blob: 0000844807690ed1f2954e28a8f2bbfb8221c01e [file] [log] [blame]
import { CommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
import { SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
import { WrappedCheck } from "jshaiku";
import humanizeDuration from 'humanize-duration';
const command = (builder: SlashCommandSubcommandBuilder) =>
.setDescription("Manages slowmode in a channel")
.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("seconds").setDescription("The seconds between messages").setRequired(false))
.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("minutes").setDescription("The minutes between messages").setRequired(false))
.addIntegerOption(option => option.setName("hours").setDescription("The hours between messages").setRequired(false))
const callback = (interaction: CommandInteraction) => {
let seconds = interaction.option.getInteger("seconds")
let minutes = interaction.option.getInteger("minutes")
let hours = interaction.option.getInteger("hours")
let totalTime = seconds + (minutes * 60) + (hours * 60 * 60)
let confirmation = await new confirmationMessage(interaction)
"delay": `${totalTime ? humanizeDuration(totalTime * 1000) : "*No delay*"}`
+ `Are you sure you want to enable slowmode in this channel?`)
// pluralize("day", interaction.options.getInteger("delete"))
// const pluralize = (word: string, count: number) => { return count === 1 ? word : word + "s" }
if (confirmation.success) {
try {
await interaction.setRateLimitPerUser(totalTime, "Nucleus slowmode")
} catch {
return await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new generateEmojiEmbed()
.setDescription("Something went wrong and the slowmode could not be set.")
], components: []})
await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new generateEmojiEmbed()
.setDescription("The channel slowmode was set successfully")
], components: []})
} else {
await interaction.editReply({embeds: [new generateEmojiEmbed()
.setDescription("No changes were made")
], components: []})
const check = (interaction: CommandInteraction, defaultCheck: WrappedCheck) => {
let member = (interaction.member as GuildMember)
let me = ( as GuildMember)
// Check if Nucleus can edit the channel
if (! me.permission.has("MANAGE_CHANNELS")) throw "I do not have permission to edit this channel"
// Allow the owner to set any channel
if ( == interaction.guild.ownerId) return true
// Check if the user has manage_channels permission
if (! member.permissions.has("MANAGE_CHANNELS")) throw "You do not have the `manage_channels` permission";
// Allow slowmode
return true
export { command, callback, check };