabinetga hisob yozuvi mavjud bo&#39;lib, omborni o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmaydi.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303218Warehouse cannot be changed for Serial No.,Serial raqami uchun omborni o&#39;zgartirib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
3219Warehouse is mandatory,QXI majburiydir,
3220Warehouse is mandatory for stock Item {0} in row {1},{1} qatoridagi kabinetga {0} uchun ombor kerak,
3221Warehouse not found in the system,Tizimda mavjud bo&#39;lmagan ombor,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003222"Warehouse required at Row No {0}, please set default warehouse for the item {1} for the company {2}","{0} satrida talab qilingan omborxona, iltimos, {2} uchun kompaniya {1} uchun odatiy omborni o&#39;rnating",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303223Warehouse required for stock Item {0},{0} uchun kabinetga ombori kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003224Warehouse {0} can not be deleted as quantity exists for Item {1},{1} elementi uchun {0} ombori miqdorini yo&#39;q qilib bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303225Warehouse {0} does not belong to company {1},{0} ombori {1} kompaniyasiga tegishli emas,
3226Warehouse {0} does not exist,{0} ombori mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003227"Warehouse {0} is not linked to any account, please mention the account in the warehouse record or set default inventory account in company {1}.","{0} ombori har qanday hisobga bog&#39;lanmagan bo&#39;lsa, iltimos, zaxiradagi yozuvni qayd qiling yoki kompaniya {1} da odatiy inventarizatsiya hisobini o&#39;rnating.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303228Warehouses with child nodes cannot be converted to ledger,Bolalar noduslari joylashgan omborlar kitobga o&#39;tkazilmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003229Warehouses with existing transaction can not be converted to group.,Mavjud bitimlarga ega bo&#39;lgan omborlar guruhga o&#39;tkazilmaydi.,
3230Warehouses with existing transaction can not be converted to ledger.,Mavjud bitimlarga ega bo&#39;lgan omborlar kitobga o&#39;tkazilmaydi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303231Warning,Ogohlantirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003232Warning: Another {0} # {1} exists against stock entry {2},Ogohlantirish: {0} # {1} boshqa {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303233Warning: Invalid SSL certificate on attachment {0},Ogohlantirish: {0} biriktirmasidagi SSL sertifikati noto&#39;g&#39;ri.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003234Warning: Invalid attachment {0},Ogohlantirish: yaroqsiz {0},
3235Warning: Leave application contains following block dates,"Ogohlantirish: Arizani qoldiring, keyinchalik bloklangan sanalarni o&#39;z ichiga oladi",
3236Warning: Material Requested Qty is less than Minimum Order Qty,Ogohlantirish: Kerakli ma&#39;lumot Minimum Buyurtma miqdori ostida,
3237Warning: Sales Order {0} already exists against Customer's Purchase Order {1},Diqqat: {0} xarid buyurtmasi allaqachon {1} buyurtmachining xarid buyurtmasiga qarshi mavjud,
3238Warning: System will not check overbilling since amount for Item {0} in {1} is zero,Ogohlantirish: tizim {1} da {0} uchun pul miqdori nol bo&#39;lgani uchun tizim ortiqcha miqdorda tekshirilmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303239Warranty,Kafolat,
3240Warranty Claim,Kafolat talabi,
3241Warranty Claim against Serial No.,Seriya raqami bo&#39;yicha kafolat talabi,
3243Website Image should be a public file or website URL,Veb-sayt rasmiy umumiy fayl yoki veb-sayt URL bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003244Website Image {0} attached to Item {1} cannot be found,Veb-sayt {1} mahsulotiga biriktirilgan {0} rasm topilmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303245Website Listing,Sayt listingi,
3248"Weight is mentioned,\nPlease mention ""Weight UOM"" too","Og&#39;irligi ko&#39;rsatilgan, \ n &quot;Og&#39;irligi UOM&quot; ni ham eslang",
3249Welcome to ERPNext,ERPNext-ga xush kelibsiz,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003250What do you need help with?,Sizga nima yordam kerak?,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303251What does it do?,U nima qiladi?,
3252Where manufacturing operations are carried.,Ishlab chiqarish operatsiyalari olib borilayotgan joylarda.,
3253"While creating account for child Company {0}, parent account {1} not found. Please create the parent account in corresponding COA","{0} bolalar kompaniyasida hisob yaratishda {1} ota-ona hisobi topilmadi. Iltimos, tegishli COAda ota-ona hisobini yarating",
3254White,Oq rang,
3255Wire Transfer,Telegraf ko&#39;chirmasi,
3256WooCommerce Products,WooCommerce mahsulotlari,
3257Work In Progress,Ishlar davom etmoqda,
3258Work Order,Ish tartibi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003259Work Order already created for all items with BOM,BOM bilan ishlaydigan barcha elementlar uchun yaratilgan buyurtma,
3260Work Order cannot be raised against a Item Template,Buyurtma Buyurtma elementini shablonga qarshi ko&#39;tarib bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303261Work Order has been {0},Ish tartibi {0},
3262Work Order not created,Ish tartibi yaratilmadi,
3263Work Order {0} must be cancelled before cancelling this Sales Order,{0} ish buyurtmasi ushbu savdo buyurtmasini bekor qilishdan oldin bekor qilinishi kerak,
3264Work Order {0} must be submitted,Buyurtma {0} topshirilishi kerak,
3265Work Orders Created: {0},Yaratilgan ishlar: {0},
3266Work Summary for {0},{0} uchun ish xulosasi,
3267Work-in-Progress Warehouse is required before Submit,Yuborishdan oldin ishlaydigan ishlab chiqarish ombori talab qilinadi,
3268Workflow,Ish oqimi,
3270Working Hours,Ish vaqti,
3271Workstation,Ish stantsiyani,
3272Workstation is closed on the following dates as per Holiday List: {0},Ish stantsiyasi quyidagi holatlarda Dam olish Ro&#39;yxatiga binoan yopiladi: {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003273Wrapping up,Tiklash,
3274Wrong Password,Noto&#39;g&#39;ri parol,
3275Year start date or end date is overlapping with {0}. To avoid please set company,Yil boshlanish sanasi yoki tugash sanasi {0} bilan örtüşüyor. Buning oldini olish uchun kompaniyani tanlang,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303276You are in offline mode. You will not be able to reload until you have network.,Siz oflayn rejasiz. Tarmoqqa ega bo&#39;lguncha qayta yuklay olmaysiz.,
3277You are not authorized to add or update entries before {0},{0} dan oldin kiritilgan yozuvlarni qo&#39;shish yoki yangilash uchun ruxsat yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003278You are not authorized to approve leaves on Block Dates,Siz bloklangan sana bo&#39;yicha barglarni tasdiqlash uchun vakolatga ega emassiz,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303279You are not authorized to set Frozen value,Siz muzlatilgan qiymatni belgilash huquqiga ega emassiz,
3280You are not present all day(s) between compensatory leave request days,Kompensatuar ta&#39;til talab kunlari orasida kun bo&#39;yi mavjud bo&#39;lmaysiz,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003281You can not change rate if BOM mentioned agianst any item,"Agar BOM biron-bir elementni eslatmasa, tarifni o&#39;zgartira olmaysiz",
3282You can not enter current voucher in 'Against Journal Entry' column,&quot;Jurnalga qarshi&quot; ustunidan hozirgi kvotani kirita olmaysiz,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303283You can only have Plans with the same billing cycle in a Subscription,Obunada faqat bitta hisob-kitob davriga ega Planlar mavjud,
3284You can only redeem max {0} points in this order.,Siz maksimal {0} nuqtadan faqat ushbu tartibda foydalanishingiz mumkin.,
3285You can only renew if your membership expires within 30 days,Sizning a&#39;zoning 30 kun ichida amal qilish muddati tugaguncha yangilanishi mumkin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003286You can only select a maximum of one option from the list of check boxes.,Tekshirish qutilarining faqat bitta variantini tanlashingiz mumkin.,
3287You can only submit Leave Encashment for a valid encashment amount,Siz faqatgina &quot;Inkassatsiya&quot; pul mablag&#39;ini haqiqiy inkassatsiya miqdori uchun yuborishingiz mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303288You can't redeem Loyalty Points having more value than the Grand Total.,&quot;Grand Total&quot; dan ko&#39;proq qiymatga ega bo&#39;lgan sadoqatli ballaringizni ishlatib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003289You cannot credit and debit same account at the same time,Siz bir vaqtning o&#39;zida bir xil hisobni to&#39;ldirishingiz va hisobni to&#39;lashingiz mumkin emas,
3290You cannot delete Fiscal Year {0}. Fiscal Year {0} is set as default in Global Settings,Moliyaviy yil {0} ni o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmaydi. Moliyaviy yil {0} global sozlamalarda sukut o&#39;rnatilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303291You cannot delete Project Type 'External',Siz &quot;Tashqi&quot; loyiha turini o&#39;chira olmaysiz,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003292You cannot edit root node.,Ildiz tugunni tahrirlay olmaysiz.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303293You cannot restart a Subscription that is not cancelled.,Bekor qilinmagan obunani qayta boshlash mumkin emas.,
3294You don't have enought Loyalty Points to redeem,Siz sotib olish uchun sodiqlik nuqtalari yo&#39;q,
3295You have already assessed for the assessment criteria {}.,Siz allaqachon baholash mezonlari uchun baholagansiz {}.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003296You have already selected items from {0} {1},{0} {1} dan tanlangan elementlarni tanladingiz,
3297You have been invited to collaborate on the project: {0},Siz loyihada hamkorlik qilish uchun taklif qilingan: {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303298You have entered duplicate items. Please rectify and try again.,"Siz ikki nusxadagi ma&#39;lumotlar kiritdingiz. Iltimos, tuzatish va qayta urinib ko&#39;ring.",
3299You need to be a user other than Administrator with System Manager and Item Manager roles to register on Marketplace.,Market Manager&#39;da ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tish uchun tizim menejeri va element menejeri vazifalarini bajaruvchi Administratordan boshqa foydalanuvchi bo&#39;lishingiz kerak.,
3300You need to be a user with System Manager and Item Manager roles to add users to Marketplace.,Foydalanuvchilarni Marketplace&#39;ga qo&#39;shish uchun tizim menejeri va element menejeri vazifalarini bajaradigan foydalanuvchi bo&#39;lishingiz kerak.,
3301You need to be a user with System Manager and Item Manager roles to register on Marketplace.,Bozorda ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tish uchun tizim menejeri va element menejeri vazifalarini bajaradigan foydalanuvchi bo&#39;lishingiz kerak.,
3302You need to be logged in to access this page,Ushbu sahifaga kirish uchun siz tizimga kirgan bo&#39;lishingiz kerak,
3303You need to enable Shopping Cart,Savatga savatni faollashtirishingiz kerak,
3304You will lose records of previously generated invoices. Are you sure you want to restart this subscription?,Siz ilgari ishlab chiqarilgan hisob-fakturalarni yo&#39;qotasiz. Ushbu obunani qayta ishga tushirishga ishonchingiz komilmi?,
3305Your Organization,Tashkilotingiz,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003306Your cart is Empty,Savatingiz bo&#39;sh,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303307Your email address...,Sizning e-pochta manzilingiz...,
3308Your order is out for delivery!,Buyurtma yetkazib berish uchun tayyor!,
3309Your tickets,Sizning chiptalaringiz,
3310ZIP Code,Pochta indeksi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003312[{0}](#Form/Item/{0}) is out of stock,[{0}] (# Shakl / element / {0}) aksiyalar mavjud emas,
