| import { LoadingEmbed } from "../../utils/defaults.js"; |
| import getEmojiByName from "../../utils/getEmojiByName.js"; |
| import EmojiEmbed from "../../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js"; |
| import confirmationMessage from "../../utils/confirmationMessage.js"; |
| import Discord, { |
| CommandInteraction, |
| GuildChannel, |
| Message, |
| ActionRowBuilder, |
| ButtonBuilder, |
| MessageComponentInteraction, |
| StringSelectMenuBuilder, |
| Role, |
| ButtonStyle, |
| TextInputBuilder, |
| ButtonComponent, |
| ModalSubmitInteraction, |
| APIMessageComponentEmoji |
| } from "discord.js"; |
| import { SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder, StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders"; |
| import { ChannelType } from "discord-api-types/v9"; |
| import client from "../../utils/client.js"; |
| import { toHexInteger, toHexArray, tickets as ticketTypes } from "../../utils/calculate.js"; |
| import { capitalize } from "../../utils/generateKeyValueList.js"; |
| import { modalInteractionCollector } from "../../utils/dualCollector.js"; |
| import type { GuildConfig } from "../../utils/database.js"; |
| |
| const command = (builder: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) => |
| builder |
| .setName("tickets") |
| .setDescription("Shows settings for tickets | Use no arguments to manage custom types") |
| .addStringOption((option) => |
| option |
| .setName("enabled") |
| .setDescription("If users should be able to create tickets") |
| .setRequired(false) |
| .addChoices( |
| {name: "Yes", value: "yes"}, |
| {name: "No",value: "no"} |
| ) |
| ) |
| .addChannelOption((option) => |
| option |
| .setName("category") |
| .setDescription("The category where tickets are created") |
| .addChannelTypes(ChannelType.GuildCategory) |
| .setRequired(false) |
| ) |
| .addNumberOption((option) => |
| option |
| .setName("maxticketsperuser") |
| .setDescription("The maximum amount of tickets a user can create | Default: 5") |
| .setRequired(false) |
| .setMinValue(1) |
| ) |
| .addRoleOption((option) => |
| option |
| .setName("supportrole") |
| .setDescription( |
| "This role will have view access to all tickets and will be pinged when a ticket is created" |
| ) |
| .setRequired(false) |
| ); |
| |
| const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<unknown> => { |
| if (!interaction.guild) return; |
| let m = (await interaction.reply({ |
| embeds: LoadingEmbed, |
| ephemeral: true, |
| fetchReply: true |
| })) as Message; |
| const options = { |
| enabled: (interaction.options.get("enabled")?.value as string).startsWith("yes") as boolean | null, |
| category: interaction.options.get("category")?.channel as Discord.CategoryChannel | null, |
| maxtickets: interaction.options.get("maxticketsperuser")?.value as number | null, |
| supportping: interaction.options.get("supportrole")?.role as Role | null |
| }; |
| if (options.enabled !== null || options.category || options.maxtickets || options.supportping) { |
| if (options.category) { |
| let channel: GuildChannel | null; |
| try { |
| channel = await interaction.guild.channels.fetch(options.category.id) as GuildChannel; |
| } catch { |
| return await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setEmoji("CHANNEL.TEXT.DELETE") |
| .setTitle("Tickets > Category") |
| .setDescription("The channel you provided is not a valid category") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| ] |
| }); |
| } |
| channel = channel as Discord.CategoryChannel; |
| if (channel.guild.id !== interaction.guild.id) |
| return interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Tickets > Category") |
| .setDescription("You must choose a category in this server") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| .setEmoji("CHANNEL.TEXT.DELETE") |
| ] |
| }); |
| } |
| if (options.maxtickets) { |
| if (options.maxtickets < 1) |
| return interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Tickets > Max Tickets") |
| .setDescription("You must choose a number greater than 0") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| .setEmoji("CHANNEL.TEXT.DELETE") |
| ] |
| }); |
| } |
| let role: Role | null; |
| if (options.supportping) { |
| try { |
| role = await interaction.guild.roles.fetch(options.supportping.id); |
| } catch { |
| return await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.ROLE.DELETE") |
| .setTitle("Tickets > Support Ping") |
| .setDescription("The role you provided is not a valid role") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| ] |
| }); |
| } |
| if (!role) return; |
| role = role as Discord.Role; |
| if (role.guild.id !== interaction.guild.id) |
| return interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Tickets > Support Ping") |
| .setDescription("You must choose a role in this server") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.ROLE.DELETE") |
| ] |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| const confirmation = await new confirmationMessage(interaction) |
