blob: b6d84b75c7ad698ad61c199a1e784901b9d92113 [file] [log] [blame]
sharpeca882cc72013-08-14 22:55:20 +02001 (Half Day), (Mezza Giornata)
2 against same operation, per la stessa operazione
3 already marked, già avviato
4 and year: , ed anno:
5 at warehouse: , in magazzino:
6 by Role , dal Ruolo
7 can not be made., non può essere fatto.
8 cannot be 0, non può essere 0
9 cannot be deleted., non può essere eliminata.
10 does not belong to the company, non appartiene alla società
11 has already been submitted., già stato inviato.
12 has been freezed. , è stato congelato.
13 has been freezed.
14 Only Accounts Manager can do transaction against this account, è stato congelato.
15 Solo Account Manager può effettuare la transazione di questo account
16 is less than equals to zero in the system,
17 valuation rate is mandatory for this item, è inferiore o uguale a zero nel sistema,
18 tasso di valuatione obbligatorio per questo articolo
19 is mandatory, è obbligatorio
20 is mandatory for GL Entry, è obbligatorio per GL Entry
21 is not a ledger, non è un libro mastro
22 is not active, non attivo
23 is not set, non è impostato
24 is now the default Fiscal Year.
25 Please refresh your browser for the change to take effect., ora è l'Anno Fiscale predefinito.
26 Ricarica la pagina del browser per abilitare le modifiche.
27 is present in one or many Active BOMs, è presente in una o più Di.Ba. attive
28 not active or does not exists in the system, non attiva o non esiste nel sistema
29 not submitted, non inviato
30 or the BOM is cancelled or inactive, o la Di.Ba è rimossa o disattivata
31 should be 'Yes'. As Item: , dovrebbe essere 'Si'. Come articolo:
32 should be same as that in , dovrebbe essere uguale a quello in
33 was on leave on , era in aspettativa per
34 will be over-billed against mentioned , saranno più di fatturato contro menzionato
35 will become , diventerà
36"Company History","Cronologia Azienda"
37"Team Members" or "Management","Membri del team" o "Gestori"
38% Delivered,% Consegnato
39% Amount Billed,% Importo Fatturato
40% Billed,% Fatturato
41% Completed,% Completato
42% Installed,% Installato
43% Received,% Ricevuto
44% of materials billed against this Purchase Order.,% di materiali fatturati su questo Ordine di Acquisto.
45% of materials billed against this Sales Order,% di materiali fatturati su questo Ordine di Vendita
46% of materials delivered against this Delivery Note,% dei materiali consegnati di questa Bolla di Consegna
47% of materials delivered against this Sales Order,% dei materiali consegnati su questo Ordine di Vendita
48% of materials ordered against this Material Request,% di materiali ordinati su questa Richiesta Materiale
49% of materials received against this Purchase Order,di materiali ricevuti su questo Ordine di Acquisto
50' can not be managed using Stock Reconciliation.
51 You can add/delete Serial No directly,
52 to modify stock of this item.,' non può essere gestito tramite Archivio Riconciliazione.
53 Puoi aggiungere / eliminare Seriali direttamente,
54 modificare magazzino di questo oggetto.
55' in Company: ,' in Azienda:
56'To Case No.' cannot be less than 'From Case No.','A Case N.' non puo essere minore di 'Da Case N.'
57* Will be calculated in the transaction.,'A Case N.' non puo essere minore di 'Da Case N.'
58**Budget Distribution** helps you distribute your budget across months if you have seasonality in your business.
60To distribute a budget using this distribution, set this **Budget Distribution** in the **Cost Center**,**Budget Distribuzione** aiuta distribuire il budget tra mesi, se si dispone di stagionalità nel vostro business.
62Per distribuire un budget usando questa distribuzione, impostare questa **Budget Distribuzione** a **Centro di costo**
63**Currency** Master,**Valuta** Principale
64**Fiscal Year** represents a Financial Year. All accounting entries and other major transactions are tracked against **Fiscal Year**.,**Anno fiscale** rappresenta un esercizio finanziario. Tutti i dati contabili e le altre principali operazioni sono tracciati per **anno fiscale**.
65. Outstanding cannot be less than zero.
66 Please match exact outstanding.,. Straordinario non può essere inferiore a zero.
67 Confronta esattamente lo straordinario.
68. Please set status of the employee as 'Left',. Si prega di impostare lo stato del dipendente a 'left'
69. You can not mark his attendance as 'Present',. Non è possibile contrassegnare la sua partecipazione come 'Presente'
70000 is black, fff is white,000 è nero, fff è bianco
711 Currency = [?] Fraction
72For e.g. 1 USD = 100 Cent,1 Valuta = [?] Frazione
73Per es. 1 € = 100 € cent
741. To maintain the customer wise item code and to make them searchable based on their code use this option,1.Per mantenere la voce codice cliente e renderli ricercabili in base al loro codice usare questa opzione
802 days ago,2 giorni fà
81: Duplicate row from same ,: Riga duplicata
82: It is linked to other active BOM(s),: Linkato su un altra Di.Ba. attiva
83: Mandatory for a Recurring Invoice.,: Obbligatorio per una Fattura Ricorrente
84<a href="#!Sales Browser/Customer Group">To manage Customer Groups, click here</a>,<a href="#!Sales Browser/Customer Group">Per Gestire Gruppi Committenti, clicca qui</a>
85<a href="#!Sales Browser/Item Group">Manage Item Groups</a>,<a href="#!Sales Browser/Item Group">Gestire Gruppi Articoli</a>
86<a href="#!Sales Browser/Territory">To manage Territory, click here</a>,<a href="#!Sales Browser/Territory">Per gestire Territori, clicca qui</a>
87<a href="#Sales Browser/Customer Group">Manage Customer Groups</a>,<a href="#Sales Browser/Customer Group">Gestire Gruppi Committenti</a>
88<a href="#Sales Browser/Customer Group">To manage Territory, click here</a>,<a href="#Sales Browser/Customer Group">Per gestire Territori, clicca qui</a>
89<a href="#Sales Browser/Item Group">Manage Item Groups</a>,<a href="#Sales Browser/Item Group">Gestire Gruppi Articoli</a>
90<a href="#Sales Browser/Territory">Territory</a>,<a href="#Sales Browser/Territory">Territori</a>
91<a href="#Sales Browser/Territory">To manage Territory, click here</a>,<a href="#Sales Browser/Territory">Per Gestire Territori, clicca qui</a>
92<a onclick="msgprint('<ol>
93<li><b>field:[fieldname]</b> - By Field
94<li><b>naming_series:</b> - By Naming Series (field called naming_series must be present
95<li><b>eval:[expression]</b> - Evaluate an expression in python (self is doc)
96<li><b>Prompt</b> - Prompt user for a name
97<li><b>[series]</b> - Series by prefix (separated by a dot); for example PRE.#####
98</ol>')">Naming Options</a>,<a onclick="msgprint('<ol>
99<li><b>field:[fieldname]</b> - By Field
100<li><b>naming_series:</b> - By Naming Series (field called naming_series must be present
101<li><b>eval:[expression]</b> - Evaluate an expression in python (self is doc)
102<li><b>Prompt</b> - Prompt user for a name
103<li><b>[series]</b> - Series by prefix (separated by a dot); for example PRE.#####
104</ol>')">Naming Options</a>
105<b>Cancel</b> allows you change Submitted documents by cancelling them and amending them.,<b>Annulla</b> consente di modificare i documenti inseriti cancellando o modificando.
106<span class="sys_manager">To setup, please go to Setup > Naming Series</span>,<span class="sys_manager">Al Setup, Si prega di andare su Setup > Denominazione Serie</span>
107A Customer exists with same name,Esiste un Cliente con lo stesso nome
108A Lead with this email id should exist,Un Lead con questa e-mail dovrebbe esistere
109A Product or a Service that is bought, sold or kept in stock.,Un prodotto o un servizio che viene acquistato, venduto o tenuto in magazzino.
110A Supplier exists with same name,Esiste un Fornitore con lo stesso nome
111A condition for a Shipping Rule,Una condizione per una regola di trasporto
112A logical Warehouse against which stock entries are made.,Un Deposito logica contro cui sono fatte le entrate nelle scorte.
113A new popup will open that will ask you to select further conditions.,Si aprirà un popup che vi chiederà di selezionare ulteriori condizioni.
114A symbol for this currency. For e.g. $,Un simbolo per questa valuta. Per esempio $
115A third party distributor / dealer / commission agent / affiliate / reseller who sells the companies products for a commission.,Un distributore di terzi / rivenditore / commissionario / affiliati / rivenditore che vende i prodotti di aziende per una commissione.
116A user can have multiple values for a property.,Un utente può avere più valori per una proprietà.
119AB+,AB +
121AMC Expiry Date,AMC Data Scadenza
125About Us Settings,Chi siamo Impostazioni
126About Us Team Member,Chi Siamo Membri Team
127Above Value,Sopra Valore
129Acceptance Criteria,Criterio Accettazione
131Accepted Quantity,Quantità Accettata
132Accepted Warehouse,Magazzino Accettato
134Account Balance,Bilancio Conto
135Account Details,Dettagli conto
136Account Head,Conto Capo
137Account Id,ID Conto
138Account Name,Nome Conto
139Account Type,Tipo Conto
140Account for this ,Conto per questo
142Accounting Year.,Contabilità Anno
143Accounting entry frozen up to this date, nobody can do / modify entry except role specified below.,Registrazione contabile congelato fino a questa data, nessuno può / Modifica voce eccetto ruolo specificato di seguito .
144Accounting journal entries.,Diario scritture contabili.
146Accounts Frozen Upto,Conti congelati Fino
147Accounts Payable,Conti pagabili
148Accounts Receivable,Conti esigibili
149Accounts Settings,Impostazioni Conti
152Active: Will extract emails from ,Attivo: estrarre le email da
154Activity Log,Log Attività
155Activity Type,Tipo Attività
157Actual Budget,Budget Attuale
158Actual Completion Date,Data Completamento Attuale
159Actual Date,Stato Corrente
160Actual End Date,Attuale Data Fine
161Actual Invoice Date,Actual Data fattura
162Actual Posting Date,Data di registrazione effettiva
163Actual Qty,Q.tà Reale
164Actual Qty (at source/target),Q.tà Reale (sorgente/destinazione)
165Actual Qty After Transaction,Q.tà Reale dopo la Transazione
166Actual Quantity,Quantità Reale
167Actual Start Date,Data Inizio Effettivo
169Add / Edit Taxes and Charges,Aggiungere / Modificare Tasse e Costi
170Add A New Rule,Aggiunge una nuova regola
171Add A Property,Aggiungere una Proprietà
172Add Attachments,Aggiungere Allegato
173Add Bookmark,Aggiungere segnalibro
174Add CSS,Aggiungere CSS
175Add Column,Aggiungi colonna
176Add Comment,Aggiungi commento
177Add Google Analytics ID: eg. UA-89XXX57-1. Please search help on Google Analytics for more information.,Aggiungere ID Google Analytics : es. UA-89XXX57-1. Cerca aiuto su Google Analytics per altre informazioni.
178Add Message,Aggiungere Messaggio
179Add New Permission Rule,Aggiungere Nuova Autorizzazione
180Add Reply,Aggiungi risposta
181Add Terms and Conditions for the Material Request. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template,Aggiungere Termine e Condizione per Richiesta Materiale. Puoi preparare Termini e Condizioni ed usarlo come Modello
182Add Terms and Conditions for the Purchase Receipt. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template.,Aggiungere Termine e Condizione per Ricevuta d'Acquisto. Puoi preparare Termini e Condizioni ed usarlo come Modello.
183Add Terms and Conditions for the Quotation like Payment Terms, Validity of Offer etc. You can also prepare a Terms and Conditions Master and use the Template,Aggiungi Termini e Condizioni per la quotazione come termini di pagamento, validità dell'Offerta, ecc Si può anche preparare un Condizioni Master e utilizzare il Modello
184Add Total Row,Aggiungere Riga Totale
185Add a banner to the site. (small banners are usually good),Aggiungi Banner al sito. (banner piccoli sono migliori)
186Add attachment,Aggiungere Allegato
187Add code as &lt;script&gt;,Aggiungi codice allo script
188Add new row,Aggiungi Una Nuova Riga
189Add or Deduct,Aggiungere o dedurre
190Add rows to set annual budgets on Accounts.,Aggiungere righe per impostare i budget annuali sui conti.
191Add the name of <a href="" target="_blank">Google Web Font</a> e.g. "Open Sans",Aggiungi il nome <a href="" target="_blank">Google Web Font</a> e.g. "Open Sans"
192Add to To Do,Aggiungi a Cose da Fare
193Add to To Do List of,Aggiungi a lista Cose da Fare di
194Add/Remove Recipients,Aggiungere/Rimuovere Destinatario
195Additional Info,Informazioni aggiuntive
197Address & Contact,Indirizzo e Contatto
198Address & Contacts,Indirizzi & Contatti
199Address Desc,Desc. indirizzo
200Address Details,Dettagli dell'indirizzo
201Address HTML,Indirizzo HTML
202Address Line 1,Indirizzo, riga 1
203Address Line 2,Indirizzo, riga 2
204Address Title,Titolo indirizzo
205Address Type,Tipo di indirizzo
206Address and other legal information you may want to put in the footer.,Indirizzo e altre informazioni legali che si intende visualizzare nel piè di pagina.
207Address to be displayed on the Contact Page,Indirizzo da visualizzare nella pagina Contatti
208Adds a custom field to a DocType,Aggiungi campo personalizzato a DocType
209Adds a custom script (client or server) to a DocType,Aggiungi Script personalizzato (client o server) al DocType
210Advance Amount,Importo Anticipo
211Advance amount,Importo anticipo
212Advanced Scripting,Scripting Avanzato
213Advanced Settings,Impostazioni Avanzate
216After Sale Installations,Installazioni Post Vendita
218Against Account,Previsione Conto
219Against Docname,Per Nome Doc
220Against Doctype,Per Doctype
221Against Document Date,Per Data Documento
222Against Document Detail No,Per Dettagli Documento N
223Against Document No,Per Documento N
224Against Expense Account,Per Spesa Conto
225Against Income Account,Per Reddito Conto
226Against Journal Voucher,Per Buono Acquisto
227Against Purchase Invoice,Per Fattura Acquisto
228Against Sales Invoice,Per Fattura Vendita
229Against Voucher,Per Tagliando
230Against Voucher Type,Per tipo Tagliando
232Aggregate group of **Items** into another **Item**. This is useful if you are bundling a certain **Items** into a package and you maintain stock of the packed **Items** and not the aggregate **Item**.
234The package **Item** will have "Is Stock Item" as "No" and "Is Sales Item" as "Yes".
236For Example: If you are selling Laptops and Backpacks separately and have a special price if the customer buys both, then the Laptop + Backpack will be a new Sales BOM Item.
238Note: BOM = Bill of Materials,Gruppo aggregato di elementi **Articoli** in un altro **articolo**. Questo è utile se in fase di installazione di un certo **Articoli** in un pacchetto e si mantiene magazzino delle confezionati **Voci** non e l'aggregato **lotto**.
240Il pacchetto **Voce** avrà "Stock Item" come "No" e "Voce di vendita" come "Yes".
242Per esempio: Se metti in vendita computer portatili e zaini separatamente e dispone di un prezzo speciale se il cliente acquista entrambi, allora il Laptop + Zaino sarà un nuovo punto di vendita distinta
244Nota: BOM = Distinta materiali
245Aging Date,Data invecchiamento
246All Addresses.,Tutti gli indirizzi.
247All Contact,Tutti i contatti
248All Contacts.,Tutti i contatti.
249All Customer Contact,Tutti Contatti Clienti
250All Day,Intera giornata
251All Employee (Active),Tutti Dipendenti (Attivi)
252All Lead (Open),Tutti LEAD (Aperto)
253All Products or Services.,Tutti i Prodotti o Servizi.
254All Sales Partner Contact,Tutte i contatti Partner vendite
255All Sales Person,Tutti i Venditori
256All Sales Transactions can be tagged against multiple **Sales Persons** so that you can set and monitor targets.,Tutte le operazioni di vendita possono essere taggati per più **Venditori** in modo che è possibile impostare e monitorare gli obiettivi.
257All Supplier Contact,Tutti i Contatti Fornitori
258All account columns should be after
259 standard columns and on the right.
260 If you entered it properly, next probable reason
261 could be wrong account name.
262 Please rectify it in the file and try again.,Tutte le colonne di conto dovrebbe essere dopo
263 colonne standard e sulla destra.
264 Se è stato inserito correttamente, la probabile ragione
265 essere nome account sbagliato.