3313`Freeze Stocks Older Than` should be smaller than %d days.,&quot;Freeze Stocks Older&quot; dan kamida% d kun bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303314based_on,shunga asosan,
3315cannot be greater than 100,100 dan ortiq bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
3316disabled user,o&#39;chirilgan foydalanuvchi,
3317"e.g. ""Build tools for builders""","Masalan, &quot;Quruvchilar uchun asboblarni yaratish&quot;",
3318"e.g. ""Primary School"" or ""University""","Masalan, &quot;Boshlang&#39;ich maktab&quot; yoki &quot;Universitet&quot;",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003319"e.g. Bank, Cash, Credit Card","masalan, bank, naqd pul, kredit kartasi",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303321modified,o&#39;zgartirilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003322on,Yoqilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303323{0} '{1}' is disabled,{0} &#39;{1}&#39; o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yilgan,
3324{0} '{1}' not in Fiscal Year {2},{0} &#39;{1}&#39; moliya yilida emas {2},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003325{0} ({1}) cannot be greater than planned quantity ({2}) in Work Order {3},{0} ({1}) ish tartibi {3} da rejalashtirilgan miqdordan ({2}) ko&#39;p bo&#39;lmasligi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303326{0} - {1} is inactive student,{0} - {1} faol emas,
3327{0} - {1} is not enrolled in the Batch {2},{0} - {1} Batch {2} ga kiritilmagan,
3328{0} - {1} is not enrolled in the Course {2},{0} - {1} kursi {2},
3329{0} Budget for Account {1} against {2} {3} is {4}. It will exceed by {5},{0} {1} {2} {3} ga qarshi hisob qaydnomasi {4}. {5} dan oshib ketadi,
3330{0} Digest,{0} Digest,
3331{0} Number {1} already used in account {2},{0} {1} {{2},
3332{0} Request for {1},{0} {1} uchun so&#39;rov,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003333{0} Result submittted,{0} natijalar yuborildi,
3334{0} Serial Numbers required for Item {1}. You have provided {2}.,{0} Seriya raqamlari {1} uchun kerak. Siz {2} berilgansiz.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303335{0} Student Groups created.,{0} Talabalar guruhlari yaratildi.,
3336{0} Students have been enrolled,{0} Talabalar ro&#39;yxatga olindi,
3337{0} against Bill {1} dated {2},{1} {2} kuni {0},
3338{0} against Purchase Order {1},{0} Xarid qilish buyrug&#39;iga qarshi {1},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003339{0} against Sales Invoice {1},{0} Sotuvdagi taqdimotga qarshi {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303340{0} against Sales Order {1},{0} Sotuvdagi buyurtmalariga nisbatan {1},
3341{0} already allocated for Employee {1} for period {2} to {3},{2} dan {3} gacha bo&#39;lgan xodim uchun {1} uchun ajratilgan {0},
3342{0} applicable after {1} working days,{0} {1} ish kunidan keyin amal qiladi,
3343{0} asset cannot be transferred,{0} aktivni o&#39;tkazish mumkin emas,
3344{0} can not be negative,{0} salbiy bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
3345{0} created,{0} yaratildi,
3346"{0} currently has a {1} Supplier Scorecard standing, and Purchase Orders to this supplier should be issued with caution.",{0} hozirda {1} Yetkazib beruvchi reyting kartasiga ega va ushbu etkazib beruvchiga Buyurtma buyurtmalari ehtiyotkorlik bilan berilishi kerak.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003347"{0} currently has a {1} Supplier Scorecard standing, and RFQs to this supplier should be issued with caution.",{0} hozirda {1} Yetkazib beruvchi hisoblagichi mavjud va bu yetkazib beruvchiga RFQ ehtiyotkorlik bilan berilishi kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303348{0} does not belong to Company {1},{0} Kompaniya {1} ga tegishli emas,
3349{0} does not have a Healthcare Practitioner Schedule. Add it in Healthcare Practitioner master,{0} da Sog&#39;liqni saqlash amaliyoti jadvali mavjud emas. Sog&#39;liqni saqlash amaliyot shifokoriga qo&#39;shing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003350{0} entered twice in Item Tax,{0} - mahsulotni soliqqa ikki marta kirgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303351{0} for {1},{1} uchun {0},
3352{0} has been submitted successfully,{0} muvaffaqiyatli topshirildi,
3353{0} has fee validity till {1},{0} {1} ga qadar pullik amal qiladi,
3354{0} hours,{0} soat,
3355{0} in row {1},{0} qatorda {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003356{0} is blocked so this transaction cannot proceed,"{0} blokirovka qilingan, shuning uchun bu tranzaksiya davom etolmaydi",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303357{0} is mandatory,{0} majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003358{0} is mandatory for Item {1},{0} {1} mahsulot uchun majburiydir,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303359{0} is mandatory. Maybe Currency Exchange record is not created for {1} to {2}.,"{0} majburiydir. Ehtimol, valyuta ayirboshlash yozuvi {1} - {2} uchun yaratilmagan.",
3360{0} is not a stock Item,{0} - bu aksiya elementi emas,
3361{0} is not a valid Batch Number for Item {1},{0} {1} element uchun haqiqiy partiya raqami emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003362{0} is not added in the table,{0} jadvalga qo&#39;shilmagan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303363{0} is not in Optional Holiday List,{0} ixtiyoriy bayramlar ro&#39;yxatida yo&#39;q,
3364{0} is not in a valid Payroll Period,{0} joriy chegirma davrida mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003365{0} is now the default Fiscal Year. Please refresh your browser for the change to take effect.,{0} endi standart Moliyaviy yil. O&#39;zgartirishni kuchga kiritish uchun brauzeringizni yangilang.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303366{0} is on hold till {1},{0} {1} gacha ushlab turiladi,
3367{0} item found.,{0} element topildi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003368{0} items found.,{0} elementlar topildi.,
3369{0} items in progress,Joriy {0} ta element,
3370{0} items produced,{0} mahsulot ishlab chiqarildi,
3371{0} must appear only once,{0} faqat bir marta paydo bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303372{0} must be negative in return document,{0} qaytariladigan hujjatda salbiy bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3373{0} must be submitted,{0} yuborilishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003374{0} not allowed to transact with {1}. Please change the Company.,"{0} {1} bilan ishlashga ruxsat berilmadi. Iltimos, kompaniyani o&#39;zgartiring.",
3375{0} not found for item {1},{1} elementi uchun {0} topilmadi,
3376{0} parameter is invalid,{0} parametr noto‘g‘ri,
3377{0} payment entries can not be filtered by {1},{0} to&#39;lov yozuvlari {1} tomonidan filtrlanmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303378{0} should be a value between 0 and 100,{0} 0 dan 100 orasida qiymat bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3379{0} units of [{1}](#Form/Item/{1}) found in [{2}](#Form/Warehouse/{2}),{{Form / Item / {1}) {{0} {{1} / {2}} da (# form / Warehouse / {2}),
3380{0} units of {1} needed in {2} on {3} {4} for {5} to complete this transaction.,Ushbu bitimni bajarish uchun {1} {0} {2} da {3} {4} da {5} uchun kerak.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003381{0} units of {1} needed in {2} to complete this transaction.,Ushbu amalni bajarish uchun {2} da {1} {1} kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303382{0} valid serial nos for Item {1},{1} uchun {0} joriy ketma-ket nos,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003383{0} variants created.,{0} variantlar yaratildi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303384{0} {1} created,{0} {1} yaratildi,
3385{0} {1} does not exist,{0} {1} mavjud emas,
3386{0} {1} does not exist.,{0} {1} mavjud emas.,
3387{0} {1} has been modified. Please refresh.,"{0} {1} o&#39;zgartirilgan. Iltimos, yangilang.",
3388{0} {1} has not been submitted so the action cannot be completed,"{0} {1} yuborilmadi, shuning uchun amal bajarilmaydi",
3389"{0} {1} is associated with {2}, but Party Account is {3}","{0} {1} {2} bilan bog&#39;langan, lekin Party Account {3}",
3390{0} {1} is cancelled or closed,{0} {1} bekor qilindi yoki yopildi,
3391{0} {1} is cancelled or stopped,{0} {1} bekor qilindi yoki to&#39;xtatildi,
3392{0} {1} is cancelled so the action cannot be completed,"{0} {1} bekor qilinadi, shuning uchun amal bajarilmaydi",
3393{0} {1} is closed,{0} {1} yopildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003394{0} {1} is disabled,{0} {1} o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303395{0} {1} is frozen,{0} {1} muzlatilgan,
3396{0} {1} is fully billed,{0} {1} to&#39;liq taqdim etiladi,
3397{0} {1} is not active,{0} {1} faol emas,
3398{0} {1} is not associated with {2} {3},{0} {1} {2} {3} bilan bog&#39;lanmagan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003399{0} {1} is not present in the parent company,{0} {1} kompaniyada mavjud emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303400{0} {1} is not submitted,{0} {1} yuborilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003401{0} {1} is {2},{0} {1} bu {2},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303402{0} {1} must be submitted,{0} {1} yuborilishi kerak,
3403{0} {1} not in any active Fiscal Year.,{0} {1} har qanday faol Moliya yilida emas.,
3404{0} {1} status is {2},{0} {1} holat {2},
3405{0} {1}: 'Profit and Loss' type account {2} not allowed in Opening Entry,{0} {1}: Kirishni ochishda &quot;Qor va ziyon&quot; turi hisobiga {2} ruxsat berilmadi,
3406{0} {1}: Account {2} cannot be a Group,{0} {1}: Hisob {2} guruh bo&#39;lolmaydi,
3407{0} {1}: Account {2} does not belong to Company {3},{0} {1}: Hisob {2} Kompaniyaga tegishli emas {3},
3408{0} {1}: Account {2} is inactive,{0} {1}: Hisob {2} faol emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003409{0} {1}: Accounting Entry for {2} can only be made in currency: {3},{0} {1} uchun: {2} uchun buxgalterlik yozuvi faqat valyutada amalga oshirilishi mumkin: {3},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303410{0} {1}: Cost Center is mandatory for Item {2},{0} {1}: narxlari markazi {2},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003411{0} {1}: Cost Center is required for 'Profit and Loss' account {2}. Please set up a default Cost Center for the Company.,"{0} {1}: &quot;Qor va ziyon&quot; hisobiga {2} uchun xarajatlar markazi talab qilinadi. Iltimos, Kompaniya uchun standart narx markazini o&#39;rnating.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303412{0} {1}: Cost Center {2} does not belong to Company {3},{0} {1}: xarajatlar markazi {2} Kompaniyaga tegishli emas {3},
3413{0} {1}: Customer is required against Receivable account {2},"{0} {1}: Xaridor, oladigan hisobiga qarshi {2}",
3414{0} {1}: Either debit or credit amount is required for {2},"{0} {1}: {2} uchun, debet yoki kredit summasi talab qilinadi",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003415{0} {1}: Supplier is required against Payable account {2},{0} {1}: Yetkazib beruvchi to&#39;lash kerak hisobiga {2},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303416{0}% Billed,{0}% to&#39;ldirildi,
3417{0}% Delivered,{0}% taslim etildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003418"{0}: Employee email not found, hence email not sent","{0}: Xodimlarning elektron pochta manzili topilmadi, shuning uchun elektron pochta orqali yuborilmadi",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303419{0}: From {0} of type {1},{0}: {1} dan {0} dan,
3420{0}: From {1},{0}: {1} dan,
3421{0}: {1} does not exists,{0}: {1} mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003422{0}: {1} not found in Invoice Details table,{0}: {1} - &quot;Billing Details&quot; jadvalida topilmadi,
3423{} of {},{} ning {},
3424"Dear System Manager,","Aziz tizim boshqaruvchisi,",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303425Email Group,E-pochta guruhi,
3428There is some problem with the file url: {0},Fayl urlida muammo mavjud: {0},
