blob: 6dc41b77f7b733ac606746a34047f131907da50f [file] [log] [blame]
final: prev: let
version = "1ba013d3fe54de01c52bd74d98037fe4c0029d6e";
src = final.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "winfsp";
repo = "hubfs";
rev = version;
hash = "sha256-R1nCdua0gacXrglQ4AZfxnO3ngVECCKKiUOgp3dWRGg=";
} + "/src";
in {
hubfs = final.buildGoModule {
inherit src version;
name = "hubfs";
buildInputs = with final; [
checkPhase = ":"; # Bit of a hack here; we need to disable tests as we can't get FUSE inside the build derivation to test the package
vendorSha256 = "sha256-sT3H1iFSakLHWKhzRcJz2RXf2Owm+8DQy3h3O8MO2nY=";
proxyVendor = true;
ldflags = [
"-X main.GitVersion=${version}"
"-X main.GitVersionFuse=[vendored]"
"-X main.BuildDate=unknown"
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/hubfs \
--suffix PATH : ${final.lib.makeBinPath [ final.fuse final.fuse3 ]}
ln -s $out/bin/hubfs $out/bin/mount.fuse.hubfs
meta = with final.lib; {
description = "GitHub as a FUSE mount";
license = licenses.agpl3;
homepage = "";
maintainers = with maintainers; [ minion3665 ];
platforms = platforms.unix;