| .setTitle("Tickets") |
| .setDescription( |
| (options.category ? `**Category:** ${options.category.name}\n` : "") + |
| (options.maxtickets ? `**Max Tickets:** ${options.maxtickets}\n` : "") + |
| (options.supportping ? `**Support Ping:** ${options.supportping.name}\n` : "") + |
| (options.enabled !== null |
| ? `**Enabled:** ${ |
| options.enabled |
| ? `${getEmojiByName("CONTROL.TICK")} Yes` |
| : `${getEmojiByName("CONTROL.CROSS")} No` |
| }\n` |
| : "") + |
| "\nAre you sure you want to apply these settings?" |
| ) |
| .setColor("Warning") |
| .setFailedMessage("No changes were made", "Success", "GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| .setInverted(true) |
| .send(true); |
| if (confirmation.cancelled) return; |
| if (confirmation.success) { |
| const toUpdate: Record<string, string | boolean | number> = {}; |
| if (options.enabled !== null) toUpdate["tickets.enabled"] = options.enabled; |
| if (options.category) toUpdate["tickets.category"] = options.category.id; |
| if (options.maxtickets) toUpdate["tickets.maxTickets"] = options.maxtickets; |
| if (options.supportping) toUpdate["tickets.supportRole"] = options.supportping.id; |
| try { |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild.id, toUpdate); |
| } catch (e) { |
| return interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Tickets") |
| .setDescription("Something went wrong and the staff notifications channel could not be set") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.DELETE") |
| ], |
| components: [] |
| }); |
| } |
| } else { |
| return interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Tickets") |
| .setDescription("No changes were made") |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| ], |
| components: [] |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| const data = await client.database.guilds.read(interaction.guild.id); |
| data.tickets.customTypes = (data.tickets.customTypes ?? []).filter( |
| (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => array.indexOf(value) === index |
| ); |
| let lastClicked = ""; |
| const embed: EmojiEmbed = new EmojiEmbed(); |
| const compiledData = { |
| enabled: data.tickets.enabled, |
| category: data.tickets.category, |
| maxTickets: data.tickets.maxTickets, |
| supportRole: data.tickets.supportRole, |
| useCustom: data.tickets.useCustom, |
| types: data.tickets.types, |
| customTypes: data.tickets.customTypes as string[] | null |
| }; |
| let timedOut = false; |
| while (!timedOut) { |
| embed |
| .setTitle("Tickets") |
| .setDescription( |
| `${compiledData.enabled ? "" : getEmojiByName("TICKETS.REPORT")} **Enabled:** ${ |
| compiledData.enabled ? `${getEmojiByName("CONTROL.TICK")} Yes` : `${getEmojiByName("CONTROL.CROSS")} No` |
| }\n` + |
| `${compiledData.category ? "" : getEmojiByName("TICKETS.REPORT")} **Category:** ${ |
| compiledData.category ? `<#${compiledData.category}>` : "*None set*" |
| }\n` + |
| `**Max Tickets:** ${compiledData.maxTickets ? compiledData.maxTickets : "*No limit*"}\n` + |
| `**Support Ping:** ${compiledData.supportRole ? `<@&${compiledData.supportRole}>` : "*None set*"}\n\n` + |
| (compiledData.useCustom && compiledData.customTypes === null ? `${getEmojiByName("TICKETS.REPORT")} ` : "") + |
| `${compiledData.useCustom ? "Custom" : "Default"} types in use` + |
| "\n\n" + |
| `${getEmojiByName("TICKETS.REPORT")} *Indicates a setting stopping tickets from being used*` |
| ) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN"); |
| m = (await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [embed], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Tickets " + (compiledData.enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")) |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL." + (compiledData.enabled ? "TICK" : "CROSS"), "id")) |
| .setStyle(compiledData.enabled ? ButtonStyle.Success : ButtonStyle.Danger) |
| .setCustomId("enabled"), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel(lastClicked === "cat" ? "Click again to confirm" : "Clear category") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.CROSS", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Danger) |
| .setCustomId("clearCategory") |
| .setDisabled(compiledData.category === null), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel(lastClicked === "max" ? "Click again to confirm" : "Reset max tickets") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.CROSS", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Danger) |
| .setCustomId("clearMaxTickets") |
| .setDisabled(compiledData.maxTickets === 5), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel(lastClicked === "sup" ? "Click again to confirm" : "Clear support ping") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.CROSS", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Danger) |
| .setCustomId("clearSupportPing") |
| .setDisabled(compiledData.supportRole === null) |