3429Values Changed,Qadriyatlar o&#39;zgartirildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003430or,yoki,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303431Ageing Range 4,Qarish oralig&#39;i 4,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003432Allocated amount cannot be greater than unadjusted amount,Ajratilgan miqdor tuzatilmagan miqdordan oshib ketishi mumkin emas,
3433Allocated amount cannot be negative,Ajratilgan miqdor manfiy bo‘lishi mumkin emas,
3434"Difference Account must be a Asset/Liability type account, since this Stock Entry is an Opening Entry","Farq hisobvarag&#39;i aktivlar / javobgarlik turlari bo&#39;yicha hisob bo&#39;lishi kerak, chunki bu aktsiyalar kiritilishi ochilish arizasi hisoblanadi",
3435Error in some rows,Ba&#39;zi qatorlarda xato,
3436Import Successful,Import muvaffaqiyatli amalga oshirildi,
3437Please save first,Avval saqlang,
3438Price not found for item {0} in price list {1},{1} narxlar ro&#39;yxatida {0} uchun narx topilmadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303439Warehouse Type,Ombor turi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003440'Date' is required,&quot;Sana&quot; shart,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303441Benefit,Foyda,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003442Budgets,Budjetlar,
3443Bundle Qty,Qty to&#39;plami,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303444Company GSTIN,Kompaniya GSTIN,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003445Company field is required,Kompaniya maydoni to&#39;ldirilishi shart,
3446Creating Dimensions...,O&#39;lchovlar yaratilmoqda ...,
3447Duplicate entry against the item code {0} and manufacturer {1},{0} va ishlab chiqaruvchi {1} kod kodiga kiritilgan yozuvni nusxalash,
3448Import Chart Of Accounts from CSV / Excel files,Hisoblar jadvalini CSV / Excel fayllaridan import qiling,
3449Invalid GSTIN! The input you've entered doesn't match the GSTIN format for UIN Holders or Non-Resident OIDAR Service Providers,Noto‘g‘ri GSTIN! Siz kiritgan kirish qiymati UIN egalari yoki norezident OIDAR provayderlari uchun GSTIN formatiga mos kelmadi,
3450Invoice Grand Total,Hisob-fakturaning umumiy summasi,
3451Last carbon check date cannot be a future date,Uglerodni oxirgi tekshirish sanasi kelajakdagi sana bo&#39;lolmaydi,
3452Make Stock Entry,Birjaga kirishni amalga oshiring,
3453Quality Feedback,Sifat bo&#39;yicha fikrlar,
3454Quality Feedback Template,Sifat bo&#39;yicha fikrlar shablonlari,
3455Rules for applying different promotional schemes.,Turli reklama sxemalarini qo&#39;llash qoidalari.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303456Shift,Shift,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003457Show {0},{0} ni ko&#39;rsatish,
3458"Special Characters except ""-"", ""#"", ""."", ""/"", ""{"" and ""}"" not allowed in naming series","&quot;-&quot;, &quot;#&quot;, &quot;.&quot;, &quot;/&quot;, &quot;{&quot; Va &quot;}&quot; belgilaridan tashqari maxsus belgilarga ruxsat berilmaydi.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303459Target Details,Maqsad tafsilotlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003460{0} already has a Parent Procedure {1}.,{0} allaqachon Ota-ona tartibiga ega {1}.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303461Annual,Yillik,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003462Approved,Tasdiqlandi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303463Change,O&#39;zgartirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003464From Date,Sana bo&#39;yicha,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303465Group By,Guruh bo&#39;yicha,
3466Importing {0} of {1},{1} dan {0} ni import qilish,
3467No data to export,Eksport qilish uchun ma’lumot yo‘q,
3468% Of Grand Total,Umumiy Jami foizdan,
3469'employee_field_value' and 'timestamp' are required.,&#39;xodim_field_value&#39; va &#39;vaqt belgisi&#39; talab qilinadi.,
3470<b>Company</b> is a mandatory filter.,<b>Kompaniya</b> majburiy filtrdir.,
3471<b>From Date</b> is a mandatory filter.,<b>Sana</b> - bu majburiy filtr.,
3472<b>From Time</b> cannot be later than <b>To Time</b> for {0},<b>Vaqt</b> uchun <b>uchun vaqt</b> keyin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas <b>From</b> {0},
3473<b>To Date</b> is a mandatory filter.,<b>Sana</b> majburiy filtrdir.,
3474A new appointment has been created for you with {0},Sizga yangi uchrashuv tayinlandi {0},
3475Account Value,Hisob qiymati,
3476Account is mandatory to get payment entries,To&#39;lov yozuvlarini olish uchun hisob qaydnomasi majburiydir,
3477Account is not set for the dashboard chart {0},Hisoblash jadvali {0} jadvalida o&#39;rnatilmagan,
3478Account {0} does not belong to company {1},{0} hisobi {1} kompaniyasiga tegishli emas,
3479Account {0} does not exists in the dashboard chart {1},{1} boshqaruv panelida {0} hisobi mavjud emas.,
3480Account: <b>{0}</b> is capital Work in progress and can not be updated by Journal Entry,Hisob qaydnomasi: <b>{0}</b> asosiy ish bajarilmoqda va Journal Entry tomonidan yangilanmaydi,
3481Account: {0} is not permitted under Payment Entry,Hisob: {0} to&#39;lovni kiritishda taqiqlangan,
3482Accounting Dimension <b>{0}</b> is required for 'Balance Sheet' account {1}.,Hisob registri <b>{0}</b> buxgalteriya hisobi uchun <b>{1}</b> uchun talab qilinadi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003483Accounting Dimension <b>{0}</b> is required for 'Profit and Loss' account {1}.,&quot;Foyda va zararlar&quot; hisobi uchun {1} buxgalteriya o&#39;lchami <b>{0}</b> talab qilinadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303484Accounting Masters,Buxgalteriya ustalari,
3485Accounting Period overlaps with {0},Hisob-kitob davri {0} bilan mos keladi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003487Add / Manage Email Accounts.,E-pochta hisoblarini qo&#39;shish / boshqarish.,
3488Add Child,Bola qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303489Add Loan Security,Kredit xavfsizligini qo&#39;shing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003490Add Multiple,Bir nechta qo&#39;shish,
3491Add Participants,Ishtirokchilarni qo&#39;shish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303492Add to Featured Item,Tanlangan narsalarga qo&#39;shish,
3493Add your review,Sharhingizni qo&#39;shing,
3494Add/Edit Coupon Conditions,Kupon shartlarini qo&#39;shish / tahrirlash,
3495Added to Featured Items,Tanlangan narsalarga qo&#39;shildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003496Added {0} ({1}),Qo&#39;shilgan {0} ({1}),
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303497Address Line 1,Manzil uchun 1-chi qator,
3499Admission End Date should be greater than Admission Start Date.,Qabulni tugatish sanasi qabulning boshlanish sanasidan katta bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
3500Against Loan,Qarzga qarshi,
3501Against Loan:,Qarzga qarshi:,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003502All,HAMMA,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303503All bank transactions have been created,Barcha bank operatsiyalari yaratildi,
3504All the depreciations has been booked,Barcha eskirgan narsalar bron qilingan,
3505Allocation Expired!,Ajratish muddati tugadi!,
3506Allow Resetting Service Level Agreement from Support Settings.,Xizmat ko&#39;rsatish darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi kelishuvni qo&#39;llab-quvvatlash sozlamalaridan tiklashga ruxsat bering.,
3507Amount of {0} is required for Loan closure,Kreditni yopish uchun {0} miqdori talab qilinadi,
3508Amount paid cannot be zero,To&#39;langan miqdor nolga teng bo&#39;lmaydi,
3509Applied Coupon Code,Amaliy Kupon kodi,
3510Apply Coupon Code,Kupon kodini qo&#39;llang,
3511Appointment Booking,Uchrashuvni bron qilish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003512"As there are existing transactions against item {0}, you can not change the value of {1}",{0} elementiga nisbatan mavjud bitimlar mavjud bo&#39;lgani uchun {1} qiymatini o&#39;zgartira olmaysiz,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303513Asset Id,Obyekt identifikatori,
3514Asset Value,Obyekt qiymati,
3515Asset Value Adjustment cannot be posted before Asset's purchase date <b>{0}</b>.,Obyektni sotib olish sanasidan oldin <b>{0}</b> aktiv qiymatini to&#39;g&#39;irlab bo&#39;lmaydi.,
3516Asset {0} does not belongs to the custodian {1},{0} aktivi {1} valiy egasiga tegishli emas,
3517Asset {0} does not belongs to the location {1},{0} aktivi {1} joylashishiga tegishli emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303518At least one of the Applicable Modules should be selected,Amalga oshiriladigan modullardan kamida bittasini tanlash kerak,
3519Atleast one asset has to be selected.,Atleast bitta aktivni tanlashi kerak.,
3520Attendance Marked,Davomat belgilangan,
3521Attendance has been marked as per employee check-ins,Davomat har bir xodimning kirish varaqasi bo&#39;yicha belgilanadi,
3522Authentication Failed,Haqiqiylikni tekshirib bo&#39;lmadi,
3523Automatic Reconciliation,Avtomatik yarashish,
3524Available For Use Date,Foydalanish sanasi uchun mavjud,
3525Available Stock,Mavjud zaxira,
3526"Available quantity is {0}, you need {1}","Mavjud miqdor {0}, sizga {1} kerak",
3527BOM 1,BOM 1,
3528BOM 2,BOM 2,
3529BOM Comparison Tool,BOM taqqoslash vositasi,
3530BOM recursion: {0} cannot be child of {1},BOM takrorlanishi: {0} {1} bolasi bo&#39;la olmaydi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003531BOM recursion: {0} cannot be parent or child of {1},BOM rekursiyasi: {0} ota-ona yoki {1} bolasi bo&#39;la olmaydi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303532Back to Home,Uyga qaytish,
3533Back to Messages,Xabarlarga qaytish,
3534Bank Data mapper doesn't exist,Bank ma’lumotlari xaritasi mavjud emas,
3535Bank Details,Bank rekvizitlari,
3536Bank account '{0}' has been synchronized,&#39;{0}&#39; bank hisobi sinxronlashtirildi,
3537Bank account {0} already exists and could not be created again,{0} bank hisobi allaqachon mavjud va uni qaytadan yaratib bo‘lmaydi,
3538Bank accounts added,Bank hisoblari qo&#39;shildi,
3539Batch no is required for batched item {0},{0} qadoqlangan mahsulot uchun partiya talab qilinmaydi,
3540Billing Date,To‘lov sanasi,
3541Billing Interval Count cannot be less than 1,To‘lov oralig‘i soni 1 dan kam bo‘lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003542Blue,ko&#39;k,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303543Book,Kitob,
3544Book Appointment,Kitobni tayinlash,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003546Browse,Ko&#39;zdan kechiring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303547Call Connected,Qo‘ng‘iroq ulandi,
3548Call Disconnected,Qo&#39;ng&#39;iroq uzilib qoldi,
3549Call Missed,Qo‘ng‘iroq javobsiz qoldi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003550Call Summary,Qisqa ma&#39;lumot,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303551Call Summary Saved,Qo&#39;ng&#39;iroqlar haqida ma&#39;lumot saqlandi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003552Cancelled,BEKOR QILISH,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303553Cannot Calculate Arrival Time as Driver Address is Missing.,Haydovchining manzili etishmayotganligi sababli yetib kelish vaqtini hisoblab bo&#39;lmaydi.,
3554Cannot Optimize Route as Driver Address is Missing.,Haydovchining manzili mavjud emasligi sababli marshrutni optimallashtirib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003555"Cannot Unpledge, loan security value is greater than the repaid amount","Ajratib bo&#39;lmadi, kreditning qiymati qaytarilgan summadan katta",
3556Cannot complete task {0} as its dependant task {1} are not ccompleted / cancelled.,"{0} vazifasini bajarib bo&#39;lmadi, chunki unga bog&#39;liq bo&#39;lgan {1} vazifasi tugallanmagan / bekor qilinmagan.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303557Cannot create loan until application is approved,Ilova ma&#39;qullanmaguncha ssudani yaratib bo&#39;lmaydi,