266 Correggere nel file e riprovare.
267All export related fields like currency, conversion rate, export total, export grand total etc are available in <br>
268Delivery Note, POS, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order etc.,Tutti i campi relativi a valuta, tasso di conversione, export totale, export totale complessivo etc sono in <br>
269Bolla di consegna, POS, Quotazioni, Fattura di Vendita, Ordini di Vendita, etc.
270All import related fields like currency, conversion rate, import total, import grand total etc are available in <br>
271Purchase Receipt, Supplier Quotation, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Order etc.,Tutti i campi correlati di importazione come la moneta, tasso di conversione, totale di importazione, importazione grande ecc totale sono disponibili in <br> \ nAcquisto Ricevuta, Quotazione Fornitore, Fattura di Acquisto, ordine di acquisto, ecc
272All items have already been transferred
273 for this Production Order.,Tutti gli articoli sono già stati trasferiti
274 per questo Ordine di Produzione.
275All possible Workflow States and roles of the workflow. <br>Docstatus Options: 0 is"Saved", 1 is "Submitted" and 2 is "Cancelled",Tutti i possibili stati e ruoli del flusso di lavoro del flusso di lavoro. <br>Docstatus Opzioni: 0 è "salvato", 1 è "Inviato" e 2 è "ANNULLATO"
276All posts by,Tutti i messaggi di
278Allocate leaves for the year.,Assegnare le foglie per l' anno.
279Allocated Amount,Assegna Importo
280Allocated Budget,Assegna Budget
281Allocated amount,Assegna importo
282Allow Attach,Consentire Allegati
283Allow Bill of Materials,Consentire Distinta di Base
284Allow Dropbox Access,Consentire Accesso DropBox
285Allow Editing of Frozen Accounts For,Consenti Modifica Account Congelati per
286Allow Google Drive Access,Consentire Accesso Google Drive
287Allow Import,Consentire Importa
288Allow Import via Data Import Tool,Consentire Import tramite Strumento Importazione Dati
289Allow Negative Balance,Consentire Bilancio Negativo
290Allow Negative Stock,Consentire Magazzino Negativo
291Allow Production Order,Consentire Ordine Produzione
292Allow Rename,Consentire Rinominare
293Allow Samples,Consentire Esempio
294Allow User,Consentire Utente
295Allow Users,Consentire Utenti
296Allow on Submit,Consentire su Invio
297Allow the following users to approve Leave Applications for block days.,Consentire i seguenti utenti per approvare le richieste per i giorni di blocco.
298Allow user to login only after this hour (0-24),Consentire Login Utente solo dopo questo orario (0-24)
299Allow user to login only before this hour (0-24),Consentire Login Utente solo prima di questo orario (0-24)
300Allowance Percent,Tolleranza Percentuale
302Already Registered,Già Registrato
303Always use Login Id as sender,Usa sempre ID Login come mittente
305Amended From,Corretto da
307Amount (Company Currency),Importo (Valuta Azienda)
308Amount <=,Importo <=
309Amount >=,Importo >=
310An icon file with .ico extension. Should be 16 x 16 px. Generated using a favicon generator. [<a href="" target="_blank"></a>],Icona con estensione .ico. 16 x 16 px. Genera con favicon generator. [<a href="" target="_blank"></a>]
312Annual Cost To Company,Costo annuo per azienda
313Annual Cost To Company can not be less than 12 months of Total Earning,Costo annuo per azienda non può essere inferiore a 12 mesi di guadagno totale
314Another Salary Structure '%s' is active for employee '%s'.
315 Please make its status 'Inactive' to proceed.,Un'altra Struttura di Stipendio '%s' è attiva per il dipendente '%s'.
316 Cambiare il suo status in 'inattivo' per procedere.
317Any other comments, noteworthy effort that should go in the records.,Altre osservazioni, degno di nota lo sforzo che dovrebbe andare nei registri.
318Applicable Holiday List,Lista Vacanze Applicabile
319Applicable To (Designation),Applicabile a (Designazione)
320Applicable To (Employee),Applicabile a (Dipendente)
321Applicable To (Role),Applicabile a (Ruolo)
322Applicable To (User),Applicabile a (Utente)
323Applicant Name,Nome del Richiedente
324Applicant for a Job,Richiedente per Lavoro
325Applicant for a Job.,Richiedente per Lavoro.
326Applications for leave.,Richieste di Ferie
327Applies to Company,Applica ad Azienda
328Apply / Approve Leaves,Applica / Approvare Ferie
329Apply Shipping Rule,Applica Regole Spedizione
330Apply Taxes and Charges Master,Applicare tasse e le spese master
332Appraisal Goal,Obiettivo di Valutazione
333Appraisal Goals,Obiettivi di Valutazione
334Appraisal Template,Valutazione Modello
335Appraisal Template Goal,Valutazione Modello Obiettivo
336Appraisal Template Title,Valutazione Titolo Modello
337Approval Status,Stato Approvazione
340Approving Role,Regola Approvazione
341Approving User,Utente Certificatore
342Are you sure you want to delete the attachment?,Eliminare Veramente questo Allegato?
344Arrear Amount,Importo posticipata
345As a best practice, do not assign the same set of permission rule to different Roles instead set multiple Roles to the User,Una buona idea sarebbe non assegnare le stesse autorizzazioni a differenti ruoli delo stesso utente
346As existing qty for item: ,Q.tà residua dell' articolo:
347As per Stock UOM,Per Stock UOM
348As there are existing stock transactions for this
349 item, you can not change the values of 'Has Serial No',
350 'Is Stock Item' and 'Valuation Method',Ci sono movimenti di stock per questo
351 articolo, non puoi cambiare il valore 'Ha un seriale',
352 'Articolo Stock' e 'Metodo Valutazione'
354Assign To,Assegna a
355Assigned By,Assegnato da
358Associate a DocType to the Print Format,Associare un DOCTYPE per il formato di stampa
359Atleast one warehouse is mandatory,Almeno un Magazzino è obbligatorio
361Attach Document Print,Allega documento Stampa
362Attached To DocType,Allega aDocType
363Attached To Name,Allega a Nome
366Attempted to Contact,Tentativo di Contatto
368Attendance Date,Data Presenza
369Attendance Details,Dettagli presenze
370Attendance From Date,Partecipazione Da Data
371Attendance To Date,Partecipazione a Data
372Attendance can not be marked for future dates,La Presenza non può essere inserita nel futuro
373Attendance for the employee: ,Presenze Dipendenti:
374Attendance record.,Archivio Presenze
376Authorization Control,Controllo Autorizzazioni
377Authorization Rule,Ruolo Autorizzazione
378Auto Email Id,Email ID Auto
379Auto Inventory Accounting,Inventario Contabilità Auto
380Auto Inventory Accounting Settings,Inventario Contabilità Impostazioni Auto
381Auto Material Request,Richiesta Materiale Auto
382Auto Name,Nome Auto
383Auto generated,Auto generato
384Auto-raise Material Request if quantity goes below re-order level in a warehouse,Auto aumenta Materiale Richiesta se la quantità scende sotto il livello di riordino in un magazzino
385Automatically updated via Stock Entry of type Manufacture/Repack,Aggiornato automaticamente via Archivio Entrata di tipo Produzione / Repack
386Autoreply when a new mail is received,Auto-Rispondi quando si riceve una nuova mail
387Available Qty at Warehouse,Quantità Disponibile a magazzino
388Available Stock for Packing Items,Disponibile Magazzino per imballaggio elementi
389Available in
390BOM, Delivery Note, Purchase Invoice, Production Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Sales Invoice, Sales Order, Stock Entry, Timesheet,Disponibile in
391BOM, DDT, fatture di acquisto, ordine di produzione, ordini di acquisto, di acquisto ricevuta, fattura di vendita, ordini di vendita, Stock Entry, scheda attività
393Average Discount,Sconto Medio
399BOM Detail No,DIBA Dettagli N.
400BOM Explosion Item,DIBA Articolo Esploso
401BOM Item,DIBA Articolo
402BOM No,N. DiBa
403BOM No. for a Finished Good Item,DiBa N. per un buon articolo finito
404BOM Operation,DiBa Operazione
405BOM Operations,DiBa Operazioni
406BOM Replace Tool,DiBa Sostituire Strumento
407BOM replaced,DiBa Sostituire
408Background Color,Colore Sfondo
409Background Image,Immagine Sfondo
410Backup Manager,Gestione Backup
411Backup Right Now,Backup ORA
412Backups will be uploaded to,Backup verranno caricati su
413Balances of Accounts of type "Bank or Cash",Bilancio Conti del tipo "Banca o Moneta"
415Bank A/C No.,Bank A/C No.
416Bank Account,Conto Banca
417Bank Account No.,Conto Banca N.
418Bank Clearance Summary,Sintesi Liquidazione Banca
419Bank Name,Nome Banca
420Bank Reconciliation,Conciliazione Banca
421Bank Reconciliation Detail,Dettaglio Riconciliazione Banca
422Bank Reconciliation Statement,Prospetto di Riconciliazione Banca
423Bank Voucher,Buono Banca
424Bank or Cash,Banca o Contante
425Bank/Cash Balance,Banca/Contanti Saldo
427Banner HTML,Banner HTML
428Banner Image,Immagine Banner
429Banner is above the Top Menu Bar.,Il Banner è sopra la Barra Menu Top
430Barcode,Codice a barre
431Based On,Basato su
432Basic Info,Info Base
433Basic Information,Informazioni di Base
434Basic Rate,Tasso Base
435Basic Rate (Company Currency),Tasso Base (Valuta Azienda)
437Batch (lot) of an Item.,Lotto di un articolo
438Batch Finished Date,Data Termine Lotto
439Batch ID,ID Lotto
440Batch No,Lotto N.
441Batch Started Date,Data inizio Lotto
442Batch Time Logs for Billing.,Registra Tempo Lotto per Fatturazione.
443Batch Time Logs for billing.,Registra Tempo Lotto per fatturazione.
444Batch-Wise Balance History,Cronologia Bilanciamento Lotti-Wise
445Batched for Billing,Raggruppati per la Fatturazione
446Be the first one to comment,Commenta per primo
447Begin this page with a slideshow of images,Inizia la pagina con una slideshow di immagini
448Better Prospects,Prospettive Migliori
449Bill Date,Data Fattura
450Bill No,Fattura N.
451Bill of Material to be considered for manufacturing,Elenco dei materiali da considerare per la produzione
452Bill of Materials,Distinta Materiali
453Bill of Materials (BOM),Distinta Materiali (DiBa)
456Billed Amt,Adebbitato Amt
458Billing Address,Indirizzo Fatturazione
459Billing Address Name,Nome Indirizzo Fatturazione
460Billing Status,Stato Faturazione
461Bills raised by Suppliers.,Fatture sollevate dai fornitori.
462Bills raised to Customers.,Fatture sollevate dai Clienti.
465Bio will be displayed in blog section etc.,Bio verrà inserita nella sezione blog etc.
466Birth Date,Data di Nascita
468Block Date,Data Blocco
469Block Days,Giorno Blocco
470Block Holidays on important days.,Blocco Vacanze in giorni importanti
471Block leave applications by department.,Blocco domande uscita da ufficio.
472Blog Category,Categoria Blog
473Blog Intro,Intro Blog
474Blog Introduction,Introduzione Blog
475Blog Post,Articolo Blog
476Blog Settings,Impostazioni Blog
477Blog Subscriber,Abbonati Blog
478Blog Title,Titolo Blog
480Blood Group,Gruppo Discendenza
484Brand HTML,Marca HTML
485Brand Name,Nome Marca
486Brand is what appears on the top-right of the toolbar. If it is an image, make sure it
487has a transparent background and use the &lt;img /&gt; tag. Keep size as 200px x 30px,Il Marchio appare in alto a destra nella barra degli strumenti. Se è un immagine, assicurati
488che abbia lo sfondo trasparente ed use il tag img. Dimensioni di 200px x 30px
489Brand master.,Marchio Originale.
493Budget Allocated,Budget Assegnato
494Budget Control,Controllo Budget
495Budget Detail,Dettaglio Budget
496Budget Details,Dettaglii Budget
497Budget Distribution,Distribuzione Budget
498Budget Distribution Detail,Dettaglio Distribuzione Budget
499Budget Distribution Details,Dettagli Distribuzione Budget
500Budget Variance Report,Report Variazione Budget
501Build Modules,Genera moduli
502Build Pages,Genera Pagine
503Build Server API,Genera Server API
504Build Sitemap,Genera Sitemap
505Bulk Email,Email di Massa
506Bulk Email records.,Registra Email di Massa
507Bundle items at time of sale.,Articoli Combinati e tempi di vendita.
509Buyer of Goods and Services.,Durante l'acquisto di beni e servizi.
511Buying Amount,Importo Acquisto
512Buying Settings,Impostazioni Acquisto
516C-Form Applicable,C-Form Applicable
517C-Form Invoice Detail,C-Form Detagli Fattura
518C-Form No,C-Form N.
524Calculate Based On,Calcola in base a
525Calculate Total Score,Calcolare il punteggio totale
527Calendar Events,Eventi del calendario
530Campaign Name,Nome Campagna
531Can only be exported by users with role 'Report Manager',Può essere esportata slo da utenti con ruolo 'Report Manager'
533Cancel permission also allows the user to delete a document (if it is not linked to any other document).,Annulla permessi abiliti utente ad eliminare un documento (se non è collegato a nessun altro documento).
535Cannot ,Non è possibile
536Cannot approve leave as you are not authorized to approve leaves on Block Dates.,Non può approvare lasciare come non si è autorizzati ad approvare le ferie sulle date di blocco.
537Cannot change from,Non è possibile cambiare da
538Cannot continue.,Non è possibile continuare.
539Cannot have two prices for same Price List,Non può avere due prezzi per lo stesso Listino Prezzi
540Cannot map because following condition fails: ,Non può mappare perché fallisce la condizione:
542Capacity Units,Unità Capacità
543Carry Forward,Portare Avanti
544Carry Forwarded Leaves,Portare Avanti Autorizzazione
545Case No(s) already in use. Please rectify and try again.
546 Recommended <b>From Case No. = %s</b>,Caso N. già in uso. Si prega di correggere e riprovare.
547 Consigliato <b>Dal caso N. =%s</b>
549Cash Voucher,Buono Contanti
550Cash/Bank Account,Conto Contanti/Banca
551Categorize blog posts.,Categorizzare i post sul blog.
553Category Name,Nome Categoria
554Category of customer as entered in Customer master,Categoria del cliente come inserita in master clienti
555Cell Number,Numero di Telefono
557Certain documents should not be changed once final, like an Invoice for example. The final state for such documents is called <b>Submitted</b>. You can restrict which roles can Submit.,Alcuni documenti non devono essere modificati una volta definiti, come una fattura, per esempio. Lo stato finale di tali documenti è chiamato <b>Inserito</b>. È possibile limitare quali ruoli possono Inviare.
558Change UOM for an Item.,Cambia UOM per l'articolo.
559Change the starting / current sequence number of an existing series.,Cambia l'inizio/numero sequenza corrente per una serie esistente
560Channel Partner,Canale Partner
563Chart of Accounts,Grafico dei Conti
564Chart of Cost Centers,Grafico Centro di Costo
567Check / Uncheck roles assigned to the Profile. Click on the Role to find out what permissions that Role has.,Seleziona / Deseleziona ruoli assegnati al profilo. Fare clic sul ruolo per scoprire quali autorizzazioni ha il ruolo.
568Check all the items below that you want to send in this digest.,Controllare tutti gli elementi qui di seguito che si desidera inviare in questo digest.
569Check how the newsletter looks in an email by sending it to your email.,Verificare come la newsletter si vede in una e-mail inviandola alla tua e-mail.
570Check if recurring invoice, uncheck to stop recurring or put proper End Date,Seleziona se fattura ricorrente, deseleziona per fermare ricorrenti o mettere corretta Data di Fine
571Check if you need automatic recurring invoices. After submitting any sales invoice, Recurring section will be visible.,Seleziona se necessiti di fattura ricorrente periodica. Dopo aver inserito ogni fattura vendita, la sezione Ricorrenza diventa visibile.
572Check if you want to send salary slip in mail to each employee while submitting salary slip,Seleziona se si desidera inviare busta paga in posta a ciascun dipendente, mentre la presentazione foglio paga
573Check this if you want to force the user to select a series before saving. There will be no default if you check this.,Seleziona se vuoi forzare l'utente a selezionare una serie prima di salvare. Altrimenti sarà NO di default.
574Check this if you want to send emails as this id only (in case of restriction by your email provider).,Seleziona se vuoi inviare mail solo con questo ID (in caso di restrizione dal provider di posta elettronica).
