| import { ActionRowBuilder, AttachmentBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonInteraction, ButtonStyle, ChannelType, CommandInteraction, ComponentType, Guild, ModalBuilder, ModalSubmitInteraction, TextInputBuilder, TextInputStyle } from "discord.js"; |
| import type { SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder } from "discord.js"; |
| import EmojiEmbed from "../../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js"; |
| import client from "../../utils/client.js"; |
| import config from "../../config/main.js"; |
| |
| const command = (builder: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) => |
| builder.setName("stats").setDescription("Gets the bot's stats"); |
| |
| const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<void> => { |
| const description = `**Servers:** ${client.guilds.cache.size}\n` + `**Ping:** \`${client.ws.ping * 2}ms\`` |
| const m = await interaction.reply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Stats") |
| .setDescription(description) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| ], |
| ephemeral: true, |
| fetchReply: true |
| }); |
| if (config.owners.includes(interaction.user.id)) { |
| interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Admin") |
| .setDescription(description) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| ], components: [new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents( |
| new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId("admin").setLabel("Admin Panel").setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary), |
| new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId("mod:nickname:599498449733550102").setLabel("Testing").setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| )] |
| }); |
| |
| const modal = new ModalBuilder() |
| .addComponents( |
| new ActionRowBuilder<TextInputBuilder>() |
| .addComponents( |
| new TextInputBuilder() |
| .setStyle(TextInputStyle.Short) |
| .setLabel("Guild ID") |
| .setCustomId("guildID") |
| .setPlaceholder("Guild ID") |
| .setMinLength(16) |
| .setMaxLength(25) |
| ) |
| ) |
| .setTitle("Admin Panel") |
| .setCustomId("adminPanel") |
| let i1: ButtonInteraction; |
| const channel = await client.channels.fetch(interaction.channelId) |
| if(!channel || [ChannelType.GuildCategory, ChannelType.GroupDM, ChannelType.GuildStageVoice].includes(channel.type)) return; |
| // console.log(interaction) |
| if (!("awaitMessageComponent" in channel)) return; |
| try { |
| i1 = await channel!.awaitMessageComponent<ComponentType.Button>({ |
| filter: (i) => i.customId === "admin" && i.user.id === interaction.user.id, |
| time: 300000 |
| }); |
| } catch (e) { console.log(e); return } |
| await i1.showModal(modal) |
| let out: ModalSubmitInteraction; |
| try { |
| out = await i1.awaitModalSubmit({ |
| filter: (i) => i.customId === "adminPanel" && i.user.id === interaction.user.id, |
| time: 300000 |
| }) |
| } catch { return } |
| out.deferUpdate(); |
| const GuildID = out.fields.getTextInputValue("guildID"); |
| if (!client.guilds.cache.has(GuildID)) { |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Admin") |
| .setDescription("Not in server") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| ], components: [] |
| }); |
| }; |
| |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents( |
| new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId("stats").setLabel("Stats").setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary), |
| new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId("leave").setLabel("Leave").setStyle(ButtonStyle.Danger), |
| new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId("data").setLabel("Guild data").setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary), |
| new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId("purge").setLabel("Delete data").setStyle(ButtonStyle.Danger), |
| new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId("cache").setLabel("Reset cache").setStyle(ButtonStyle.Success) |
| ) |
| ]}); |
| let i; |
| try { |
| i = await m.awaitMessageComponent<ComponentType.Button>({ |
| filter: (i) => i.user.id === interaction.user.id, |
| time: 300000 |
| }) |
| } catch { return } |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| const guild = await client.guilds.fetch(GuildID) as Guild | null; |
| if (!guild) { |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Admin") |
| .setDescription("Not in server") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| ], components: [] |
| }); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (i.customId === "stats") { |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Stats") |
| .setDescription( |
| `**Name:** ${guild.name}\n` + |
| `**ID:** \`${guild.id}\`\n` + |
| `**Owner:** ${client.users.cache.get(guild.ownerId)!.tag}\n` + |
| `**Member Count:** ${guild.memberCount}\n` + |
| `**Created:** <t:${guild.createdTimestamp}:F>\n` + |
| `**Added Nucleus:** <t:${guild.members.me!.joinedTimestamp}:R>\n` + |
| `**Nucleus' Perms:** https://discordapi.com/permissions.html#${guild.members.me!.permissions.valueOf()}\n` |
| ) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| ] |
| }) |
| } else if (i.customId === "leave") { |
| await guild.leave(); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Left") |
| .setDescription(`Left ${guild.name}`) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| ], components: [] |
| }) |
| } else if (i.customId === "data") { |
| // Get all the data and convert to a string |
| const data = await client.database.guilds.read(guild.id); |
| const stringified = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); |
| const buffer = Buffer.from(stringified); |
| const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(buffer).setName("data.json"); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed().setTitle("Data").setDescription(`Data for ${guild.name}`).setStatus("Success") |
| ], components: [], |
| files: [attachment] |
| }) |
| } else if (i.customId === "purge") { |
| await client.database.guilds.delete(GuildID); |
| await client.database.history.delete(GuildID); |
| await client.database.notes.delete(GuildID); |
| await client.database.transcripts.deleteAll(GuildID); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Purge") |
| .setDescription(`Deleted data for ${guild.name}`) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| ], components: [] |
| }) |
| } else if (i.customId === "cache") { |
| await client.memory.forceUpdate(guild.id); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Cache") |
| .setDescription(`Reset cache for ${guild.name}`) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| ], components: [] |
| }) |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| export { command }; |
| export { callback }; |