3558Cannot find a matching Item. Please select some other value for {0}.,Mos keladigan elementni topib bo&#39;lmadi. {0} uchun boshqa qiymatni tanlang.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003559"Cannot overbill for Item {0} in row {1} more than {2}. To allow over-billing, please set allowance in Accounts Settings",{1} qatoridan {2} dan ortiq {0} elementi uchun ortiqcha buyurtma berish mumkin emas. Ortiqcha hisob-kitob qilishga ruxsat berish uchun hisob qaydnomasi sozlamalarida ruxsatnomani belgilang,
3560Cannot unpledge more than {0} qty of {0},{0} qidan {0} dan ko&#39;pini olib tashlab bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303561"Capacity Planning Error, planned start time can not be same as end time","Imkoniyatlarni rejalashtirishda xato, rejalashtirilgan boshlanish vaqti tugash vaqti bilan bir xil bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas",
3563Changes in {0},{0} -dagi o&#39;zgarishlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003564Chart,Grafika,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303565Choose a corresponding payment,Tegishli to&#39;lovni tanlang,
3566Click on the link below to verify your email and confirm the appointment,Elektron pochtangizni tasdiqlash va uchrashuvni tasdiqlash uchun quyidagi havolani bosing,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003567Close,Yoping,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303568Communication,Aloqa,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003569Compact Item Print,Yilni mahsulot Chop etish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303570Company,Kompaniya,
3571Company of asset {0} and purchase document {1} doesn't matches.,{0} aktivi va {1} hujjati sotib olingan kompaniya mos kelmadi.,
3572Compare BOMs for changes in Raw Materials and Operations,Xom ashyo va operatsiyalardagi o&#39;zgarishlar uchun BOMlarni taqqoslang,
3573Compare List function takes on list arguments,Taqqoslash ro&#39;yxati funktsiyasi ro&#39;yxat dalillarini qabul qiladi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003574Complete,To&#39;ldiring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303575Completed,Tugallandi,
3576Completed Quantity,Tugallangan miqdori,
3577Connect your Exotel Account to ERPNext and track call logs,Exotel hisobingizni ERPNext-ga ulang va qo&#39;ng&#39;iroqlar jurnallarini kuzatib boring,
3578Connect your bank accounts to ERPNext,Bank hisoblaringizni ERPNext-ga ulang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003579Contact Seller,Sotuvchiga murojaat qiling,
3580Continue,Davom etish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303581Cost Center: {0} does not exist,Xarajatlar markazi: {0} mavjud emas,
3582Couldn't Set Service Level Agreement {0}.,{0} xizmat ko‘rsatish darajasi shartnomasini o‘rnatib bo‘lmadi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003583Country,Davlat,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303584Country Code in File does not match with country code set up in the system,Fayldagi mamlakat kodi tizimda o&#39;rnatilgan mamlakat kodiga mos kelmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003585Create New Contact,Yangi kontakt yarating,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303586Create New Lead,Yangi qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin yarating,
3587Create Pick List,Tanlash ro&#39;yxatini yarating,
3588Create Quality Inspection for Item {0},{0} mahsulot uchun sifat nazorati yarating,
3589Creating Accounts...,Hisoblar yaratilmoqda ...,
3590Creating bank entries...,Bank yozuvlari yaratilmoqda ...,
3591Creating {0},{0} yaratish,
3592Credit limit is already defined for the Company {0},Kompaniya uchun kredit limiti allaqachon aniqlangan {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003593Ctrl + Enter to submit,Yuborish uchun Ctrl + Enter ni bosing,
3594Ctrl+Enter to submit,Yuborish uchun Ctrl + kiriting,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303596Current Status,Hozirgi holat,
3597Customer PO,Mijoz PO,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003599Daily,Kundalik,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303600Date,Sana,
3601Date Range,Sana oralig&#39;i,
3602Date of Birth cannot be greater than Joining Date.,Tug&#39;ilgan sana qo&#39;shilish sanasidan oshib ketmasligi kerak.,
3605Define coupon codes.,Kupon kodlarini aniqlang.,
3606Delayed Days,Kechiktirilgan kunlar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003607Delete,O&#39;chir,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303608Delivered Quantity,Yetkazib berilgan miqdori,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003609Delivery Notes,Etkazib berish eslatmalar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303610Depreciated Amount,Eskirgan summa,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003612Designation,Belgilar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303613Difference Value,Farq qiymati,
3614Dimension Filter,O&#39;lchov filtri,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003615Disabled,O&#39;chirib qo&#39;yildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303616Disbursed Amount cannot be greater than loan amount,Berilgan summa kredit miqdoridan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
3617Disbursement and Repayment,To&#39;lash va to&#39;lash,
3618Distance cannot be greater than 4000 kms,Masofa 4000 km dan oshmasligi kerak,
3619Do you want to submit the material request,Talabnomani topshirishni xohlaysizmi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003620Doctype,DocType,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303621Document {0} successfully uncleared,{0} hujjati muvaffaqiyatli aniqlanmadi,
3622Download Template,Andoza yuklab oling,
3624Due Date,Muddati,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003625Duplicate,Duplikat,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303626Duplicate Project with Tasks,Loyihani topshiriqlar bilan nusxalash,
3627Duplicate project has been created,Takroriy loyiha yaratildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003628E-Way Bill JSON can only be generated from a submitted document,e-Way Bill JSON faqat taqdim qilingan hujjat asosida yaratilishi mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303629E-Way Bill JSON can only be generated from submitted document,E-Way Bill JSON faqat yuborilgan hujjat asosida yaratilishi mumkin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003630E-Way Bill JSON cannot be generated for Sales Return as of now,Hozirda sotuvlarni qaytarish uchun e-Way Bill JSONni yaratib bo&#39;lmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303631ERPNext could not find any matching payment entry,ERPNext hech qanday mos keladigan to&#39;lov yozuvini topa olmadi,
3632Earliest Age,Erta yosh,
3633Edit Details,Tafsilotlarni tahrirlash,
3634Edit Profile,Profilni tahrirlash,
3635Either GST Transporter ID or Vehicle No is required if Mode of Transport is Road,"Transport tartibi Yo&#39;l bo&#39;lsa, GST Transporter identifikatori yoki transport vositasi raqami talab qilinmaydi",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003636Email,E-pochta,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303637Email Campaigns,Elektron pochta kampaniyalari,
3638Employee ID is linked with another instructor,Xodimning identifikatori boshqa o&#39;qituvchi bilan bog&#39;langan,
3639Employee Tax and Benefits,Xodimlarga soliq va imtiyozlar,
3640Employee is required while issuing Asset {0},Ob&#39;ektni chiqarish paytida xodim talab qilinadi {0},
3641Employee {0} does not belongs to the company {1},{0} xodimi {1} kompaniyasiga tegishli emas,
3642Enable Auto Re-Order,Avtomatik buyurtmani yoqish,
3643End Date of Agreement can't be less than today.,Shartnomaning tugash sanasi bugungi kundan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak.,
3644End Time,Tugash vaqti,
3645Energy Point Leaderboard,Energiya nuqtasi reytingi,
3646Enter API key in Google Settings.,Google sozlamalarida API kalitini kiriting.,
3647Enter Supplier,Yetkazib beruvchini kiriting,
3648Enter Value,Qiymatni kiriting,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003649Entity Type,Ob&#39;ekt turi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303650Error,Xato,
3651Error in Exotel incoming call,Exotel kirish qo&#39;ng&#39;irog&#39;idagi xato,
3652Error: {0} is mandatory field,Xato: {0} majburiy maydon,
3653Event Link,Voqealar havolasi,
3654Exception occurred while reconciling {0},{0} yarashtirishda istisno ro&#39;y berdi.,
3655Expected and Discharge dates cannot be less than Admission Schedule date,Kutilayotgan va tushirish kunlari Qabul jadvali kunidan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
3656Expire Allocation,Ajratish muddati tugaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003657Expired,Muddati o&#39;tgan,
3659Export not allowed. You need {0} role to export.,Eksportga ruxsat berilmaydi. Eksport qilish uchun sizga {0} rol kerak.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303660Failed to add Domain,Domenni qo&#39;shib bo&#39;lmadi,
3661Fetch Items from Warehouse,Ombordan olinadigan narsalar,
3662Fetching...,Yuklanmoqda ...,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003663Field,Yo&#39;l,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303664File Manager,Fayl menejeri,
3666Finding linked payments,Bog&#39;langan to&#39;lovlarni topish,
3667Finished Product,Tayyor mahsulot,
3668Finished Qty,Qty tugadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003669Fleet Management,Filo boshqarish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303670Following fields are mandatory to create address:,Manzil yaratish uchun quyidagi maydonlar majburiydir:,
3671For Month,Oy uchun,
3672"For item {0} at row {1}, count of serial numbers does not match with the picked quantity",{0} qatoridagi {0} element uchun seriya raqamlari tanlangan miqdorga mos kelmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003673For operation {0}: Quantity ({1}) can not be greter than pending quantity({2}),{0} ishlashi uchun: Miqdor ({1}) kutilayotgan miqdordan ({2}) ko&#39;ra aniqroq bo&#39;lolmaydi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303674For quantity {0} should not be greater than work order quantity {1},{0} miqdori uchun buyurtma miqdori {1} dan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lmasligi kerak.,
3675Free item not set in the pricing rule {0},Narxlar qoidasida belgilanmagan bepul mahsulot {0},
3676From Date and To Date are Mandatory,Sana va sanadan boshlab majburiydir,
3677From date can not be greater than than To date,Sanadan boshlab hozirgi kundan katta bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
3678From employee is required while receiving Asset {0} to a target location,Maqsadli joyga {0} aktivini qabul qilishda xodimdan talab qilinadi,
3679Fuel Expense,Yoqilg&#39;i xarajatlari,
3680Future Payment Amount,Kelajakdagi to&#39;lov miqdori,
3681Future Payment Ref,Kelgusidagi to&#39;lov ref,
3682Future Payments,Kelgusi to&#39;lovlar,
3683GST HSN Code does not exist for one or more items,GST HSN kod bir yoki bir nechta element uchun mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003684Generate E-Way Bill JSON,Elektron yo&#39;l Bill JSON yaratish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303685Get Items,Elementlarni oling,
3686Get Outstanding Documents,Taniqli hujjatlarni oling,
3688Greater Than Amount,Miqdori katta,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003689Green,yashil rangda,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303690Group,Guruh,
3691Group By Customer,Guruh mijoz tomonidan,
3692Group By Supplier,Guruh etkazib beruvchi tomonidan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003693Group Node,Guruh tugunni,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303694Group Warehouses cannot be used in transactions. Please change the value of {0},"Guruh omborlaridan tranzaksiyalarda foydalanib bo&#39;lmaydi. Iltimos, {0} qiymatini o&#39;zgartiring",