575Check this if you want to show in website,Seleziona se vuoi mostrare nel sito
576Check this to disallow fractions. (for Nos),Seleziona per disabilitare frazioni. (per NOS)
577Check this to make this the default letter head in all prints,Seleziona per usare questa intestazione in tutte le stampe
578Check this to pull emails from your mailbox,Seleziona per scaricare la posta dal tuo account
579Check to activate,Seleziona per attivare
580Check to make Shipping Address,Seleziona per fare Spedizione Indirizzo
581Check to make primary address,Seleziona per impostare indirizzo principale
584Cheque Date,Data Assegno
585Cheque Number,Controllo Numero
586Child Tables are shown as a Grid in other DocTypes.,Tabelle figlio sono mostrati come una griglia in altre DOCTYPE.
589Claim Amount,Importo Reclamo
590Claims for company expense.,Reclami per spese dell'azienda.
591Class / Percentage,Classe / Percentuale
593Classification of Customers by region,Classificazione Clienti per Regione
594Clear Cache & Refresh,Cancella cache & Ricarica
595Clear Table,Pulisci Tabella
596Clearance Date,Data Liquidazione
597Click on "Get Latest Updates",Clicca su "Aggiornamento"
598Click on 'Make Sales Invoice' button to create a new Sales Invoice.,Clicca sul pulsante 'Crea Fattura Vendita' per creare una nuova Fattura di Vendita
599Click on button in the 'Condition' column and select the option 'User is the creator of the document',Clicca sul pulsante nella colonna 'Condizioni' e seleziona 'Utente ha creato il documento'
600Click to Expand / Collapse,Clicca per Espandere / Comprimere
604Closing Account Head,Chiudere Conto Primario
605Closing Date,Data Chiusura
606Closing Fiscal Year,Chiusura Anno Fiscale
607CoA Help,Aiuto CoA
609Cold Calling,Chiamata Fredda
611Column Break,Interruzione Colonna
612Comma separated list of email addresses,Lista separata da virgola degli indirizzi email
614Comment By,Commentato da
615Comment By Fullname,Commento di Nome Completo
616Comment Date,Data commento
617Comment Docname,Commento Docname
618Comment Doctype,Commento Doctype
619Comment Time,Tempo Commento
621Commission Rate,Tasso Commissione
622Commission Rate (%),Tasso Commissione (%)
623Commission partners and targets,Commissione Partner Obiettivi
625Communication HTML,Comunicazione HTML
626Communication History,Storico Comunicazioni
627Communication Medium,Mezzo di comunicazione
628Communication log.,Log comunicazione
630Company Details,Dettagli Azienda
631Company History,Storico Azienda
632Company History Heading,Cronologia Azienda Principale
633Company Info,Info Azienda
634Company Introduction,Introduzione Azienda
635Company Master.,Propritario Azienda.
636Company Name,Nome Azienda
637Company Settings,Impostazioni Azienda
638Company branches.,Rami Azienda.
639Company departments.,Dipartimento dell'Azienda.
640Company is missing or entered incorrect value,Azienda non esistente o valori inseriti errati
641Company mismatch for Warehouse,Discordanza Azienda per Magazzino
642Company registration numbers for your reference. Example: VAT Registration Numbers etc.,Numeri di registrazione dell'azienda per il vostro riferimento. Esempio: IVA numeri di registrazione, ecc
643Company registration numbers for your reference. Tax numbers etc.,Numeri di registrazione dell'azienda per il vostro riferimento. numero Tassa, ecc
645Complete By,Completato da
647Completed Qty,Q.tà Completata
648Completion Date,Data Completamento
649Completion Status,Stato Completamento
650Confirmed orders from Customers.,Ordini Confermati da Clienti.
651Consider Tax or Charge for,Cnsidera Tasse o Cambio per
652Consider this Price List for fetching rate. (only which have "For Buying" as checked),Considerate questo Listino Prezzi per andare a prendere velocità. (solo che sono "per l'acquisto di" come segno di spunta)
653Considered as Opening Balance,Considerato come Apertura Saldo
654Considered as an Opening Balance,Considerato come Apertura Saldo
656Consumed Qty,Q.tà Consumata
658Contact Control,Controllo Contatto
659Contact Desc,Desc Contatto
660Contact Details,Dettagli Contatto
661Contact Email,Email Contatto
662Contact HTML,Contatto HTML
663Contact Info,Info Contatto
664Contact Mobile No,Cellulare Contatto
665Contact Name,Nome Contatto
666Contact No.,Contatto N.
667Contact Person,Persona Contatto
668Contact Type,Tipo Contatto
669Contact Us Settings,Impostazioni Contattaci
670Contact in Future,Contatta in Futuro
671Contact options, like "Sales Query, Support Query" etc each on a new line or separated by commas.,Opzioni Contatto, tipo "Query Vendite, Query Supporto" etc uno per linea o separato da virgola.
674Content Type,Tipo Contenuto
675Content in markdown format that appears on the main side of your page,Contenuto sottolineato che appare sul lato principale della pagina
676Content web page.,Contenuto Pagina Web.
677Contra Voucher,Contra Voucher
678Contract End Date,Data fine Contratto
679Contribution (%),Contributo (%)
680Contribution to Net Total,Contributo sul totale netto
681Control Panel,Pannello di Controllo
682Conversion Factor,Fattore di Conversione
683Conversion Rate,Tasso di Conversione
684Convert into Recurring Invoice,Convertire in fattura ricorrente
687Copy From Item Group,Copiare da elemento Gruppo
690Cost Center,Centro di Costo
691Cost Center Details,Dettaglio Centro di Costo
692Cost Center Name,Nome Centro di Costo
693Cost Center is mandatory for item: ,Centro di Costo obbligatorio per elemento:
694Cost Center must be specified for PL Account: ,Centro di Costo deve essere specificato per Conto PL
695Cost to Company,Costo per l'Azienda
696Costing,Valutazione Costi
698Country Name,Nome Nazione
700Create Bank Voucher for the total salary paid for the above selected criteria,Crea Buono Bancario per il totale dello stipendio da pagare per i seguenti criteri
701Create Production Orders,Crea Ordine Prodotto
702Create Receiver List,Crea Elenco Ricezione
703Create Salary Slip,Creare busta paga
704Create Stock Ledger Entries when you submit a Sales Invoice,Creare scorta voci registro quando inserisci una fattura vendita
705Create a price list from Price List master and enter standard ref rates against each of them. On selection of a price list in Quotation, Sales Order or Delivery Note, corresponding ref rate will be fetched for this item.,Creare un listino prezzi da Listino master e digitare tassi rif standard per ciascuno di essi. Sulla scelta di un listino prezzi in offerta, ordine di vendita o bolla di consegna, corrispondente tasso rif viene prelevato per questo articolo.
706Create and Send Newsletters,Crea e Invia Newsletter
707Created Account Head: ,Creato Account Principale:
708Created By,Creato da
709Created Customer Issue,Creata Richiesta Cliente
710Created Group ,Gruppo Creato
711Created Opportunity,Opportunità Creata
712Created Support Ticket,Crea Ticket Assistenza
713Creates salary slip for above mentioned criteria.,Crea busta paga per i criteri sopra menzionati.
716Credit Amt,Credit Amt
717Credit Card Voucher,Carta Buono di credito
718Credit Controller,Controllare Credito
719Credit Days,Giorni Credito
720Credit Limit,Limite Credito
721Credit Note,Nota Credito
722Credit To,Credito a
723Cross Listing of Item in multiple groups,Attraversare Elenco di Articolo in più gruppi
725Currency Exchange,Cambio Valuta
726Currency Format,Formato Valuta
727Currency Name,Nome Valuta
728Currency Settings,Impostazioni Valuta
729Currency and Price List,Valuta e Lista Prezzi
730Currency does not match Price List Currency for Price List,Valuta non corrisponde a Valuta Lista Prezzi per Lista Prezzi
731Current Accommodation Type,Tipo di Alloggio Corrente
732Current Address,Indirizzo Corrente
733Current BOM,DiBa Corrente
734Current Fiscal Year,Anno Fiscale Corrente
735Current Stock,Scorta Corrente
736Current Stock UOM,Scorta Corrente UOM
737Current Value,Valore Corrente
738Current status,Stato Corrente
740Custom Autoreply Message,Auto rispondi Messaggio Personalizzato
741Custom CSS,CSS Personalizzato
742Custom Field,Campo Personalizzato
743Custom Message,Messaggio Personalizzato
744Custom Reports,Report Personalizzato
745Custom Script,Script Personalizzato
746Custom Startup Code,Codice Avvio Personalizzato
749Customer (Receivable) Account,Cliente (Ricevibile) Account
750Customer / Item Name,Cliente / Nome voce
751Customer Account,Conto Cliente
752Customer Account Head,Conto Cliente Principale
753Customer Address,Indirizzo Cliente
754Customer Addresses And Contacts,Indirizzi e Contatti Cliente
755Customer Code,Codice Cliente
756Customer Codes,Codici Cliente
757Customer Details,Dettagli Cliente
758Customer Discount,Sconto Cliente
759Customer Discounts,Sconti Cliente
760Customer Feedback,Opinione Cliente
761Customer Group,Gruppo Cliente
762Customer Group Name,Nome Gruppo Cliente
763Customer Intro,Intro Cliente
764Customer Issue,Questione Cliente
765Customer Issue against Serial No.,Questione Cliente per Seriale N.
766Customer Name,Nome Cliente
767Customer Naming By,Cliente nominato di
768Customer Type,Tipo Cliente
769Customer classification tree.,Albero classificazione Cliente
770Customer database.,Database Cliente.
771Customer's Currency,Valuta Cliente
772Customer's Item Code,Codice elemento Cliente
773Customer's Purchase Order Date,Data ordine acquisto Cliente
774Customer's Purchase Order No,Ordine Acquisto Cliente N.
775Customer's Vendor,Fornitore del Cliente
776Customer's currency,Valuta del Cliente
777Customer's currency - If you want to select a currency that is not the default currency, then you must also specify the Currency Conversion Rate.,Valuta del cliente - Se si desidera selezionare una valuta che non è la valuta di default, allora è necessario specificare anche il tasso di conversione di valuta.
778Customers Not Buying Since Long Time,Clienti non acquisto da molto tempo
779Customerwise Discount,Sconto Cliente saggio
781Customize Form,Personalizzare modulo
782Customize Form Field,Personalizzare Campo modulo
783Customize Label, Print Hide, Default etc.,Personalizzare Etichetta,Nascondere Stampa, predefinito etc.
784Customize the Notification,Personalizzare Notifica
785Customize the introductory text that goes as a part of that email. Each transaction has a separate introductory text.,Personalizza testo di introduzione che andrà nell'email. Ogni transazione ha un introduzione distinta.
787DN Detail,Dettaglio DN
789Daily Event Digest is sent for Calendar Events where reminders are set.,Coda di Evento Giornaliero è inviato per Eventi del calendario quando è impostata la notifica.
790Daily Time Log Summary,Registro Giornaliero Tempo
793Data missing in table,Dati Mancanti nella tabella
795Database Folder ID,ID Cartella Database
796Database of potential customers.,Database Potenziali Clienti.
798Date Format,Formato Data
799Date Of Retirement,Data di Ritiro
800Date and Number Settings,Impostazioni Data e Numeri
801Date is repeated,La Data si Ripete
802Date must be in format,Data nel formato
803Date of Birth,Data Compleanno
804Date of Issue,Data Pubblicazione
805Date of Joining,Data Adesione
806Date on which lorry started from supplier warehouse,Data in cui camion partito da magazzino fornitore
807Date on which lorry started from your warehouse,Data in cui camion partito da nostro magazzino
808Date on which the lead was last contacted,Data ultimo contatto LEAD
811Days for which Holidays are blocked for this department.,Giorni per i quali le festività sono bloccati per questo reparto.
815Debit Amt,Ammontare Debito
816Debit Note,Nota Debito
817Debit To,Addebito a
818Debit or Credit,Debito o Credito
821Deduction Type,Tipo Deduzione
825Default Account,Account Predefinito
826Default BOM,BOM Predefinito
827Default Bank / Cash account will be automatically updated in POS Invoice when this mode is selected.,Conto predefinito Banca / Contante aggiornato automaticamente in Fatture POS quando selezioni questo metodo
828Default Bank Account,Conto Banca Predefinito
829Default Cash Account,Conto Monete predefinito
830Default Commission Rate,tasso commissione predefinito
831Default Company,Azienda Predefinita
832Default Cost Center,Centro di Costi Predefinito
833Default Cost Center for tracking expense for this item.,Centro di Costo Predefinito di Gestione spese per questo articolo
834Default Currency,Valuta Predefinito
835Default Customer Group,Gruppo Clienti Predefinito
836Default Expense Account,Account Spese Predefinito
837Default Home Page,Home page Predefinito
838Default Home Pages,Home page Predefinita
839Default Income Account,Conto Predefinito Entrate
840Default Item Group,Gruppo elemento Predefinito
841Default Price List,Listino Prezzi Predefinito
842Default Print Format,Formato Stampa Predefinito
843Default Purchase Account in which cost of the item will be debited.,Conto acquisto Predefinito dove addebitare i costi.
844Default Sales Partner,Partner di Vendita Predefinito
845Default Settings,Impostazioni Predefinite
846Default Source Warehouse,Magazzino Origine Predefinito
847Default Stock UOM,Scorta UOM predefinita
848Default Supplier Type,Tipo Fornitore Predefinito
849Default Target Warehouse,Magazzino Destinazione Predefinito
850Default Territory,Territorio Predefinito
851Default Unit of Measure,Unità di Misura Predefinito
852Default Valuation Method,Metodo Valutazione Predefinito
853Default Value,Valore Predefinito
854Default Warehouse,Magazzino Predefinito
855Default Warehouse is mandatory for Stock Item.,Magazzino Predefinito Obbligatorio per Articolo Stock.
856Default settings for Shopping Cart,Impostazioni Predefinito per Carrello Spesa
857Default: "Contact Us",Predefinito: "Contattaci "
860Define Budget for this Cost Center. To set budget action, see <a href="#!List/Company">Company Master</a>,Definire Budget per questo Centro di Costo. Per impostare azione budget, guarda <a href="#!List/Company">Azienda Master</a>
861Defines actions on states and the next step and allowed roles.,Definisce le azioni su stati e il passo successivo e ruoli consentiti.
862Defines workflow states and rules for a document.,Definisci stati Workflow e regole per il documento.
864Delete Row,Elimina Riga
866Delivered Items To Be Billed,Gli Articoli consegnati da Fatturare
867Delivered Qty,Q.tà Consegnata
868Delivery Address,Indirizzo Consegna
869Delivery Date,Data Consegna
870Delivery Details,Dettagli Consegna
871Delivery Document No,Documento Consegna N.
872Delivery Document Type,Tipo Documento Consegna
873Delivery Note,Nota Consegna
874Delivery Note Item,Nota articolo Consegna
875Delivery Note Items,Nota Articoli Consegna
876Delivery Note Message,Nota Messaggio Consegna
877Delivery Note No,Nota Consegna N.
878Delivery Note Packing Item,Nota Consegna Imballaggio articolo
879Delivery Note Required,Nota Consegna Richiesta
880Delivery Note Trends,Nota Consegna Tendenza
881Delivery Status,Stato Consegna
882Delivery Time,Tempo Consegna
883Delivery To,Consegna a
885Depend on LWP,Affidati a LWP
886Depends On,Dipende da
887Depends on LWP,Dipende da LWP
890Description HTML,Descrizione HTML
891Description for listing page, in plain text, only a couple of lines. (max 140 characters),Descrizione per la pagina di profilo, in testo normale, solo un paio di righe. (max 140 caratteri)
892Description for page header.,Descrizione Intestazione Pagina
893Description of a Job Opening,Descrizione Offerta Lavoro
896Detailed Breakup of the totals,
899Did not add.,Non aggiungere.
900Did not cancel,Non cancellare
901Did not save,Non salvare
903Different "States" this document can exist in. Like "Open", "Pending Approval" etc.,Possono esistere diversi "Stati" dentro questo documento. Come "Aperto", "Approvazione in sospeso" etc.
904Disable Customer Signup link in Login page,Disabilita Link Iscrizione Clienti nella pagina di Login
905Disable Rounded Total,Disabilita Arrotondamento su Totale
906Disable Signup,Disabilita Iscrizione
908Discount %,Sconto %
909Discount %,% sconto
910Discount (%),(%) Sconto
911Discount Fields will be available in Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice,Il Campo Sconto sarà abilitato in Ordine di acquisto, ricevuta di acquisto, Fattura Acquisto
914Display Settings,Impostazioni Visualizzazione
915Display all the individual items delivered with the main items,Visualizzare tutti gli elementi singoli spediti con articoli principali
916Distinct unit of an Item,Distingui unità di un articolo
917Distribute transport overhead across items.,Distribuire in testa trasporto attraverso articoli.
