finished pages
diff --git a/pages/gps.js b/pages/gps.js
index 3249e04..7e7222e 100644
--- a/pages/gps.js
+++ b/pages/gps.js
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-import Head from 'next/head'
-import Image from 'next/image'
-import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css'
 import Card from '../Components/Card'
-import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
 import Header from '../Components/Header'
 import AutoSpacing from '../Components/AutoSpacing'
 import SectionHeading from '../Components/SectionHeading'
+import Subheading from '../Components/Subheading'
+import Paragraph from '../Components/Paragraph'
+import CardRow from '../Components/CardRow'
 export default function Home() {
   return (
@@ -16,17 +15,39 @@
         gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
-          {color: "71AFE5", buttonText: "FFFFFF", link: "#features", text: "Features"},
           {color: "71AFE5", buttonText: "FFFFFF", link: "#commands", text: "Commands"},
           {color: "6576CC", buttonText: "FFFFFF", link: "#invite", text: "Invite"}
-          <SectionHeading title="Features" id="features"/>,
-          <SectionHeading title="Commands" id="commands"/>,
-          <SectionHeading title="Invite" id="invite"/>
-        </AutoSpacing>s
+        <SectionHeading id="commands">Commands</SectionHeading>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!getprefix</code>: Shows the bots prefix in the current guild.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!info</code>: View some information about the bot's owners.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!stats</code>: Shows the bot's current statistics.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!ping</code>: Gets the current response time of the bot.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!terms</code>: List all the terms and conditions for the bot.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!setlanguage</code>: Set what language you want to use for your packs.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!packs</code>: Shows a list of packs available in your language.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!play</code>: Starts the game.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!join</code>: Joins an active game in the channel. This can be during the 1m period when starting a game, or midway through.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!leave</code>: Removes the player who ran it from the current game in that channel.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!shuffle</code>: Reshuffles your cards.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!end</code>: Ends the current game in that channel.</Paragraph>
+        <Paragraph><code>m!help</code>: Shows all commands</Paragraph>
+        <SectionHeading id="invite">Invite</SectionHeading>
+        <CardRow>
+          <Card
+            wave="GS"
+            buttonText={"FFFFFF"} gradient={["78ECF2", "71AFE5"]}
+            title="Invite"
+            subtext="Invite GPS to your server"
+            buttons={[
+              {color: "424242", link: "", text: "Invite"}
+            ]}
+          />
+        </CardRow>
+      </AutoSpacing>