3695Help,Yordam bering,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003696Help Article,Yordam Maqola,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303697"Helps you keep tracks of Contracts based on Supplier, Customer and Employee","Ta&#39;minotchi, Xaridor va Xodimga asoslangan shartnomalar izlarini saqlashga yordam beradi",
3698Helps you manage appointments with your leads,Belgilangan uchrashuvlarni boshqarishga yordam beradi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003699Home,Bosh sahifa,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303700IBAN is not valid,IBAN noto‘g‘ri,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003701Import Data from CSV / Excel files.,Ma&#39;lumotlarni CSV / Excel fayllaridan import qilish.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303702In Progress,Jarayonda,
3703Incoming call from {0},{0} dan kiruvchi qo&#39;ng&#39;iroq,
3704Incorrect Warehouse,Noto&#39;g&#39;ri ombor,
3705Interest Amount is mandatory,Foiz summasi majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003706Intermediate,O&#39;rta darajada,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303707Invalid Barcode. There is no Item attached to this barcode.,Shtrix-kod noto‘g‘ri. Ushbu shtrix-kodga hech qanday element qo&#39;shilmagan.,
3708Invalid credentials,Noto‘g‘ri hisob ma’lumotlari,
3709Invite as User,Foydalanuvchi sifatida taklif qiling,
3710Issue Priority.,Muammoning ustuvorligi.,
3711Issue Type.,Muammo turi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003712"It seems that there is an issue with the server's stripe configuration. In case of failure, the amount will get refunded to your account.",Serverning chiziqli konfiguratsiyasi bilan bog&#39;liq muammo mavjud. Muvaffaqiyatsiz bo&#39;lgan taqdirda sizning hisobingizga mablag &#39;qaytariladi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303713Item Reported,Xabar berilgan,
3714Item listing removed,Elementlar ro‘yxati olib tashlandi,
3715Item quantity can not be zero,Mahsulot miqdori nolga teng bo&#39;lolmaydi,
3716Item taxes updated,Soliqlar yangilandi,
3717Item {0}: {1} qty produced. ,{0}: {1} qty ishlab chiqarildi.,
3718Items are required to pull the raw materials which is associated with it.,U bilan bog&#39;liq bo&#39;lgan xom ashyoni olish uchun narsalar talab qilinadi.,
3719Joining Date can not be greater than Leaving Date,Qo&#39;shilish sanasi qoldirilgan kundan katta bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
3720Lab Test Item {0} already exist,{0} laboratoriya sinov elementi allaqachon mavjud,
3721Last Issue,So&#39;nggi son,
3722Latest Age,So&#39;nggi asr,
3723Leave application is linked with leave allocations {0}. Leave application cannot be set as leave without pay,Chiqish uchun ariza {0} ta&#39;tillari bilan bog&#39;liq. Arizani pullik ta&#39;til sifatida o&#39;rnatish mumkin emas,
3724Leaves Taken,Barglar olinadi,
3725Less Than Amount,Miqdor kamroq,
3727Loading...,Yuklanmoqda ...,
3728Loan Amount exceeds maximum loan amount of {0} as per proposed securities,Kredit summasi taklif qilingan qimmatli qog&#39;ozlarga ko&#39;ra kreditning maksimal miqdoridan {0} dan ko&#39;pdir,
3729Loan Applications from customers and employees.,Mijozlar va xodimlarning kredit buyurtmalari.,
3730Loan Disbursement,Kreditni to&#39;lash,
3731Loan Processes,Kredit jarayonlari,
3732Loan Security,Kredit xavfsizligi,
3733Loan Security Pledge,Kredit garovi,
3734Loan Security Pledge Company and Loan Company must be same,Kredit xavfsizligi garov kompaniyasi va kredit kompaniyasi bir xil bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3735Loan Security Pledge Created : {0},Kredit xavfsizligi garovi yaratilgan: {0},
3736Loan Security Pledge already pledged against loan {0},Kredit bilan garovga qo&#39;yilgan garov garovi {0},
3737Loan Security Pledge is mandatory for secured loan,Kredit ta&#39;minoti uchun garov garovidir,
3738Loan Security Price,Kredit kafolati narxi,
3739Loan Security Price overlapping with {0},Kredit garovi narxi {0} bilan mos keladi,
3740Loan Security Unpledge,Kredit xavfsizligini ta&#39;minlash,
3741Loan Security Value,Kredit kafolati qiymati,
3742Loan Type for interest and penalty rates,Foizlar va foizlar stavkalari uchun kredit turi,
3743Loan amount cannot be greater than {0},Kredit summasi {0} dan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
3744Loan is mandatory,Qarz berish majburiydir,
3746Loans provided to customers and employees.,Mijozlar va xodimlarga berilgan kreditlar.,
3748Log Type is required for check-ins falling in the shift: {0}.,Shiftga tushib qolganlar uchun jurnal turi kerak: {0}.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003749Looks like someone sent you to an incomplete URL. Please ask them to look into it.,"Kimdir sizni tugallanmagan URL manziliga yuborganga o&#39;xshaydi. Iltimos, ularga murojaat qiling.",
3750Make Journal Entry,Jurnalga kiring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303751Make Purchase Invoice,Xarid fakturasini tuzing,
3752Manufactured,Ishlab chiqarilgan,
3753Mark Work From Home,Uydan ishlarni belgilash,
3755Max strength cannot be less than zero.,Maksimal quvvat noldan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak.,
3756Maximum attempts for this quiz reached!,Ushbu viktorinada maksimal urinishlar soni erishildi!,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003758Missing Values Required,Missing qiymatlar kerak,
3759Mobile No,Mobil raqami,
3760Mobile Number,Mobil telefon raqami,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303761Month,Oy,
3763Near you,Yoningizda,
3764Net Profit/Loss,Sof foyda / zarar,
3765New Expense,Yangi xarajatlar,
3766New Invoice,Yangi hisob-faktura,
3767New Payment,Yangi to&#39;lov,
3768New release date should be in the future,Yangi chiqarilgan sana kelajakda bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003769Newsletter,Xabarnoma,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303770No Account matched these filters: {},Hech qanday hisob bu filtrlarga mos kelmadi: {},
3771No Employee found for the given employee field value. '{}': {},Berilgan xodimning maydon qiymati uchun xodim topilmadi. &#39;{}&#39;: {},
3772No Leaves Allocated to Employee: {0} for Leave Type: {1},Xodimga ajratilgan hech qanday varaq: {0} uchun: {1},
3773No communication found.,Hech qanday aloqa topilmadi.,
3774No correct answer is set for {0},{0} uchun to&#39;g&#39;ri javob belgilanmagan,
3775No description,Ta&#39;rif yo&#39;q,
3776No issue has been raised by the caller.,Qo&#39;ng&#39;iroqda hech qanday muammo ko&#39;tarilmagan.,
3777No items to publish,Joylashtirish uchun hech narsa yo&#39;q,
3778No outstanding invoices found,Hech qanday hisob-faktura topilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003779No outstanding invoices found for the {0} {1} which qualify the filters you have specified.,Siz belgilagan filtrlarga mos keladigan {0} {1} uchun hisob-fakturalar topilmadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303780No outstanding invoices require exchange rate revaluation,Hech qanday hisob-fakturalar kursni qayta baholashni talab qilmaydi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003781No reviews yet,Hozircha sharh yo&#39;q,
3782No views yet,Hozircha hech qanday fikr yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303783Non stock items,Aksiyadorlik buyumlari,
3784Not Allowed,Ruxsat berilmagan,
3785Not allowed to create accounting dimension for {0},{0} uchun buxgalteriya o&#39;lchamini yaratishga ruxsat berilmagan,
3786Not permitted. Please disable the Lab Test Template,"Ruxsat berilmagan Iltimos, laboratoriya shablonini o&#39;chirib qo&#39;ying",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303787Note,Eslatma,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003788Notes: ,Eslatmalar:,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303789Offline,Oflayn,
3790On Converting Opportunity,Imkoniyatni o&#39;zgartirish to&#39;g&#39;risida,
3791On Purchase Order Submission,Xarid buyurtmasini berish to&#39;g&#39;risida,
3792On Sales Order Submission,Savdo buyurtmasini topshirish to&#39;g&#39;risida,
3793On Task Completion,Vazifalarni tugatish to&#39;g&#39;risida,
3794On {0} Creation,{0} Yaratilishda,
3795Only .csv and .xlsx files are supported currently,Hozirda faqat .csv va .xlsx fayllari ishlaydi,
3796Only expired allocation can be cancelled,Faqat muddati o&#39;tgan ajratish bekor qilinishi mumkin,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003797Only users with the {0} role can create backdated leave applications,Faqat {0} roliga ega foydalanuvchilar eskirgan ta&#39;til dasturlarini yaratishi mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303799Open Contact,Kontaktni oching,
3800Open Lead,Qo&#39;rg&#39;oshin,
3801Opening and Closing,Ochish va yopish,
3802Operating Cost as per Work Order / BOM,Ish buyurtmasi / BOM bo&#39;yicha operatsion narx,
3803Order Amount,Buyurtma miqdori,
3804Page {0} of {1},{1} sahifaning {0} sahifasi,
3805Paid amount cannot be less than {0},To&#39;langan miqdor {0} dan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
3806Parent Company must be a group company,Asosiy kompaniya guruh kompaniyasi bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3807Passing Score value should be between 0 and 100,Ballarni o&#39;tkazish qiymati 0 dan 100 gacha bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3808Password policy cannot contain spaces or simultaneous hyphens. The format will be restructured automatically,Parol siyosatida bo&#39;shliqlar yoki bir vaqtning o&#39;zida defislar bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas. Format avtomatik ravishda qayta tuziladi,
3809Patient History,Bemor tarixi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003810Pause,to&#39;xtatib turish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303811Pay,To&#39;lash,
3812Payment Document Type,To&#39;lov hujjati turi,
3813Payment Name,To&#39;lov nomi,
3814Penalty Amount,Jarima miqdori,
3817Period based On,Davr asoslangan,
3818Perpetual inventory required for the company {0} to view this report.,Ushbu hisobotni ko&#39;rish uchun {0} kompaniyasi uchun doimiy ravishda inventarizatsiya qilish kerak.,
3820Pick List,Ro&#39;yxatni tanlang,
3821Plaid authentication error,Plaid autentifikatsiya xatosi,
3822Plaid public token error,Umumiy ochiq token xatosi,
3823Plaid transactions sync error,Plaid bitimlarini sinxronlashda xato,
3824Please check the error log for details about the import errors,"Iltimos, import xatolariga oid tafsilotlar uchun xatolar jurnalini tekshiring",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003825Please click on the following link to set your new password,Yangi parolni o&#39;rnatish uchun quyidagi havolani bosing,
3826Please create <b>DATEV Settings</b> for Company <b>{}</b>.,Iltimos <b>{}</b> Kompaniya uchun <b>DATEV sozlamalarini</b> yarating.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303827Please create adjustment Journal Entry for amount {0} ,"Iltimos, {0} miqdoriga jurnal yozuvini tuzating.",
3828Please do not create more than 500 items at a time,"Iltimos, bir vaqtning o&#39;zida 500 tadan ortiq mahsulot yaratmang",
3829Please enter <b>Difference Account</b> or set default <b>Stock Adjustment Account</b> for company {0},"Iltimos, <b>farqlar hisobini</b> kiriting yoki {0} kompaniyasi uchun standart <b>moslashtirish hisobini</b> o&#39;rnating.",
3830Please enter GSTIN and state for the Company Address {0},"Iltimos, GSTIN-ni kiriting va kompaniyaning manzili {0} ni ko&#39;rsating.",
3831Please enter Item Code to get item taxes,Soliqlarni olish uchun mahsulot kodini kiriting,
3832Please enter Warehouse and Date,"Iltimos, ombor va sanani kiriting",
3833Please enter coupon code !!,"Iltimos, kupon kodini kiriting !!",
3834Please enter the designation,"Iltimos, belgini kiriting",
3835Please enter valid coupon code !!,"Iltimos, to&#39;g&#39;ri kupon kodini kiriting !!",
3836Please login as a Marketplace User to edit this item.,Ushbu mahsulotni tahrirlash uchun Marketplace foydalanuvchisi sifatida tizimga kiring.,
