| import { |
| ActionRowBuilder, |
| CommandInteraction, |
| StringSelectMenuBuilder, |
| ApplicationCommandOptionType, |
| ApplicationCommandType, |
| StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder, |
| SlashCommandBuilder, |
| StringSelectMenuInteraction, |
| ComponentType, |
| APIMessageComponentEmoji, |
| ApplicationCommandSubGroup, |
| PermissionsBitField, |
| Interaction, |
| ApplicationCommandOption, |
| ApplicationCommandSubCommand |
| } from "discord.js"; |
| import client from "../utils/client.js"; |
| import EmojiEmbed from "../utils/generateEmojiEmbed.js"; |
| import { LoadingEmbed } from "../utils/defaults.js"; |
| import { capitalize } from "../utils/generateKeyValueList.js"; |
| import { getCommandByName, getCommandMentionByName } from "../utils/getCommandDataByName.js"; |
| import getEmojiByName from "../utils/getEmojiByName.js"; |
| |
| const command = new SlashCommandBuilder() |
| .setName("help") |
| .setDescription("Shows help for commands"); |
| |
| const styles: Record<string, {emoji: string}> = { |
| "help": {emoji: "NUCLEUS.LOGO"}, |
| "mod": {emoji: "PUNISH.BAN.RED"}, |
| "nucleus": {emoji: "NUCLEUS.LOGO"}, |
| "privacy": {emoji: "NUCLEUS.LOGO"}, |
| "role": {emoji: "GUILD.ROLES.DELETE"}, |
| "rolemenu": {emoji: "GUILD.ROLES.DELETE"}, |
| "server": {emoji: "GUILD.RED"}, |
| "settings": {emoji: "GUILD.SETTINGS.RED"}, |
| "tag": {emoji: "PUNISH.NICKNAME.RED"}, |
| "tags": {emoji: "PUNISH.NICKNAME.RED"}, |
| "ticket": {emoji: "GUILD.TICKET.CLOSE"}, |
| "user": {emoji: "MEMBER.LEAVE"}, |
| "verify": {emoji: "CONTROL.BLOCKTICK"} |
| } |
| |
| const callback = async (interaction: CommandInteraction): Promise<void> => { |
| const m = await interaction.reply({ embeds: LoadingEmbed, ephemeral: true, fetchReply: true }); |
| const commands = client.fetchedCommands; |
| |
| let closed = false; |
| let currentPath: [string, string, string] = ["","",""] |
| do { |
| const commandRow = new ActionRowBuilder<StringSelectMenuBuilder>() |
| .addComponents( |
| new StringSelectMenuBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("commandRow") |
| .setPlaceholder("Select a command") |
| .addOptions( |
| ...commands.filter(command => command.type === ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput).map((command) => { |
| const builder = new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder() |
| .setLabel(capitalize(command.name)) |
| .setValue(command.name) |
| .setDescription(command.description) |
| .setDefault(currentPath[0] === command.name) |
| if (styles[command.name]) builder.setEmoji(getEmojiByName(styles[command.name]!.emoji, "id") as APIMessageComponentEmoji) |
| return builder |
| }) |
| ) |
| ); |
| const subcommandGroupRow = new ActionRowBuilder<StringSelectMenuBuilder>() |
| .addComponents( |
| new StringSelectMenuBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("subcommandGroupRow") |
| ); |
| const subcommandRow = new ActionRowBuilder<StringSelectMenuBuilder>() |
| .addComponents( |
| new StringSelectMenuBuilder() |
| .setCustomId("subcommandRow") |
| ); |
| const embed = new EmojiEmbed() |
| .setTitle("Help") |
| .setStatus("Danger") |
| .setEmoji("NUCLEUS.LOGO") |
| |
| if(currentPath[0] === "" || currentPath[0] === "help") { |
| embed.setDescription( |
| `Welcome to Nucleus\n\n` + |
| `Select a command to get started${(interaction.member?.permissions as PermissionsBitField).has("ManageGuild") ? `, or run ${getCommandMentionByName("nucleus/guide")} for commands to set up your server` : ``}` // FIXME |
| ) |
| } else { |
| let currentData = getCommandByName(currentPath.filter(value => value !== "" && value !== "none").join('/')); |
| let current = commands.find((command) => command.name === currentPath[0])!; |
| |
| let optionString = `` |
| let options: (ApplicationCommandOption & { |
