blob: 1e9a8122f1c8ce64c9c1f2e5e7981257c0bb733d [file] [log] [blame]
import { LoadingEmbed } from "./../../utils/defaultEmbeds.js";
import Discord, { CommandInteraction, GuildMember, Message, MessageActionRow, MessageButton } from "discord.js";
import { SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
import EmojiEmbed from "../../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js";
import getEmojiByName from "../../utils/getEmojiByName.js";
import confirmationMessage from "../../utils/confirmationMessage.js";
import keyValueList from "../../utils/generateKeyValueList.js";
import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
import client from "../../utils/client.js";
import { areTicketsEnabled, create } from "../../actions/createModActionTicket.js";
const command = (builder: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) =>
.setDescription("Mutes a member, stopping them from talking in the server")
.addUserOption(option => option.setName("user").setDescription("The user to mute").setRequired(true))
.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("days").setDescription("The number of days to mute the user for | Default: 0").setMinValue(0).setMaxValue(27).setRequired(false))
.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("hours").setDescription("The number of hours to mute the user for | Default: 0").setMinValue(0).setMaxValue(23).setRequired(false))
.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("minutes").setDescription("The number of minutes to mute the user for | Default: 0").setMinValue(0).setMaxValue(59).setRequired(false))
.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("seconds").setDescription("The number of seconds to mute the user for | Default: 0").setMinValue(0).setMaxValue(59).setRequired(false));
const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<void | unknown> => {
const { log, NucleusColors, renderUser, entry, renderDelta } = client.logger;
const user = interaction.options.getMember("user") as GuildMember;
const time = {
days: interaction.options.getInteger("days") || 0,
hours: interaction.options.getInteger("hours") || 0,
minutes: interaction.options.getInteger("minutes") || 0,
seconds: interaction.options.getInteger("seconds") || 0
const config = await;
let serverSettingsDescription = (config.moderation.mute.timeout ? "given a timeout" : "");
if (config.moderation.mute.role) serverSettingsDescription += (serverSettingsDescription ? " and " : "") + `given the <@&${config.moderation.mute.role}> role`;
let muteTime = (time.days * 24 * 60 * 60) + (time.hours * 60 * 60) + (time.minutes * 60) + time.seconds;
if (muteTime === 0) {
const m = await interaction.reply({embeds: [
new EmojiEmbed()
.setDescription("How long should the user be muted")
], components: [
new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setLabel("1 Minute")
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setLabel("10 Minutes")
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setLabel("30 Minutes")
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setLabel("1 Hour")
new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setLabel("6 Hours")
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setLabel("12 Hours")
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setLabel("1 Day")
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setLabel("1 Week")
new MessageActionRow().addComponents([
new Discord.MessageButton()
.setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.CROSS", "id"))
], ephemeral: true, fetchReply: true}) as Message;
let component;
try {
component = await m.awaitMessageComponent({filter: (m) => ===, time: 300000});
} catch { return; }
if (component.customId === "cancel") return interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setDescription("Mute cancelled")
switch (component.customId) {
case "1m": { muteTime = 60; break; }
case "10m": { muteTime = 60 * 10; break; }
case "30m": { muteTime = 60 * 30; break; }
case "1h": { muteTime = 60 * 60; break; }
case "6h": { muteTime = 60 * 60 * 6; break; }
case "12h": { muteTime = 60 * 60 * 12; break; }
case "1d": { muteTime = 60 * 60 * 24; break; }
case "1w": { muteTime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; break; }
} else {
await interaction.reply({embeds: LoadingEmbed, ephemeral: true, fetchReply: true});
// TODO:[Modals] Replace this with a modal
let reason = null;
let notify = true;
let createAppealTicket = false;
let confirmation;
while (true) {
confirmation = await new confirmationMessage(interaction)
"user": renderUser(user.user),
"time": `${humanizeDuration(muteTime * 1000, {round: true})}`,
"reason": reason ? ("\n> " + ((reason ?? "").replaceAll("\n", "\n> "))) : "*No reason provided*"
+ "The user will be " + serverSettingsDescription + "\n"
+ `The user **will${notify ? "" : " not"}** be notified\n\n`
+ `Are you sure you want to mute <@!${}>?`)