| ]), |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Manage types") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("TICKETS.OTHER", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary) |
| .setCustomId("manageTypes"), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Add create ticket button") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("TICKETS.SUGGESTION", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| .setCustomId("send") |
| ]) |
| ] |
| })) as Message; |
| let i: MessageComponentInteraction; |
| try { |
| i = await m.awaitMessageComponent({ |
| time: 300000, |
| filter: (i) => { return i.user.id === interaction.user.id && i.channel!.id === interaction.channel!.id } |
| }); |
| } catch (e) { |
| timedOut = true; |
| continue; |
| } |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "clearCategory") { |
| if (lastClicked === "cat") { |
| lastClicked = ""; |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild.id, null, ["tickets.category"]); |
| compiledData.category = null; |
| } else lastClicked = "cat"; |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "clearMaxTickets") { |
| if (lastClicked === "max") { |
| lastClicked = ""; |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild.id, null, ["tickets.maxTickets"]); |
| compiledData.maxTickets = 5; |
| } else lastClicked = "max"; |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "clearSupportPing") { |
| if (lastClicked === "sup") { |
| lastClicked = ""; |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild.id, null, ["tickets.supportRole"]); |
| compiledData.supportRole = null; |
| } else lastClicked = "sup"; |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "send") { |
| const ticketMessages = [ |
| { |
| label: "Create ticket", |
| description: "Click the button below to create a ticket" |
| }, |
| { |
| label: "Issues, questions or feedback?", |
| description: "Click below to open a ticket and get help from our staff team" |
| }, |
| { |
| label: "Contact Us", |
| description: "Click the button below to speak to us privately" |
| } |
| ]; |
| let innerTimedOut = false; |
| let templateSelected = false; |
| while (!innerTimedOut && !templateSelected) { |
| const enabled = compiledData.enabled && compiledData.category !== null; |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Ticket Button") |
| .setDescription("Select a message template to send in this channel") |
| .setFooter({ |
| text: enabled |
| ? "" |
| : "Tickets are not set up correctly so the button may not work for users. Check the main menu to find which options must be set." |
| }) |
| .setStatus(enabled ? "Success" : "Warning") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.ROLES.CREATE") |
| ], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<StringSelectMenuBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new StringSelectMenuBuilder() |
| .setOptions( |
| ticketMessages.map( |
| ( |
| t: { |
| label: string; |
| description: string; |
| value?: string; |
| }, |
| index |
| ) => { |
| t.value = index.toString(); |
| return t as { |
| value: string; |
| label: string; |
| description: string; |
| }; |
| } |
| ) |
| ) |
| .setCustomId("template") |
| .setMaxValues(1) |
| .setMinValues(1) |
| .setPlaceholder("Select a message template") |
| ]), |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("back") |
| .setLabel("Back") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Danger), |
| new ButtonBuilder().setCustomId("blank").setLabel("Empty").setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("custom") |
| .setLabel("Custom") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("TICKETS.OTHER", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| ]) |
| ] |
| }); |
| let i: MessageComponentInteraction; |
| try { |
| i = await m.awaitMessageComponent({ |
| time: 300000, |
| filter: (i) => { return i.user.id === interaction.user.id && i.channel!.id === interaction.channel!.id } |
| }); |
| } catch (e) { |
| innerTimedOut = true; |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (i.isStringSelectMenu() && i.customId === "template") { |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| await interaction.channel!.send({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle(ticketMessages[parseInt(i.values[0]!)]!.label) |
| .setDescription( |
| ticketMessages[parseInt(i.values[0]!)]!.description |
| ) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| ], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Create Ticket") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.TICK", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Success) |
| .setCustomId("createticket") |
| ]) |
| ] |
| }); |
| templateSelected = true; |
| continue; |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "blank") { |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| await interaction.channel!.send({ |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Create Ticket") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("TICKETS.SUGGESTION", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Success) |
