blob: 10fba6b408b917c515fcb9651bd08e6d60132521 [file] [log] [blame]
import { LoadingEmbed } from './../../utils/defaultEmbeds.js';
import Discord, { CommandInteraction, MessageActionRow, MessageSelectMenu } from "discord.js";
import EmojiEmbed from "../../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js";
import confirmationMessage from "../../utils/confirmationMessage.js";
import { SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
import { WrappedCheck } from "jshaiku";
import client from "../../utils/client.js";
import convertCurlyBracketString from '../../utils/convertCurlyBracketString.js';
import {callback as statsChannelAddCallback} from "../../reflex/statsChannelUpdate.js";
import singleNotify from '../../utils/singleNotify.js';
const command = (builder: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) =>
.setDescription("Controls channels which update when someone joins or leaves the server")
.addChannelOption(option => option.setName("channel").setDescription("The channel to modify"))
.addStringOption(option => option.setName("name").setDescription("The new channel name | Enter any text or use the extra variables like {memberCount}").setAutocomplete(true))
const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<any> => {
singleNotify("statsChannelDeleted",, true)
let m;
m = await interaction.reply({embeds: LoadingEmbed, ephemeral: true, fetchReply: true});
let config = await;
if (interaction.options.getString("name")) {
let channel;
if (Object.keys(config.getKey("stats")).length >= 25) {
return await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setTitle("Stats Channel")
.setDescription("You can only have 25 stats channels in a server")
try {
channel = interaction.options.getChannel("channel")
} catch {
return await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setTitle("Stats Channel")
.setDescription("The channel you provided is not a valid channel")
channel = channel as Discord.TextChannel
if ( !== {
return interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setTitle("Stats Channel")
.setDescription(`You must choose a channel in this server`)
let newName = await convertCurlyBracketString(interaction.options.getString("name"), null, null,, interaction.guild.members)
if (interaction.options.getChannel("channel").type === "GUILD_TEXT") {
newName = newName.toLowerCase().replace(/[\s]/g, "-")
let confirmation = await new confirmationMessage(interaction)
.setTitle("Stats Channel")
.setDescription(`Are you sure you want to set <#${}> to a stats channel?\n\n*Preview: ${newName.replace(/^ +| $/g, "")}*`)
if (confirmation.cancelled) return
if (confirmation.success) {
try {
let name = interaction.options.getString("name")
let channel = interaction.options.getChannel("channel")
await client.database.guilds.write(, {[`stats.${}`]: {name: name, enabled: true}});
const { log, NucleusColors, entry, renderUser, renderChannel } = client.logger
try {
let data = {
type: 'statsChannelUpdate',
displayName: 'Stats Channel Updated',
calculateType: 'nucleusSettingsUpdated',
color: NucleusColors.yellow,
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
list: {
memberId: entry(, `\`${}\``),
changedBy: entry(, renderUser(interaction.user)),
channel: entry(, renderChannel(channel)),
name: entry(interaction.options.getString("name"), `\`${interaction.options.getString("name")}\``)
hidden: {
} catch {}
} catch (e) {
return interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setTitle("Stats Channel")
.setDescription(`Something went wrong and the stats channel could not be set`)
], components: []});
} else {
return interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setTitle("Stats Channel")
.setDescription(`No changes were made`)
], components: []});
await statsChannelAddCallback(client, interaction.member);
while (true) {
config = await;
let stats = config.getKey("stats")
let selectMenu = new MessageSelectMenu()
.setMaxValues(Math.max(1, Object.keys(stats).length))
await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new EmojiEmbed()
.setTitle("Stats Channel")
.setDescription("The following channels update when someone joins or leaves the server. You can select a channel to remove it from the list.")
], components: [
new MessageActionRow().addComponents(Object.keys(stats).length ? [
selectMenu.setPlaceholder("Select a stats channel to remove, stopping it updating").addOptions(Object.keys(stats).map(key => ({
label: interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(key).name,
value: key,
description: `${stats[key].name}`,
] : [selectMenu.setPlaceholder("The server has no stats channels").setDisabled(true).setOptions([
{label: "*Placeholder*", value: "placeholder", description: "No stats channels"}
let i;
try {
i = await m.awaitMessageComponent({ time: 300000 });
} catch (e) { break }
if (i.customId === "remove") {
let toRemove = i.values;
await client.database.guilds.write(, null, => `stats.${k}`));
await interaction.editReply({embeds: [m.embeds[0].setFooter({text: "Message closed"})], components: []});
const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction, defaultCheck: WrappedCheck) => {
let member = (interaction.member as Discord.GuildMember)
if (!member.permissions.has("MANAGE_CHANNELS")) throw "You must have the *Manage Channels* permission to use this command"
return true;
export { command };
export { callback };
export { check };