"appeal", "Create appeal ticket", !(await areTicketsEnabled(,
async () => await create(interaction.guild, interaction.options.getUser("user"), interaction.user, reason),
"An appeal ticket will be created when Confirm is clicked", "CONTROL.TICKET", createAppealTicket)
.addCustomBoolean("notify", "Notify user", false, null, null, "ICONS.NOTIFY." + (notify ? "ON" : "OFF" ), notify)
.addReasonButton(reason ?? "")
reason = reason ?? "";
if (confirmation.cancelled) return;
if (confirmation.success) break;
if (confirmation.newReason) reason = confirmation.newReason;
if (confirmation.components) {
notify =;
createAppealTicket =;
if (confirmation.success) {
let dmd = false;
let dm;
const config = await;
try {
if (notify) {
dm = await user.send({
embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setDescription(`You have been muted in ${}` +
(reason ? ` for:\n> ${reason}` : ".\n\n" +
`You will be unmuted at: <t:${Math.round((new Date).getTime() / 1000) + muteTime}:D> at <t:${Math.round((new Date).getTime() / 1000) + muteTime}:T> (<t:${Math.round((new Date).getTime() / 1000) + muteTime}:R>)`) +
(confirmation.components.appeal.response ? `You can appeal this here: <#${confirmation.components.appeal.response}>` : ""))
components: [new MessageActionRow().addComponents(config.moderation.mute.text ? [new MessageButton()
] : [])]
dmd = true;
} catch { dmd = false; }
const member = user;
let errors = 0;
try {
if (config.moderation.mute.timeout) {
await member.timeout(muteTime * 1000, reason || "No reason provided");
if (config.moderation.mute.role !== null) {
await member.roles.add(config.moderation.mute.role);
await client.database.eventScheduler.schedule("naturalUnmute", new Date().getTime() + muteTime * 1000, {
expires: new Date().getTime() + muteTime * 1000
} catch { errors++; }
try {
if (config.moderation.mute.role !== null) {
await member.roles.add(config.moderation.mute.role);
await client.database.eventScheduler.schedule("unmuteRole", new Date().getTime() + muteTime * 1000, {
role: config.moderation.mute.role
} catch (e){ console.log(e); errors++; }
if (errors === 2) {
await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setDescription("Something went wrong and the user was not muted")
], components: []}); // TODO: make this clearer
if (dmd) await dm.delete();
await client.database.history.create("mute",, member.user, interaction.user, reason);
const failed = (dmd === false && notify);
await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setEmoji(`PUNISH.MUTE.${failed ? "YELLOW" : "GREEN"}`)
.setDescription("The member was muted" + (failed ? ", but could not be notified" : "") + (confirmation.components.appeal.response ? ` and an appeal ticket was opened in <#${confirmation.components.appeal.response}>` : ""))
.setStatus(failed ? "Warning" : "Success")
], components: []});
const data = {
type: "memberMute",
displayName: "Member Muted",
calculateType: "guildMemberPunish",
color: NucleusColors.yellow,
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
list: {
memberId: entry(, `\`${}\``),
name: entry(, renderUser(member.user)),
mutedUntil: entry(new Date().getTime() + muteTime * 1000, renderDelta(new Date().getTime() + muteTime * 1000)),
muted: entry(new Date().getTime(), renderDelta(new Date().getTime() - 1000)),
mutedBy: entry(, renderUser(interaction.member.user)),
reason: entry(reason, reason ? reason : "*No reason provided*")
hidden: {
} else {
await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setDescription("No changes were made")
], components: []});
const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction) => {
const member = (interaction.member as GuildMember);
const me = ( as GuildMember);
const apply = (interaction.options.getMember("user") as GuildMember);
if (member === null || me === null || apply === null) throw "That member is not in the server";
const memberPos = member.roles ? member.roles.highest.position : 0;
const mePos = me.roles ? me.roles.highest.position : 0;
const applyPos = apply.roles ? apply.roles.highest.position : 0;
// Do not allow muting the owner
if ( === interaction.guild.ownerId) throw "You cannot mute the owner of the server";
// Check if Nucleus can mute the member
if (! (mePos > applyPos)) throw "I do not have a role higher than that member";
// Check if Nucleus has permission to mute
if (! me.permissions.has("MODERATE_MEMBERS")) throw "I do not have the *Moderate Members* permission";
// Do not allow muting Nucleus
if ( === throw "I cannot mute myself";
// Allow the owner to mute anyone
if ( === interaction.guild.ownerId) return true;
// Check if the user has moderate_members permission
if (! member.permissions.has("MODERATE_MEMBERS")) throw "You do not have the *Moderate Members* permission";
// Check if the user is below on the role list
if (! (memberPos > applyPos)) throw "You do not have a role higher than that member";
// Allow mute
return true;
export { command, callback, check };