| .setCustomId("createticket") |
| ]) |
| ] |
| }); |
| templateSelected = true; |
| continue; |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "custom") { |
| await i.showModal( |
| new Discord.ModalBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("modal") |
| .setTitle("Enter embed details") |
| .addComponents( |
| new ActionRowBuilder<TextInputBuilder>().addComponents( |
| new TextInputBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("title") |
| .setLabel("Title") |
| .setMaxLength(256) |
| .setRequired(true) |
| .setStyle(Discord.TextInputStyle.Short) |
| ), |
| new ActionRowBuilder<TextInputBuilder>().addComponents( |
| new TextInputBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("description") |
| .setLabel("Description") |
| .setMaxLength(4000) |
| .setRequired(true) |
| .setStyle(Discord.TextInputStyle.Paragraph) |
| ) |
| ) |
| ); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Ticket Button") |
| .setDescription("Modal opened. If you can't see it, click back and try again.") |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| ], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Back") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| .setCustomId("back") |
| ]) |
| ] |
| }); |
| let out; |
| try { |
| out = await modalInteractionCollector( |
| m, |
| (m) => m.channel!.id === interaction.channel!.id, |
| (m) => m.customId === "modify" |
| ); |
| } catch (e) { |
| innerTimedOut = true; |
| continue; |
| } |
| out = out as ModalSubmitInteraction; |
| const title = out.fields.getTextInputValue("title"); |
| const description = out.fields.getTextInputValue("description"); |
| await interaction.channel!.send({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle(title) |
| .setDescription(description) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| ], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Create Ticket") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("TICKETS.SUGGESTION", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Success) |
| .setCustomId("createticket") |
| ]) |
| ] |
| }); |
| templateSelected = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "enabled") { |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild.id, { |
| "tickets.enabled": !compiledData.enabled |
| }); |
| compiledData.enabled = !compiledData.enabled; |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "manageTypes") { |
| data.tickets = await manageTypes(interaction, data.tickets, m as Message); |
| } |
| } |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ embed.setFooter({ text: "Message timed out" })], |
| components: [] |
| }); |
| }; |
| |
| async function manageTypes(interaction: CommandInteraction, data: GuildConfig["tickets"], m: Message) { |
| let timedOut = false; |
| let backPressed = false; |
| while (!timedOut && !backPressed) { |
| if (data.useCustom) { |
| const customTypes = data.customTypes; |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Tickets > Types") |
| .setDescription( |
| "**Custom types enabled**\n\n" + |
| "**Types in use:**\n" + |
| (customTypes !== null ? customTypes.map((t) => `> ${t}`).join("\n") : "*None set*") + |
| "\n\n" + |
| (customTypes === null |
| ? `${getEmojiByName( |
| )} Having no types will disable tickets. Please add at least 1 type or use default types` |
| : "") |
| ) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| ], |
| components: (customTypes |
| ? [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<StringSelectMenuBuilder | ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new Discord.StringSelectMenuBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("removeTypes") |
| .setPlaceholder("Select types to remove") |
| .setMaxValues(customTypes.length) |
| .setMinValues(1) |
| .addOptions( |
| customTypes.map((t) => ({ |
| label: t, |
| value: t |
| })) |
| ) |
| ]) |
| ] |
| : [] |
| ).concat([ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Back") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| .setCustomId("back"), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Add new type") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("TICKETS.SUGGESTION", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| .setCustomId("addType") |
| .setDisabled(customTypes !== null && customTypes.length >= 25), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Switch to default types") |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary) |
| .setCustomId("switchToDefault") |
| ]) |
| ]) |
| }); |
| } else { |
| const inUse = toHexArray(data.types, ticketTypes); |
| const options: StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder[] = []; |
| ticketTypes.forEach((type) => { |
| options.push( |
| new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder({ |
| label: capitalize(type), |
| value: type, |
| emoji: client.emojis.cache.get(getEmojiByName(`TICKETS.${type.toUpperCase()}`, "id")) as APIMessageComponentEmoji, |