919Distribution Id,ID Distribuzione
920Distribution Name,Nome Distribuzione
923Do not show any symbol like $ etc next to currencies.,Non visualizzare nessun simbolo tipo € dopo le Valute.
924Doc Name,Nome Doc
925Doc Status,Stato Doc
926Doc Type,Tipo Doc
930DocType Details,Dettaglio DocType
931DocType is a Table / Form in the application.,DocType è una Tabella / Modulo nell'applicazione
932DocType on which this Workflow is applicable.,DocType su cui questo flusso di lavoro è applicabile
933DocType or Field,
935Document Description,
936Document Status transition from ,
937Document Type,
938Document is only editable by users of role,
940Documentation Generator Console,Console Generatore Documentazione
941Documentation Tool,Strumento Documento
944Download Backup,Scarica Backup
945Download Materials Required,Scaricare Materiali Richiesti
946Download Template,Scarica Modello
947Download a report containing all raw materials with their latest inventory status,Scaricare un report contenete tutte le materie prime con il loro recente stato di inventario
948Download the Template, fill appropriate data and attach the modified file.
949All dates and employee combination in the selected period will come in the template, with existing attendance records,Scarica il modello, compila i dati appropriati e allega il file modificato.
950Tutte le date e le combinazioni dei dipendenti nel periodo selezionato entreranno nel modello, con il record di presenze esistenti
953Drag to sort columns,Trascina per ordinare le colonne
955Dropbox Access Allowed,Consentire accesso Dropbox
956Dropbox Access Key,Chiave Accesso Dropbox
957Dropbox Access Secret,Accesso Segreto Dropbox
958Due Date,Data di scadenza
961ESIC No.,ESIC No.
963Earning & Deduction,Guadagno & Detrazione
964Earning Type,Tipo Rendimento
968Educational Qualification,
969Educational Qualification Details,
972Email (By company),Email (per azienda)
973Email Digest,Email di massa
974Email Digest Settings,Impostazioni Email di Massa
975Email Host,Host Email
976Email Id,ID Email
977Email Id must be unique, already exists for: ,Email deve essere unica, già esistente per:
978Email Id where a job applicant will email e.g. "",Email del candidato deve essere del tipo ""
979Email Login,Login Email
980Email Password,Password Email
981Email Sent,Invia Mail
982Email Sent?,Invio Email?
983Email Settings,Impostazioni email
984Email Settings for Outgoing and Incoming Emails.,Impostazioni email per Messaggi in Ingresso e in Uscita
985Email Signature,Firma Email
986Email Use SSL,Email usa SSL
987Email addresses, separted by commas,Indirizzi Email, separati da virgole
988Email ids separated by commas.,ID Email separati da virgole.
989Email settings for jobs email id "",Impostazioni email per id email lavoro ""
990Email settings to extract Leads from sales email id e.g. "",Impostazioni email per Estrarre LEADS dall' email venditore es. ""
992Embed image slideshows in website pages.,Includi slideshow di immagin nellae pagine del sito.
993Emergency Contact Details,Dettagli Contatto Emergenza
994Emergency Phone Number,Numero di Telefono Emergenze
996Employee Birthday,Compleanno Dipendente
997Employee Designation.,Nomina Dipendente.
998Employee Details,Dettagli Dipendente
999Employee Education,Istruzione Dipendente
1000Employee External Work History,Cronologia Lavoro Esterno Dipendente
1001Employee Information,Informazioni Dipendente
1002Employee Internal Work History,Cronologia Lavoro Interno Dipendente
1003Employee Internal Work Historys,Cronologia Lavoro Interno Dipendente
1004Employee Leave Approver,Dipendente Lascia Approvatore
1005Employee Leave Balance,Approvazione Bilancio Dipendete
1006Employee Name,Nome Dipendete
1007Employee Number,Numero Dipendenti
1008Employee Records to be created by ,Record dei Dipendenti creati da
1009Employee Setup,Configurazione Dipendenti
1010Employee Type,Tipo Dipendenti
1011Employee grades,Grado dipendenti
1012Employee record is created using selected field. ,Record Dipendenti creati usando i campi selezionati.
1013Employee records.,Registrazione Dipendente.
1014Employee: ,Dipendente:
1015Employees Email Id,Email Dipendente
1016Employment Details,Dettagli Dipendente
1017Employment Type,Tipo Dipendente
1018Enable Auto Inventory Accounting,Abilita inventario contabile Auto
1019Enable Shopping Cart,Abilita Carello Acquisti
1021Enables <b>More Info.</b> in all documents,Abilita <b>Ulteriori Info.</b> in tutti i documenti
1022Encashment Date,Data Incasso
1023End Date,Data di Fine
1024End date of current invoice's period,Data di fine del periodo di fatturazione corrente
1025End of Life,Fine Vita
1026Ends on,Termina il
1027Enter Email Id to receive Error Report sent by users.
1028E.g.:,Inserisci la tua mail per ricevere Report Errori inviati dagli utenti.
1030Enter Form Type,Inserisci Tipo Modulo
1031Enter Row,Inserisci riga
1032Enter Verification Code,Inserire codice Verifica
1033Enter campaign name if the source of lead is campaign.,Inserisci nome Campagna se la sorgente del LEAD e una campagna.
1034Enter default value fields (keys) and values. If you add multiple values for a field, the first one will be picked. These defaults are also used to set "match" permission rules. To see list of fields, go to <a href="#Form/Customize Form/Customize Form">Customize Form</a>.,Inserisci valore predefinito (chiave) e valore. Se aggiungi più valori per un campo, il primo sarà scelto. Questi dati vengono utilizzati anche per impostare le regole di autorizzazione "corrispondenti". Per vedere l'elenco dei campi, andare su <a href="#Form/Customize Form/Customize Form">Personalizza Modulo</a>.
1035Enter department to which this Contact belongs,Inserisci reparto a cui appartiene questo contatto
1036Enter designation of this Contact,Inserisci designazione di questo contatto
1037Enter email id separated by commas, invoice will be mailed automatically on particular date,Inserisci email separate da virgola, le fatture saranno inviate automaticamente in una data particolare
1038Enter items and planned qty for which you want to raise production orders or download raw materials for analysis.,Inserisci articoli e q.tà programmate per i quali si desidera raccogliere gli ordini di produzione o scaricare materie prime per l'analisi.
1039Enter name of campaign if source of enquiry is campaign,Inserisci il nome della Campagna se la sorgente di indagine è la campagna
1040Enter static url parameters here (Eg. sender=ERPNext, username=ERPNext, password=1234 etc.),Inserisci parametri statici della url qui (Eg. sender=ERPNext, username=ERPNext, password=1234 etc.)
1041Enter the company name under which Account Head will be created for this Supplier,Immettere il nome della società in cui Conto Principale sarà creato per questo Fornitore
1042Enter the date by which payments from customer is expected against this invoice.,Immettere la data entro la quale i pagamenti da clienti è previsto contro questa fattura.
1043Enter url parameter for message,Inserisci parametri url per il messaggio
1044Enter url parameter for receiver nos,Inserisci parametri url per NOS ricevuti
1046Entries are not allowed against this Fiscal Year if the year is closed.,Voci non permesse in confronto ad un Anno Fiscale già chiuso.
1048Error for,Errore per
1049Error: Document has been modified after you have opened it,Errore: Il Documento è stato modificato dopo averlo aperto
1050Estimated Material Cost,Stima costo materiale
1052Event Individuals,Eventi Personali
1053Event Role,Ruolo Evento
1054Event Roles,Ruoli Evento
1055Event Start must be after End,Inizio Evento dovrà essere dopo la Fine
1056Event Type,Tipo Evento
1057Event User,Evento Utente
1058Events In Today's Calendar,Eventi nel Calendario di Oggi
1059Every Day,Tutti i Giorni
1060Every Month,Ogni mese
1061Every Week,Ogni settimana
1062Every Year,Ogni anno
1063Everyone can read,Tutti possono leggere
1065Exchange Rate,Tasso di cambio:
1066Excise Page Number,Accise Numero Pagina
1067Excise Voucher,Buono Accise
1068Exemption Limit,Limite Esenzione
1070Existing Customer,Cliente Esistente
1072Exit Interview Details,
1074Expected Delivery Date,
1075Expected End Date,
1076Expected Start Date,
1077Expense Account,
1078Expense Account is mandatory,Conto spese è obbligatorio
1079Expense Claim,Rimborso Spese
1080Expense Claim Approved,Rimborso Spese Approvato
1081Expense Claim Approved Message,Messaggio Rimborso Spese Approvato
1082Expense Claim Detail,Dettaglio Rimborso Spese
1083Expense Claim Details,Dettagli Rimborso Spese
1084Expense Claim Rejected,Rimborso Spese Rifiutato
1085Expense Claim Rejected Message,Messaggio Rimborso Spese Rifiutato
1086Expense Claim Type,Tipo Rimborso Spese
1087Expense Date,
1088Expense Details,
1089Expense Head,
1090Expense account is mandatory for item: ,Conto spese è obbligatoria per voce:
1091Expense/Adjustment Account,Spese/Adeguamento Conto
1092Expenses Booked,Spese Prenotazione
1093Expenses Included In Valuation,Spese incluse nella Valutazione
1094Expenses booked for the digest period,Spese Prenotazione per periodo di smistamento
1095Expiry Date,Data Scadenza
1099Extract Emails,Estrarre email
1100FCFS Rate,FCFS Rate
1102Facebook Share,Condividi su Facebook
1103Failed: ,Fallito:
1104Family Background,Sfondo Famiglia
1107Features Setup,Configurazione Funzioni
1109Feed Type,Tipo Fonte
1112Fetch lead which will be converted into customer.,Preleva LEAD che sarà convertito in cliente.
1113Field Description,Descrizione Campo
1114Field Name,Nome Campo
1115Field Type,Tipo Campo
1116Field available in Delivery Note, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales Order,Campo disponibile nella Bolla di consegna, preventivi, fatture di vendita, ordini di vendita
1117Field that represents the Workflow State of the transaction (if field is not present, a new hidden Custom Field will be created),Campo che rappresenta lo stato del flusso di lavoro della transazione (se il campo non è presente, verrà creato un nuovo campo personalizzato nascosto)
1120Fields separated by comma (,) will be included in the<br /><b>Search By</b> list of Search dialog box,Campi separati da virgola (,) saranno inclusi in<br /><b>Cerca per</b>lista nel box di ricerca
1122File Data,Dati File
1123File Name,Nome del file
1124File Size,Dimensione File
1125File URL,URL del file
1126File size exceeded the maximum allowed size,La dimensione del file eccede il massimo permesso
1127Files Folder ID,ID Cartella File
1128Filing in Additional Information about the Opportunity will help you analyze your data better.,Archiviazione in Ulteriori informazioni su l'opportunità vi aiuterà ad analizzare meglio i dati.
1129Filing in Additional Information about the Purchase Receipt will help you analyze your data better.,Archiviazione in Ulteriori informazioni su la ricevuta di acquisto vi aiuterà ad analizzare i dati meglio.
1130Filling in Additional Information about the Delivery Note will help you analyze your data better.,Archiviazione in Ulteriori informazioni su la Nota di Consegna vi aiuterà ad analizzare i dati meglio.
1131Filling in additional information about the Quotation will help you analyze your data better.,Archiviazione in Ulteriori informazioni su la Quotazione vi aiuterà ad analizzare i dati meglio.
1132Filling in additional information about the Sales Order will help you analyze your data better.,Compilando ulteriori informazioni su l'ordine di vendita vi aiuterà ad analizzare meglio i dati.
1134Filter By Amount,Filtra per Importo
1135Filter By Date,Filtra per Data
1136Filter based on customer,Filtro basato sul cliente
1137Filter based on item,Filtro basato sul articolo
1138Final Confirmation Date,Data Conferma Definitiva
1139Financial Analytics,Analisi Finanziaria
1140Financial Statements,Dichiarazione Bilancio
1141First Name,Nome
1142First Responded On,Ha risposto prima su
1143Fiscal Year,Anno Fiscale
1144Fixed Asset Account,Conto Patrimoniale Fisso
1146Float Precision,
1147Follow via Email,
1148Following Journal Vouchers have been created automatically,
1149Following table will show values if items are sub - contracted. These values will be fetched from the master of "Bill of Materials" of sub - contracted items.,
1150Font (Heading),
1151Font (Text),Carattere (Testo)
1152Font Size (Text),Dimensione Carattere (Testo)
1154Footer,Piè di pagina
1155Footer Items,elementi Piè di pagina
1156For All Users,Per tutti gli Utenti
1157For Company,Per Azienda
1158For Employee,Per Dipendente
1159For Employee Name,Per Nome Dipendente
1160For Item ,
1161For Links, enter the DocType as range
1162For Select, enter list of Options separated by comma,
1163For Production,
1164For Reference Only.,Solo di Riferimento
1165For Sales Invoice,Per Fattura di Vendita
1166For Server Side Print Formats,Per Formato Stampa lato Server
1167For Territory,Per Territorio
1168For UOM,Per UOM
1169For Warehouse,Per Magazzino
1170For comparative filters, start with,Per i filtri di confronto, iniziare con
1171For e.g. 2012, 2012-13,Per es. 2012, 2012-13
1172For example if you cancel and amend 'INV004' it will become a new document 'INV004-1'. This helps you to keep track of each amendment.,Ad esempio in caso di annullamento e modifica 'INV004' diventerà un nuovo documento 'INV004-1'. Questo vi aiuta a tenere traccia di ogni modifica.
1173For example: You want to restrict users to transactions marked with a certain property called 'Territory',Per esempio: si vuole limitare gli utenti a transazioni contrassegnate con una certa proprietà chiamata 'Territorio'
1174For opening balance entry account can not be a PL account,Per l'apertura di conto dell'entrata equilibrio non può essere un account di PL
1175For ranges,Per Intervallo
1176For reference,Per riferimento
1177For reference only.,Solo per riferimento.
1178For row,Per righa
1179For the convenience of customers, these codes can be used in print formats like Invoices and Delivery Notes,Per la comodità dei clienti, questi codici possono essere utilizzati in formati di stampa, come fatture e bolle di consegna
1181Format: hh:mm example for one hour expiry set as 01:00.
1182Max expiry will be 72 hours. Default is 24 hours,Formato: hh:mm esempio per un ora scadenza a 01:00.
1183Tempo massimo scadenza 72 ore. Predefinito 24 ore
1186Fraction Units,Unità Frazione
1187Freeze Stock Entries,Congela scorta voci
1190From Company,Da Azienda
1191From Currency,Da Valuta
1192From Currency and To Currency cannot be same,Da Valuta e A Valuta non possono essere gli stessi
1193From Customer,Da Cliente
1194From Date,Da Data
1195From Date must be before To Date,Da Data deve essere prima di A Data
1196From Delivery Note,Nota di Consegna
1197From Employee,Da Dipendente
1198From Lead,Da LEAD
1199From PR Date,Da PR Data
1200From Package No.,Da Pacchetto N.
1201From Purchase Order,Da Ordine di Acquisto
1202From Purchase Receipt,Da Ricevuta di Acquisto
1203From Sales Order,Da Ordine di Vendita
1204From Time,Da Periodo
1205From Value,Da Valore
1206From Value should be less than To Value,Da Valore non può essere minori di Al Valore
1209Full Name,Nome Completo
1210Fully Completed,Debitamente compilato
1211GL Entry,GL Entry
1212GL Entry: Debit or Credit amount is mandatory for ,GL Entry: Importo Debito o Credito obbligatorio per
1214Gantt Chart,Diagramma di Gantt
1215Gantt chart of all tasks.,Diagramma di Gantt di tutte le attività.
1218General Ledger,Libro mastro generale
1219Generate Description HTML,Genera descrizione HTML
1220Generate Material Requests (MRP) and Production Orders.,
1221Generate Salary Slips,
1222Generate Schedule,
1223Generate packing slips for packages to be delivered. Used to notify package number, package contents and its weight.,
1224Generates HTML to include selected image in the description,
1227Get Advances Paid,Ottenere anticipo pagamento
1228Get Advances Received,ottenere anticipo Ricevuto
1229Get Current Stock,Richiedi Disponibilità
1230Get From ,Ottieni da
1231Get Items,Ottieni articoli
1232Get Last Purchase Rate,Ottieni ultima quotazione acquisto
1233Get Non Reconciled Entries,Prendi le voci non riconciliate
1234Get Outstanding Invoices,Ottieni fatture non saldate
1235Get Purchase Receipt,Ottieni Ricevuta di Acquisto
1236Get Sales Orders,Ottieni Ordini di Vendita
1237Get Specification Details,Ottieni Specifiche Dettagli
1238Get Stock and Rate,Ottieni Residui e Tassi
1239Get Template,Ottieni Modulo
1240Get Terms and Conditions,Ottieni Termini e Condizioni
1241Get Weekly Off Dates,
1242Get valuation rate and available stock at source/target warehouse on mentioned posting date-time. If serialized item, please press this button after entering serial nos.,Ottieni tasso di valutazione e disposizione di magazzino sorgente/destinazione su magazzino menzionati distacco data-ora. Se voce serializzato, si prega di premere questo tasto dopo aver inserito i numeri di serie.
