| { config, pkgs, nixpkgs, ... }: |
| let |
| username = "minion"; |
| homedir = "/home/${username}"; |
| |
| comma = import ( pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { |
| owner = "nix-community"; |
| repo = "comma"; |
| rev = "02e3e5545b0c62595a77f3d5de1223c536af0614"; |
| sha256 = "sha256-WBIQmwlkb/GMoOq+Dnyrk8YmgiM/wJnc5HYZP8Uw72E="; |
| }) {}; |
| |
| in { |
| # Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the |
| # paths it should manage. |
| home.username = username; |
| home.homeDirectory = homedir; |
| |
| programs.vscode.enable = true; |
| programs.vscode.package = pkgs.vscode-fhs; |
| |
| programs.go.enable = true; |
| |
| # programs.steam.enable = true; |
| |
| programs.gpg.enable = true; |
| services.gpg-agent = { |
| enable = true; |
| pinentryFlavor = "qt"; |
| }; |
| |
| nixpkgs.overlays = [ |
| (import ./overlays/anytype.nix) |
| (import ./overlays/mindustry.nix) |
| (import ./overlays/nur.nix) |
| ]; |
| |
| home.packages = with pkgs; [ |
| steam-tui steam-run |
| minecraft |
| git-crypt gnupg pinentry_qt |
| spotify |
| keepassxc |
| grim slurp |
| neovim helix |
| qemu |
| bind |
| file |
| nur.repos.kira-bruneau.rofi-wayland |
| rofimoji |
| anytype-latest |
| htop |
| hue-cli |
| comma |
| zip |
| mindustry-alpha-wayland |
| nodejs-17_x |
| telegram |
| ]; |
| |
| programs.zsh = { |
| enable = true; |
| oh-my-zsh = { |
| enable = true; |
| plugins = [ "git" ]; |
| theme = "crunch"; |
| }; |
| history = { |
| size = 10000; |
| path = "${config.xdg.dataHome}/zsh/history"; |
| expireDuplicatesFirst = true; |
| extended = true; |
| }; |
| initExtra = '' |
| bindkey "\'\'$\{key[Up]}" up-line-or-search |
| |
| command_not_found_handler () |
| { |
| # echo "Command '$1' not found, searching for it in the Nix store..." |
| # , $@ |
| local p='/nix/store/ycclzpk99snlrk8sg9n4j8pm1927gavw-command-not-found/bin/command-not-found'; |
| if [ -x "$p" ] && [ -f '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/programs.sqlite' ]; then |
| "$p" "$@"; |
| if [ $? = 126 ]; then |
| "$@"; |
| else |
| return 127; |
| fi; |
| else |
| echo "$1: command not found" 1>&2; |
| return 127; |
| fi |
| } |
| ''; |
| enableSyntaxHighlighting = true; |
| enableAutosuggestions = true; |
| autocd = true; |
| dotDir = ".local/share/zsh"; |
| }; |
| |
| programs.git = { |
| enable = true; |
| |
| userName = "Skyler Turner"; |
| userEmail = "skyler@clicksminuteper.net"; |
| |
| signing = { |
| key = "24D31D3B1B986F33"; |
| signByDefault = true; |
| gpgPath = "gpg2"; |
| }; |
| |
| lfs.enable = true; |
| delta.enable = true; |
| |
| extraConfig = { |
| init.defaultBranch = "development"; |
| color.ui = "auto"; |
| core.autocrlf = "input"; |
| pull.rebase = false; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| # This value determines the Home Manager release that your |
| # configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage |
| # when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards |
| # incompatible changes. |
| # |
| # You can update Home Manager without changing this value. See |
| # the Home Manager release notes for a list of state version |
| # changes in each release. |
| home.stateVersion = "21.11"; |
| |
| # Let Home Manager install and manage itself. |
| programs.home-manager.enable = true; |
| } |