3837Please login as a Marketplace User to report this item.,Ushbu mahsulot haqida xabar berish uchun Marketplace foydalanuvchisi sifatida tizimga kiring.,
3838Please select <b>Template Type</b> to download template,"Iltimos, <b>shablonni</b> yuklab olish uchun <b>shablon turini</b> tanlang",
3839Please select Applicant Type first,Avval Arizachi turini tanlang,
3840Please select Customer first,Avval mijozni tanlang,
3841Please select Item Code first,Avval mahsulot kodini tanlang,
3842Please select Loan Type for company {0},Iltimos {0} uchun kredit turini tanlang.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303843Please select a Delivery Note,"Iltimos, etkazib berish eslatmasini tanlang",
3844Please select a Sales Person for item: {0},"Iltimos, mahsulot sotuvchisini tanlang: {0}",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003845Please select another payment method. Stripe does not support transactions in currency '{0}',Boshqa to&#39;lov usulini tanlang. Stripe &#39;{0}&#39; valyutasidagi operatsiyalarni qo&#39;llab-quvvatlamaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303846Please select the customer.,"Iltimos, mijozni tanlang.",
3847Please set a Supplier against the Items to be considered in the Purchase Order.,"Iltimos, Buyurtmada ko&#39;rib chiqilishi kerak bo&#39;lgan narsalarga qarshi Ta&#39;minotchi o&#39;rnating.",
3848Please set account heads in GST Settings for Compnay {0},Hisob boshlarini {0} Compnay uchun GST sozlamalarida o&#39;rnating.,
3849Please set an email id for the Lead {0},Etakchi {0} uchun e-pochta identifikatorini kiriting.,
3850Please set default UOM in Stock Settings,Birja sozlamalarida standart UOM-ni o&#39;rnating,
3851Please set filter based on Item or Warehouse due to a large amount of entries.,Ko&#39;p miqdordagi kirish tufayli filtrni mahsulot yoki omborxona asosida o&#39;rnating.,
3852Please set up the Campaign Schedule in the Campaign {0},"Iltimos, {0} Kampaniyada Kampaniya jadvalini o&#39;rnating.",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003853Please set valid GSTIN No. in Company Address for company {0},"Iltimos, {0} kompaniya uchun kompaniya manzilida haqiqiy GSTIN raqamini kiriting.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303854Please set {0},"Iltimos, {0} ni o&#39;rnating.",customer
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003855Please setup a default bank account for company {0},Iltimos {0} kompaniyasi uchun odatiy bank hisobini o&#39;rnating.,
3856Please specify,"Iltimos, ko&#39;rsating",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303857Please specify a {0},"Iltimos, {0} kiriting",lead
3858Pledge Status,Garov holati,
3859Pledge Time,Garov muddati,
3860Printing,Bosib chiqarish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003861Priority,Birinchi o&#39;ringa,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303862Priority has been changed to {0}.,Ustuvorlik {0} ga o&#39;zgartirildi.,
3863Priority {0} has been repeated.,{0} ustuvorligi takrorlandi.,
3864Processing XML Files,XML fayllarini qayta ishlash,
3867Proposed Pledges are mandatory for secured Loans,Taklif etilayotgan garovlar kafolatlangan kreditlar uchun majburiydir,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003868Provide the academic year and set the starting and ending date.,O&#39;quv yilini taqdim eting va boshlanish va tugash sanasini belgilang.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303869Public token is missing for this bank,Ushbu bank uchun ommaviy token yo&#39;q,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003870Publish,Nashr qiling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303871Publish 1 Item,1 ta mahsulotni nashr qiling,
3872Publish Items,Mahsulotlarni chop etish,
3873Publish More Items,Boshqa mahsulotlarni nashr qiling,
3874Publish Your First Items,Birinchi buyumlaringizni nashr eting,
3875Publish {0} Items,{0} mahsulotlarni joylash,
3876Published Items,Chop etilgan mahsulotlar,
3877Purchase Invoice cannot be made against an existing asset {0},Mavjud obyektga qarshi xarid fakturasini tuzib bo‘lmaydi {0},
3878Purchase Invoices,Xarajatlarni sotib oling,
3879Purchase Orders,Buyurtmalarni sotib oling,
3880Purchase Receipt doesn't have any Item for which Retain Sample is enabled.,Xarid kvitansiyasida &quot;Qidiruv namunasini yoqish&quot; bandi mavjud emas.,
3881Purchase Return,Xaridni qaytarish,
3882Qty of Finished Goods Item,Tayyor mahsulotning qirq qismi,
3883Qty or Amount is mandatroy for loan security,Qty yoki Miqdor - bu kreditni ta&#39;minlash uchun mandatroy,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003884Quality Inspection required for Item {0} to submit,{0} punktini topshirish uchun sifat nazorati talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303885Quantity to Manufacture,Ishlab chiqarish miqdori,
3886Quantity to Manufacture can not be zero for the operation {0},Ishlab chiqarish miqdori {0} uchun nol bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
3887Quarterly,Har chorakda,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003888Queued,Navbatga qo&#39;yildi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303889Quick Entry,Tez kirish,
3890Quiz {0} does not exist,{0} so&#39;rovi mavjud emas,
3891Quotation Amount,Kotirovka miqdori,
3892Rate or Discount is required for the price discount.,Narxni pasaytirish uchun stavka yoki chegirma talab qilinadi.,
3894Reconcile Entries,Yozuvlarni yarashtirish,
3895Reconcile this account,Ushbu hisobni yarating,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003897Recruitment,Ishga olish,
3898Red,Qizil rangli,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303900Release date must be in the future,Chiqarish sanasi kelajakda bo&#39;lishi kerak,
3901Relieving Date must be greater than or equal to Date of Joining,Yengish sanasi qo&#39;shilish sanasidan katta yoki unga teng bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003902Rename,Nomni o&#39;zgartiring,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303903Rename Not Allowed,Nomni o&#39;zgartirishga ruxsat berilmagan,
3904Repayment Method is mandatory for term loans,To&#39;lash usuli muddatli kreditlar uchun majburiydir,
3905Repayment Start Date is mandatory for term loans,To&#39;lovni boshlash muddati muddatli kreditlar uchun majburiydir,
3906Report Item,Xabar berish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003907Report this Item,Ushbu elementni xabar qiling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303908Reserved Qty for Subcontract: Raw materials quantity to make subcontracted items.,Subtrudrat uchun ajratilgan Qty: pudrat shartnomalarini tuzish uchun xom ashyo miqdori.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003909Reset,Nolga o&#39;rnatish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303910Reset Service Level Agreement,Xizmat darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi kelishuvni asl holatiga qaytarish,
3911Resetting Service Level Agreement.,Xizmat darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi kelishuvni qayta tiklash.,
3912Response Time for {0} at index {1} can't be greater than Resolution Time.,{1} indeksidagi {0} uchun javob berish vaqti qaror vaqtidan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lolmaydi.,
3913Return amount cannot be greater unclaimed amount,Qaytish miqdori talab qilinmagan miqdordan ortiq bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
3916Room Type,Xona turi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003917Row # ,Qator #,
3918Row #{0}: Accepted Warehouse and Supplier Warehouse cannot be same,# {0} qatori: qabul qilingan ombor va etkazib beruvchi ombor bir xil bo&#39;lmasligi mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303919Row #{0}: Cannot delete item {1} which has already been billed.,# {0} qator: {1} bandini allaqachon o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
3920Row #{0}: Cannot delete item {1} which has already been delivered,# {0} qatori: yetkazib berilgan {1} elementni o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmaydi,
3921Row #{0}: Cannot delete item {1} which has already been received,# {0} qatori: Qabul qilingan {1} elementni o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmaydi,
3922Row #{0}: Cannot delete item {1} which has work order assigned to it.,# {0} qator: {1} unga berilgan buyurtma berilgan elementni o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003923Row #{0}: Cannot delete item {1} which is assigned to customer's purchase order.,# {0} qatori: Xaridorga buyurtma berilgan {1} elementni o&#39;chirib bo&#39;lmaydi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303924Row #{0}: Cannot select Supplier Warehouse while suppling raw materials to subcontractor,# {0} qator: Pudratchiga xom ashyo etkazib berishda omborxonani tanlab bo&#39;lmaydi,
3925Row #{0}: Cost Center {1} does not belong to company {2},# {0} qator: {1} Xarajatlar markazi {2} kompaniyasiga tegishli emas.,
3926Row #{0}: Operation {1} is not completed for {2} qty of finished goods in Work Order {3}. Please update operation status via Job Card {4}.,"# {0} qator: {3} ish tartibidagi {2} qt tayyor mahsulot uchun {1} operatsiyasi tugallanmagan. Iltimos, ish holatini {4} ish kartasi orqali yangilang.",
3927Row #{0}: Payment document is required to complete the transaction,# {0} qator: tranzaktsiyani yakunlash uchun to&#39;lov hujjati talab qilinadi,
3928Row #{0}: Serial No {1} does not belong to Batch {2},# {0} qator: {1} seriya {2} to&#39;plamiga tegishli emas.,
3929Row #{0}: Service End Date cannot be before Invoice Posting Date,# {0} qator: xizmatni tugatish sanasi fakturani yuborish sanasidan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003930Row #{0}: Service Start Date cannot be greater than Service End Date,# {0} qator: xizmatni boshlash sanasi xizmatning tugash sanasidan oshib ketmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303931Row #{0}: Service Start and End Date is required for deferred accounting,# {0} qatori: Xizmatni boshlash va tugash sanasi kechiktirilgan buxgalteriya hisobi uchun talab qilinadi,
3932Row {0}: Invalid Item Tax Template for item {1},{0} qatori: {1} element uchun soliq shablonining noto&#39;g&#39;ri versiyasi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003933Row {0}: Quantity not available for {4} in warehouse {1} at posting time of the entry ({2} {3}),{0} satri: Kirish vaqti bilan {1} omborida {4} uchun mavjud emas ({2} {3}),
3934Row {0}: user has not applied the rule {1} on the item {2},{0} satr: foydalanuvchi {2} bandidagi {1} qoidasini qo&#39;llamagan.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303935Row {0}:Sibling Date of Birth cannot be greater than today.,{0} satri: Qarindosh tug&#39;ilgan sana bugungi kundan katta bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303936Row({0}): {1} is already discounted in {2},Satr ({0}): {1} allaqachon {2} da chegirma qilingan,
3937Rows Added in {0},Qatorlar {0} da qo&#39;shilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003938Rows Removed in {0},Satrlar {0} da olib tashlandi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303939Sanctioned Amount limit crossed for {0} {1},Sanktsiyalangan miqdor cheklovi {0} {1} uchun o&#39;tdi,
3940Sanctioned Loan Amount already exists for {0} against company {1},Sanksiya qilingan kredit miqdori {1} kompaniyasiga qarshi {0} uchun allaqachon mavjud,
3942Save Item,Elementni saqlang,
3943Saved Items,Saqlangan narsalar,
3944Scheduled and Admitted dates can not be less than today,Rejalashtirilgan va qabul qilingan kunlar bugungi kundan kam bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003945Search Items ...,Izlash ...,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303946Search for a payment,To&#39;lovni qidiring,
3947Search for anything ...,Hamma narsani qidirish ...,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003948Search results for,Uchun qidiruv natijalari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303949Select All,Hammasini belgilash,
3950Select Difference Account,Farq hisob qaydnomasini tanlang,