1243Give additional details about the indent.,Fornire ulteriori dettagli sul rientro.
1244Global Defaults,Predefiniti Globali
1245Go back to home,Torna alla home
1246Go to Setup > <a href='#user-properties'>User Properties</a> to set
1247 'territory' for diffent Users.,Vai su Setup > <a href='#user-properties'>Proprietà Utente</a> per settare
1248 'territorio' per diversi Utenti.
1251Goods received from Suppliers.,Merci ricevute dai fornitori.
1252Google Analytics ID,ID Google Analytics
1253Google Drive,
1254Google Drive Access Allowed,
1255Google Plus One,Google+ One
1256Google Web Font (Heading),Google Web Font (Intestazione)
1257Google Web Font (Text),Google Web Font (Testo)
1260Grand Total,Totale Generale
1261Grand Total (Company Currency),Totale generale (valuta Azienda)
1262Gratuity LIC ID,Gratuità ID LIC
1263Gross Margin %,Margine Lordo %
1264Gross Margin Value,Valore Margine Lordo
1265Gross Pay,Retribuzione lorda
1266Gross Pay + Arrear Amount +Encashment Amount - Total Deduction,retribuzione lorda + Importo posticipata + Importo incasso - Deduzione totale
1267Gross Profit,Utile lordo
1268Gross Profit (%),Utile Lordo (%)
1269Gross Weight,Peso Lordo
1270Gross Weight UOM,Peso Lordo UOM
1272Group or Ledger,Gruppo o Registro
1275HR Settings,Impostazioni HR
1277HTML / Banner that will show on the top of product list.,HTML / Banner verrà mostrato sulla parte superiore della lista dei prodotti.
1278Half Day,Mezza Giornata
1279Half Yearly,Semestrale
1281Has Batch No,Ha Lotto N.
1282Has Child Node,Ha un Nodo Figlio
1283Has Serial No,
1286Heading Text As,
1287Heads (or groups) against which Accounting Entries are made and balances are maintained.,
1288Health Concerns,
1289Health Details,
1290Held On,
1292Help HTML,Aiuto HTML
1293Help: To link to another record in the system, use "#Form/Note/[Note Name]" as the Link URL. (don't use "http://"),Aiuto: Per creare un collegamento a un altro record nel sistema, utilizza "#Form/Note/[Note Name]" come URL di collegamento. (non usare "http://")
1294Helvetica Neue,Helvetica Neue
1295Hence, maximum allowed Manufacturing Quantity,Quindi, massima Quantità di Produzione consentita
1296Here you can maintain family details like name and occupation of parent, spouse and children,Qui è possibile mantenere i dettagli della famiglia come il nome e l'occupazione del genitore, coniuge e figli
1297Here you can maintain height, weight, allergies, medical concerns etc,Qui è possibile mantenere l'altezza, il peso, le allergie, le preoccupazioni mediche ecc
1298Hey there! You need to put at least one item in
1299 the item table.,Hey lì! Hai bisogno di mettere almeno un elemento nella
1300 tabella elemento.
1301Hey! There should remain at least one System Manager,Hey! Si dovrebbe mantenere almeno un Gestore di sistema
1303Hide Actions,Nascondi Azioni
1304Hide Copy,Nascondi Copia
1305Hide Currency Symbol,Nascondi Simbolo Valuta
1306Hide Email,Nascondi Email
1307Hide Heading,Nascondi Intestazione
1308Hide Print,Nascondi Stampa
1309Hide Toolbar,Nascondi la Barra degli strumenti
1311Highlight,Mettere in luce
1313History In Company,Cronologia Aziendale
1316Holiday List,Elenco Vacanza
1317Holiday List Name,Nome Elenco Vacanza
1320Home Page,Home Page
1321Home Page is Products,
1322Home Pages,
1324Host, Email and Password required if emails are to be pulled,
1325Hour Rate,
1326Hour Rate Consumable,
1327Hour Rate Electricity,
1328Hour Rate Labour,
1329Hour Rate Rent,
1331How frequently?,Con quale frequenza?
1332How should this currency be formatted? If not set, will use system defaults,Come dovrebbe essere formattata questa valuta? Se non impostato, userà valori predefiniti di sistema
1333How to upload,Come caricare
1334Human Resources,Risorse Umane
1335Hurray! The day(s) on which you are applying for leave
1336 coincide with holiday(s). You need not apply for leave.,Evviva! Il giorno in cui stai richiedendo un permesso
1337 coincide con le vacanze. Non è necessario chiedere un permesso.
1339ID (name) of the entity whose property is to be set,ID (nome) del soggetto la cui proprietà deve essere impostata
1349Icon will appear on the button,
1350Id of the profile will be the email.,ID del profilo sarà l'email.
1351Identification of the package for the delivery (for print),
1352If Income or Expense,
1353If Monthly Budget Exceeded,
1354If Sale BOM is defined, the actual BOM of the Pack is displayed as table.
1355Available in Delivery Note and Sales Order,
1356If Supplier Part Number exists for given Item, it gets stored here,
1357If Yearly Budget Exceeded,
1358If a User does not have access at Level 0, then higher levels are meaningless,
1359If checked, BOM for sub-assembly items will be considered for getting raw materials. Otherwise, all sub-assembly items will be treated as a raw material.,
1360If checked, all other workflows become inactive.,
1361If checked, an email with an attached HTML format will be added to part of the EMail body as well as attachment. To only send as attachment, uncheck this.,
1362If checked, the Home page will be the default Item Group for the website.,
1363If checked, the tax amount will be considered as already included in the Print Rate / Print Amount,
1364If disable, 'Rounded Total' field will not be visible in any transaction,
1365If enabled, the system will post accounting entries for inventory automatically.,
1366If image is selected, color will be ignored (attach first),
1367If more than one package of the same type (for print),
1368If non standard port (e.g. 587),
1369If not applicable please enter: NA,
1370If not checked, the list will have to be added to each Department where it has to be applied.,
1371If not, create a,
1372If set, data entry is only allowed for specified users. Else, entry is allowed for all users with requisite permissions.,
1373If specified, send the newsletter using this email address,
1374If the 'territory' Link Field exists, it will give you an option to select it,
1375If the account is frozen, entries are allowed for the "Account Manager" only.,
1376If this Account represents a Customer, Supplier or Employee, set it here.,
1377If you follow Quality Inspection<br>
1378Enables item QA Required and QA No in Purchase Receipt,
1379If you have Sales Team and Sale Partners (Channel Partners) they can be tagged and maintain their contribution in the sales activity,
1380If you have created a standard template in Purchase Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.,
1381If you have created a standard template in Sales Taxes and Charges Master, select one and click on the button below.,
1382If you have long print formats, this feature can be used to split the page to be printed on multiple pages with all headers and footers on each page,
1383If you involve in manufacturing activity<br>
1384Enables item <b>Is Manufactured</b>,
1386Ignored: ,
1388Image Link,
1389Image View,
1390Implementation Partner,
1392Import Attendance,
1393Import Log,
1394Important dates and commitments in your project life cycle,
1396In Dialog,
1397In Filter,
1398In Hours,
1399In List View,
1400In Process,
1401In Report Filter,
1402In Row,
1403In Store,
1404In Words,
1405In Words (Company Currency),
1406In Words (Export) will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.,
1407In Words will be visible once you save the Delivery Note.,
1408In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Invoice.,
1409In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Order.,
1410In Words will be visible once you save the Purchase Receipt.,
1411In Words will be visible once you save the Quotation.,
1412In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Invoice.,
1413In Words will be visible once you save the Sales Order.,
1414In response to,
1415In the Permission Manager, click on the button in the 'Condition' column for the Role you want to restrict.,
1417Incharge Name,
1418Income / Expense,
1419Income Account,
1420Income Booked,
1421Income Year to Date,
1422Income booked for the digest period,
1424Incoming / Support Mail Setting,
1425Incoming Rate,
1426Incoming Time,
1427Incoming quality inspection.,
1429Indicates that the package is a part of this delivery,
1433Industry Type,
1435Insert After,
1436Insert Code,
1437Insert Row,
1438Insert Style,
1439Inspected By,
1440Inspection Criteria,
1441Inspection Required,
1442Inspection Type,
1443Installation Date,
1444Installation Note,
1445Installation Note Item,
1446Installation Status,
1447Installation Time,
1448Installation record for a Serial No.,
1449Installed Qty,
1455Introduce your company to the website visitor.,
1457Introductory information for the Contact Us Page,
1458Invalid Delivery Note. Delivery Note should exist and should be in
1459 draft state. Please rectify and try again.,
1460Invalid Email,
1461Invalid Email Address,
1462Invalid Leave Approver,
1465Invoice Date,
1466Invoice Details,
1467Invoice No,
1468Invoice Period From Date,
1469Invoice Period To Date,
1470Is Active,
1471Is Advance,
1472Is Asset Item,
1473Is Cancelled,
1474Is Carry Forward,
1475Is Child Table,
1476Is Default,
1477Is Encash,
1478Is LWP,
1479Is Mandatory Field,
1480Is Opening,
1481Is Opening Entry,
1482Is PL Account,
1483Is POS,
1484Is Primary Contact,
1485Is Purchase Item,
1486Is Sales Item,
1487Is Service Item,
1488Is Single,
1489Is Standard,
1490Is Stock Item,
1491Is Sub Contracted Item,
1492Is Subcontracted,
1493Is Submittable,
1494Is it a Custom DocType created by you?,
1495Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?,
1497Issue Date,
1498Issue Details,
1499Issued Items Against Production Order,
1500It is needed to fetch Item Details.,
1501It was raised because the (actual + ordered + indented - reserved)
1502 quantity reaches re-order level when the following record was created,
1505Item Advanced,
1506Item Barcode,
1507Item Batch Nos,
1508Item Classification,
1509Item Code,
1510Item Code (item_code) is mandatory because Item naming is not sequential.,
1511Item Customer Detail,
1512Item Description,
1513Item Desription,
1514Item Details,
1515Item Group,
1516Item Group Name,
1517Item Groups in Details,
1518Item Image (if not slideshow),
1519Item Name,
1520Item Naming By,
1521Item Price,
1522Item Prices,
1523Item Quality Inspection Parameter,
1524Item Reorder,
1525Item Serial No,
1526Item Serial Nos,
1527Item Supplier,
1528Item Supplier Details,
1529Item Tax,
1530Item Tax Amount,
1531Item Tax Rate,
1532Item Tax1,
1533Item To Manufacture,
1534Item UOM,
1535Item Website Specification,
1536Item Website Specifications,
1537Item Wise Tax Detail ,
1538Item classification.,
1539Item to be manufactured or repacked,
1540Item will be saved by this name in the data base.,
1541Item, Warranty, AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) details will be automatically fetched when Serial Number is selected.,
1542Item-Wise Price List,
1543Item-wise Last Purchase Rate,
1544Item-wise Purchase History,
1545Item-wise Purchase Register,
1546Item-wise Sales History,
1547Item-wise Sales Register,
1549Items to be requested which are "Out of Stock" considering all warehouses based on projected qty and minimum order qty,
1550Items which do not exist in Item master can also be entered on customer's request,
1551Itemwise Discount,
1552Itemwise Recommended Reorder Level,
1556Javascript to append to the head section of the page.,
1557Job Applicant,
1558Job Opening,
1559Job Profile,
1560Job Title,
1561Job profile, qualifications required etc.,
1562Jobs Email Settings,Impostazioni email Lavoro
1563Journal Entries,
1564Journal Entry,
1565Journal Entry for inventory that is received but not yet invoiced,
1566Journal Voucher,
1567Journal Voucher Detail,
1568Journal Voucher Detail No,
1570Keep Track of Sales Campaigns. Keep track of Leads, Quotations, Sales Order etc from Campaigns to gauge Return on Investment. ,
1571Keep a track of all communications,
1572Keep a track of communication related to this enquiry which will help for future reference.,
1574Key Performance Area,
1575Key Responsibility Area,
1579LR Date,
1580LR No,
1582Label Help,
1584Landed Cost Item,
1585Landed Cost Items,
1586Landed Cost Purchase Receipt,
1587Landed Cost Purchase Receipts,
1588Landed Cost Wizard,
1589Landing Page,
1591Language preference for user interface (only if available).,Lingua preferita per l'interfaccia (se disponibile)
1592Last Contact Date,
1593Last IP,
1594Last Login,
1595Last Name,Cognome
1596Last Purchase Rate,
1599Lead Details,
1600Lead Lost,
1601Lead Name,
1602Lead Owner,
1603Lead Source,
1604Lead Status,
1605Lead Time Date,
1606Lead Time Days,
1607Lead Time days is number of days by which this item is expected in your warehouse. This days is fetched in Material Request when you select this item.,
1608Lead Type,
1609Leave Allocation,
1610Leave Allocation Tool,
1611Leave Application,
1612Leave Approver,
1613Leave Approver can be one of,
1614Leave Approvers,
1615Leave Balance Before Application,
1616Leave Block List,
1617Leave Block List Allow,
1618Leave Block List Allowed,
1619Leave Block List Date,
1620Leave Block List Dates,
1621Leave Block List Name,
1622Leave Blocked,
1623Leave Control Panel,
1624Leave Encashed?,
1625Leave Encashment Amount,
1626Leave Setup,
1627Leave Type,
1628Leave Type Name,
1629Leave Without Pay,
1630Leave allocations.,
1631Leave blank if considered for all branches,
1632Leave blank if considered for all departments,
1633Leave blank if considered for all designations,
1634Leave blank if considered for all employee types,
1635Leave blank if considered for all grades,
1636Leave blank if you have not decided the end date.,
1637Leave by,
1638Leave can be approved by users with Role, "Leave Approver",
1641Legal Entity / Subsidiary with a separate Chart of Accounts belonging to the Organization.,
1642Letter Head,
1643Letter Head Image,
1644Letter Head Name,
1646Level 0 is for document level permissions, higher levels for field level permissions.,
1649Link to other pages in the side bar and next section,
1650Linked In Share,
1651Linked With,
1653List items that form the package.,
1654List of holidays.,
1655List of patches executed,
1656List of records in which this document is linked,
1657List of users who can edit a particular Note,
1658List this Item in multiple groups on the website.,
1659Live Chat,
1660Load Print View on opening of an existing form,
1662Loading Report,
1664Log of Activities performed by users against Tasks that can be used for tracking time, billing.,
1665Log of Scheduler Errors,
1666Login After,
1667Login Before,
1668Login Id,
1671Long Text,
1672Lost Reason,
1674Lower Income,
1675Lucida Grande,
1676MIS Control,
1678MTN Details,
1679Mail Footer,
1680Mail Password,
1681Mail Port,
1682Mail Server,
1683Main Reports,
1684Main Section,
1685Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle,
1686Maintain same rate throughout purchase cycle,
1688Maintenance Date,
1689Maintenance Details,
1690Maintenance Schedule,
1691Maintenance Schedule Detail,
1692Maintenance Schedule Item,
1693Maintenance Schedules,
1694Maintenance Status,
1695Maintenance Time,
1696Maintenance Type,
1697Maintenance Visit,
1698Maintenance Visit Purpose,
1699Major/Optional Subjects,
1700Make Bank Voucher,
1701Make Difference Entry,
1702Make Time Log Batch,
1703Make a new,
1704Make sure that the transactions you want to restrict have a Link field 'territory' that maps to a 'Territory' master.,
1706Manage cost of operations,
1707Manage exchange rates for currency conversion,
1709Mandatory if Stock Item is "Yes". Also the default warehouse where reserved quantity is set from Sales Order.,
1710Manufacture against Sales Order,
1712Manufactured Qty,
1713Manufactured quantity will be updated in this warehouse,
1715Manufacturer Part Number,
1717Manufacturing Quantity,
1719Marital Status,
1720Market Segment,
1722Mass Mailing,
1724Master Name,
1725Master Type,
1728Match non-linked Invoices and Payments.,
1729Material Issue,
1730Material Receipt,
1731Material Request,
1732Material Request Date,
1733Material Request Detail No,
1734Material Request For Warehouse,
1735Material Request Item,
1736Material Request Items,
1737Material Request No,
1738Material Request Type,
1739Material Request used to make this Stock Entry,
1740Material Transfer,
1742Materials Required (Exploded),
1743Materials Requirement Planning (MRP),
1744Max 500 rows only.,
1745Max Attachments,
1746Max Days Leave Allowed,
1747Max Discount (%),
1748Meaning of Submit, Cancel, Amend,
1750Menu items in the Top Bar. For setting the color of the Top Bar, go to <a href="#Form/Style Settings">Style Settings</a>,
1752Merge Into,
1753Merge Warehouses,
1754Merging is only possible between Group-to-Group or
1755 Ledger-to-Ledger,
1756Merging is only possible if following
1757 properties are same in both records.
