| import { LoadingEmbed } from "../../utils/defaults.js"; |
| import Discord, { |
| CommandInteraction, |
| ActionRowBuilder, |
| ButtonBuilder, |
| ButtonStyle, |
| ButtonComponent, |
| TextInputBuilder, |
| RoleSelectMenuBuilder |
| } from "discord.js"; |
| import EmojiEmbed from "../../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js"; |
| import getEmojiByName from "../../utils/getEmojiByName.js"; |
| import type { SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder } from "discord.js"; |
| import client from "../../utils/client.js"; |
| import { modalInteractionCollector } from "../../utils/dualCollector.js"; |
| |
| const command = (builder: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) => |
| builder |
| .setName("moderation") |
| .setDescription("Links and text shown to a user after a moderator action is performed"); |
| |
| const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<void> => { |
| const m = await interaction.reply({ |
| embeds: LoadingEmbed, |
| ephemeral: true, |
| fetchReply: true |
| }); |
| let timedOut = false; |
| while (!timedOut) { |
| const config = await client.database.guilds.read(interaction.guild!.id); |
| const moderation = config.moderation; |
| console.log(moderation); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Moderation Commands") |
| .setEmoji("PUNISH.BAN.GREEN") |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setDescription( |
| "These links are shown below the message sent in a user's DM when they are punished.\n\n" + |
| "**Mute Role:** " + |
| (moderation.mute.role ? `<@&${moderation.mute.role}>` : "*None set*") |
| ) |
| ], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Warn") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.WARN.YELLOW", "id")) |
| .setCustomId("warn") |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Mute") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.MUTE.YELLOW", "id")) |
| .setCustomId("mute") |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Nickname") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.NICKNAME.GREEN", "id")) |
| .setCustomId("nickname") |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary) |
| ]), |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Kick") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.KICK.RED", "id")) |
| .setCustomId("kick") |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Softban") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.BAN.YELLOW", "id")) |
| .setCustomId("softban") |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Ban") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("PUNISH.BAN.RED", "id")) |
| .setCustomId("ban") |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary) |
| ]), |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("timeout") |
| .setLabel("Mute timeout " + (moderation.mute.timeout ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")) |
| .setStyle(moderation.mute.timeout ? ButtonStyle.Success : ButtonStyle.Danger) |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL." + (moderation.mute.timeout ? "TICK" : "CROSS"), "id")) |
| ]), |
| new ActionRowBuilder<RoleSelectMenuBuilder>().addComponents( |
| new RoleSelectMenuBuilder().setCustomId("muteRole").setPlaceholder("Select a new mute role") |
| ) |
| ] |
| }); |
| let i; |
| try { |
| i = await m.awaitMessageComponent({ |
| time: 300000, |
| filter: (i) => { |
| return ( |
| i.user.id === interaction.user.id && |
| i.channel!.id === interaction.channel!.id && |
| i.message.id === m.id |
| ); |
| } |
| }); |
| } catch (e) { |
| timedOut = true; |
| continue; |
| } |
| type modIDs = "mute" | "kick" | "ban" | "softban" | "warn" | "role"; |
| let chosen = moderation[i.customId as modIDs]; |
| if (i.isRoleSelectMenu()) { |
| await i.deferUpdate(); |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild!.id, { |
| "moderation.mute.role": i.values[0]! |
| }); |
| continue; |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "timeout") { |
| await i.deferUpdate(); |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild!.id, { |
| "moderation.mute.timeout": !moderation.mute.timeout |
| }); |
| continue; |
| } else if (i.customId) { |
| await i.showModal( |
| new Discord.ModalBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("modal") |
| .setTitle(`Options for ${i.customId}`) |
| .addComponents( |
| new ActionRowBuilder<TextInputBuilder>() |
| .addComponents( |
| new TextInputBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("name") |
| .setLabel("Button text") |
| .setMaxLength(100) |
| .setRequired(false) |
| .setStyle(Discord.TextInputStyle.Short) |
| .setValue(chosen.text ?? "") |
| ) |
| .toJSON(), |
| new ActionRowBuilder<TextInputBuilder>() |
| .addComponents( |
| new TextInputBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("url") |
| .setLabel("URL - Type {id} to insert the user's ID") |
| .setMaxLength(2000) |
| .setRequired(false) |
| .setStyle(Discord.TextInputStyle.Short) |
| .setValue(chosen.link ?? "") |
| ) |
| .toJSON() |
| ) |
| ); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Moderation Links") |
| .setDescription("Modal opened. If you can't see it, click back and try again.") |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| ], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Back") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| .setCustomId("back") |
| ]) |
| ] |
| }); |
| let out: Discord.ModalSubmitInteraction | null; |
| try { |
| out = (await modalInteractionCollector(m, interaction.user)) as Discord.ModalSubmitInteraction | null; |
| } catch (e) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (!out || out.isButton()) continue; |
| const buttonText = out.fields.getTextInputValue("name"); |
| const buttonLink = out.fields.getTextInputValue("url").replace(/{id}/gi, "{id}"); |
| const current = chosen; |
| if (current.text !== buttonText || current.link !== buttonLink) { |
| chosen = { text: buttonText, link: buttonLink }; |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild!.id, { |
| ["moderation." + i.customId]: { |
| text: buttonText, |
| link: buttonLink |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| await interaction.deleteReply(); |
| }; |
| |
| const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction, _partial: boolean = false) => { |
| const member = interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember; |
| if (!member.permissions.has("ManageGuild")) |
| return "You must have the *Manage Server* permission to use this command"; |
| return true; |
| }; |
| |
| export { command }; |
| export { callback }; |
| export { check }; |