| nameLocalized?: string; |
| descriptionLocalized?: string; |
| })[] = []; |
| //options |
| for(const option of options) { |
| optionString += `> ${option.name} (${option.type})- ${option.description}\n` |
| } |
| const APICommand = client.commands["commands/" + currentPath.filter(value => value !== "" && value !== "none").join("/")]![0] |
| let allowedToRun = true; |
| if(APICommand?.check) { |
| APICommand?.check(interaction as Interaction, true) |
| } |
| embed.setDescription( |
| `${getEmojiByName(styles[currentPath[0]]!.emoji)} **${capitalize(currentData.name)}**\n> ${currentData.mention}\n\n` + |
| `> ${currentData.description}\n\n` + |
| (APICommand ? (`${getEmojiByName(allowedToRun ? "CONTROL.TICK" : "CONTROL.CROSS")} You ${allowedToRun ? "" : "don't "}` + |
| `have permission to use this command\n\n`) : "") + |
| ((optionString.length > 0) ? "**Options:**\n" + optionString : "") |
| ) |
| const subcommands = current.options.filter((option) => option.type === ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand); |
| const subcommandGroups = current.options.filter((option) => option.type === ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup); |
| |
| if(subcommandGroups.length > 0) { |
| subcommandGroupRow.components[0]! |
| .addOptions( |
| new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder().setLabel("Select a subcommand").setValue("none").setDefault(currentPath[1] === "none"), |
| ...subcommandGroups.map((option) => new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder().setLabel(capitalize(option.name)).setValue(option.name).setDefault(currentPath[1] === option.name)) |
| ) |
| if(subcommandGroupRow.components[0]!.options.find((option) => option.data.default && option.data.value !== "none")) { |
| let subsubcommands = (subcommandGroups.find((option) => option.name === currentPath[1])! as ApplicationCommandSubGroup).options?.filter((option) => option.type === ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand) || []; |
| subcommandRow.components[0]! |
| .addOptions( |
| new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder().setLabel("Select a subcommand").setValue("none").setDefault(currentPath[2] === "none"), |
| ...subsubcommands.map((option) => new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder().setLabel(capitalize(option.name)).setValue(option.name).setDefault(currentPath[2] === option.name)) |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| if(subcommands.length > 0) { |
| subcommandGroupRow.components[0]! |
| .addOptions( |
| ...subcommands.map((option) => new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder().setLabel(capitalize(option.name)).setValue(option.name).setDefault(currentPath[1] === option.name)) |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| let cmps = [commandRow]; |
| if(subcommandGroupRow.components[0]!.options.length > 0) cmps.push(subcommandGroupRow); |
| if(subcommandRow.components[0]!.options.length > 0) cmps.push(subcommandRow); |
| |
| await interaction.editReply({ embeds: [embed], components: cmps }); |
| |
| let i: StringSelectMenuInteraction; |
| try { |
| i = await m.awaitMessageComponent<ComponentType.StringSelect>({filter: (newInteraction) => interaction.user.id === newInteraction.user.id,time: 300000}) |
| } catch (e) { |
| closed = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| await i.deferUpdate(); |
| let value = i.values[0]!; |
| switch(i.customId) { |
| case "commandRow": |
| currentPath = [value, "", ""]; |
| break; |
| case "subcommandGroupRow": |
| currentPath = [currentPath[0], value , ""]; |
| break; |
| case "subcommandRow": |
| currentPath[2] = value; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| } while (!closed); |
| }; |
| |
| |
| export { command as command }; |
| export { callback }; |