1758 Group or Ledger, Debit or Credit, Is PL Account,
1760Message Parameter,
1761Message greater than 160 character will be splitted into multiple mesage,
1764Middle Income,
1765Middle Name (Optional),
1767Milestone Date,
1769Milestones will be added as Events in the Calendar,
1771Min Order Qty,
1772Minimum Order Qty,
1774Misc Details,
1777Mobile No,
1778Mobile No.,
1779Mode of Payment,
1781Modified Amount,
1782Modified by,
1784Module Def,
1785Module Name,
1790Monthly Attendance Sheet,
1791Monthly Salary Register,
1792Monthly salary statement.,
1793Monthly salary template.,
1795More Details,
1796More Info,
1797More content for the bottom of the page.,
1798Moving Average,
1799Moving Average Rate,
1802Multiple Item Prices,
1803Mupltiple Item prices.,
1804Must be Whole Number,
1805Must have report permission to access this report.,
1806Must specify a Query to run,
1807My Settings,
1810Name Case,
1811Name and Description,
1812Name and Employee ID,
1813Name as entered in Sales Partner master,
1814Name is required,
1815Name of organization from where lead has come,
1816Name of person or organization that this address belongs to.,
1817Name of the Budget Distribution,
1818Name of the entity who has requested for the Material Request,
1820Naming Series,
1821Naming Series mandatory,
1822Negative balance is not allowed for account ,
1823Net Pay,
1824Net Pay (in words) will be visible once you save the Salary Slip.,
1825Net Total,
1826Net Total (Company Currency),
1827Net Weight,
1828Net Weight UOM,
1829Net Weight of each Item,
1830Net pay can not be greater than 1/12th of Annual Cost To Company,
1831Net pay can not be negative,
1834New BOM,
1835New Communications,
1836New Delivery Notes,
1837New Enquiries,
1838New Leads,
1839New Leave Application,
1840New Leaves Allocated,
1841New Leaves Allocated (In Days),
1842New Material Requests,
1843New Password,
1844New Projects,
1845New Purchase Orders,
1846New Purchase Receipts,
1847New Quotations,
1848New Record,
1849New Sales Orders,
1850New Stock Entries,
1851New Stock UOM,
1852New Supplier Quotations,
1853New Support Tickets,
1854New Workplace,
1855New value to be set,
1857Newsletter Content,
1858Newsletter Status,
1859Newsletters to contacts, leads.,
1860Next Communcation On,
1861Next Contact By,
1862Next Contact Date,
1863Next Date,
1864Next State,
1865Next actions,
1866Next email will be sent on:,
1868No Account found in csv file,
1869 May be company abbreviation is not correct,
1870No Action,
1871No Communication tagged with this ,
1872No Copy,
1873No Customer Accounts found. Customer Accounts are identified based on
1874 'Master Type' value in account record.,
1875No Item found with Barcode,
1876No Items to Pack,
1877No Leave Approvers. Please assign 'Leave Approver' Role to atleast one user.,
1878No Permission,
1879No Permission to ,
1880No Permissions set for this criteria.,
1881No Report Loaded. Please use query-report/[Report Name] to run a report.,
1882No Supplier Accounts found. Supplier Accounts are identified based on
1883 'Master Type' value in account record.,
1884No User Properties found.,
1885No default BOM exists for item: ,
1886No further records,
1887No of Requested SMS,
1888No of Sent SMS,
1889No of Visits,
1890No one,
1891No permission to write / remove.,
1892No record found,
1893No records tagged.,
1894No salary slip found for month: ,
1895No table is created for Single DocTypes, all values are stored in tabSingles as a tuple.,
1897None: End of Workflow,
1899Not Active,
1900Not Applicable,
1901Not Billed,
1902Not Delivered,
1903Not Found,
1904Not Linked to any record.,
1905Not Permitted,
1906Not allowed for: ,
1907Not enough permission to see links.,
1908Not in Use,
1909Not interested,
1910Not linked,
1912Note User,
1913Note is a free page where users can share documents / notes,
1914Note: Backups and files are not deleted from Dropbox, you will have to delete them manually.,
1915Note: Backups and files are not deleted from Google Drive, you will have to delete them manually.,
1916Note: Email will not be sent to disabled users,
1917Note: For best results, images must be of the same size and width must be greater than height.,
1918Note: Other permission rules may also apply,
1919Note: You Can Manage Multiple Address or Contacts via Addresses & Contacts,
1920Note: maximum attachment size = 1mb,
1922Nothing to show,
1923Notice - Number of Days,
1924Notification Control,
1925Notification Email Address,
1926Notify By Email,
1927Notify by Email on creation of automatic Material Request,
1928Number Format,
1933Old Parent,
1935On Net Total,
1936On Previous Row Amount,
1937On Previous Row Total,
1938Once you have set this, the users will only be able access documents with that property.,
1939Only Administrator allowed to create Query / Script Reports,
1940Only Administrator can save a standard report. Please rename and save.,
1941Only Allow Edit For,
1942Only Stock Items are allowed for Stock Entry,
1943Only System Manager can create / edit reports,
1944Only leaf nodes are allowed in transaction,
1946Open Sans,
1947Open Tickets,
1948Opening Date,
1949Opening Entry,
1950Opening Time,
1951Opening for a Job.,
1952Operating Cost,
1953Operation Description,
1954Operation No,
1955Operation Time (mins),
1958Opportunity Date,
1959Opportunity From,
1960Opportunity Item,
1961Opportunity Items,
1962Opportunity Lost,
1963Opportunity Type,
1965Options Help,
1966Order Confirmed,
1967Order Lost,
1968Order Type,
1969Ordered Items To Be Billed,
1970Ordered Items To Be Delivered,
1971Ordered Quantity,
1972Orders released for production.,
1973Organization Profile,
1974Original Message,
1976Other Details,
1978Out of AMC,
1979Out of Warranty,
1981Outgoing Mail Server,
1982Outgoing Mails,
1983Outstanding Amount,
1984Outstanding for Voucher ,
1985Over Heads,
1987Overlapping Conditions found between,
1989PAN Number,
1990PF No.,
1991PF Number,
1995POP3 Mail Server,
1996POP3 Mail Server (e.g.,
1997POP3 Mail Settings,
1998POP3 mail server (e.g.,
1999POP3 server e.g. (,
2000POS Setting,
2001PR Detail,
2004Package Item Details,
2005Package Items,
2006Package Weight Details,
2007Packing Details,
2008Packing Detials,
2009Packing List,
2010Packing Slip,
2011Packing Slip Item,
2012Packing Slip Items,
2013Packing Slip(s) Cancelled,
2015Page Background,
2016Page Border,
2017Page Break,
2018Page HTML,
2019Page Headings,
2020Page Links,
2021Page Name,
2022Page Role,
2023Page Text,
2024Page content,
2025Page not found,
2026Page text and background is same color. Please change.,
2027Page to show on the website
2029Page url name (auto-generated) (add ".html"),
2030Paid Amount,
2032Parent Account,
2033Parent Cost Center,
2034Parent Customer Group,
2035Parent Detail docname,
2036Parent Item,
2037Parent Item Group,
2038Parent Label,
2039Parent Sales Person,
2040Parent Territory,
2041Parent is required.,
2043Partially Completed,
2045Partly Billed,
2046Partly Delivered,
2047Partner Target Detail,
2048Partner Type,
2049Partner's Website,
2050Passport Number,
2052Password Expires in (days),
2054Patch Log,
2055Pay To / Recd From,
2057Payables Group,
2058Payment Collection With Ageing,
2059Payment Entries,
2060Payment Entry has been modified after you pulled it.
2061 Please pull it again.,
2062Payment Made With Ageing,
2063Payment Reconciliation,
2064Payment Terms,
2065Payment days,
2066Payment to Invoice Matching Tool,
2067Payment to Invoice Matching Tool Detail,
2069Payments Made,
2070Payments Received,
2071Payments made during the digest period,
2072Payments received during the digest period,
2073Payroll Setup,
2075Pending Review,
2076Pending SO Items For Purchase Request,
2078Percent Complete,
2079Percentage Allocation,
2080Percentage Allocation should be equal to ,
2081Percentage variation in quantity to be allowed while receiving or delivering this item.,
2082Percentage you are allowed to receive or deliver more against the quantity ordered. For example: If you have ordered 100 units. and your Allowance is 10% then you are allowed to receive 110 units.,
2083Performance appraisal.,
2084Period Closing Voucher,
2086Perm Level,
2087Permanent Accommodation Type,
2088Permanent Address,
2090Permission Level,
2091Permission Levels,
2092Permission Manager,
2093Permission Rules,
2095Permissions Settings,
2096Permissions are automatically translated to Standard Reports and Searches,
2097Permissions are set on Roles and Document Types (called DocTypes) by restricting read, edit, make new, submit, cancel, amend and report rights.,
2098Permissions at higher levels are 'Field Level' permissions. All Fields have a 'Permission Level' set against them and the rules defined at that permissions apply to the field. This is useful incase you want to hide or make certain field read-only.,
2099Permissions at level 0 are 'Document Level' permissions, i.e. they are primary for access to the document.,
2100Permissions translate to Users based on what Role they are assigned,
2102Person To Be Contacted,
2104Personal Details,
2105Personal Email,
2107Phone No,
2108Phone No.,
2109Pick Columns,
2111Place of Issue,
2112Plan for maintenance visits.,
2113Planned Qty,
2114Planned Quantity,
2116Please Enter Abbreviation or Short Name properly as it will be added as Suffix to all Account Heads.,
2117Please Update Stock UOM with the help of Stock UOM Replace Utility.,
2118Please attach a file first.,
2119Please attach a file or set a URL,
2120Please check,
2121Please enter Default Unit of Measure,
2122Please enter Delivery Note No or Sales Invoice No to proceed,
2123Please enter Expense Account,
2124Please enter Expense/Adjustment Account,
2125Please enter Purchase Receipt No to proceed,
2126Please enter valid,
2127Please enter valid ,
2128Please install dropbox python module,
2129Please make sure that there are no empty columns in the file.,
2130Please mention default value for ',
2131Please refresh to get the latest document.,
2132Please save the Newsletter before sending.,
2133Please select Bank Account,
2134Please select Carry Forward if you also want to include previous fiscal year's balance leaves to this fiscal year,
2135Please select Date on which you want to run the report,
2136Please select Time Logs.,
2137Please select a,
2138Please select a csv file,
2139Please select a file or url,
2140Please select a service item or change the order type to Sales.,
2141Please select a sub-contracted item or do not sub-contract the transaction.,
2142Please select a valid csv file with data.,
2143Please select month and year,
2144Please select the document type first,
2145Please select: ,
2146Please set Dropbox access keys in,
2147Please set Google Drive access keys in,
2148Please specify,
2149Please specify Company,
2150Please specify Company to proceed,
2151Please specify Default Currency in Company Master
2152 and Global Defaults,
2153Please specify a,
2154Please specify a Price List which is valid for Territory,
2155Please specify a valid,
2156Please specify a valid 'From Case No.',
2157Please specify currency in Company,
2158Point of Sale,
2159Point-of-Sale Setting,
2160Post Graduate,
2161Post Topic,
2163Posting Date,
2164Posting Date Time cannot be before,
2165Posting Time,
2167Potential Sales Deal,
2168Potential opportunities for selling.,
2169Precision for Float fields (quantities, discounts, percentages etc) only for display. Floats will still be calculated up to 6 decimals.,
2170Preferred Billing Address,
2171Preferred Shipping Address,
2174Prevdoc DocType,
2175Prevdoc Doctype,
2177Previous Work Experience,
2179Price List,
2180Price List Country,
2181Price List Currency,
2182Price List Currency Conversion Rate,
2183Price List Exchange Rate,
2184Price List Master,
2185Price List Name,
2186Price List Rate,
2187Price List Rate (Company Currency),
2188Price Lists and Rates,
2190Print Format,
2191Print Format Style,
2192Print Format Type,
2193Print Heading,
2194Print Hide,
2195Print Width,
2196Print Without Amount,
2200Proceed to Setup,
2202Process Payroll,
2203Produced Quantity,
2204Product Enquiry,
2205Production Order,
2206Production Plan Item,
2207Production Plan Items,
2208Production Plan Sales Order,
2209Production Plan Sales Orders,
2210Production Planning (MRP),
2211Production Planning Tool,
2212Products will be sorted by weight-age in default searches. More the weight-age, higher the product will appear in the list.,
2214Profile Defaults,
2215Profile Represents a User in the system.,
2216Profile of a Blogger,
2217Profile of a blog writer.,
2219Project Costing,
2220Project Details,
2221Project Milestone,
2222Project Milestones,
2223Project Name,
2224Project Start Date,
2225Project Type,
2226Project Value,
2227Project activity / task.,
2228Project master.,
2229Project will get saved and will be searchable with project name given,
2230Project wise Stock Tracking,
2231Projected Qty,
2233Prompt for Email on Submission of,
2236Property Setter,
2237Property Setter overrides a standard DocType or Field property,
2238Property Type,
2239Provide email id registered in company,
2242Published On,
2243Pull Emails from the Inbox and attach them as Communication records (for known contacts).,
2244Pull Payment Entries,
2245Pull items from Sales Order mentioned in the above table.,
2246Pull sales orders (pending to deliver) based on the above criteria,
2248Purchase Analytics,
2249Purchase Common,
2250Purchase Date,
2251Purchase Details,
2252Purchase Discounts,
2253Purchase Document No,
2254Purchase Document Type,
2255Purchase In Transit,
2256Purchase Invoice,
2257Purchase Invoice Advance,
2258Purchase Invoice Advances,
2259Purchase Invoice Item,
2260Purchase Invoice Trends,
2261Purchase Order,
2262Purchase Order Date,
2263Purchase Order Item,
2264Purchase Order Item No,
2265Purchase Order Item Supplied,
2266Purchase Order Items,
2267Purchase Order Items Supplied,
2268Purchase Order Items To Be Billed,
2269Purchase Order Items To Be Received,
2270Purchase Order Message,
2271Purchase Order Required,
2272Purchase Order Trends,
2273Purchase Order sent by customer,
2274Purchase Orders given to Suppliers.,
2275Purchase Receipt,
2276Purchase Receipt Item,
2277Purchase Receipt Item Supplied,
2278Purchase Receipt Item Supplieds,
2279Purchase Receipt Items,
2280Purchase Receipt Message,
2281Purchase Receipt No,
2282Purchase Receipt Required,
2283Purchase Receipt Trends,
2284Purchase Register,
2285Purchase Return,
2286Purchase Returned,
2287Purchase Taxes and Charges,
2288Purchase Taxes and Charges Master,
2290Purpose must be one of ,
2291Python Module Name,
2292QA Inspection,
2296Qty Consumed Per Unit,
2297Qty To Manufacture,
2298Qty as per Stock UOM,
2301Quality Inspection,
2302Quality Inspection Parameters,
2303Quality Inspection Reading,
2304Quality Inspection Readings,
2306Quantity Requested for Purchase,
2307Quantity already manufactured,
2308Quantity and Rate,
2309Quantity and Warehouse,
2310Quantity cannot be a fraction.,
2311Quantity of item obtained after manufacturing / repacking from given quantities of raw materials,
2312Quantity should be equal to Manufacturing Quantity. ,
2316Query Options,
2317Query Report,
2318Query must be a SELECT,
2319Quick Help for Setting Permissions,
2320Quick Help for User Properties,
2322Quotation Date,
2323Quotation Item,
2324Quotation Items,
2325Quotation Lost Reason,
2326Quotation Message,
2327Quotation Sent,
2328Quotation Series,
2329Quotation To,
2330Quotation Trend,
2331Quotations received from Suppliers.,
2332Quotes to Leads or Customers.,
2333Raise Material Request,
2334Raise Material Request when stock reaches re-order level,
2335Raise Production Order,
2336Raised By,
2337Raised By (Email),
2341Rate ,
2342Rate (Company Currency),
2343Rate Of Materials Based On,
2344Rate and Amount,
2345Rate at which Customer Currency is converted to customer's base currency,
2346Rate at which Price list currency is converted to company's base currency,
2347Rate at which Price list currency is converted to customer's base currency,