| default: inUse.includes(type) |
| }) |
| ); |
| }); |
| const selectPane = new ActionRowBuilder<StringSelectMenuBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new Discord.StringSelectMenuBuilder() |
| .addOptions(options) |
| .setCustomId("types") |
| .setMaxValues(ticketTypes.length) |
| .setMinValues(1) |
| .setPlaceholder("Select types to use") |
| ]); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Tickets > Types") |
| .setDescription( |
| "**Default types enabled**\n\n" + |
| "**Types in use:**\n" + |
| inUse |
| .map((t) => `> ${getEmojiByName("TICKETS." + t.toUpperCase())} ${capitalize(t)}`) |
| .join("\n") |
| ) |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| ], |
| components: [ |
| selectPane, |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Back") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| .setCustomId("back"), |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Switch to custom types") |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Secondary) |
| .setCustomId("switchToCustom") |
| ]) |
| ] |
| }); |
| } |
| let i; |
| try { |
| i = await m.awaitMessageComponent({ |
| time: 300000, |
| filter: (i) => { return i.user.id === interaction.user.id && i.channel!.id === interaction.channel!.id } |
| }); |
| } catch (e) { |
| timedOut = true; |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (i.isStringSelectMenu() && i.customId === "types") { |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| const types = toHexInteger(i.values, ticketTypes); |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild!.id, { |
| "tickets.types": types |
| }); |
| data.types = types; |
| } else if (i.isStringSelectMenu() && i.customId === "removeTypes") { |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| const types = i.values; |
| let customTypes = data.customTypes; |
| if (customTypes) { |
| customTypes = customTypes.filter((t) => !types.includes(t)); |
| customTypes = customTypes.length > 0 ? customTypes : null; |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild!.id, { |
| "tickets.customTypes": customTypes |
| }); |
| data.customTypes = customTypes; |
| } |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "addType") { |
| await i.showModal( |
| new Discord.ModalBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("modal") |
| .setTitle("Enter a name for the new type") |
| .addComponents( |
| new ActionRowBuilder<TextInputBuilder>().addComponents( |
| new TextInputBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("type") |
| .setLabel("Name") |
| .setMaxLength(100) |
| .setMinLength(1) |
| .setPlaceholder('E.g. "Server Idea"') |
| .setRequired(true) |
| .setStyle(Discord.TextInputStyle.Short) |
| ) |
| ) |
| ); |
| await interaction.editReply({ |
| embeds: [ |
| new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Tickets > Types") |
| .setDescription("Modal opened. If you can't see it, click back and try again.") |
| .setStatus("Success") |
| .setEmoji("GUILD.TICKET.OPEN") |
| ], |
| components: [ |
| new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonBuilder>().addComponents([ |
| new ButtonBuilder() |
| .setLabel("Back") |
| .setEmoji(getEmojiByName("CONTROL.LEFT", "id")) |
| .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary) |
| .setCustomId("back") |
| ]) |
| ] |
| }); |
| let out; |
| try { |
| out = await modalInteractionCollector( |
| m, |
| (m) => m.channel!.id === interaction.channel!.id, |
| (m) => m.customId === "addType" |
| ); |
| } catch (e) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (!out || out.isButton()) continue; |
| out = out as ModalSubmitInteraction; |
| let toAdd = out.fields.getTextInputValue("type"); |
| if (!toAdd) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| toAdd = toAdd.substring(0, 80); |
| try { |
| await client.database.guilds.append(interaction.guild!.id, "tickets.customTypes", toAdd); |
| } catch { |
| continue; |
| } |
| data.customTypes = data.customTypes ?? []; |
| if (!data.customTypes.includes(toAdd)) { |
| data.customTypes.push(toAdd); |
| } |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "switchToDefault") { |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild!.id, { "tickets.useCustom": false }, []); |
| data.useCustom = false; |
| } else if ((i.component as ButtonComponent).customId === "switchToCustom") { |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| await client.database.guilds.write(interaction.guild!.id, { "tickets.useCustom": true }, []); |
| data.useCustom = true; |
| } else { |
| i.deferUpdate(); |
| backPressed = true; |
| } |
| } |
| return data; |
| } |
| |
| const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction) => { |
| const member = interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember; |
| if (!member.permissions.has("ManageGuild")) |
| return "You must have the *Manage Server* permission to use this command"; |
| return true; |
| }; |
| |
| export { command }; |
| export { callback }; |
| export { check }; |