3951Select a Default Priority.,Birlamchi ustuvorlikni tanlang.,
3952Select a Supplier from the Default Supplier List of the items below.,Quyidagi elementlarning odatiy etkazib beruvchilar ro&#39;yxatidan bir etkazib beruvchini tanlang.,
3953Select a company,Kompaniyani tanlang,
3954Select finance book for the item {0} at row {1},{1} qatordan {0} uchun moliya kitobini tanlang,
3955Select only one Priority as Default.,Odatiy sifatida faqat bitta ustuvorlikni tanlang.,
3956Seller Information,Sotuvchi haqida ma&#39;lumot,
3958Send a message,Xabar yuboring,
3960Sends Mails to lead or contact based on a Campaign schedule,Kampaniya jadvali asosida Maillarni rahbarlik qilish yoki aloqaga yuborish,
3961Serial Number Created,Seriya raqami yaratildi,
3962Serial Numbers Created,Seriya raqamlari yaratildi,
3963Serial no(s) required for serialized item {0},Seriyalangan {0} uchun seriya raqami (lar) kerak emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003964Series,Series,
3965Server Error,Serverda xato,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303966Service Level Agreement has been changed to {0}.,Xizmat darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi shartnoma {0} ga o&#39;zgartirildi.,
3967Service Level Agreement tracking is not enabled.,Xizmat darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi kelishuvni kuzatish yoqilmagan.,
3968Service Level Agreement was reset.,Xizmat darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi shartnoma qayta tiklandi.,
3969Service Level Agreement with Entity Type {0} and Entity {1} already exists.,{0} turi va {1} subyekt bilan xizmat ko&#39;rsatish darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi kelishuv allaqachon mavjud.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003970Set,To&#39;siq qiling,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303971Set Meta Tags,Meta teglarini o&#39;rnating,
3972Set Response Time and Resolution for Priority {0} at index {1}.,{1} indeksida {0} ustuvorligi uchun javob vaqti va o&#39;lchamlarini o&#39;rnating.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303973Set {0} in company {1},{1} kompaniyasida {0} o&#39;rnating.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003975Setup Wizard,O&#39;rnatish ustasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303976Shift Management,Shiftni boshqarish,
3977Show Future Payments,Kelgusi to&#39;lovlarni ko&#39;rsatish,
3978Show Linked Delivery Notes,Bog&#39;langan etkazib berish eslatmalarini ko&#39;rsatish,
3979Show Sales Person,Sotuvchi shaxsni ko&#39;rsatish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003980Show Stock Ageing Data,Birja qarishi haqidagi ma&#39;lumotni ko&#39;rsatish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05303981Show Warehouse-wise Stock,Omborga qarashli aktsiyalarni namoyish eting,
3983Something went wrong while evaluating the quiz.,Viktorinani baholashda xato yuz berdi.,
3984"Sorry,coupon code are exhausted","Kechirasiz, kupon kodi tugagan",
3985"Sorry,coupon code validity has expired","Kechirasiz, kupon kodining amal qilish muddati tugadi",
3986"Sorry,coupon code validity has not started","Kechirasiz, kupon kodi yaroqsiz",
3989Start Date cannot be before the current date,Boshlanish sanasi joriy sanadan oldin bo‘lishi mumkin emas,
3990Start Time,Boshlanish vaqti,
3992Status must be Cancelled or Completed,Holat bekor qilinishi yoki tugallanishi kerak,
3993Stock Balance Report,Fond balansi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi hisobot,
3994Stock Entry has been already created against this Pick List,Ushbu tanlov ro&#39;yxatiga qarshi aktsiyalar kiritilishi allaqachon yaratilgan,
3995Stock Ledger ID,Aksiyadorlik daftarchasi identifikatori,
3996Stock Value ({0}) and Account Balance ({1}) are out of sync for account {2} and it's linked warehouses.,Hisoblar balansi ({0}) va Hisob balansi ({1}) {2} hisobi uchun sinxron emas va u bog&#39;langan omborlardir.,
3997Stores - {0},Do&#39;konlar - {0},
3998Student with email {0} does not exist,{0} elektron pochtasi bo&#39;lgan talaba mavjud emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00003999Submit Review,Ko&#39;rib chiqish,
4000Submitted,Taklif qilingan,
4001Supplier Addresses And Contacts,Yetkazib beruvchining manzili va kontaktlari,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304002Synchronize this account,Ushbu hisobni sinxronlashtiring,
4004Target Location is required while receiving Asset {0} from an employee,Maqsadli manzil xodimdan {0} aktivni olishda talab qilinadi,
4005Target Location is required while transferring Asset {0},Obyektni topshirishda mo&#39;ljal manzili talab qilinadi {0},
4006Target Location or To Employee is required while receiving Asset {0},Maqsadli joylashuv yoki xodimga {0} aktivini qabul qilishda talab qilinadi.,
4007Task's {0} End Date cannot be after Project's End Date.,Vazifaning {0} tugash sanasi Loyihaning tugash sanasidan keyin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
4008Task's {0} Start Date cannot be after Project's End Date.,Vazifaning {0} Boshlanish sanasi Loyihaning tugash sanasidan keyin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas.,
4009Tax Account not specified for Shopify Tax {0},Shopify soliqida soliq hisobi ko&#39;rsatilmagan {0},
4010Tax Total,Soliq jami,
4012The Campaign '{0}' already exists for the {1} '{2}',&quot;{0}&quot; kampaniyasi {1} &#39;{2}&#39; uchun allaqachon mavjud,
4013The difference between from time and To Time must be a multiple of Appointment,Vaqt va vaqt o&#39;rtasidagi farq bir nechta uchrashuvga to&#39;g&#39;ri kelishi kerak,
4014The field Asset Account cannot be blank,Obyekt hisobi maydoni bo‘sh bo‘lishi mumkin emas,
4015The field Equity/Liability Account cannot be blank,Kapital / javobgarlik hisobi maydoni bo&#39;sh bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
4016The following serial numbers were created: <br><br> {0},Quyidagi seriya raqamlari yaratildi: <br><br> {0},
4017The parent account {0} does not exists in the uploaded template,Yuklangan shablonda {0} ona hisobi mavjud emas,
4018The question cannot be duplicate,Savol takrorlanishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004019The selected payment entry should be linked with a creditor bank transaction,Tanlangan to&#39;lov yozuvi kreditor bank operatsiyasi bilan bog&#39;lanishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304020The selected payment entry should be linked with a debtor bank transaction,Tanlangan to&#39;lov yozuvi qarzdor bank operatsiyasi bilan bog&#39;liq bo&#39;lishi kerak,
4021The total allocated amount ({0}) is greated than the paid amount ({1}).,Ajratilgan umumiy miqdor ({0}) to&#39;langan summadan ({1}) oshib ketgan.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304022The value {0} is already assigned to an exisiting Item {2}.,{0} qiymati allaqachon mavjud bo&#39;lgan {2} elementiga tayinlangan.,
4023There are no vacancies under staffing plan {0},{0} shtat rejasida bo&#39;sh ish o&#39;rinlari mavjud emas.,
4024This Service Level Agreement is specific to Customer {0},Ushbu xizmat darajasi to&#39;g&#39;risidagi shartnoma mijoz uchun xosdir {0},
4025This action will unlink this account from any external service integrating ERPNext with your bank accounts. It cannot be undone. Are you certain ?,Ushbu amal ERPNext-ni bank hisoblaringiz bilan birlashtiradigan har qanday tashqi xizmatdan ajratadi. Buni ortga qaytarib bo‘lmaydi. Ishonasizmi?,
4026This bank account is already synchronized,Ushbu bank hisobi allaqachon sinxronlangan,
4027This bank transaction is already fully reconciled,Ushbu bank operatsiyasi allaqachon to&#39;liq kelishilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004028This employee already has a log with the same timestamp.{0},Ushbu xodim allaqachon bir xil vaqt belgisi bilan jurnalga ega. {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304029This page keeps track of items you want to buy from sellers.,Ushbu sahifada sotuvchilardan sotib olmoqchi bo&#39;lgan narsalar ro&#39;yxati mavjud.,
4030This page keeps track of your items in which buyers have showed some interest.,Ushbu sahifa sizning xaridorlar tomonidan qiziqish bildirgan narsalaringizni qayd qiladi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004034"To allow over billing, update ""Over Billing Allowance"" in Accounts Settings or the Item.",Hisob-kitob orqali ortiqcha to&#39;lovni amalga oshirishga ruxsat berish uchun Hisoblar sozlamalari yoki bandidagi &quot;To&#39;lovdan ortiq ruxsatnoma&quot; ni yangilang.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304035"To allow over receipt / delivery, update ""Over Receipt/Delivery Allowance"" in Stock Settings or the Item.",Qabul qilish / etkazib berishga ruxsat berish uchun &quot;Sozlamalar&quot; yoki bandidagi &quot;Ortiqcha qabul qilish / etkazib berishga ruxsat&quot; bo&#39;limini yangilang.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004036To date needs to be before from date,Yangilanish sanasi oldinroq bo&#39;lishi kerak,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304037Total,Jami,
4038Total Early Exits,Jami erta chiqish,
4039Total Late Entries,Jami yozuvlar,
4040Total Payment Request amount cannot be greater than {0} amount,To&#39;lov talabnomasining umumiy summasi {0} miqdoridan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
4041Total payments amount can't be greater than {},Umumiy to&#39;lov miqdori {} dan ko&#39;p bo&#39;lmasligi kerak,
4043Training Event:,O&#39;quv tadbiri:,
4044Transactions already retreived from the statement,Bitimlar allaqachon bayonotdan uzoqlashgan,
4045Transfer Material to Supplier,Materialni etkazib beruvchiga topshirish,
4046Transport Receipt No and Date are mandatory for your chosen Mode of Transport,Tanlangan transport rejimi uchun transport kvitansiyasining raqami va sanasi majburiydir,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304048Unable to find Salary Component {0},Ish haqi komponentini {0} topib bo&#39;lmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004049Unable to find the time slot in the next {0} days for the operation {1}.,Keyingi {0} kun ichida {1} ishlash uchun vaqt oralig&#39;ini topib bo&#39;lmadi.,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304050Unable to update remote activity,Masofaviy faoliyatni yangilab bo‘lmadi,
4051Unknown Caller,Noma’lum qo‘ng‘iroqchi,
4052Unlink external integrations,Tashqi integratsiyani ajratish,
4053Unmarked Attendance for days,Bir necha kun davomida tashrif buyurilmagan,
4054Unpublish Item,Elementni e&#39;lon qilish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004056Unsupported GST Category for E-Way Bill JSON generation,Bill JSON avlodini yaratish uchun qo&#39;llab-quvvatlanmaydigan GST toifasi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304057Update,Yangilash,
4058Update Details,Tafsilotlarni yangilang,
4059Update Taxes for Items,Soliqlar uchun soliqlarni yangilang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004060"Upload a bank statement, link or reconcile a bank account","Bank bayonnomasini yuklang, bank hisobini bog&#39;lang yoki yarating",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304061Upload a statement,Fikrni yuklang,
4062Use a name that is different from previous project name,Oldingi loyiha nomidan farq qiladigan ismdan foydalaning,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004063User {0} is disabled,{0} foydalanuvchisi o&#39;chirib qo&#39;yilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304064Users and Permissions,Foydalanuvchilar va ruxsatnomalar,
4065Vacancies cannot be lower than the current openings,Bo&#39;sh ish o&#39;rinlari joriy ochilishlardan past bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
4066Valid From Time must be lesser than Valid Upto Time.,Vaqtning amal qilishi Valid Upto vaqtidan kamroq bo&#39;lishi kerak.,