2348Rate at which customer's currency is converted to company's base currency,
2349Rate at which supplier's currency is converted to company's base currency,
2350Rate at which this tax is applied,
2351Raw Material Item Code,
2352Raw Materials Supplied,
2353Raw Materials Supplied Cost,
2354Re-Order Level,
2355Re-Order Qty,
2357Re-order Level,
2358Re-order Qty,
2360Read Only,
2361Reading 1,
2362Reading 10,
2363Reading 2,
2364Reading 3,
2365Reading 4,
2366Reading 5,
2367Reading 6,
2368Reading 7,
2369Reading 8,
2370Reading 9,
2372Reason for Leaving,
2373Reason for Resignation,
2374Recd Quantity,
2375Receivable / Payable account will be identified based on the field Master Type,
2377Receivables / Payables,
2378Receivables Group,
2379Received Date,
2380Received Items To Be Billed,
2381Received Qty,
2382Received and Accepted,
2383Receiver List,
2384Receiver Parameter,
2387Reconciliation Data,
2388Reconciliation HTML,
2389Reconciliation JSON,
2390Record item movement.,
2391Recurring Id,
2392Recurring Invoice,
2393Recurring Type,
2394Ref Code,
2395Ref Date is Mandatory if Ref Number is specified,
2396Ref DocType,
2397Ref Name,
2398Ref Rate,
2399Ref SQ,
2400Ref Type,
2402Reference Date,
2403Reference Name,
2404Reference Number,
2405Reference Type,
2407Registered but disabled.,
2408Registration Details,
2409Registration Details Emailed.,
2410Registration Info,
2412Rejected Quantity,
2413Rejected Serial No,
2414Rejected Warehouse,
2416Relieving Date,
2417Relieving Date of employee is ,
2420Remove Bookmark,
2421Rename Log,
2422Rename Tool,
2425Repeat On,
2426Repeat Till,
2427Repeat on Day of Month,
2428Repeat this Event,
2430Replace Item / BOM in all BOMs,
2431Replace a particular BOM in all other BOMs where it is used. It will replace the old BOM link, update cost and regenerate "BOM Explosion Item" table as per new BOM,
2434Report Builder,Crea Report
2435Report Builder reports are managed directly by the report builder. Nothing to do.,
2436Report Date,I Report del Creatore di report sono gestiti dal creatore di report. Niente altro
2437Report Hide,
2438Report Name,
2439Report Type,
2440Report was not saved (there were errors),
2442Reports to,
2443Represents the states allowed in one document and role assigned to change the state.,
2445Reqd By Date,
2446Request Type,
2447Request for Information,
2448Request for purchase.,
2449Requested By,
2450Requested Items To Be Ordered,
2451Requested Items To Be Transferred,
2452Requests for items.,
2453Required By,
2454Required Date,
2455Required Qty,
2456Required only for sample item.,
2457Required raw materials issued to the supplier for producing a sub - contracted item.,
2459Reserved Quantity,
2460Reserved Warehouse,
2461Resignation Letter Date,
2463Resolution Date,
2464Resolution Details,
2465Resolved By,
2466Restrict IP,
2467Restrict user from this IP address only. Multiple IP addresses can be added by separating with commas. Also accepts partial IP addresses like (111.111.111),
2468Restricting By User,
2471Review Date,
2475Role Allowed to edit frozen stock,
2476Role Name,
2477Role that is allowed to submit transactions that exceed credit limits set.,
2479Roles Assigned,
2480Roles Assigned To User,
2481Roles HTML,
2482Root ,
2483Root cannot have a parent cost center,
2484Rounded Total,
2485Rounded Total (Company Currency),
2487Row ,
2488Row #,
2489Row # ,
2490Rules defining transition of state in the workflow.,
2491Rules for how states are transitions, like next state and which role is allowed to change state etc.,
2492Rules to calculate shipping amount for a sale,
2493SLE Exists,
2495SMS Center,
2496SMS Control,
2497SMS Gateway URL,
2498SMS Log,
2499SMS Parameter,
2500SMS Parameters,
2501SMS Sender Name,
2502SMS Settings,
2503SMTP Server (e.g.,
2505SO Date,
2506SO Pending Qty,
2515Salary Information,
2516Salary Manager,
2517Salary Mode,
2518Salary Slip,
2519Salary Slip Deduction,
2520Salary Slip Earning,
2521Salary Structure,
2522Salary Structure Deduction,
2523Salary Structure Earning,
2524Salary Structure Earnings,
2525Salary components.,
2527Sales Analytics,
2528Sales BOM,
2529Sales BOM Help,
2530Sales BOM Item,
2531Sales BOM Items,
2532Sales Common,
2533Sales Details,
2534Sales Discounts,
2535Sales Email Settings,
2536Sales Extras,
2537Sales Invoice,
2538Sales Invoice Advance,
2539Sales Invoice Item,
2540Sales Invoice Items,
2541Sales Invoice Message,
2542Sales Invoice No,
2543Sales Invoice Trends,
2544Sales Order,
2545Sales Order Date,
2546Sales Order Item,
2547Sales Order Items,
2548Sales Order Message,
2549Sales Order No,
2550Sales Order Required,
2551Sales Order Trend,
2552Sales Partner,
2553Sales Partner Name,
2554Sales Partner Target,
2555Sales Partners Commission,
2556Sales Person,
2557Sales Person Incharge,
2558Sales Person Name,
2559Sales Person Target Variance (Item Group-Wise),
2560Sales Person Targets,
2561Sales Person-wise Transaction Summary,
2562Sales Rate,
2563Sales Register,
2564Sales Return,
2565Sales Taxes and Charges,
2566Sales Taxes and Charges Master,
2567Sales Team,
2568Sales Team Details,
2569Sales Team1,
2570Sales and Purchase,
2571Sales campaigns,
2572Sales persons and targets,
2573Sales taxes template.,
2574Sales territories.,
2576Same file has already been attached to the record,
2577Sample Size,
2578Sanctioned Amount,
2582Schedule Details,
2584Scheduled Confirmation Date,
2585Scheduled Date,
2586Scheduler Log,
2588Score (0-5),
2589Score Earned,
2590Scrap %,
2592Script Report,
2593Script Type,
2594Script to attach to all web pages.,
2596Search Fields,
2597Seasonality for setting budgets.,
2598Section Break,
2599Security Settings,Impostazioni Sicurezza
2600See "Rate Of Materials Based On" in Costing Section,
2602Select "Yes" for sub - contracting items,
2603Select "Yes" if this item is to be sent to a customer or received from a supplier as a sample. Delivery notes and Purchase Receipts will update stock levels but there will be no invoice against this item.,
2604Select "Yes" if this item is used for some internal purpose in your company.,
2605Select "Yes" if this item represents some work like training, designing, consulting etc.,
2606Select "Yes" if you are maintaining stock of this item in your Inventory.,
2607Select "Yes" if you supply raw materials to your supplier to manufacture this item.,
2608Select All,
2609Select Attachments,
2610Select Budget Distribution to unevenly distribute targets across months.,
2611Select Budget Distribution, if you want to track based on seasonality.,
2612Select Customer,
2613Select Digest Content,
2614Select DocType,
2615Select Document Type,
2616Select Document Type or Role to start.,
2617Select PR,
2618Select Print Format,
2619Select Print Heading,
2620Select Report Name,
2621Select Role,
2622Select Sales Orders,
2623Select Sales Orders from which you want to create Production Orders.,
2624Select Terms and Conditions,
2625Select Time Logs and Submit to create a new Sales Invoice.,
2626Select Transaction,
2627Select Type,
2628Select User or Property to start.,
2629Select a Banner Image first.,
2630Select account head of the bank where cheque was deposited.,
2631Select an image of approx width 150px with a transparent background for best results.,
2632Select company name first.,
2633Select dates to create a new ,
2634Select name of Customer to whom project belongs,
2635Select or drag across time slots to create a new event.,
2636Select template from which you want to get the Goals,
2637Select the Employee for whom you are creating the Appraisal.,
2638Select the currency in which price list is maintained,
2639Select the label after which you want to insert new field.,
2640Select the period when the invoice will be generated automatically,
2641Select the price list as entered in "Price List" master. This will pull the reference rates of items against this price list as specified in "Item" master.,
2642Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies,
2643Select the relevant company name if you have multiple companies.,
2644Select who you want to send this newsletter to,
2645Selecting "Yes" will allow this item to appear in Purchase Order , Purchase Receipt.,
2646Selecting "Yes" will allow this item to figure in Sales Order, Delivery Note,
2647Selecting "Yes" will allow you to create Bill of Material showing raw material and operational costs incurred to manufacture this item.,
2648Selecting "Yes" will allow you to make a Production Order for this item.,
2649Selecting "Yes" will give a unique identity to each entity of this item which can be viewed in the Serial No master.,
2651Selling Settings,
2653Send Autoreply,
2654Send Email,
2655Send From,
2656Send Invite Email,
2657Send Me A Copy,
2658Send Notifications To,
2659Send Print in Body and Attachment,
2660Send SMS,
2661Send To,
2662Send To Type,
2663Send an email reminder in the morning,
2664Send automatic emails to Contacts on Submitting transactions.,
2665Send mass SMS to your contacts,
2666Send regular summary reports via Email.,
2667Send to this list,
2669Sender Name,
2670Sending newsletters is not allowed for Trial users,
2671 to prevent abuse of this feature.,
2672Sent Mail,
2673Sent On,
2674Sent Quotation,
2675Separate production order will be created for each finished good item.,
2676Serial No,
2677Serial No Details,
2678Serial No Service Contract Expiry,
2679Serial No Status,
2680Serial No Warranty Expiry,
2681Serialized Item: ',
2683Series List for this Transaction,
2685Service Address,
2687Session Expired. Logging you out,
2688Session Expires in (time),
2689Session Expiry,
2690Session Expiry in Hours e.g. 06:00,
2691Set Banner from Image,
2692Set Item Group-wise budgets on this Territory. You can also include seasonality by setting the Distribution.,
2693Set Login and Password if authentication is required.,
2694Set New Password,Imposta la password
2695Set Value,
2696Set a new password and "Save",Impostare nuova Password e "Salva"
2697Set prefix for numbering series on your transactions,
2698Set targets Item Group-wise for this Sales Person.,
2699Set your background color, font and image (tiled),
2700Set your outgoing mail SMTP settings here. All system generated notifications, emails will go from this mail server. If you are not sure, leave this blank to use ERPNext servers (emails will still be sent from your email id) or contact your email provider.,
2701Setting Account Type helps in selecting this Account in transactions.,
2703Settings for About Us Page.,
2704Settings for Accounts,
2705Settings for Buying Module,
2706Settings for Contact Us Page,
2707Settings for Contact Us Page.,
2708Settings for Selling Module,
2709Settings for the About Us Page,
2710Settings to extract Job Applicants from a mailbox e.g. "",
2712Setup Control,
2713Setup Series,
2714Setup of Shopping Cart.,
2715Setup of fonts and background.,
2716Setup of top navigation bar, footer and logo.,
2717Setup to pull emails from support email account,
2719Share With,
2720Shipments to customers.,
2722Shipping Account,
2723Shipping Address,
2724Shipping Address Name,
2725Shipping Amount,
2726Shipping Rule,
2727Shipping Rule Condition,
2728Shipping Rule Conditions,
2729Shipping Rule Label,
2730Shipping Rules,
2732Shopping Cart,
2733Shopping Cart Price List,
2734Shopping Cart Price Lists,
2735Shopping Cart Settings,
2736Shopping Cart Shipping Rule,
2737Shopping Cart Shipping Rules,
2738Shopping Cart Taxes and Charges Master,
2739Shopping Cart Taxes and Charges Masters,
2740Short Bio,
2741Short Name,
2742Short biography for website and other publications.,
2744Show "In Stock" or "Not in Stock" based on stock available in this warehouse.,
2745Show Details,
2746Show In Website,
2747Show Print First,
2748Show a slideshow at the top of the page,
2749Show in Website,
2750Show rows with zero values,
2751Show this slideshow at the top of the page,
2752Showing only for,
2754Signature to be appended at the end of every email,
2756Single Post (article).,
2757Single unit of an Item.,
2758Sitemap Domain,
2760Slideshow Items,
2761Slideshow Name,
2762Slideshow like display for the website,
2763Small Text,
2764Solid background color (default light gray),
2765Sorry we were unable to find what you were looking for.,
2766Sorry you are not permitted to view this page.,
2767Sorry! We can only allow upto 100 rows for Stock Reconciliation.,
2768Sorry. Companies cannot be merged,
2769Sorry. Serial Nos. cannot be merged,
2770Sort By,
2772Source Warehouse,
2773Source and Target Warehouse cannot be same,
2774Source of th,
2775Source of the lead. If via a campaign, select "Campaign",
2777Special Page Settings,
2778Specification Details,
2779Specify Exchange Rate to convert one currency into another,
2780Specify a list of Territories, for which, this Price List is valid,
2781Specify a list of Territories, for which, this Shipping Rule is valid,
2782Specify a list of Territories, for which, this Taxes Master is valid,
2783Specify conditions to calculate shipping amount,
2784Split Delivery Note into packages.,
2786Standard Rate,
2787Standard Terms and Conditions that can be added to Sales and Purchases.
27911. Validity of the offer.
27921. Payment Terms (In Advance, On Credit, part advance etc).
27931. What is extra (or payable by the Customer).
27941. Safety / usage warning.
27951. Warranty if any.
27961. Returns Policy.
27971. Terms of shipping, if applicable.
27981. Ways of addressing disputes, indemnity, liability, etc.
27991. Address and Contact of your Company.,
2800Standard tax template that can be applied to all Purchase Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense heads like "Shipping", "Insurance", "Handling" etc.
2802#### Note
2804The tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.
2806#### Description of Columns
28081. Calculation Type:
2809 - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount).
2810 - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total.
2811 - **Actual** (as mentioned).
28122. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked
28133. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.
28144. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).
28155. Rate: Tax rate.
28166. Amount: Tax amount.
28177. Total: Cumulative total to this point.
28188. Enter Row: If based on "Previous Row Total" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).
28199. Consider Tax or Charge for: In this section you can specify if the tax / charge is only for valuation (not a part of total) or only for total (does not add value to the item) or for both.
282010. Add or Deduct: Whether you want to add or deduct the tax.,
2821Standard tax template that can be applied to all Sales Transactions. This template can contain list of tax heads and also other expense / income heads like "Shipping", "Insurance", "Handling" etc.
2823#### Note
2825The tax rate you define here will be the standard tax rate for all **Items**. If there are **Items** that have different rates, they must be added in the **Item Tax** table in the **Item** master.
2827#### Description of Columns
28291. Calculation Type:
2830 - This can be on **Net Total** (that is the sum of basic amount).
2831 - **On Previous Row Total / Amount** (for cumulative taxes or charges). If you select this option, the tax will be applied as a percentage of the previous row (in the tax table) amount or total.
2832 - **Actual** (as mentioned).
28332. Account Head: The Account ledger under which this tax will be booked
28343. Cost Center: If the tax / charge is an income (like shipping) or expense it needs to be booked against a Cost Center.
28354. Description: Description of the tax (that will be printed in invoices / quotes).
28365. Rate: Tax rate.
28376. Amount: Tax amount.
28387. Total: Cumulative total to this point.
28398. Enter Row: If based on "Previous Row Total" you can select the row number which will be taken as a base for this calculation (default is the previous row).
