blob: ec337f49c21dc187f01904c4fbdc5ce2aff84cdb [file] [log] [blame]
import type Discord from "discord.js";
import EmojiEmbed from "./generateEmojiEmbed.js";
import getEmojiByName from "./getEmojiByName.js";
export const LoadingEmbed = [
new EmojiEmbed().setDescription(`${getEmojiByName("NUCLEUS.LOADING")} One moment...`).setStatus("Danger")
export const LinkWarningFooter = {
text: "The button below will take you to a website set by the server moderators. Do not enter any passwords unless it is from a trusted website.",
iconURL: ""
class Embed {
embed: EmojiEmbed = new EmojiEmbed();
title: string = "";
description = "";
pageId = 0;
componentsToSet: Discord.ActionRowBuilder<Discord.ButtonBuilder | Discord.StringSelectMenuBuilder>[] = [];
setEmbed(embed: EmojiEmbed) {
this.embed = embed;
return this;
setTitle(title: string) {
this.title = title;
return this;
setDescription(description: string) {
this.description = description;
return this;
setPageId(pageId: number) {
this.pageId = pageId;
return this;
setComponents(components: Discord.ActionRowBuilder<Discord.ButtonBuilder | Discord.StringSelectMenuBuilder>[]) {
this.componentsToSet = components;
return this;
export { Embed };
export const unknownServerIcon = "";
export const imageDataEasterEgg =
"The image in this embed contains data about the below log.\n" +
"It isn't designed to be read by humans, but you can decode it with any base64 decoder, and then read it as JSON.\n" +
"We use base 64 to get around people using virus tests and the file being blocked, and an image to have the embed hidden (files can't be suppressed)\n" +
"If you've got to this point and are reading this hidden message, you should come and work with us " +
"at (Internal development server) and let us know how you got here!";