blob: ca56fcd67b0ba4ac2a248b2bf3d6642a6f3c0ce7 [file] [log] [blame]
import { LoadingEmbed } from "./../utils/defaultEmbeds.js";
import Discord, { CommandInteraction, MessageActionRow, MessageButton } from "discord.js";
import { SelectMenuOption, SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
import { WrappedCheck } from "jshaiku";
import { testLink, testMalware, testNSFW } from "../reflex/scanners.js";
import EmojiEmbed from "../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js";
import getEmojiByName from "../utils/getEmojiByName.js";
import createPageIndicator from "../utils/createPageIndicator.js";
import client from "../utils/client.js";
import confirmationMessage from "../utils/confirmationMessage.js";
const command = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Information and options for you and your server's settings");
class Embed {
embed: Discord.MessageEmbed;
title: string;
description = "";
pageId = 0;
components?: MessageActionRow[] = [];
setEmbed(embed: Discord.MessageEmbed) { this.embed = embed; return this; }
setTitle(title: string) { this.title = title; return this; }
setDescription(description: string) { this.description = description; return this; }
setPageId(pageId: number) { this.pageId = pageId; return this; }
setComponents(components: MessageActionRow[]) { this.components = components; return this; }
const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<any> => {
const pages = [
new Embed()
.setEmbed(new EmojiEmbed()
.setTitle("Nucleus Privacy")
"Nucleus is a bot that naturally needs to store data about servers.\n" +
"We are entirely [open source](, so you can check exactly what we store, and how it works.\n\n" +
"If you are a server administrator, you can view the options page in the dropdown under this message.\n\n" +
"Any questions about Nucleus, how it works and data stored can be asked in [our server]("
).setTitle("Welcome").setDescription("General privacy information").setPageId(0),
new Embed()
.setEmbed(new EmojiEmbed()
"Nucleus uses [unscan]( to scan links, images and files for malware and other threats.\n" +
"This service's [privacy policy]( is public, and they \"do not store or sell your data.\""
).setTitle("Scanners").setDescription("About Unscan").setPageId(1),
new Embed()
.setEmbed(new EmojiEmbed()
.setTitle("Link scanning and Transcripts")
"**Facebook** - Facebook trackers include data such as your date of birth, and guess your age if not entered, your preferences, who you interact with and more.\n" +
"**AMP** - AMP is a technology that allows websites to be served by Google. This means Google can store and track data, and are pushing this to as many pages as possible.\n\n" +
"Transcripts allow you to store all messages sent in a channel. This could be an issue in some cases, as they are hosted on [Pastebin](, so a leaked link could show all messages sent in the channel.\n"
).setTitle("Link scanning and Transcripts").setDescription("Regarding Facebook and AMP filter types, and ticket transcripts").setPageId(2)
].concat((interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember).permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR") ? [new Embed()
.setEmbed(new EmojiEmbed()
"Below are buttons for controlling this servers privacy settings"
).setTitle("Options").setDescription("Options").setPageId(3).setComponents([new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
new MessageButton().setLabel("Clear all data").setCustomId("clear-all-data").setStyle("DANGER")
] : []);
let m;
m = await interaction.reply({embeds: LoadingEmbed, fetchReply: true, ephemeral: true});
let page = 0;
let selectPaneOpen = false;
let nextFooter = null;
while (true) {
let selectPane = [];
if (selectPaneOpen) {
const options = [];
pages.forEach(embed => {
options.push(new SelectMenuOption({
label: embed.title,
value: embed.pageId.toString(),
description: embed.description || ""
selectPane = [new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
new Discord.MessageSelectMenu()
.setPlaceholder("Choose a page...")
const components = selectPane.concat([new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
new MessageButton().setCustomId("left").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id")).setStyle("SECONDARY").setDisabled(page === 0),
new MessageButton().setCustomId("select").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.MENU", "id")).setStyle(selectPaneOpen ? "PRIMARY" : "SECONDARY").setDisabled(false),
new MessageButton().setCustomId("right").setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.RIGHT", "id")).setStyle("SECONDARY").setDisabled(page === pages.length - 1)
const em = new Discord.MessageEmbed(pages[page].embed);
em.setDescription(em.description + "\n\n" + createPageIndicator(pages.length, page));
em.setFooter({text: nextFooter ?? ""});
await interaction.editReply({
embeds: [em],
components: components.concat(pages[page].components)
let i;
try {
i = await m.awaitMessageComponent({time: 300000});
} catch(e) { break; }
nextFooter = null;
if (i.component.customId === "left") {
if (page > 0) page--;
selectPaneOpen = false;
} else if (i.component.customId === "right") {
if (page < pages.length - 1) page++;
selectPaneOpen = false;
} else if (i.component.customId === "select") {
selectPaneOpen = !selectPaneOpen;
} else if (i.component.customId === "page") {
page = parseInt(i.values[0]);
selectPaneOpen = false;
} else if (i.component.customId === "clear-all-data") {
const confirmation = await new confirmationMessage(interaction)
.setTitle("Clear All Data")
"Are you sure you want to delete all data on this server? This includes your settings and all punishment histories.\n\n" +
"**This cannot be undone.**"
if (confirmation.cancelled) { break; }
if (confirmation.success) {
nextFooter = "All data cleared";
} else {
nextFooter = "No changes were made";
} else {
const em = new Discord.MessageEmbed(pages[page].embed);
em.setDescription(em.description + "\n\n" + createPageIndicator(pages.length, page));
em.setFooter({text: "Message closed"});
interaction.editReply({embeds: [em], components: []});
const em = new Discord.MessageEmbed(pages[page].embed);
em.setDescription(em.description + "\n\n" + createPageIndicator(pages.length, page));
em.setFooter({text: "Message timed out"});
await interaction.editReply({
embeds: [em],
components: []
const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction, defaultCheck: WrappedCheck) => {
return true;
export { command };
export { callback };
export { check };