4067Valuation Rate required for Item {0} at row {1},Baholash darajasi {0} qatorida {0} talab qilinadi.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004068"Valuation rate not found for the Item {0}, which is required to do accounting entries for {1} {2}. If the item is transacting as a zero valuation rate item in the {1}, please mention that in the {1} Item table. Otherwise, please create an incoming stock transaction for the item or mention valuation rate in the Item record, and then try submiting / cancelling this entry.","{1} {2} uchun buxgalteriya yozuvlarini yuritish uchun talab qilinadigan {0} punktida baholash darajasi topilmadi. Agar element nol qiymat stavkasi sifatida {1} sifatida ishlayotgan bo&#39;lsa, iltimos, {1} elementlar jadvalida shuni eslatib o&#39;ting. Aks holda, iltimos, buyum uchun kiruvchi birja bitimini tuzing yoki mahsulot yozuvida baholash stavkasini yozing, so&#39;ngra ushbu yozuvni topshirish yoki bekor qilishga urinib ko&#39;ring.",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304069Values Out Of Sync,Sinxron bo&#39;lmagan qiymatlar,
4070Vehicle Type is required if Mode of Transport is Road,"Transport turi Yo&#39;l bo&#39;lsa, transport vositasining turi talab qilinadi",
4071Vendor Name,Sotuvchi nomi,
4072Verify Email,Elektron pochtani tasdiqlang,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004073View,Ko&#39;rish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304074View all issues from {0},{0} dan barcha muammolarni ko&#39;rish,
4075View call log,Qo&#39;ng&#39;iroqlar jurnalini ko&#39;rish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004076Warehouse,QXI,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304077Warehouse not found against the account {0},Hisobga nisbatan ombor topilmadi {0},
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004078Welcome to {0},{0} ga xush kelibsiz!,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304079Why do think this Item should be removed?,Nima uchun ushbu mahsulotni olib tashlash kerak deb o&#39;ylaysiz?,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004080Work Order {0}: Job Card not found for the operation {1},{0} ish tartibi: ish uchun karta topilmadi {1},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304081Workday {0} has been repeated.,{0} ish kuni takrorlandi.,
4082XML Files Processed,XML fayllari qayta ishlandi,
4084Yearly,Har yili,
4086You are not allowed to enroll for this course,Ushbu kursga yozilish mumkin emas,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004087You are not enrolled in program {0},Siz {0} dasturiga yozilmagansiz,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304088You can Feature upto 8 items.,Siz 8 tagacha elementlarni namoyish qilishingiz mumkin.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004089You can also copy-paste this link in your browser,Bundan tashqari siz bu havolani brauzeringizdan nusxa ko&#39;chirishingiz mumkin,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304090You can publish upto 200 items.,Siz 200 tagacha mahsulotni nashr qilishingiz mumkin.,
4091You can't create accounting entries in the closed accounting period {0},Siz yopiq hisobot davrida buxgalteriya yozuvlarini yaratolmaysiz {0},
4092You have to enable auto re-order in Stock Settings to maintain re-order levels.,Qayta buyurtma darajasini saqlab qolish uchun siz Fond sozlamalarida avtomatik tartibda buyurtma berishingiz kerak.,
4093You must be a registered supplier to generate e-Way Bill,Elektron yo&#39;lni yaratish uchun siz ro&#39;yxatdan o&#39;tgan etkazib beruvchingiz bo&#39;lishingiz kerak,
4094You need to login as a Marketplace User before you can add any reviews.,Sharhlar qo&#39;shishdan oldin siz Marketplace foydalanuvchisi sifatida tizimga kirishingiz kerak.,
4095Your Featured Items,Siz tanlagan buyumlar,
4096Your Items,Sizning narsalaringiz,
4097Your Profile,Sizning profilingiz,
4098Your rating:,Sizning reytingingiz:,
4099Zero qty of {0} pledged against loan {0},{0} kredit uchun garovga qo&#39;yilgan {0},
4101e-Way Bill already exists for this document,e-Way Bill ushbu hujjat uchun allaqachon mavjud,
4102woocommerce - {0},veb-tijorat - {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304103{0} Coupon used are {1}. Allowed quantity is exhausted,{0} ishlatilgan kupon {1}. Ruxsat berilgan miqdor tugadi,
4104{0} Name,{0} Ism,
4105{0} Operations: {1},{0} Amallar: {1},
4106{0} bank transaction(s) created,{0} bank tranzaktsiyalari yaratildi,
4107{0} bank transaction(s) created and {1} errors,{0} bank tranzaktsiyalari yaratildi va {1} xato,
4108{0} can not be greater than {1},{0} {1} dan katta bo‘lishi mumkin emas,
4109{0} conversations,{0} suhbatlar,
4110{0} is not a company bank account,{0} kompaniyaning bank hisobi emas,
4111{0} is not a group node. Please select a group node as parent cost center,"{0} guruh tugmasi emas. Iltimos, ota-onalar xarajatlari markazi sifatida guruh tugunini tanlang",
4112{0} is not the default supplier for any items.,{0} har qanday mahsulot uchun standart ta&#39;minotchi emas.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004113{0} is required,{0} talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304114{0} units of {1} is not available.,{0} {1} birliklari mavjud emas.,
4115{0}: {1} must be less than {2},{0}: {1} {2} dan kichik bo‘lishi kerak,
4116{} is an invalid Attendance Status.,{} noto&#39;g&#39;ri Davomat holati.,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004117{} is required to generate E-Way Bill JSON,Bill JSON elektron usulini yaratish uchun {} talab qilinadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304118"Invalid lost reason {0}, please create a new lost reason","Yo&#39;qotilgan sabab {0} noto&#39;g&#39;ri, iltimos yangi yo&#39;qolgan sababni yarating",
4119Profit This Year,Bu yil foyda,
4120Total Expense,Umumiy xarajatlar,
4121Total Expense This Year,Bu yilgi umumiy xarajatlar,
4122Total Income,Umumiy daromad,
4123Total Income This Year,Bu yil jami daromad,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004125Comments,Sharhlar,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304126Download,Yuklab oling,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004128Not Found,Topilmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304129Print,Chop eting,
4130Reference Name,Malumot nomi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004131Refresh,Yangilash,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304132Success,Muvaffaqiyat,
4135Add to Cart,savatchaga qo&#39;shish,
4136Days Since Last Order,So&#39;nggi buyurtmadan keyingi kunlar,
4137In Stock,Omborda mavjud; sotuvda mavjud,
4138Loan Amount is mandatory,Qarz miqdori majburiydir,
4139Mode Of Payment,To&#39;lov tartibi,
4140No students Found,Hech qanday talaba topilmadi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004141Not in Stock,Stoktaki emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304142Please select a Customer,"Iltimos, mijozni tanlang",
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004143Printed On,Chop etilgan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304144Received From,Qabul qilingan,
4145Sales Person,Sotuvchi shaxs,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004146To date cannot be before From date,Bugungi kunga qadar tarixdan oldin bo&#39;la olmaydi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304147Write Off,Hisobdan o&#39;chirish,
4148{0} Created,{0} Yaratildi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004149Email Id,Email identifikatori,
4150Actual ,Haqiqiy,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304151Add to cart,Savatchaga qo&#39;shish,
4153Chart Of Accounts Importer,Hisob-kitoblarni import qiluvchi sxemasi,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004154Chart of Accounts,Hisob jadvalining,
4155Customer database.,Mijozlar bazasi.,
4156Days Since Last order,Oxirgi Buyurtma berib o&#39;tgan kunlar,
4157Download as JSON,Json sifatida yuklab oling,
4158End date can not be less than start date,Tugash sanasi Boshlanish sanasidan past bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
4159For Default Supplier (Optional),Standart yetkazib beruvchi (ixtiyoriy),
4160From date cannot be greater than To date,Sana Sana Sana uchun katta bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304161Get items from,Elementlarni oling,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004162Group by,Guruh tomonidan,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304163In stock,Omborda mavjud; sotuvda mavjud,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004164Item name,Mavzu nomi,
4165Loan amount is mandatory,Qarz miqdori majburiydir,
4166Minimum Qty,Minimal Miqdor,
4167More details,Batafsil ma&#39;lumot,
4168Nature of Supplies,Ta&#39;minot tabiati,
4169No Items found.,Hech qanday mahsulot topilmadi.,
4170No employee found,Xodim topilmadi,
4171No students found,Hech qanday talaba topilmadi,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304172Not in stock,Stokda yo&#39;q,
4173Not permitted,Ruxsat berilmagan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004174Open Issues ,Muammolarni ochish,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304175Open Projects ,Ochiq loyihalar,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004176Open To Do ,To Do To Do,
4177Operation Id,Operatsion identifikatori,
4178Partially ordered,Qisman buyurtma berildi,
4179Please select company first,"Marhamat qilib, kompaniyani tanlang",
4180Please select patient,"Marhamat, Klinik-ni tanlang",
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304181Printed On ,Bosilgan,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004182Projected qty,Loyiha miqdori,
4183Sales person,Sotuvchi shaxs,
4184Serial No {0} Created,Seriya no {0} yaratildi,
4185Set as default,Standart sifatida belgilash,
4186Source Location is required for the Asset {0},Manba joylashuvi {0},
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304187Tax Id,Soliq identifikatori,
4188To Time,Vaqtgacha,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004189To date cannot be before from date,Ushbu sanadan oldin bo&#39;lishi mumkin emas,
4190Total Taxable value,Jami soliqqa tortiladigan qiymat,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304191Upcoming Calendar Events ,Kelgusi taqvim tadbirlari,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004192Value or Qty,Qiymati yoki miqdori,
4193Variance ,Varyans,
4194Variant of,Variant Of,
Suraj Shettyb868c372020-03-10 18:21:33 +05304195Write off,Hisobdan o&#39;chirish,
Suraj Shetty46323792020-04-28 18:04:41 +00004196Write off Amount,Miqdorni yozing,
4198received from,Qabul qilingan,
4200Failed to setup defaults for country {0}. Please contact,{0} mamlakat uchun birlamchi sozlamalarni o&#39;rnatib bo&#39;lmadi. Iltimos bilan bog&#39;laning,
4201Row #{0}: Item {1} is not a Serialized/Batched Item. It cannot have a Serial No/Batch No against it.,# {0} qatori: {1} bandi Serial / O&#39;rnatilgan mahsulot emas. Bunga Serial Yo&#39;q / To&#39;plam yo&#39;q.,
4202Please set {0},"Iltimos, {0}",
4203Please set {0},"Iltimos, {0} ni o&#39;rnating.",supplier
4205Cancelled,Bekor qilindi,"docstatus,=,2"
4206Please setup Instructor Naming System in Education > Education Settings,"Iltimos, Ta&#39;limni sozlashda o&#39;qituvchiga nom berish tizimini sozlang",
4207Please set Naming Series for {0} via Setup > Settings > Naming Series,"Iltimos, sozlash&gt; Sozlamalar&gt; Nomlash seriyalari orqali {0} uchun nomlash seriyasini o&#39;rnating",
4208UOM Conversion factor ({0} -> {1}) not found for item: {2},UOM konversiya koeffitsienti ({0} -&gt; {1}) quyidagi element uchun topilmadi: {2},
4209Item Code > Item Group > Brand,Element kodi&gt; Mahsulotlar guruhi&gt; Tovar,
4210Customer > Customer Group > Territory,Xaridor&gt; Mijozlar guruhi&gt; Hudud,
4211Supplier > Supplier Type,Ta&#39;minotchi&gt; Ta&#39;minotchi turi,
4212Please setup Employee Naming System in Human Resource > HR Settings,"Iltimos, xodimlarni nomlash tizimini inson resurslari&gt; Kadrlar sozlamalarida o&#39;rnating",
4213Please setup numbering series for Attendance via Setup > Numbering Series,Iltimos Setup&gt; Raqamlash seriyalari orqali qatnashish uchun raqamlash seriyasini sozlang,