28409. Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?: If you check this, it means that this tax will not be shown below the item table, but will be included in the Basic Rate in your main item table. This is useful where you want give a flat price (inclusive of all taxes) price to customers.,
2841Start Date,
2842Start Report For,
2843Start date of current invoice's period,
2844Starts on,
2848Static Parameters,
2850Status must be one of ,
2851Status should be Submitted,
2852Statutory info and other general information about your Supplier,
2854Stock Adjustment Account,
2855Stock Adjustment Cost Center,
2856Stock Ageing,
2857Stock Analytics,
2858Stock Balance,
2859Stock Entry,
2860Stock Entry Detail,
2861Stock Frozen Upto,
2862Stock In Hand Account,
2863Stock Ledger,
2864Stock Ledger Entry,
2865Stock Level,
2866Stock Qty,
2867Stock Queue (FIFO),
2868Stock Received But Not Billed,
2869Stock Reconciliation,
2870Stock Reconciliation file not uploaded,
2871Stock Settings,
2872Stock UOM,
2873Stock UOM Replace Utility,
2874Stock Uom,
2875Stock Value,
2876Stock Value Difference,
2878Stop users from making Leave Applications on following days.,
2880Structure cost centers for budgeting.,
2881Structure of books of accounts.,
2883Style Settings,
2884Style represents the button color: Success - Green, Danger - Red, Inverse - Black, Primary - Dark Blue, Info - Light Blue, Warning - Orange,
2885Sub-currency. For e.g. "Cent",
2886Sub-domain provided by,
2891Submit Salary Slip,
2892Submit all salary slips for the above selected criteria,
2894Submitted Record cannot be deleted,
2897Successful: ,
2902Supplier (Payable) Account,
2903Supplier (vendor) name as entered in supplier master,
2904Supplier Account Head,
2905Supplier Address,
2906Supplier Details,
2907Supplier Intro,
2908Supplier Invoice Date,
2909Supplier Invoice No,
2910Supplier Name,
2911Supplier Naming By,
2912Supplier Part Number,
2913Supplier Quotation,
2914Supplier Quotation Item,
2915Supplier Reference,
2916Supplier Shipment Date,
2917Supplier Shipment No,
2918Supplier Type,
2919Supplier Warehouse,
2920Supplier Warehouse mandatory subcontracted purchase receipt,
2921Supplier classification.,
2922Supplier database.,
2923Supplier of Goods or Services.,
2924Supplier warehouse where you have issued raw materials for sub - contracting,
2925Supplier's currency,
2927Support Analytics,
2928Support Email,
2929Support Email Id,
2930Support Password,
2931Support Ticket,
2932Support queries from customers.,
2934Sync Inbox,
2935Sync Support Mails,
2936Sync with Dropbox,
2937Sync with Google Drive,
2939System Defaults,
2940System Settings,
2941System User,Utente di sistema
2942System User (login) ID. If set, it will become default for all HR forms.,
2943System for managing Backups,
2944System generated mails will be sent from this email id.,
2948Table for Item that will be shown in Web Site,
2950Tag Name,
2954Target Amount,
2955Target Detail,
2956Target Details,
2957Target Details1,
2958Target Distribution,
2959Target Qty,
2960Target Warehouse,
2962Task Details,
2964Tax Calculation,
2965Tax Category can not be 'Valuation' or 'Valuation and Total'
2966 as all items are non-stock items,
2967Tax Master,
2968Tax Rate,
2969Tax Template for Purchase,
2970Tax Template for Sales,
2971Tax and other salary deductions.,
2972Tax detail table fetched from item master as a string and stored in this field.
2973Used for Taxes and Charges,
2976Taxes and Charges,
2977Taxes and Charges Added,
2978Taxes and Charges Added (Company Currency),
2979Taxes and Charges Calculation,
2980Taxes and Charges Deducted,
2981Taxes and Charges Deducted (Company Currency),
2982Taxes and Charges Total,
2983Taxes and Charges Total (Company Currency),
2984Taxes and Charges1,
2985Team Members,
2986Team Members Heading,
2987Template for employee performance appraisals.,
2988Template of terms or contract.,
2989Term Details,
2990Terms and Conditions,
2991Terms and Conditions Content,
2992Terms and Conditions Details,
2993Terms and Conditions Template,
2994Terms and Conditions1,
2996Territory Manager,
2997Territory Name,
2998Territory Target Variance (Item Group-Wise),
2999Territory Targets,
3001Test Email Id,
3002Test Runner,
3003Test the Newsletter,
3005Text Align,
3006Text Editor,
3007The "Web Page" that is the website home page,
3008The BOM which will be replaced,
3009The Item that represents the Package. This Item must have "Is Stock Item" as "No" and "Is Sales Item" as "Yes",
3010The date at which current entry is made in system.,
3011The date at which current entry will get or has actually executed.,
3012The date on which next invoice will be generated. It is generated on submit.
3014The date on which recurring invoice will be stop,
3015The day of the month on which auto invoice will be generated e.g. 05, 28 etc ,
3016The first Leave Approver in the list will be set as the default Leave Approver,
3017The gross weight of the package. Usually net weight + packaging material weight. (for print),
3018The name of your company / website as you want to appear on browser title bar. All pages will have this as the prefix to the title.,
3019The net weight of this package. (calculated automatically as sum of net weight of items),
3020The new BOM after replacement,
3021The rate at which Bill Currency is converted into company's base currency,
3022The system provides pre-defined roles, but you can <a href='#List/Role'>add new roles</a> to set finer permissions,
3023The unique id for tracking all recurring invoices. It is generated on submit.,
3024Then By (optional),
3025These properties are Link Type fields from all Documents.,
3026These properties can also be used to 'assign' a particular document, whose property matches with the User's property to a User. These can be set using the <a href='#permission-manager'>Permission Manager</a>,
3027These properties will appear as values in forms that contain them.,
3028These values will be automatically updated in transactions and also will be useful to restrict permissions for this user on transactions containing these values.,
3029This Price List will be selected as default for all Customers under this Group.,
3030This Time Log Batch has been billed.,
3031This Time Log Batch has been cancelled.,
3032This Time Log conflicts with,
3033This account will be used to maintain value of available stock,
3034This currency will get fetched in Purchase transactions of this supplier,
3035This currency will get fetched in Sales transactions of this customer,
3036This feature is for merging duplicate warehouses. It will replace all the links of this warehouse by "Merge Into" warehouse. After merging you can delete this warehouse, as stock level for this warehouse will be zero.,
3037This feature is only applicable to self hosted instances,
3038This field will appear only if the fieldname defined here has value OR the rules are true (examples): <br>
3040eval:doc.myfield=='My Value'<br>
3042This goes above the slideshow.,
3043This is PERMANENT action and you cannot undo. Continue?,
3044This is an auto generated Material Request.,
3045This is permanent action and you cannot undo. Continue?,
3046This is the number of the last created transaction with this prefix,
3047This message goes away after you create your first customer.,
3048This tool helps you to update or fix the quantity and valuation of stock in the system. It is typically used to synchronise the system values and what actually exists in your warehouses.,
3049This will be used for setting rule in HR module,
3050Thread HTML,
3053Time Log,
3054Time Log Batch,
3055Time Log Batch Detail,
3056Time Log Batch Details,
3057Time Log Batch status must be 'Submitted',
3058Time Log Status must be Submitted.,
3059Time Log for tasks.,
3060Time Log is not billable,
3061Time Log must have status 'Submitted',
3062Time Zone,
3063Time Zones,
3064Time and Budget,
3065Time at which items were delivered from warehouse,
3066Time at which materials were received,
3068Title / headline of your page,
3069Title Case,
3070Title Prefix,
3072To Currency,
3073To Date,
3074To Discuss,
3075To Do,
3076To Do List,
3077To PR Date,
3078To Package No.,
3079To Reply,
3080To Time,
3081To Value,
3082To Warehouse,
3083To add a tag, open the document and click on "Add Tag" on the sidebar,
3084To assign this issue, use the "Assign" button in the sidebar.,
3085To automatically create Support Tickets from your incoming mail, set your POP3 settings here. You must ideally create a separate email id for the erp system so that all emails will be synced into the system from that mail id. If you are not sure, please contact your EMail Provider.,
3086To create an Account Head under a different company, select the company and save customer.,
3087To enable <b>Point of Sale</b> features,
3088To fetch items again, click on 'Get Items' button
3089 or update the Quantity manually.,
3090To format columns, give column labels in the query.,
3091To further restrict permissions based on certain values in a document, use the 'Condition' settings.,
3092To get Item Group in details table,
3093To manage multiple series please go to Setup > Manage Series,
3094To restrict a User of a particular Role to documents that are explicitly assigned to them,
3095To restrict a User of a particular Role to documents that are only self-created.,
3096To set reorder level, item must be Purchase Item,
3097To set user roles, just go to <a href='#List/Profile'>Setup > Users</a> and click on the user to assign roles.,
3098To track any installation or commissioning related work after sales,
3099To track brand name in the following documents<br>
3100Delivery Note, Enuiry, Material Request, Item, Purchase Order, Purchase Voucher, Purchaser Receipt, Quotation, Sales Invoice, Sales BOM, Sales Order, Serial No,
3101To track item in sales and purchase documents based on their serial nos. This is can also used to track warranty details of the product.,
3102To track items in sales and purchase documents with batch nos<br><b>Preferred Industry: Chemicals etc</b>,
3103To track items using barcode. You will be able to enter items in Delivery Note and Sales Invoice by scanning barcode of item.,
3107Top Bar,
3108Top Bar Background,
3109Top Bar Item,
3110Top Bar Items,
3111Top Bar Text,
3112Top Bar text and background is same color. Please change.,
3114Total (sum of) points distribution for all goals should be 100.,
3115Total Advance,
3116Total Amount,
3117Total Amount To Pay,
3118Total Amount in Words,
3119Total Billing This Year: ,
3120Total Claimed Amount,
3121Total Commission,
3122Total Cost,
3123Total Credit,
3124Total Debit,
3125Total Deduction,
3126Total Earning,
3127Total Experience,
3128Total Hours,
3129Total Hours (Expected),
3130Total Invoiced Amount,
3131Total Leave Days,
3132Total Leaves Allocated,
3133Total Operating Cost,
3134Total Points,
3135Total Raw Material Cost,
3136Total SMS Sent,
3137Total Sanctioned Amount,
3138Total Score (Out of 5),
3139Total Tax (Company Currency),
3140Total Taxes and Charges,
3141Total Taxes and Charges (Company Currency),
3142Total amount of invoices received from suppliers during the digest period,
3143Total amount of invoices sent to the customer during the digest period,
3144Total days in month,
3145Total in words,
3147Track separate Income and Expense for product verticals or divisions.,
3148Track this Delivery Note against any Project,
3149Track this Sales Invoice against any Project,
3150Track this Sales Order against any Project,
3152Transaction Date,
3154Transition Rules,
3155Transporter Info,
3156Transporter Name,
3157Transporter lorry number,
3158Trash Reason,
3159Tree of item classification,
3160Trial Balance,
3162Tweet will be shared via your user account (if specified),
3163Twitter Share,
3164Twitter Share via,
3166Type of document to rename.,
3167Type of employment master.,
3168Type of leaves like casual, sick etc.,
3169Types of Expense Claim.,
3170Types of activities for Time Sheets,
3172UOM Conversion Detail,
3173UOM Conversion Details,
3174UOM Conversion Factor,
3175UOM Details,
3176UOM Name,
3177UOM Replace Utility,
3181Unable to complete request: ,
3182Under AMC,
3183Under Graduate,
3184Under Warranty,
3185Unit of Measure,
3186Unit of measurement of this item (e.g. Kg, Unit, No, Pair).,
3189Unmatched Amount,
3191Unread Messages,
3194Upcoming Events for Today,
3196Update Clearance Date,
3197Update Field,
3198Update PR,
3199Update Series,
3200Update Series Number,
3201Update Stock,
3202Update Stock should be checked.,
3203Update Value,
3204Update allocated amount in the above table and then click "Allocate" button,
3205Update bank payment dates with journals.,
3206Update is in progress. This may take some time.,Aggiornamento in corso. Può richiedere del tempo.
3208Upload Attachment,
3209Upload Attendance,
3210Upload Backups to Dropbox,
3211Upload Backups to Google Drive,
3212Upload HTML,
3213Upload a .csv file with two columns: the old name and the new name. Max 500 rows.,
3214Upload a file,
3215Upload and Import,
3216Upload attendance from a .csv file,
3217Upload stock balance via csv.,
3219Upper Income,
3221Use Multi-Level BOM,
3222Use SSL,
3224User Cannot Create,
3225User Cannot Search,
3226User ID,
3227User Image,Immagine Utente
3228User Name,
3229User Remark,
3230User Remark will be added to Auto Remark,
3231User Tags,
3232User Type,
3233User must always select,
3234User not allowed entry in the Warehouse,
3235User not allowed to delete.,
3238Users who can approve a specific employee's leave applications,
3239Users with this role are allowed to do / modify accounting entry before frozen date,
3242Valid For Territories,
3243Valid Upto,
3244Valid for Buying or Selling?,
3245Valid for Territories,
3248Valuation Method,
3249Valuation Rate,
3250Valuation and Total,
3252Value missing for,
3253Vehicle Dispatch Date,
3254Vehicle No,
3256Verified By,
3258Visit report for maintenance call.,
3259Voucher Detail No,
3260Voucher ID,
3261Voucher Import Tool,
3262Voucher No,
3263Voucher Type,
3264Voucher Type and Date,
3265Waiting for Customer,
3266Walk In,
3268Warehouse Contact Info,
3269Warehouse Detail,
3270Warehouse Name,
3271Warehouse Type,
3272Warehouse User,
3273Warehouse Users,
3274Warehouse and Reference,
3275Warehouse does not belong to company.,
3276Warehouse where you are maintaining stock of rejected items,
3277Warehouse-Wise Stock Balance,
3278Warehouse-wise Item Reorder,
3282Warning: Leave application contains following block dates,
3283Warranty / AMC Details,
3284Warranty / AMC Status,
3285Warranty Expiry Date,
3286Warranty Period (Days),
3287Warranty Period (in days),
3288Web Content,
3289Web Page,
3291Website Description,
3292Website Item Group,
3293Website Item Groups,
3294Website Overall Settings,
3295Website Script,
3296Website Settings,
3297Website Slideshow,
3298Website Slideshow Item,
3299Website User,Utente Web
3300Website Warehouse,
3303Weekly Off,
3304Weight UOM,
3306Weightage (%),
3308When any of the checked transactions are "Submitted", an email pop-up automatically opened to send an email to the associated "Contact" in that transaction, with the transaction as an attachment. The user may or may not send the email.,
3309When you <b>Amend</b> a document after cancel and save it, it will get a new number that is a version of the old number.,
3310Where items are stored.,
3311Where manufacturing operations are carried out.,
3314Will be calculated automatically when you enter the details,
3315Will be fetched from Customer,
3316Will be updated after Sales Invoice is Submitted.,
3317Will be updated when batched.,
3318Will be updated when billed.,
3319Will be used in url (usually first name).,
3320With Operations,
3321Work Details,
3322Work Done,
3323Work In Progress,
3324Work-in-Progress Warehouse,
3326Workflow Action,
3327Workflow Action Master,
3328Workflow Action Name,
3329Workflow Document State,
3330Workflow Document States,
3331Workflow Name,
3332Workflow State,
3333Workflow State Field,
3334Workflow State Name,
3335Workflow Transition,
3336Workflow Transitions,
3337Workflow state represents the current state of a document.,
3338Workflow will start after saving.,
3341Workstation Name,
3343Write Off Account,
3344Write Off Amount,
3345Write Off Amount <=,
3346Write Off Based On,
3347Write Off Cost Center,
3348Write Off Outstanding Amount,
3349Write Off Voucher,
3350Write a Python file in the same folder where this is saved and return column and result.,
3351Write a SELECT query. Note result is not paged (all data is sent in one go).,
3352Write sitemap.xml,
3353Write titles and introductions to your blog.,
3354Writers Introduction,
3355Wrong Template: Unable to find head row.,
3357Year Closed,
3358Year Name,
3359Year Start Date,
3360Year of Passing,
3364You are not authorized to do/modify back dated entries before ,
3365You can create more earning and deduction type from Setup --> HR,
3366You can enter any date manually,
3367You can enter the minimum quantity of this item to be ordered.,
3368You can not enter both Delivery Note No and Sales Invoice No.
3369 Please enter any one.,
3370You can set various 'properties' to Users to set default values and apply permission rules based on the value of these properties in various forms.,
3371You can start by selecting backup frequency and
3372 granting access for sync,
3373You can use <a href='#Form/Customize Form'>Customize Form</a> to set levels on fields.,
3374You may need to update: ,
3375Your Customer's TAX registration numbers (if applicable) or any general information,
3376Your download is being built, this may take a few moments...,
3377Your letter head content,
3378Your sales person who will contact the customer in future,
3379Your sales person who will contact the lead in future,
3380Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the customer,
3381Your sales person will get a reminder on this date to contact the lead,
3382Your support email id - must be a valid email - this is where your emails will come!,
3383[Label]:[Field Type]/[Options]:[Width],
3384add your own CSS (careful!),
3390also be included in Item's rate,
3396assigned by,
3410cannot be 0,
3411cannot be empty,
3412cannot be greater than 100,
3413cannot be included in Item's rate,
3414cannot have a URL, because it has child item(s),
3415cannot start with,
3428create a Custom Field of type Link (Profile) and then use the 'Condition' settings to map that field to the Permission rule.,
3432does not belong to BOM: ,
3433does not exist,
3434does not have role 'Leave Approver',
3435does not match,
3438e.g. Bank, Cash, Credit Card,
3439e.g. Kg, Unit, Nos, m,
3441eg. Cheque Number,
3446example: Next Day Shipping,
3472has been entered atleast twice,
3473have a common territory,
3474have the same Barcode,
3485is a cancelled Item,
3486is linked in,
3487is not a Stock Item,
3488is not allowed.,
3504must be one of,
3505not a purchase item,
3506not a sales item,
3507not a service item.,
3508not a sub-contracted item.,
3509not in,
3510not within Fiscal Year,
3512of type Link,
3531reached its end of life on,
3549should be 100%,
3558target = "_blank",
3570to be included in Item's rate, it is required that: ,
3575values and dates,
3580website page link,