blob: b00b3e4c3ba7d1d0b0ba63106308e3561639759a [file] [log] [blame]
import fs from "fs";
import * as readLine from "node:readline/promises";
const defaultDict: Record<string, string | string[] | boolean> = {
developmentToken: "Your development bot token (Used for testing in one server, rather than production)",
developmentGuildID: "Your development guild ID",
enableDevelopment: true,
token: "Your bot token",
managementGuildID: "Your management guild ID (Used for running management commands on the bot)",
owners: [],
commandsFolder: "Your built commands folder (usually dist/commands)",
eventsFolder: "Your built events folder (usually dist/events)",
messageContextFolder: "Your built message context folder (usually dist/context/messages)",
userContextFolder: "Your built user context folder (usually dist/context/users)",
"If using verify, enter a code here which matches the secret sent back by your website. You can use a random code if you do not have one already. (Optional)",
mongoUrl: "Your Mongo connection string, e.g. mongodb://",
baseUrl: "Your website where buttons such as Verify and Role menu will link to, e.g.",
pastebinApiKey: "An API key for pastebin (optional)",
pastebinUsername: "Your pastebin username (optional)",
pastebinPassword: "Your pastebin password (optional)",
rapidApiKey: "Your RapidAPI key (optional), used for Unscan"
const readline = readLine.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
async function getInput(prompt: string): Promise<string> {
const answer = await readline.question(prompt);
return answer.toString();
export default async function (walkthrough = false) {
if (walkthrough) {
console.log("\x1b[33m🛈 Entering walkthrough mode for any missing values.");
console.log(" \x1b[2mIf you don't want to enter a value, just hit enter.\x1b[0m\n");
// let toUse = await getInput("\x1b[36m[Installing packages] Use Yarn or NPM? \x1b[0m(\x1b[32my\x1b[0m/\x1b[31mN\x1b[0m) > ");
// toUse = toUse.toLowerCase() === "y" ? "yarn install" : "npm i";
// if ((await getInput(`\x1b[36m[Installing packages] Run ${toUse}? \x1b[0m(\x1b[32mY\x1b[0m/\x1b[31mn\x1b[0m) > `)).toLowerCase() !== "n") {
// console.log(`\x1b[32m[Installing packages] Running ${toUse}...\x1b[0m`);
// await exec(toUse);
// console.log(`\x1b[32m[Installing packages] Installed\x1b[0m`);
// } else {
// console.log("\x1b[32m[Installing packages] Skipping...\x1b[0m");
// }
let json;
let out = true;
try {
json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./src/config/main.json", "utf8"));
} catch (e) {
console.log("\x1b[31mâš  No main.json found, creating one.");
console.log(" \x1b[2mYou can edit src/config/main.json directly using template written to the file.\x1b[0m\n");
out = false;
json = {};
if (json) {
if (json.token === defaultDict["token"] || json.developmentToken === defaultDict["developmentToken"]) {
console.log("\x1b[31mâš  No main.json found, creating one.");
console.log(" \x1b[2mYou can edit src/config/main.json directly using template written to the file.\x1b[0m\n");
json = {};
for (const key in defaultDict) {
if (!json[key]) {
if (walkthrough) {
switch (key) {
case "enableDevelopment": {
json[key] =
(await getInput(
"\x1b[36mEnable development mode? This registers commands in a single server making it easier to test\x1b[0m(\x1b[32mY\x1b[0m/\x1b[31mn\x1b[0m) > "
)) || "Y"
).toLowerCase() === "y";
case "owners": {
let chosen = "!";
const toWrite = [];
while (chosen !== "") {
chosen = await getInput(
"\x1b[36mEnter an owner ID \x1b[0m(\x1b[35mleave blank to finish\x1b[0m) > "
if (chosen !== "") {
json[key] = toWrite;
default: {
json[key] = await getInput(`\x1b[36m${key} \x1b[0m(\x1b[35m${defaultDict[key]}\x1b[0m) > `);
} else {
json[key] = defaultDict[key];
if (walkthrough && !json.mongoUrl) json.mongoUrl = "mongodb://";
if (!json.mongoUrl.endsWith("/")) json.mongoUrl += "/";
if (!json.baseUrl.endsWith("/")) json.baseUrl += "/";
let hosts;
try {
hosts = fs.readFileSync("/etc/hosts", "utf8").toString().split("\n");
} catch (e) {
return console.log(
"\x1b[31mâš  No /etc/hosts found. Please ensure the file exists and is readable. (Windows is not supported, Mac and Linux users should not experience this error)"
let localhost = hosts.find((line) => line.split(" ")[1] === "localhost");
if (localhost) {
localhost = localhost.split(" ")[0];
} else {
localhost = "";
json.mongoUrl = json.mongoUrl.replace("localhost", localhost);
json.baseUrl = json.baseUrl.replace("localhost", localhost);
fs.writeFileSync("./src/config/main.json", JSON.stringify(json, null, 4));
if (walkthrough) {
console.log("\x1b[32m✓ All properties added.\x1b[0m");
return out;